- 똑똑한 고양이는 바로 눈치채는 거울함정…
- 골드버튼에 숨겨진 새로운 기능!…
- 고양이 키우는 집에 꼭 구멍을 뚫어야 하는 이유…
- 루루가 아기 고양이를 가르치고 있어요…
- 요즘 유행하는 고양이 맛사지 기계를 샀더니 난리가 났어요!…
- 티티가 일주일동안 눈도 안 마주쳤어요…
- 루루가 다 먹을거애오!!…
- 고양이에게 뽀뽀 100번하면 생기는 일…
- 잠든 아기고양이 몰래 발톱깎기…
당신은 루루의 공격을 버틸 수 있습니까?

(c) 크집사 Shorts #공격 #숏츠 * 똥고양이 해적단 가입 ☠️https://bit.ly/3gv2piU * 예민보스 https://smartstore.naver.com/nyaongs/products/5551058104 * 크집사 인스타 …
Lulu is going to be the best at Red light Green light in Squid Game Cat Edition.
this cat would have beat Squid Game first Game
This cat after watching squid game : easy…peesy !!!
Dude this is a fuckin’ cinema 😂🔥
다음 게임은 “무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다” 입니다
냥이도 냥이지만, 크집사님의 무한한 상상력과 기획력에 항상 감탄합니다.
이게 고양이 키우는 매력이죠~ㅋㅋ 냥이는 사랑입니다 😍
Lulu is trying to learn the “Drax invisibility technique”
사바나에서 이 아기맹수는 자신의 모습이 보이지 않는다고 생각하고 있죠. 사냥에 성공할 거라 확신합니다.
I day without laughter is a day wasted after watchin this my day isnt wasted
영화 ‘오징어게임’에서 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다.영화만큼 긴장감최고!!! 배경음악 거기다 루루의 연기까지…
달려들기 전에 궁디 씰룩 거리는게 존나 귀엽네 ㅋㅋ
I always do this to my cat before sleeping and she always jumps on me 😂
This had everything! Suspense, Drama!
배우 좋고 연기좋고 편집 좋고거기에 배경음악까지,아카데미상 후보감^~^
Lulu the champion of squid game….
Lulu is the world’s cutest jump scare.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 루루때문에 숨넘어가서 즉사할뻔ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 귀여워ㅠㅠㅠ
I remember when mine use to do this,it was so funny and scary at the same time
요즘 유행하는 고양이 지능테스트?

(c) 크집사 Shorts #반전주의 제 생각엔 성격 차이도 큰 것 같아요! * 똥고양이 해적단 가입 ☠️https://bit.ly/3gv2piU * 예민보스 …
벽에 머리보다 발을 먼저 갖다 대는 야옹이가 똑똑하다고 하더라고요. 음 제가 해보니까 지능은 잘 모르겠지만 성격은 그대로 드러나는 것 같아요.아 그리고! 나나는 재미없어서 안 하겠다고 했어요. 마지막으로 코코는 원래는 벽에 발을 먼저 대는데 아까는 자다 일어나서 머리를 먼저 대더라고요.혹시 내 야옹이가 머리를 먼저 대면 졸린 것은 아닐까 생각해봅시다!Apparently, putting your paws against the wall before your head is a sign of intelligence in cats! After testing it out, I’m not sure if it’s an accurate meter for intelligence, but it sure does showcase each cat’s personality really well! Also, NaNa said she wasn’t interested in playing along.Oh, and CoCo usually puts his feet against the wall first, but this time, he used his head because he’d just woken up. So if your cat’s going in headfirst, maybe they’re just sleepy!
Not surprised DD did it on first try, he is almost human like and almost like he understands everything around him but pretends to be like a cat lol. He has been opening drawers and cabinets and even tried to use the door handle and even sits like a human. I’m now convinced DD is just a lazy human in a cat body who pretends to be a cat so he can do nothing and be pampered by clarie all day
원래 발을 딛는 건 자연스러운 반응이래요! 저 테스트는 고양이가 감각이 제대로 있는지, 반응 등을 살피는 테스트라고 합니다!! 그렇다고 발을 딛지 않은 게 이상한 건 아니고 발을 딛지 않았다는 건 그만큼 집사님을 믿어서라고 합니다!
Everyone: Feet or belly on the wall.DODO: TAKE MY HEAD HAMMER YOU DAMN WALL!
0:28 루루 울음 소리마저 귀염 그 자체;;;…!
The cats + Claire’s laugh = Medicine for the Soul 💞
영문도 모른채 벽에 볼을 부비부비 당하는 냥이들의 당황한 눈빛이 너무 귀엽네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ저희집 냥이는 벽에 닿기 바로 직전에 멈추던데 똑똑한건지 아닌지 ㅋㅎㅎㅎ
발이 아니라 머리가 닿은 애기들은 에이 설마 집사가 날 저 벽에다가 부딪히게 하겠어? 하는생각으로 집사를 믿는거래요!
