- After the hurricane hungry dogs attacked cat houses to eat cat food. No panic. Brave Angry Kittens.
- The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 11: Tiny Kittens vs Boiled Egg
- Rescue Persian kitten, thrown into the street.
- When the rainstorm started, all the cats took shelter in the cat houses. Adorable Paws
- The kittens’ mothers has been missing for a week. I must be their mother for a while. Part 3
After the hurricane hungry dogs attacked cat houses to eat cat food. No panic. Brave Angry Kittens.

(c) Adorable Paws During the storm disaster, people could not go out and feed the animals. Hungry stray dogs came to the city centers to eat the cat …
Frequent comment: Why don’t you save the kitten? Actually, I rescued all the cats and dogs in this video. By solving the problem of hunger. This video wouldn’t have had a happy ending if I had made a wrong move. Getting between 2 angry dogs and trying to save a cat is the most unconscious move. Do not worry. I know all the cats and dogs you watch in this video. I knew I shouldn’t interfere with them. They are all alive and safe.
No fim todos sofrem, gatos 😻cachorro 🐶 e os pombos 🕊é muito triste ver eles com fome!Mas vocês aliviam um pouco a vida deles com alimentação, parabéns!🤗😇🙏👏👏👏
Afiyet olsun güzellikler,afiyet olsun…Hayatınız biz insanlar yüzünden böyle…sizleri izlerken hissettiğim huzur bile içimi yakıyor..Ne kadar güzel bir kedi ,yüzü siyah beyazlı başını okşadığınız…🤲🐈😔
Vielen lieben Dank für das schöne Video. Ich danke dir immer für deine aufopferungsvolle Tätigkeit. Die Kätzchen danken es dir mit viel Schnurren. 🥰👌🐈💖 Weiterhin viel Gesundheit und viel Freude. 🙏☘️☘️☘️ Liebe Grüße
Siete insostituibili, formidabili ineguagliabili e, sopra ogni cosa…amabili!GRAZIE 🧡 GRAZIE 🧡GRAZIE 🧡 GRAZIE 🧡
Kediler ve köpekler bir Kartal Aslan çakal zebra vs vahşi hayvan değiller kendileri avlanamazlar …onlar insanoğluna yoldaş diye gönderildi onlara iyi bakmamız lazım…🥰
Спасибо вам большое, за ваш труд и доброту.☺️🐈🐕❤️❤️🙋
Спасибо что заботитесь об этой КРАСОТЕ !!!!!
Hay personas q hablan porque tienen boca,a la hora de ayudar son los q no hacen nada. Gracias por cuidarlos. Bendiciones. 😇🤗
Спасибо за любовь к животным.. Спасибо , что кормите , любите , лечите и заботитесь.. Спасибо🐈🐕❤
Какой вы прекрасный человек, заботитесь так о животных!!!!!! 👍😊
Blessings to you, for your care of these beautiful animals. Amazing video: The brave kittens, the shy ones and then there’s the victorious hunter. Thank you for all you do. 🐾 🙏 💕
Gatos… Como n�o se apaixonar!!!
So happy for yall helping the cats and kittens
Allahım sizden razı olsun Onur Bey, laf kalabalıklığı yapanları boş verin.. Onlar nerede imişler. Siz her zaman kediler için en uygun ve belediyenin izin verdiği alana yaptınız kulubeleri.. Sürü ile köpeklere besleme yaptığınızı cümle alem biliyor.. Siz sokak Canlarının koruyucu meleğisiniz. 🙏🐈🌠🐕🤗
Díky za krmení 🐈🐈🐈👍❤🍛🍛 bůh Vám pomáhej 🙏
Salam sayang buat Channel ini, terima kasih orang baik telah memberinya makan dan minum, kucing anak patung yang hidup, bahagia berdampingan dengan nya, Dunia jadi indah, salam dari 🇲🇾🙏❤️🐈😻👍
its always amazing how animals communicate or sense where the food is… guess all the strays have to learn to live in harmony to survive and help each other!
Онур, спасибо за помощь кошкам! Здоровья Вам и много сил! 🐱🐱🐱👍👍👍
Coitadinhos dos gatos, sendo invadidos por cachorros enormes, ainda bem que conseguem fugir pelas pedras.😻🙀😺😸
The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 11: Tiny Kittens vs Boiled Egg

(c) Adorable Paws Part 11: Boiled egg eating wars of Tiny Kittens. I continue to be a mother to motherless kittens. Kittens think I am their own mother.
