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ねこナビ編集部(Youtube 動画 pick up) Youtubeおすすめ紹介
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Cats and Domino

(c) Cat Navi Desk 【Twitter】https://twitter.com/‪CatNaviDesk ‬ 【Instagram】https://www.instagram.com/cat_navi_desk tag: #cat #Domino.

That was 3 minutes and 28 seconds of my life I’ll never get back… and I appreciated every second of it!

Can we all take a moment to appreciate how spotless this guy’s floors are

The cats are the best actors, especially the water-drinking cat.

What if the cats are just like “Is this how you’re going to feed us every day now?!”


My anxiety kicked in when kitty finished all that food but the domino aint fallin lol

The silence before the cats do something to trigger the obstacle to keep going makes this video even better! 😂😻


The fact that you can engineer this so your cats would connect the domino is just amazing

The fact that you managed to set this whole thing up with ANY cats in the area is amazing.

The cats are really educated and it’s a huge success, congratulations 👍👍👍

This is one of the best mindless 3:28 minutes I’ve spent being entertained! For all the work that you did to set this up, you deserve a comment and a thumbs up to help with your algorithm.

I can’t even set 10 dominoes up without my cats knocking them down

My 15-month old really loves this video. I have a cute video of him watching it for the first time (I knew he’d like it) and he’s laughing the whole time. Funniest thing he’s ever seen. So thank you. We’re watching it right now as I rock him to sleep.


Amazing!!! How long did it take to make this video? Respect


Love how they are part of the machine working and the goal of the machine is a delivery of their intake.

That was awesome. Wondering how long it took to set all that up, as well to train the cats to do their part. And how many times you had to do it to get it that perfect.

I just noticed how the floor looked like a mirror, it’s so clean .

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Cats and Bell

(c) Cat Navi Desk long version:https://youtu.be/-opKsmSPl6A 【Twitter】https://twitter.com/‪CatNaviDesk ‬ 【Instagram】https://www.instagram.com/cat_navi_desk …

Cats are right handed, confirmed.

They’re both so polite that they finish what they’re given before asking for more…

A well-trained owner who respond to the sound of a bell. His name is Pavlov.

imagine trying to rob a home at night, and you just hear violent bell ringing


Plot Twist: The humans didn’t train the cats to ring the bell for food… *The cats trained the humans to give food when the bell has been rung.*


Why are cats so cute at everything they do why are they so perfect ugh i love every cat in the world


Dog: this man feed me, he’s my bossCat: this man feed me, I’m his boss

Those cats finally succeed to train humans to give food when they ring a bell. Congrats!

Cat: ordering foodEveryone: hmm, interesting


Cats are smart animals, They are always trying to get the advantage even if the competition is one of their kind

Wow the cats are right handedEdit: thx soooooo much for 2k likes 🔥

Little did the owner know the cats were training him..


The idea that these cats are dining at a restaurant delights me to no end. Consider me subscribed!



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Cats and Piano

(c) Cat Navi Desk 【Twitter】https://twitter.com/‪CatNaviDesk ‬ 【Instagram】https://www.instagram.com/cat_navi_desk.

All the great jazz pianists lick their hands when they play.

Cats: Man, that treat is going to be so delicious after I get through doing this crap for my master makes me do.

This video makes me more energetic! The cats are so cute

The first cat was more classically inspired. The second cat was more Jazz inspired.

I love how the first cat actually searches for the right note to play and then takes a moment to appreciate how well the note sounded.



First cat: plays soft melodySecond cat: starts belting jazz


The second cat made me appreciate the first cat’s musicianship.

Finally! I have found the joy and laughter I’ve been looking for since the pandemic began. Who knew it would be two fur babies with deadpan expressions? Love these precious felines. ❤

Wonderful collaborative show featuring the following pieces:Improvisation in Chromatic Scale No.1 – B.W Cat Jazz Improvisation No.1 – Grey Fluff


The duet was romantic. I’d hire them for a wedding pianist gig.

Funny how Mozart has been silent since this dropped


“Okay which one do I have to push for you to feed me?”

First cat: *search for perfect note*Second cat: *mash keyboard impatiently*

Cat’s review on Piano: _Worst product ever. Giving 1 star but I wish I could leave 0 stars rating. Doesn’t even give me the snac_

The black and white has a more structured, classical approach to her composition – Ol’ Tom on the other hand leans toward “stream of consciousness” free form dissidents and accidentals in an improvised contra-rhythm. I like both.

