- The reaction of the cats in the house to the new paralyzed cat….
- I prayed every night to have a daughter. God sent me the cat Asia….
- The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 9: Excited Tiny Kittens….
- They are not just cats. They are my children. Colorful cats….
- The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 6: Rain is coming. We have to move….
- The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 11: Tiny Kittens vs Boiled Egg…
- 4 Baby Kittens are eating Dry Cat Food for the first time in their life….
- The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 5: Buffet Station for Tiny Kittens…
- Kittens rescued 4 months ago are now healthy adult cats….
- The kittens’ mothers has been missing for a week. I must be their mother for a while.
- Hungry cats waiting for food from customers in front of a restaurant window. Adorable Paws
- The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 7: Milk Wars of Tiny Kittens.
- The story of 500 dogs living in the dump. Part 1
- If you walk with a bag full of fish where the cats live, you’ll return home empty-handed. No escape.
The kittens’ mothers has been missing for a week. I must be their mother for a while.

(c) Adorable Paws The cute tiny kittens. Unfortunately, their mother has been missing for a week. I think the kittens are 6-8 weeks old. I found the …
You can watch all episodes of kittens through this playlist; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_sT1ALeIXg&list=PLTKpinw50OiatVFcHGN-6HjxrQuukiugm&ab_channel=AdorablePaws
Какие они ещё крошечные…кушать только учатся..🐈🐈растите и будьте Здоровеньки..🐈🐈👍
Obrigada por cuidar e alimentar os gatinhos Deus vai te aben�oar sempre
Милые, добрые люди, как же повезло этим малышам. Мира вам любви и здоровья.!
I can only repeat what I said in the last video. You’re incredible. I hope the people living around you appreciate your lives’ dream, your love for these beautiful creatures and give you all the respect and support they can. Your back yard/garden is a blessing for all your foundlings. As are you, of course (:Thank you so much for all your hard work! 🤍❇✳
Cada um mais lindo que outro
É maravilhoso conhecer esse trabalho amoroso que tantas almas iluminadas fazem pelo mundo a fora, aqui no Brasil também graças a Deus. O que falta infelizmente é falta de consciência por parte das pessoas que abandonam esses anjinhos e as mãezinhas deles a própria sorte. Gratidão ☺️🙏
World needs more people like you. God bless you for taking care of these innocent beings.
Cansu and Onur : you are angels to these cats. Thanks for the love, time and dedication you give them. You should be rewarded by the city authorities (you are doing the job they don’t do). The world would be a better place with more people like you.God /Allah bless you.Greetings from Brasil.
Verdadeiros anjos enviado por Deus 🙏🙌💕😻Seria bom se a mamãe voltasse ,e conseguissem doar todos .
Obrigado por cuidarem desses anjinhos! Deus os aben�oe!
Kittens are so cute! Thank you for feeding them and doing what you can to help them. God bless you! ❤
Thank you for taking care of these precious kittens. Did the Mama cat ever return? How sad if she hasn’t! I admire people like you, I’m an old cat lover myself and if anything happened to my 14 year old “Baby Girl”, I would go crazy! Thank you for sharing this video.
Such rewarding work. Thank you and God bless! 😻❤️
Voc�s s�o almas iluminadas e aben�oadas, e esses gatinhos s�o lindos e tiveram muita sorte em encontrarem pessoas de bem como voc�s
🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱котятки – прелесть! Игривые, шустрые! Им хорошо у вас! Спасибо, что помогаете бездомным животным!🙏❤❤❤
Спасибо вам за доброту и ласку к животным. Здоровья и удачи .
you guys are amazing ….every time I see the love you give those kittens and cats in your videos it gives my heart a real lift . Wish I could be there to help. Stay safe both of you …they need you
Que amores! Deus abe com vocês anjos!🙏🏽😘🌹🇧🇷
They are so cute. Thanks for taking good care of them.
Hungry cats waiting for food from customers in front of a restaurant window. Adorable Paws

