Rescue Persian kitten, thrown into the street.

(c) Adorable Paws I found this Persian kitten thrown into the street. The air temperature is below 0 degrees. He was very hungry, sick, injured and …
For English subtitles, don’t forget to press the subtitle button. I found this kitten on the street today. He’s a Persian cat. The owners threw this kitten on the street. He was weak, sick, and cold. First , I took him to the vet . He was treated. The kitten has infection and anemia. The kitten will receive antibiotic treatment for 3 days. The kitten was treated for internal and external parasites. We brought him home after the treatment. Now we’il put another plate on our table. Jennefer, Menemen, Vecihi, Mother cat and 3 kittens and this Persian cat. We’re eight now. Our family grows more and more every day.
Бедный маленький ребенок. Тебя спасли и ты будь счастлив. Такой красивый , и рыженький. Здоровья всем , счастья и достатка
Лайк спасибо большое за спасение котёнка.
“Now we will put another plate on our table” may be the most passionate, powerful words to describe this man, his family, his channel, his cause….. I shed tears as I write this. You, my dear friend, are truly an angel and a blessing… Thank you, on behalf of abandoned, abused animals everywhere, I thank you… I love you like a brother and I’ve never even met you. 🤗😇
Какие вы добрые и милосердные люди. Вы помогаете бедным животным, которые оказались в беде. Надеюсь и Всевышний будет добр и милостив к вам. Как хорошо, что на свете есть ещё такие замечательные люди.
Миленький, маленький Персик столько уже страдал. Без вас он не выжил бы! Вы добрые! В красивом доме дали приют котяткам! Спасибо!
You deserve way more subscribers…Thank you for what you do and God bless!
Thank-you for saving this kittens life and bringing him home, you and your wife are beautiful people ❤❤❤
Poor kitty! I’m glad he found someone who will love and take care of him!
God bless you and your wife for taking one more unwanted tiny angel to your home full of love .Thank you .💖
Persian cats are a special breed, they love to be around people, therefore, it would most likely had perished out on the streets. God bless you for providing him with a good home!
How could someone throw a helpless, blameless kitten on the street? He is beautiful! Thank you for taking him home and treating him at the Vets! You’re an angel!
I’m so heartbroken for this sweet little Persian kitten, she looked very distressed, so happy she is with you now and really hope you can find a loving home for her!!!!
Thanks for saving the poor kitten it seems v cold over there.. Happy to c the baby move to the warm place 🐾
Really glad that he got helped. Hope to see him all well soon. Keep feeding the lil ones!You doing great mate. Such an adorable family. 😍👍
Thank you for saving this sweet kitten.
Very nice video, well explained and long enough to see what happened. Madame Softvoice was so happy to take the new baby in. Meanwhile, the 3 little guys are very happy with their momcat and Madame Softvoice and Onur. Soon, it will be time for adoptions. It is the hardest part.Until now, you are one of the best cat channel on Youtube, it will grow big and HONEST.
Onur, dear! You are truly a hero!!! I admire you and your nobleness, inexhaustible kindness!I thank you from the bottom of my heart – Onur and Cansu for your kindness, love for animals, decency and care!God bless you both!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈
This makes me cry, this poor little kitty just wants to be loved. Thank you guys 💖
I am so thankful and you are my hero! Thank you so much for saving this poor soul! I hope the little kitty knows that he is loved and wanted and this is his forever home now
They are not just cats. They are my children. Colorful cats.