Lulu: “Mom’s gone mad, feeding me wall instead of food”
This “intellegance” test actually tests to see if your cats trust you or not.
My cat is so used to pushing me away that he would ace this test! He has also done training where his belly is smooshed against the window so everyone can see his smooshed fluffy belly.
도도는 집사님을 완전 신뢰하는구나ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
루랑잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 귀여워어어어ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 별명도 귀엽고 뭐하는건지 궁금해서 애옹 하는것도 귀엽고 막상 하니까 뭐가뭔지 몰라서 냥청해지는것도 귀여워어어ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
In my opinion, a smart cat is the one that best manages its human friend.
루루는 진짜 애니메이션에 나오는 고양이같다 ㄹㅇ 귀여워
지능은 외국인들이 걍 재미로만든거고 고양이들이 무기력하게 몸을 맡긴건 집사님을 믿어서 그렇대요!
I love how DD tried to walk on the wall 🥰😂
TT: Meow!Claire: Yahha!!Thats sounds so cute!
집사님의 디디 목소리가 너무 좋아요… 듸듸.. 하는 그 소리….. 중독성 있어 최고야
안녕, 크림히어로즈

(c) 크집사 안녕, 크림히어로즈.
영상과 함께 말씀드리고 싶은 내용이 있어요. * 저와 저의 야옹이들은 앞으로도 평생 함께하며 구독자 여러분께 포근한 소식을 전해드릴 거예요. 야옹이들의 소식은@Kittisaurus 에, 제 소식과 라이브는 @크집사에 올라갈 거에요. * 크림히어로즈 채널은 앞으로 새로운 대표님이 운영하실 예정이에요. 어떤 방식으로 운영하실지는 모르겠어요. * 크림히어로즈 채널을 넘겨드리고 회사에서 주신 돈은 전액 “크집사&똥고양이들” 이름으로 한국 고양이 보호 협회에 기부했어요. 후원 증서를 만들어 주신다고 하셔서 크림히어로즈라는 이름으로 하는 마지막 활동이라는 생각에 디디 사진을 넣었어요. 함께해주신 여러분께 진심으로 감사드려요. * 마지막으로 저는 이제 크림히어로즈 굿즈를 만들지 않지만, 지난 겨울 진행한 다이어리를 다시 만드는 일은 제가 할 거에요. 저의 약속이니까요 🙂 크림히어로즈라는 이름으로 만들 수는 없지만 새로운 이름의 다이어리를 만들어 보내드릴게요. 다이어리 제작은 5월부터 진행 예정이고 진행 과정은 크집사 채널의 커뮤니티 그리고 제 인스타그램 혹은 뭔가 새로운 게시판(!)을 통해 공유할게요! There’s something I want to tell you with this video. * My kitties and I will keep delivering warm and fluffy stories and news continuously to you, my subscribers. For kitties’ news and updates, it will be on @Kittisaurus. I will be on @크집사. * CreamHeroes Channel will be managed by the new owner. I do not know how and where it will be heading. * The full compensation for handing over the ownership of CreamHeroes channel has been donated with the name of “Claire & CreamHeroes Fans” for Korean Organization for the Protection of Cats in South Korea. The organization made a sponsor’s certificate. And I decided to put DD’s picture as the last activity that I take for CreamHeroes. I deeply appreciate your love, my subscribers. * Lastly, I do not make CreamHeroes goods and products anymore. However, since I have made a promise to you, I will take responsibility for remaking the new diaries for 2021. It was a promise between you and me. 🙂 I will not be able to make under the name of CreamHeroes, I will make them with a new name. The production will be started from this May. For the production process, I will update you about this from Claire channel community, my Instagram, and somewhere other social medias!…
THIS IS ONE OF THE REASON I ALWAYS REMEMBER:“TRUST THE ARTISTS NOT THE COMPANY”don’t worry, let’s start from zero again. i will fully support you!
크집사님의 개인 유튜브 채널 정리1. 크집사2. Kittisaurous3. 끌레어4. 크집사의 영어일기 (Claire’s english diary)5. 행복하다면 야옹해 와 행복하다면 야옹해 의 일본어 버전
이때 영상을 다시 보니이때 집사님영상은 채널 소유권을 뺏겼는데 도와달라는 메시지였구나클립영상마다 있는 당근과 당근색 물체당근으로 그림을 채색하고당근이 우르르 쏟아지는거 보면진짜로 이땐 도움이 절실했구나…생각함
To all subscribers of KITTISAURUS and CLAIRE LUVCAT, don’t watch her uploaded videos at Cream Heroes anymore. This is so unfair to her. Basically, she put all her effort in this, it is her hard work but all of this is taken away from her. If you love Claire and her cats, please support her wholeheartedly by watching her videos in her OWN channel. Cream Heroes isn’t her channel anymore. This is just sad.