(c) Adorable Paws Cats waiting for food from customers in front of a restaurant. We collected all the leftovers from the customers at the restaurant.
Important explanation: Greetings from İstanbul Turkey. This video was created to prevent people from wasting their leftovers. All of the cats living in this region are taken care of by our channel. These cats are fed with cat food daily. We have built dozens of cat houses for these cats. These cats are treated by us. Many cats have been neutered by our channel. You can see this by watching other videos on our channel. This statement was made in response to the negative comments.
Eu AMO gatos 😻obrigada por alimentar esses anjinhos 😇😻👍🙏Bênçãos 🙏
Спасибо, что Вы есть! Вы для пушистиков великая радость!
Не столько еды, сколько ласки ждут. Для них вы ангелы.
Вот она настоящая красавица с добрым сердцем ))) спасибо что не бросайте пушистиков
Спасибо Вам за внимание к кошкам и за кормление.Они очень красивые.Спасибо за хорошее видео! 👍🙏🙋🤗
고양이도 귀엽지만 여성분이 정말 자상하고 이쁘시네요 ^^ 사랑합니다♥
Какие кошки красивые-видно, что даже живя на улице, они доверяют людям и не видят от них зла!
Каждому созданию божего хочется ласки ,респект и уважуха этой девушки,долгих лет ей жызни,побольше таких людей в мире.🥰🥰🥰
Крепкого здоровья вам и счастья в жизни за добрые дела!!!!!🙏💓💖
Спасибо вам, что не оставляете котиков и заботитесь о них.💜💜💜💜
Не столько голодные , с робко ласки хотят…девушка- молодец, спасибо ей от лица всех мяукаюших жителей планеты!
Какое счастье,что есть такие вот заботливые души!!!Спасибо Вам девушка,Вы как можете продолжаете жизнь этих бедолаг,и с Вами они по своему счастливы!
Молодец ! Сам подкармливаю кошек в Анапе…Люди будьте добрее к бездомным животным….Да и ко всем остальным…Мир улучшиться !
Я тоже взяла кошку из приюта. Белая, белая. 7 лет, но играет как котенок. Детства-то небыло у неё. Мы обе очень любим друг-дружку😄😄😄
Спасибо вам милая девушка что выкормите бездомных кошек …котиков много и все красивые ..всем здоровья и удачи
Que linda atitude, parabéns!! amo gatos, dá vontade de levar todos pra casa ❤️
Brasil. Parab�ns por cuidar desses gatinhos!
Parabéns que Deus abençoe sempre vc é sua família 🙏🙏
Спасибо вам за кормление и внимание к этим пушистым зверушкам)
The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 7: Milk Wars of Tiny Kittens.

(c) Adorable Paws Part 7: Milk Wars of Tiny Kittens. I continue to be a mother to motherless kittens. I feed the kittens with breast-milk substitutes.
You can watch all episodes of kittens through this playlist; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_sT1ALeIXg&list=PLTKpinw50OiatVFcHGN-6HjxrQuukiugm&ab_channel=AdorablePaws
D� vontade de ajudar de t�o bom que � ver tanta bondade e cuidado com esses bichaninhos
Evlerimizin neşe kaynakları..rabbim ömrünüzü uzun..sağlıklı etsin💋🐾💙💋🐾💙😻
I wish I can take them!
Feeding the Kittens with a glove, smart!!! The Kittens are so cute!!! Thank you Onur and Cansu for your tremendous Love for unwanted Kitties and Canines. My heart goes out to you!!! Joan Bates ❤ ❤ ❤
So CUTE!!! Thank you for doing your best to keep them healthy and happy. I’m sure they miss the nursing time they should’ve had with their mommy. How sad. I wonder what happened to her. She’d still be with them if she could, I’m sure. Thank you guys so much for caring for them❤️
They are so cute and safe because of you, thanks for taking care of them and others, bless you 💕😻👍
Wow wow…les minous ils sont adorables j’adoreeee 🤣surtout quand t’ils miollent 😻😻😻😻😻👍💖😻💖😻💖😻💖😻💖😘😘😘😘😘🙋♀️
These babies are so funny🤣😂 and you are both so adorable 🥰💓. Such great kitty parents
These little guys are killing me, they are so full of precious life and making me smile so big each episode ❤ Thank You Big for this rescue/foster 🙏🥰🤗😍😘💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈
Какие замечательнын малыши-котята.Милые,непосредственные, очаровательные.Посмотрел с большим удовольствием.Спасибо добрым людям,что не бросили этих очаровашек.😀👍
Thank you, great vids. I too one day became the mother of a kitten. 🤣
Their purring is very good to hear they are relaxed and their stomachs full 😁😂
Котята прелесть, слезы на глазах как они вырывают друг у друга бутылочку. Спасибо Вам за трепетное отношение к маленьким мурлыкам!!!
They’re adorable, just look at those eyes! I’m totally in love with the blue – eyed ginger kitten! 🐈❣️You’re doing a great job Onur, you’re a good mom and they love you! 😊🐾🐈❣️👏👏👏
Hahahahaha, sorry, I thought about the glove, too. But I saw that it was not a good idea 😂😂😂😂🍼
Oh my goodness that little ginger/white kitten at the beginning is so feisty! Thank you for taking such good care of them & being their mamma. I so hope you’re able to find them good homes soon. I hate to think of them living on the streets especially since they are now so use to you & Cansu. Plus it’s more work for you both, as I know you won’t let them ever go hungry & without love.
I know this is not an easy task, so well done! 👍💕
Gracias por tu tiempo que les das a estos angelitos de alimentarlos.estan preciosos todos
you are a angel, thank you for taking such good care of the sweet Kitty’s 😻💕👍
The story of 500 dogs living in the dump. Part 1