There are those among you who are upset that the big kitten couldn’t eat eggs. Don’t be sad for nothing. This big kittens don’t like to eat eggs very much. It can also eat anything, unlike other kittens. Let me tell you a secret. If this cat wanted to eat eggs, it could scatter all the kittens on the table with one swipe of its paw. 🐾🐾🐾
아고 이뻐라~😻💕💕😻💕😻💕맛있게도 먹네ㅎ아가들 키우신다고 고생이 많으세요당신은 살아있는 천사십니다^^♡고맙고 감사합니다~🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍💖😊
Que Deus abençoe você por ajudar essas fofuras, você é um anjo 👼🙏👏🙏👏❣❣🥰🥰🥰muitas bênçãos na sua vida!!
As they are beautiful babies, I hope they will soon find a home. Many thanks to the couple who are taking care of them very well.
Están muy bien cuidados 👍😻
So Beautiful They Are Thank You For Saving Beautiful Cats Beautiful Souls Be Blessed Always 😃❤
Good nigth Cansu and Onur ! Congratulacions !!! Great job !!! Onur “mon of the year” !!! Kittens cuteness overload !!! 😻💕🐈💙🐱💜😻💖👍👏🙌🙏🇧🇷 .
😹😻😹😻😹😻😹😻😹😻😹😻….. soooooo cute n hillarious…… love them all 😻😻😻…. GOD Bless u hooman butlers… 👍👍👍
Oh my what precious little monster eaters😹 and eggs are very healthy for growing babies😸😸😸😸😻😻. So in all my years of working as foster one thing I know… Kittens who went without food like mom disappearing tend to be fairly aggressive when they eat. You cave tell by the way they chomp food they’re dealing with scarcity mentality, not sure when they’ll get to eat again. As they get used to being fed they usually outgrow it. Thank the Lord you guys found them😇😇😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏🙏. You are an answer to many little animal hearts.
Support this again and cute thumbnail video like previous one too, you are doing your very best to feed these kittens Mr Onur😸😎👍.The older bigger black & white kitten is one of the most kindest kitten as i saw some of comments saying this kitten is kind to other kittens, humble and kind, i like this kitten character🐈😊😎.Thanks for the update Mr Onur, although i can’t watch but i will help you in other ways that i can there😊😎.
These babies are talking while they eat. I think they’re so cute. And the eggs were a delight.
Вы спаситель всех животных. Добра вам и счастья. И много здоровья.
So cute little babies 🥰🥰😀
Какие хорошие, упитанные котятки. Все вместе, все живы и здоровы благодаря Онуру. Спасибо вам за спасение котят.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
They are so adorable🥰
My dose of joy for this day watching these five little bundles of gems.Send them to me in Australia for respite. My cat will adore some play fur balls in our home. You are such a caring animal parent. Got so much to show my grandchildren when lockdown is lifted.
They are reaching a good age for adopters to come along, I just hope good families come soon.
Hahaha…cute kittens😘..the one is naughty thinks everyone’s plate is mine… the one sweetie eats half plate.. the another sweet kitten stops from paw “it’s mine”… their cute naughty activities make me smile… Blessings🎍.
They are so cute🥰
Rescue Persian kitten, thrown into the street.

(c) Adorable Paws I found this Persian kitten thrown into the street. The air temperature is below 0 degrees. He was very hungry, sick, injured and …
For subtitles, don’t forget to press the subtitle button. I found this kitten on the street. He’s a Persian cat. The owners threw this kitten on the street. He was weak, sick, and cold. First , I took him to the vet . He was treated. The kitten has infection and anemia. The kitten will receive antibiotic treatment for 3 days. The kitten was treated for internal and external parasites. We brought him home after the treatment. Now we’il put another plate on our table. Jennefer, Menemen, Vecihi, Mother cat and 3 kittens and this Persian cat. We’re eight now. Our family grows more and more every day.
