- Paralyzed cat Asia is on the rainbow bridge. Rest in peace my dear daughter.
- The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 9: Excited Tiny Kittens.
- Thousands of dogs living in the forest.
- The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 8: Eye Vision Test for Tiny Kittens.
- Cat island – Incredible
Paralyzed cat Asia is on the rainbow bridge. Rest in peace my dear daughter.

(c) Adorable Paws The paralyzed cat Asia, whom we found and adopted on the street 1 year ago, died in the hospital on 23.11.2021 as a result of …
Hepimiz Şahitiz ona ne kadar iyi baktığınıza,sevdiğinize,çabaladığınıza herşeyi yaptığınıza şahitiz gerçekten şuan hüngür hüngür ağlıyorum 😢😭 Asya yı çok ama çok sevdik 🙏🏻🐈 melek kızımız bizim…Rabbim size sabır versin aynı acıyı yaşadım çok iyi biliyorum o konuşmayı yaparken boğazındaki düğümü onurcum 🤲🏻🙏🏻 cansucum 🙏🏻🤲🏻💞 Ben bu kadar üzgünken sizin yaşadığınız duyguları hissedebiliyorum 🙏🏻 Asya nın duaları bir çok mucizeyi getirecek buna inanıyorum 🐈💞🐈💞 tüm kalbimle…Boncuk gözlü güzel kızım 😢🐈💜 Onlar bizim evlatlarımız..çocuklarımız..
Brasil. Descanse em paz……os ceu te receber�.
Asia clearly died in peace, feeling loved. May God comfort you all in your grief, and give her rest, and may she meet you all, her family, again, on God’s glorious day of ressurection!
I’m so sorry about Asia. You gave her so much love that she would never have had otherwise. She’ll never forget that, and will forever watch over you 💞
I am writing these words with eyes blinded by tears. I still had hope even if little. I was saying to my mother last night: ‘No news from Onur and Cansu for almost three days. I hope that nothing bad has happened. And I prayed :’ Dear God, protect Asia’. And now…it was such a shock . ‘Oh, sweet baby Asia, it rained on the day of your burial… even the sky was saddened by your passing! 😞🌧️ Now when you are born in Heaven, you will watch over your human mother and father from there. God bless your little soul!’Cansu and Onur, my dears, I know that all words of comfort can not alleviate your pain for your little girl’ loss, pain on the match with the immense undeniable love you have for all God’ creatures. I just want to say that Asia’ soul is still in your house right now and it will remain for some time as she wants to see you happy and with your hearts at peace until the final parting. It happened to me. God bless you both with strong health and peace of mind 🙏 With much love and affection from Romania.P. S. About the miracles, I believe in it because it is God’ work. I do not want to be too forward but I wonder if it is what I think it is.
I’m so, so sorry 😔. You guys gave her love and all your best and she gave you love and courage back. May Allah SWT take her in heaven 🤲🏻
I’m so very sorry to hear about Asia’s death, it is so unfair. I know how devastating the loss of a beloved furry soul can be. Asia knows you did all you could for her and she will be your guardian angel from now on. Please accept my deepest condolences. 💔
Онур, мои самые глубокие соболезнования. Асия навсегда будет в наших сердцах. Опустела без неё Земля 🌎. Держитесь. 😪😪😪❤❤❤
Плачу вместе с Вами, вместе со всеми, кто любил Асию. Вы сделали все возможное, чтобы она была счастлива. Но, к сожалению, не все во власти человека. Покойся с миром, любимая Асия!
R.I.P. Asia, you will dearly be missed. My thoughts & prayers are with you. You gave her the best life she could ever have. So much love, compassion, a home & a wonderful loving family. God bless you for taking care of His beautiful creation.
I’m deeply sorry for your loss! My condolences! Asia, what a beautiful name! Your daughter AsiaGod bless you!
*Tekrardan başımız sağolsun. Her zaman olduğu gibi yine güçlü olacağız ve elimizden geleni Allah’ın izniyle yapacağız*
Sevgili Cansu ve Onur bey, siz harika insanlarsınız. Asya için elinizden geleni yaptınız Allah razı olsun. Güzel Asya için çok üzüldüm. Ama biliyorum ki acıları dindi ve o artık bir melek. Tekrar başınız sağolsun….🙏🐯😢
Little Asia was with you for a year. You gave her the gift of being able to move, walk and jump and live and be the best cat she could possibly be. You took the best care of her and gave her kindness and love. You shared your journey with Asia with us and we all shared the ups and downs. We share your sorrow, too. Take the time you need to grieve. We’ll still be here for you, kind Onur and Cansu. We’ll still share your journey…
J� passei por este momento seu, � uma parte de n�s que nos tornam humanos, meus sinceros sentimentos.