(c) Adorable Paws This is a city dump. There are 500 dogs living here. Together with my wife, we fed these dogs. This place is 300 km from the area …
If you walk with a bag full of fish where the cats live, you’ll return home empty-handed. No escape.

(c) Adorable Paws If you walk where cats live with a bag with kilograms of raw fish in your hand, you will never be able to escape them. You will have …
Blessings ❤ my friend for always feed them 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🙏🏻 ❤ 💓
Se eu morasse aí ,ia viver para cuidar dos gatos também 🥰🥰ando com ração de gato e cachorro na bolsa para onde eu for. Amo vocês 💕💖🥰😍🙏👏
Дай Бог Вам здоровья и благополучия ДОБРЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК!!!Сколько КРАСОТЫ в одном местесобрали!
Спасибо вам большое, за ваш труд и доброту.☺️🐈🐈🐈❤️
All the cats grab one and run, then the black cat grabbed like 3 of them 😂😂
Bazilari ikişer ikişer aliyor ne güzel yapmissiniz. 👏
The cats certainly love feast day! The stick cats proved they are fully restored to good health! They take their fish rather politely, better than most humans!
Just love these kitties. I’ve decided to give whatever I can to help provide for them in honor of my precious kitty buddy I recently lost. He was a rescue with disabilities that I loved deeply. These kitties are precious.
Aku selalu berdoa supaya kucing2 nya pada sehat semua,,🙏🙏❤❤❤❤
Как же их жаль….. Спасибо,что кормите
Good morning kittens, good appetite. Thank you so much for feeding them delicious food. 🤭🥰🤣
It was so funny watching all the cats chasing you! I never could have afforded a European vacation, but if I could have, Cat Island would be at the top of my places to visit!Are those sardines? I have 4 adopted fur children of my own. I may see if my kitty kids like sardines.
Спасибо за рыбку..как же котикам вкусно… Вот как часто у них праздники.. Балуете их..😃❤
Bayılıyorum bu balık ziyafetine..😽👏🐾👍😽..
Mesmo sendo gatos de rua eles estão bem lindos e saudáveis pela sua proteção, parabéns!😻🙏❤
Ya ballarım siz ne kadar acıkmışsınız. Onur bey rabbim razı olsun siz de olmasanız açlıktan susuzluktan ölürler.
Qué graciosos los😺, “volaban”🐾 por atrapar sus pescados🐟Estaban todos felices😸❤Gracias querido Onur por alimentarlos.Dios te bendiga por siempre🙏
A huge salutes for you man. what you are doing is pure heaven job 🙏☺️☺️☺️ I am so much glad to see the things you do for all those stray cats👏💕💕 take my respect from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Ahhh yavrularım yazık nasıl açlar 🥺🥺😢 çok üzülüyotum canlarımıza keşke hepsini evimize alabilsekte beslesek 🙏🏻🤲🏻🙏🏻🐈🐈🐈 Allah razı olsun kardeşim senden 🤲🏻🙏🏻💞🙋🏼♀️🙋🏼♀️🐈🧿 rabbim sana kat be katını versin 🙏🏻
It’s my birthday and all I wish for is that all strays could find loving homes 😿