Thank you for helping this poor kitten 🙂
Thanks for saving him. 🙏❤️
Awwww…. That little high pitch meow just melts my heart… You’re such an awesome cat Daddy! Thanks for always updating us!! 🤗🤗🤗
Just watch this, it is nice watching Little lola recover bit by bit and btw Little lola talk by bubble in the beginning is good too😊😎Jennifer just relax and hangout outside but it is quite scary sitting on the railings, she is like the quiet but fierce type from what i see🤔😅Little Pirate and his brothers are causing a mess in the house well they are playful and young😅😊Overall nice video Mr Onur😎
Hi Onur and Cansu oh that little Persian kitten just melts my heart when she meows and the tabby kitties are really cute and Jennefer still doesn’t look to thrilled but hopefully she will soon get over it but thank you for your caring heart for these kitties 🐈❤️
Aaawww.. those little baby angels are so precious. ❤❤❤❤❤ poor little Persian kitty.. hope he’ll be ok with your loving care..😻😻😻😻😻 God bless you my amazing friends🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 full watch including ads 👍👍👍👍👍
Oh my god, I really want a Persian cat, I want this exact cat that you saved. I want to cuddle up with it and treat it like a child I never had
Haha, you have a beautiful home, about to be wrecked by the little devils :)). I like the new video, love the additions. The three little devils are so playful. and the persian seems so much better, poor baby. Gonna go in your playlist and watch some more videos <3
Hope that little persian is better all the cats are so lovely and the kittens are very playful ❤️🐈
고양이 구조해주셔서 감사합니다 ~So cute~Thank you so much~The cat look so relaxed and happy~🤗🤗🤗
Lovely apartment for those sweet kitties to have fun in, you two are beautiful people ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sweet video Onur.Persian kitty looks so much better, thanks to u and Cansu.The other kitties are adorable too! 💖💖💖😺😺😺😺😺🐾🐾
Спасибо Вам, добрый человек! Пусть у вас все будет хорошо!
Awww thank you for your kindness in saving the Persian Kitty and others that need your help! Joan Bates
Thank you so much for taking him. He is very Lucky to be adopted by your Lovely family. I hope poor Jennefer will accept him. She needs extra Love 😘💗💗💗
Os meus tamb�m s�o todos levados. Sobem em cima da mesa e fazem a festa. Foram resgatados das ruas. S�o a minha vida. Amo animais de ambas as esp�cies.
How can anyone throw such a beautiful kitty out onto the streets? Those are great cats 💔💔💔
Oh my goodness Onur your house is filled with Love and kitties 😘😘😘💗💗💗 Poor Jennefer needs lots of attention. She’s a Daddy’s Girl 😘💗
This cat is really beautifull. So cute. Some people doesnt know the value of animals. But thanks God you yes. Thanks Onur for caring and saving lives. GOD BLESS YOU. ♥️ .
When the rainstorm started, all the cats took shelter in the cat houses. Adorable Paws

(c) Adorable Paws A few hours before the storm disaster, I fed all the cats and distributed cat food to all the cat houses. When the rainstorm started, all …
Gracias, gracias y 1000 gracias por la gran labor que hacen, un día si y otro también, sois ángeles maravillosos ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ cuidando de los animales, MUCHÍSIMAS GRACIAS
Thank you so much for feeding the cats and providing these adorable cat houses!
Thank you Onur and Cansu, with all of my heart. I do not have enough words of appreciation for what you do for these precious, beautiful little kitties. ❤️🐱🐱🐱🐱🙏🙏💕
Güzel masum çocuklarım,Allah sizleri her felaketten korusun…Onur Bey iyi ki varsınız…Allah yardımcınız olsun,kazancınız daha da bereketlensin..🐈😿🐈🤲🧿
Que bien que todos los hermosos gatitos 🐱 se habian escondido en sus casitas y habian llenado sus pancitas. Muchas gracias por ayudarlos siempre, que sus deseos se hagan realidad 🐈❤💖💞😘😘😘😘🌷🌸🌺✨🎀 espero que los gatitos y usted tengan una larga vida 🙏❤👍👍
Parabéns por dar alimentos e abrigos aos gatinhos ,que Deus te ilumine sempre em sua vida pois você é um Anjo de luz protetor dos animais indefesos, felicidades a família!😇💞😻🙏🙏🙏🙏
Heavenly scene seeing the wonderful cats enjoying peace and calm. 💫💞plus their yummy food🥘🍲!!😻😽😸❤️God bless u both♥️🙏
Usted es un dulce total…cuidar de los indefensos con esa generosidad , se ve que tiene un gran corazón. Saludos desde Argentina Tucumán. 😁
Che tutti i tuoi sforzi e fatiche portino salvezza e benessere ai gatti e diano a te serenità e raggiungimento dei tuoi sogni, caro Onur. Questo è il mio augurio! ❤️
the cats here are so beautiful. they are like they had a breed!!!!!! so beautiful astonishing gorgeous beauty of cats Ive’ ever seen even the kittens are so adorable. they are just like an angel who very innocent. Thank you so much to you sir/ma’am for taking good care of them feeding them give them vitamins & medicine if they are sick. we were so very much grateful to your hard work si/maam. God briefly pour out he’s blessing to your household!!!!!!!!thank you so much!!!!!