This is very sad. But glad you looked after her very well with lots love and care. This cute baby girl is resting in peace now and you will one day reunite in heaven.
Мы скорбим и плачем вместе с вами, так тяжело терять любимых животных которые для нас как дети. Азия ушла на радугу там не больше боли она будет вашим ангелом хранителем будет вам всегда помогать во всех делах.
when she tried to let out a meow when you held her hand i broke down. rest well, Asia.
Chicos es muy duro perder un gato (a) ellos entran en nuestros corazones, y NUNCA salen de ahí, pero estén tranquilos en el sentido que siempre han estado y estarán con ellos para lo que necesiten, Dios los bendiga grandemente,les mando un fuerte abrazo,desde Guatemala, también recuerden que ustedes son unos ángeles terrenales…!!! 👍👍🐈💞😿😪👍👍
Deus deu Deus levou! Meus sentimentos Onur e sua esposa, meus grandes amigos! Estou a chorar, tamb�m amei �sia desde o primeiro v�deo q vi, nos deixou um exemplo de garra e determina��o! Mais uma estrelinha para nos iluminar. Descanse em paz querida!
The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 9: Excited Tiny Kittens.

(c) Adorable Paws Part 9: Excited Tiny Kittens. Kittens think I am their own mother. They get excited when they see me. They’re climbing on me like …
Since this video series of kittens attracts attention, I have been posting their videos for a long time. Although we do not generate a huge income, our subscriber count is increasing rapidly. Do not worry. Me and my wife continue to feed stray animals every day. We continue to take care of hundreds of stray cats and stray dogs. They are our real children.Every week we neuter stray cats. However, we do not publish sterilization videos. This is because there are many anti- sterilization people on our channel. When they see such videos and photos, they leave the channel.Cat Asia’s medicine treatment ends this week. Surgical operations will begin this week. Necessary support was not given for the treatment of Asia. I need your support for my child. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/adorablepaws
Good morning Cansu and Onur ! You makes difference in animals life !!! Thank you . God bless you !!! 😻💖💖🐈💙🐱💜🐱💕👍👋🙏🙌🇧🇷 .
I wish all kittens all over the world could be in a safe and loving home!😻🙏❤️❤️🤗
These kittens are very cute, I hope they will be adopted soon, thank you to the couple and a beautiful day of peace and health. 😁😆😻
“The Mommy tree is here. Quick let’s get some milk” the kittens are so cute.
Funny, feisty, cute kittens who trustyou. I hope, they don’t meow every night!😀
Cansu hanım onur bey rabbim razı olsun 🙂 büyük bir mutlulukla izliyorum her defasında. ❤
Que son lindos
So cute😍
These batch of kittens are so clever. They stick together after you left. Super cuties, love them. Love you and Cansu more for your love n kindness 👍👍👍💪💪💪🥰🥰🥰
Cada dia mais lindos e saudáveis os gatinhos, parabéns!👉❤😻👏👏👏
Eles estão lindos e bem tratados graças a vcs e q Deus os abençoe sempre com esse gesto maravilhoso.Achei Lindooo esse Vidio todos irem dormir juntinhos.😻😻😻😻😻
Lindos beb�s, quando crescem n�o d�o mais confian�a pra gente
Ya eres su madre te quieren y te siguen a todos lados que bellezas 😊😊🥰
Cudowne to kocie 🐈 rodzeństwo !!!😘🥰
Китюньки хорошульки умненькие здоровые , спасибо за показ!
They so cute
😹😹😹😹😹😹😹…. very naughty kittens… n sooo adorable…. 😻😻😻😻
I just wanna meet you and say thank you for your kindness. I still play your playlist daily and repeat it everyday. I never turn off my computers. I know how to manage it so don’t worry it won’t broke soon 😂. I hope it can help to extend your video playtime. Oh I play Lucky Paws also with my other computers. Thank you, Onur and Sedat.
Thousands of dogs living in the forest.

