Apex Legends ANY GOOD On Nintendo Switch(おすすめ動画)

Apex Legends ANY GOOD On Nintendo Switch(おすすめ動画) 動画
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(c) RGT 85 Is Apex Legends ANY GOOD On Nintendo Switch?

(c) RGT 85 さんのチャンネル登録、高評価、お願いします。きっとお気に入りの動画やコンテンツが見つかります。 PCだと動画の左上のアイコンからチャンネル登録も可能です。


6:09 the change in kills suggest that engagement did not go well 😂

Great review! Looks like while playing on the switch they might want to include an option to play with only other switch players. If they dont have that already.

It would be easier to play with field of view

Yeah the switch definitely needs an upgrade. Low key janky BUT Nintendo did something unique and fun for multiple player games

You sound like chris griffin or is it just me

I haven't been able to get into a switch only lobby at all and u jus get roasted in cross play. This is a tough sell even for a free game.

That beginning was soo funny 😂

I just want a call of duty on the switch. Even if it's warzone. Sick of all three mediocre shooter's

This reminds me of when borderlands 2 got ported to vita. Yeah, it was playable... but not a great experience.

RGT lol your such a nerd. You sang "die, die, my darling" LMAO I loved it! I used to have that misfits shirt with the chic holding up a wine glass or something. Itd be cool if we could talk music, games, etc. The video where you really opened up about a few Life Decisions a while back, I was very proud of you even though I don't know you like that, but we can certainly relate. Changing friends, habits, life styles, etc. ,

RGT out there beasting on em.

Its getting on my nerves now when I'm im middle of a fucking match the software closeses automatically

You died to that Bangalore didn’t you RGT? Lol 😂.

I don’t understand how i switch the sniper optics like from x4 to x8 if you know what i mean it says it’s the left button but if i press it i use my ability thanks for help

I like playing the switch for the motion controls they made it well

Intro sounded like a pirate “eeerrr”

How much money Ive spent on lootboxes: Last was SWBF Special Edition. Thats it.

there is a huge waiting time

welp, time to just get the steam version

Zero interest in playing this, just stopped by to support your content brotha.

It hurts my brain to watch him loot so slowly and grab a bunch of grey sniper stocks when he's rocking an alternator

I won my first game but the game is so Blurry):

i'm planning on using it to play when im out of state and i'll use my pc to play it when i'm at home

Awesome video, great review. I really could have watched you play longer. Downloaded apex on switch and my ps5.

i have a pc so idk why im watching this

It seems cool but I can't play it without getting shot as soon as I hit the ground.

Useless without cross progression. Ea have to implement this.

If you have to play Apex Legends on the go, I would just wait for the mobile version to come out. While Panic Button did a good job at bringing this game to the Switch, the hardware is definitely showing its age. Nintendo needs to come out with a Switch revision soon.

Honestly in my opinion I'd rather see Titanfall 2 over this I don't care for Battle Royale games

Will this make my switch lag or break

I'm considering it as a new gamer/new Switch owner. But all those gigs, sheesh

Matchmaking going forever.. uninstall

Thanks to Morgan* harck *on Instagram for helping me to unband my account

I enjoy this game it is fun.

I was just gonna say wait for the update. The game will look much better the more they tweak the code. Love you man!

why does this game look good in handheld?

We should play together in game some day can we?!

Best part of this is that it doesn't require a nintendo switch online subscription

Why graphics are lookin blurry?

The sound definetly needs to be worked on in handheld mode. It sounds very low even when maxed out. When using my cheap headset it wasnt much better but that could juat be the headset. When uaing built in speakers it seems like volume is minimum.

thanks for the vid!! but does anyone know how i’m supposed to change the in game audio language? i downloaded the voice packs from the eshop but i’m stuck

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apex switch に関する情報を厳選してまとめ!