(c) Adorable Paws Do not think that the cats you watch in our videos are just cats. They are like my own children. They see me as their father. This is …
I wish you could film 24/7! I could watch all day. Love them all and love seeing them come running to you with their tails high! You are an amazing person and i will be here to watch always! Thank you so so much for giving these sweet kitties a meal, some loving and general care.
Bu kadar zor mu bir masumu beslemek karnını doyurup sevmek onur bey çok sağolun bu mazlumlara bu kadar özenle sevgiyle merhametle baktığınız için çok değerlisiniz. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Спасибо вам за постоянную заботу о бездомных котиках!
yes I wish humanity would see it that way too…or God’s creatures….. my cats are my children now…. they don’t talk back to me!!!!!LOL just love unconditionally!
Ого, сколько котиков, такие все упитанные, жирненькие😂🔥 красивые киси, спасибо, что вы их кормите, заботитесь💐💖жалко так бездомных
Я тоже люблю кошек ! Господин Онур , дай Бог вам счастья и здоровья . 💓❤️💖🙌😇🙏🙏🙏
Guys, let’s watch all the videos and help these people in this difficult time ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
Вы молодцы, дай Аллах вам и вашим близким всего только хорошего🙏❤️
Счастья вам за вашу любовь к животным 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
São lindos, me corta o coração vê-los vivendo nas rochas,ainda bem que você ameniza o sofrimento deles com a cada para gatos💚💗
From Australia, bless your heart and your cat family. May you gain the richness of love always.I have a cat and i adore him, he brings such joy to our home and me.God bless you dear human.
Iyaa bener,,itu anak anak kami juga❤
Está frio e chuva e eles estão com fome. Mas Graças a Deus têm 2 pessoas maravilhosas que tratam tanto deles como de cães. 🙏🙏🙏🙏😻😻😻😻😻😻
Цапля – красотка!
Спасибо тебе Человек за любовь и заботу о животных… всем здоровья
I love animals very much. I support all the work you do to help animals. Hope your channel continues to grow.
Here comes Onur again!😊 see how healthy the cats looked with the love and food being brought to them. God bless you both, Onur & Cansu.🥰🥰🥰
Love and Blessings to you Daddy Onur & Mommy Çansu 💕🌟☄💫🌟☄Prayers for the cat Family 💫💖😻💑💖💫
Онур, спасибо Вам за заботу и помощь кошкам. Они Вас ждут и надеюися. Вы для них настоящий отец. Кошки 🐱 очень красивые и милые .🙋♂️👍👍👍❤❤❤
Mama cat cries for the kitten trapped in the ventilation shaft. Kitten Rescue. Before & After

(c) Adorable Paws The mother cat, who gave birth in an abandoned office, continued to live here with 5 kittens. She came to the window in front of my …
How can you support this channel? ➡By watching videos. ➡By commenting. ➡By pressing the like button. ➡By sharing videos on your social media accounts. ➡As a member of our channel. ➡Via Paypal and Patreon. ➡ ➡ ➡
Bendiciones para todos ustedes , y todos los gatitos … ❤️👍😎😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Dios los cuide a todos!
harika bi video olmuş 🙏🙏 çabalarınız için teşekkürler 😇😇
Thank you for rescuing the kitten and giving this cat family food. Really happy to see them bigger and active.
I’m glad to see the neighbors all helping to rescue the kitten. And what a good mama cat, not only to her own kittens but to adopt the little black one as well. I’m glad this family is doing so well thanks to you Onur.
Молодцы какие Вы!!!👏👍💪здорово, что спасли🔥😍такие красивые котяточки, глазёнки-бусинки😺
Sukses selalu brooo 🤝🇮🇩
What a great mama and fantastic helpers 🤗🤗🤗🤗. You’re all so kind. Thank you for keeping such a good eye on these kitties, your heart is as big as the moon 🌝
Thanks for EVERYONE that took part in the rescue of the kitten & reuniting with its mom and kit siblings !! Now , hopefully this mommy cat can get spayed !!!!! 😻 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐱💜
Какие чудесные все котята и мама! А вы просто ангелы-хранители кошачьих жизней и душ! Поклон вам, пусть у вас будет в жизни только добро и здоровье.
Maaşallah güzelliklere Allah nazardan bütün kötülükten kötü insanlardan korusun inşallah
Maravillosa historia
How smart mama cat is, she knew who to ask for help retrieving her stuck kitten! Now, happy lives for all!
What a good mummy cat, cats are great at telling us when something is wrong.
Pude ver la historia completa 😊 muchísimas gracias !! Por rescatar al gatito 👋👋👋👋👋😻😻😻😻😻👍
La madre fue a pedir ayuda porque confiaba en tí. ¡¡¡Qué preciosa historia!!!Gracias por ayudarles, también a tus vecinos, y cuidarles❤❤
Thank you for being so kind. I’m glad that your neighbors aren’t all mean people. Love to all animals and those who care about them.
вы замечательные люди! you are wonderful people!
She’s such a good mummy cat with beautiful kittens. Love that she adopted the black kitten too. Thanking the good neighbours for helping rescuing the other little one. One happy family without the daddy cat. What a lovely place for them❤️
Not Without My Daughter – Cat Asia