(c) Adorable Paws This is a big forest in Istanbul. A highway that runs through the forest. There are thousands of dogs living here. These dogs go to …
There are over a hundred feeding points in this area. There are dog kennels, water and food containers everywhere. Everyday animal lovers fill these containers. The kennels in this region were built by charity associations and animal lovers. The earrings found in dogs are the identification cards of these dogs. These earrings contain a chip inside. Vaccines are written on these earrings. Dogs with earrings mean they have all been neutered. Dogs in this area are treated by the municipality and the government. The sick dogs here are collected and treated daily. We fed dogs in this area today. With love, boiled chicken, rice and bread. About 100 kilograms boiled whole chicken (without bones) were used in this video. Thigh bones of chickens have been removed.
Низкий поклон Вам,молодые люди,за Вашу заботу о собачках,за Ваш тяжёлый ,самоотверженный труд!
Бедные животные, во всём мире одни и те-же проблемы, нет особо дела государствам до собак, частные приюты и сердобольные люди помогают хоть как-то собачкам выживать. Все живые существа дети Земли и все имеют право жить достойно, в любви и ласке. 👍👍😇💕💞💖
😢💔 Thank u for helping these poor angels
Dios bendiga a est�s personas,por ayudar a los perros callejeros.ojala hallan m�s personas as�.De coraz�n y con una responsabilidad sincera, para realizar dicha tarea de cuidarlos.
Jste úžasní, děláte smysluplnou a krásnou práci….Díky Vám za to…..
This is great how you take care if all these animals. It would be great if they could be adopted to good homes.This is true labor of love…God bless you !!!!!
Gratidão por vcs cuidarem deles, alimentando-os. 😢💔 Tadinhoss.. eles são tão carinhosos ❤️😍🐕🐕🐕🐕…
It is nice to see these dogs receiving love and care. Sad that they don’t have a loving home, but they are getting fed, receiving medical treatment, and attention from local officials.Keep up the good work.
Obrigada, por olhar e cuidar deles. Deus proteja os animais e seus cuidadores.👏👏👏👏👏
gente linda de corazón generoso extraordinariamente maravilloso miiiiil grrrrs❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😞
Que Deus abençoe vcs por da amor carinho alimentação e dignidade a esses anjinhos obrigado por se importa com a vidinha deles🙏🙏
I pray that God will protect all these Dogs 🐕 and no harm upon them. Thank you 🙏🏼 for taking good care of them. You have a kind heart ❤️.
The dogs are beautiful and such gentle giants.. praise God for this couple who patiently gives their love, care and efforts to these gentle giants.
Lindo trabalho, meu anjos! Como h� seres humanos cru�is, mas h� almas generosas com a de voc�s.
Thank you for all your love to make life better for these dogs! 👍🐾🐾🐕💖🙏
Gracias por ayudar a los perritos, darles amor, compañía, alimentos, casitas para protegerse de la lluvia, del frío, del calor, son personas bellas y adorables. Saludos desde Chile 🇨🇱🙏💖🐕👍
It’s great that the city provides for them, just sad that so many are without homes. Once again Onur & Cansu thank you for all you do for the animals in your city & country.
Beautiful people helping the dogs
Amazing how delicate they are with you, they know they will earn more than a plate of food, they will earn the dignity of being cared for and treated with love. Blessed be your day, and let’s keep hoping to find homes for many of these animals.Incr�vel como eles s�o delicados com voc�s, sabem que ganhar�o mais do que um prato de comida, ganhar�o a dignidade de serem cuidados e tratados com amor. Aben�oado seja o dia de voc�s, e sigamos torcendo para encontrar lares para muitos destes animais.
The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 8: Eye Vision Test for Tiny Kittens.

(c) Adorable Paws Part 8: Eye Vision Test for Tiny Kittens. I continue to be a mother to motherless kittens. In the comments written, it was asked …
You can watch all episodes of kittens through this playlist; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_sT1ALeIXg&list=PLTKpinw50OiatVFcHGN-6HjxrQuukiugm&ab_channel=AdorablePaws
I’m not gonna lie, I’m hoping someone adopts them all and keep this series going
Espero que consigam adoção 🙏🙏
They’re so sweet, I hope you won’t have any problems with finding forever homes for them😻
you have a big heart helping to take care of these adorable kittens. Your attitude will be rewarded in the end.