Спасибо огромное за вашу заботу о котиках! Ваша любовь и доброта – спасение для животных!
They all look well fed and healthy. Thank you for taking care of them.
I believe the cats know they are always safe near the houses you brought them!
I haven’t forgotten about you, I can’t send a lot but will definitely be sending something this week❣ You don’t have to convince me, I know your cat houses are the best, I know you both are my heros ♥️🙏😊🐈🏘🍀🌠💌
Semoga Kakak baik dan smua Mpus2 lucu disana sehat2, slalu dlm lindunganNya,Aamiin.
Admiro el gran coraz�n de usted y su Sra. Saludos d
Elinize sağlık, teşekkürler. Kesenize bereket
Bütün emeklerinize sonsuz teşekkür ederiz.. sağolun varolun 🙏♥️🐾♥️🙏..
Merhametli yüreğine sağlık olsun,sayende yağmur ,çamur,kar ,fırtına elinin değdiği bu Canlar,hatta diğerleri aç kalmıyor…Yeryüzü Meleklerisiniz bu emanet Canların.. Allah sizi korusun..🤲🐈🤗
Maravilhoso amo ❤️❤️❤️😻😻😻😻
The kittens’ mothers has been missing for a week. I must be their mother for a while. Part 3

(c) Adorable Paws Part 3: I’ve been mothering these kittens for a week now. Kittens see me as their own mother. They have adapted to the garden in …
Thank you so much for caring for these sweet babies.
Que cositas m�s lindas!! Gracias por tu trabajo! El mundo �s mejor porque existe gente como t�!!
You are the best kitty “mother”, Onur. These baby kitties look so happy and healthy.
Oh my gosh! That was too adorable when they came running out when you called them. They are just too cute for words. I hope you will be able to find homes for all of them Onur, so that you will not have to continue taking care of them as they get older. They all need loving homes & you have enough on your hands right now. Thank you for being their “mother” xo
You are doing such a fantastic job with those little kitty’s. They are lucky to have you.. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💗💗💗💗❤️❤️💗💗
Как они радуются ! Пусть у них будет дом 🏠 с любящими хозяевами !
Yüce rabbim sizi yaratırken bal küplerinde bekletmis o kadar tatlısınız ki ömrünüz hep sevgi dolu insanlarla geçsin INŞALLAH. 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲💛😘.
Meravigliosi angeli 💘🐾
Спасибо вам огромное.. что опекаетесь этими малышками.. Знаю , что много таких у вас и маленьких и больших.. Спасибо вам за добро и сердечное тепло.. Пусть у вас все сбывается.. да будет вам вознаграждение за ваши добрые дела..🙏🙏🙏🐈🐈🐈♥️💋
That cat house look very comfortable for the kittens at least they have a roof to sleep now plus a cosy bed too, bump this up again for support and thanks again Mr Onur😸😎👍
These kittens are very cute. all of them inside the little house, they approved the new home. They are trusting you a lot, Onur. You and Cansu became their parents. God bless you immensely.
Quel accueil !😋Ils sont tellement heureux de voir papa et maman formidable 😻Ils sont adorables.💓
I hope their mother shows up and nothing happened to her with the grace of God.Thank you Cansu, Onu from the bottom of my heart dear friends for giving a safe place to these innocent, little angels of God and giving food, a little house and above love and caring feelings that shines in you.Stay with God and may he bless you dear friends and puppies too
Grazie di ❤, sono bellissimi e grazie a voi stanno crescendo bene🐱🥰😻mi dispiace per la mamma,spero che non sia successo niente di grave 🙏🙏❤❤.
Thank you for taking care of these absolutely gorgeous babies!!! 💕🐈🐾💕🐈🐾
Ils sont vraiment trop adorables 🤗 Merci pour tout 👍👍❤😽🐈😻🐾🇨🇵
Son bellísimos ! Espero que encuentren un hogar 💞💞🥰
thank you for taking care of the kittens so lovingly! You just have to love these treasures and now that they are so small, they need even more protection! It’s bad enough since they lost their mother! you are a good person and your guardian angel 🥰😌
Es una pena que las mamás no estén 😿para ver crecer a sus hijitos!! Pero te tienen a ti ONUR ♥️ el mejor PAPA 😺😻😽😸🐈🏡👍