(c) Adorable Paws Current news on the treatment of paralyzed cat Asia: After drug treatment, the cat was checked by the veterinarian. Surgery was …
She is so precious 💖
Amazing how a simple kitten can unite people around the world in prayers of different faiths. Go ahead, Asia, we love you too.Incr�vel como um singelo gatinho pode unir pessoas ao redor do mundo em ora��es das mais diferentes f�s. For�a, Asia, tamb�m te amamos.
She loves you so much. She deserves a lot of kisses. She is so cut.
She is such a beautiful little baby.
Asia eyes are mesmerizing.
That’s so precious! She loves her daddy. Praying for a miracle for this sweet baby!
This is truly adorable video of you Onur and little Asia❤️❤️
She’s got such beautiful features, she’s a very pretty lady. 😸
Her sad eyes changed. Asia, we love you and wish you strength every day!❤🍀
Asia is cuddlebug 😍😍😍
Asia has a beautiful eyes and a beautiful soul😊😊🥰🥰🤗🤗
Asia is looking so cute and beautiful 😍 she has beautiful eyes and innocent 😇 face i love u ❤ 💖 💗 ♥ 💕 💓 ❤
Asia is so adorable. Praying for healing for Asia. God 🙏 Bless you all
Coisa mais linda!😍
ADORABLES 🐾👍💋❤😍🤗🐈🍀🥰🇨🇵
I hope she gets better. It shows you really love and care for Asia.
She loves you so much. My god she is SOOOOOOO beautiful ❤
Asia, you are such a wonderful brave little girl who loves her dad very very much. God bless both of you. Xxxxxx🐈🐾♥️🐈🐾♥️
I absolutely love this! I love Asia so much, her eyes and her front paw 🐾 foot curls ~ Looking good my friend at 37! Happy belated birthday 🍰 🎁 💝 I cannot remember if I sent you well wishes on your birthday post the other week. God bless you and Canu and all the goodness and blessings you do 🙏🏼 Cok guzel , tekserkular aderim 🐈 🐱 🐕 🐶 💕
Hungry and angry dogs on a rainy day.

(c) Adorable Paws This is a big forest in Istanbul. A highway that runs through the forest. There are thousands of dogs living here. These dogs go to …
Большое Спасибо! ЗА ЗАБОТУ И Любовь к Животным!
Спасибо большое за ваш труд! ❤️
Спасибо за ваш труд без выходных и праздников ,и в дождь и ,в жару!! А как иначе ,ведь хвостики ждут !!!!!!!!
You are heroes. Thank you soo much from germany.Poor abadoned dogs. They are so lovely.😘😍😪👍✌👋💙💜💚
You can tell that these dogs know & love you for all you do for & w/them. I always think the same thing, it must be so hard to just leave them all there. I’m so glad you are there for them <3
Bom dia ! Que do o meu Deus.😢 ajude esses amiguinhos aqui na terra.😢 ainda bem que tem vocês que ajuda esses amiguinhos nesse sofrimento que é estar no abandono.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Aw I wish all them pooches had some nice loving homes, thank you guys for feeding them and giving them love and affection 🙂
They’re so happy to see you guys…it only means that you have a good heart. Bless u always, and kip safe and healthy. More success to ur channel😇🙏
Собачки не выглядят изможденными.,бочка откормлены ,! Спасибо вам за заботу о хвостиках !!!!!!
I love that alpha lol he’s a just hungry he didn’t actually hurt anyone that I saw. 🙂 thank you for taking the time to feed and love on these dogs
Нет сравнения с тем какие собачки были в начале. Отьелись, бока округлились. Здоровья вам, удачи и всех благ!
You people have such a good heart. So many of these pooches have such potential to be wonderful pets and no one opens up their homes to help. Thank heavens there is you folks.Is it possible to find a home for that big pooch? It looks like there would be more harmony at feeding if he wasn’t there.
Que hermosos están todos agradecido❤🤗🤗🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🏡🙇🙇 porque llegaron sus Ángeles alimentarlos gracias Dios los bendiga 🤗🤗🇨🇷
Big dogs… and beautiful if someone can just adopt them They needed a family. To these heroes thank you for taking care of them. ❤️🐾🐕
They have a hard life that’s why some can be aggressive! Don’t think that shelter is strong enough but better than nothing! Blessings 🙏❣️
Какие молодцы ребята ,что помогаете счастья и здоровья вам!!!!
Makes me believe in human race again
Boa noite família ❤️❤️❤️ O cachorro branquinho e terrível kkkkk parece o meu jhony.tudo briga
You really are husband and wife who are angel helpers for abandoned dogs. blessings are always abundant for you and hopefully a lot of help will come for the life of that abandoned dogs, Aamiin .