Que lindos cada um mais belo que o outro amo CANAL
Estão lindos 👏👏👏👏🙏🙏
Eles são tão fofinhos, espero que alguma família linda os adotem em breve!😻❤🙏
Como meus bebês estão crescendo fortes e lindos 🐾🐾🌻😻😂💕💕💫🌈✨🐱😼😽🪅🎉☀️☀️
Que bien que estén en tu casa!! Si la madre estuviera viva estaría con sus hijitos, CANSU ♥️ ONUR GRACIAS por CUIDARLOS 🐈⬛😻😺🐈⬛😸
I just LOVE their tiny faces and their curious eyes❤❤❤ They are so precious ! Even if they will not be adopted untill spring time, once neutered, they will be able to survive outside. You cannot keep all the cats you find.
Eles sao muito lindis😍😍😍😍😍
These kittens are so adorable..thankful for people like you who have a big heart for animals
They are too cute if I was there I would adopt them I have a nice 3 bedroom house with a screened in Sun porch and a backyard. I also have a bird and squirrel feeder and there a cat condo that my cats sit on to watch the birds, squirrels, and rabbits. I hope the kittens find a forever home🤔💞🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🏡😉
I read the video description. It’s great, that you look for adopters. The kittens are so cute. I keep my fingers crossed, that you will find loving homes for them very soon, though it isn’t easy in Istanbul. If even two of them would be adopted (together?) fast, the situation could be easier for you.
Какие хорошенькие китюни китюны ! спасибо за показ!
Dios mio, no pueden ser m�s hermosas esas criaturitas
Thank you for taking them in so they will be safe while you find them homes. It is hard to keep collars on them when they are this little. But they look so cute with them on.
They are really cute. They definitely seem very happy. They are in need of forever homes.
I will pray that they can remain together and find loving homes.
Cat island – Incredible

(c) Adorable Paws We spent a day with hundreds of cats on cat island. This is Istanbul. Incredible. This place looks like the cat island in Japan.
This cat feeding was not a planned organization. We were only able to find 20 packs of wet cat food and 2 packs of dry cat food in the nearest supermarket.. We’re going to come to this area this weekend with more cat food. We ordered 20 kg of cat food. Thank you very much for your support.Bu besleme planlanmış bir besleme değildi. Aniden gelişiverdi. Kendimizi birdenbire kedi cennetinin içinde bulduk. En yakın süpermarkette sadece 20 paket ıslak mama ve 2 paket kuru mama bulabildik. Gözünüz arkada kalmasın. Bu haftasonu bu bölgeye çok fazla mama götüreceğiz.
Поистине доброта безгранична. Ребята, нет слов выразить восторг и благодарность. Я сам любитель кошек.
Дай Бог вам всего самого лучшего за доброту сердца! Самое милосердное- это накормить голодного
Видео супер, как бальзам на душу! 💖💋🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈
Какая прелесть их так много это чудо💋❤👏
Обалдеть как их много 😀😀😀😀люблю кошек 👍👍👍👍
Sou apaixonada por gatos!
Спасибо Вам, за доброту Вашего сердца ❤❤🥰🥰🥰
Большое спасибо за заботу о кошечках!!!!
Спасибо!!! Дай Бог вам здоровья и счастья!!!
Ребята, какие вы молодцы. Спасибо вам за доброту к братьям нашим меньшим.
Поражаюсь доброте этого человека!
Такие ухоженные .такие милые не скажешь .что уличные.сразу видать .что люди очень любят и ухаживают за любимцами.Счастья и большое вам спасибо!!!!
Se � minha esposa em um lugar desses ela ia ficar doida…iria querer levar todos para casa kkkkkkk
Сума сойти, как же их много, самое главное не кто их не обижает, спасибо вам большое ребята за ваше добро к моим любимым кошечкам.
Allah her şeyi gönlünüze göre versin. Yüreği güzel insanlar.Dünya durdukça sizin gibi insanlar hep var olsun.
Thank you for feeding and petting these lovely cats.
Quantos gatinhos. A natureza e Linda mais Lindas são as pessoas. QUe cuidar dela.😺😽💕🐩🐈😸🐈🐾🙌💕🐕🐎🐂🐐
Dear Onur, I absolutely agree with you that feeding and talking with cats is a great happiness and pleasure! My actions in this direction are very modest, there are only ten cats in the yard, and there are also street cats, but I am also happy that I can feed and take care about these wonderful creatures! I love cats, and animals in general, and I really respect those who care about them! :)))Thank you and Сansu for the noble and important work !!! :-)))))
Как хорошо,что на свете есть такие люди!Дай Бог вам здоровья!