My family, and I watched your videos for years we love you Claire. Cooking is a lovely passion but the love, and memories are never forgotten that you, and the kitties made stay safe Claire. ❤
근데 진짜 머리 좋으시다1. 인터넷에서 부당한 일을 당할때 “당근을 보여주세요” 라고 하는 밈을 사용해서 자신이 부당하게 채널을 빼앗김을 간접적으로 보여줌2. 유튜브의 크기에 비해 턱없이 적게 받은 금액. 이 돈을 바로 밝혀버리면 문제가 될 수 있으니 아예 기부를 해버려서 자신이 얼마나 적은 금액을 받고 넘겨줬는지 알림.개인적으로 굉장히 안타깝지만 그 “고양이 유튜브”가 드라마틱하게 망하거나 하진 않을거 같음. 외국 이용자들이 많이 보는 채널이기도 하고, 이런 사건을 잘 모르는 구독자들도 많을거고. 또 채널 사건과는 상관없이 그냥 보는 사람들도 있을테니까.근데 하나 확실한건 그 “고양이 유튜브”는 이제 발전하지 못할거라는거임. 이렇게 머리좋은 컨텐츠 제작자를 근시안적인 시각으로 내쳐버렸으니.. 뚜껑 열어놓은 물티슈처럼, 크림히어로즈는 그냥 그렇게 말라갈거같음
도움이 필요하다는 의미의 당근… 이렇게 정말 착한 분이신 집사님에게 이런 일이 일어나는게 말이 되는 것인가삶에는 힘든 고비가 존재해야하는 것인가 항상 평화로울 수는 없는 것인가…”그동안 감사했습니다” 이 말 들으면 눈물 나고 더는 듣고 싶지 않은 말이에요ㅜㅜ 똥꼬단들과 항상 함께해요 :)이때만 생각하면 울고 싶은데 밝게 이겨내시고 열심히 앞으로 나아가는 집사님 모습을 보고 저도 따라가며 응원해야겠다는 생각이 들었어요. 언제나 대한민국 어딘가에서 응원할게요. 항상 행복하세요
I am a 69yr old lady truck driver. After a full day of driving my semi, it is so relaxing to watch Claire and her wonderful kitties. She is so patient and kind with them. It always makes my heart happy. Thank you for all you have done and all you will do in the future.
고양이들은 똑똑해서 집사가 우울하면 귀신같이 알아차리고 위로해주는데 똥고양이들이 크집사님 대하는게 딱 그런것 같네요.. ㅎㅎ 그래도 함께해주는 고양이들이 있어서 힘나실거같아요. 저는 비록 오늘 알았지만 많은 분들이 어서빨리 이 소식을 알고 돌아오길 바랍니다 ㅎㅅㅎ 파이팅!!!!
Such a beautiful ending and beginning to a new chapter!!
“오랜 고민 끝에 채널을 회사에 넘겨드리기로 했어요” 하는 순간 당근 쏟아진게 연출같은 느낌이 나네요… 부당함과 강제성이 있지 않았나 우려됩니다. 크집사님 힘내세요 당신 편입니다-
Heartly thanks, Claire, you and your lovely cats made me happy so many greys days🤗🥰🥰🥰 lot of luck for you👍 vielen Dank für glückliche Momente🥰
Gracias por todos los buenos momentos que comportaron vos y tus gatos .Espero que est�n bienSaludos desde Argentina
Why can’t anything ever be simple and happy?I was wondering why I hadn’t seen any videos of Claire and her kitties in a while. I did become side tracked with some other things over the past few months, and I’ve also noticed that Youtube won’t notify you of new videos as much from channels you haven’t been watching frequently lately. Or at least, the channels you watch more frequently get put at the top of your list. So I thought maybe it was just that, and always planned to get back to the Creamheroes videos when I had the chance.I had no idea this happened or what was going on behind the scenes. Truly awful, and very shortsighted of that company, as owning the channel is useless now that Claire and her cats won’t be appearing on it any longer. But now at least Claire has the freedom to do what she wants, and I’m glad she will still be making new videos and living happily with her kitties!
Claire, you are a blessed soul! You bring Love and warmth to everyone in this universe. Continue to go forward in Life and do what you feel is right. God bless.
For all the english-speaking comments here who can’t read the Korean ones: the general consensus amongst the Korean comments is that Claire has had the CreamHeroes channel taken away unfairly from her (most likely pressure from the company). At 2:54 she says that after consideration, she’s giving the channel over to her company. At the same time, a bunch of carrots fall down onto the screen. The Korean comments are taking this as a reference to a common Korean joke in Youtube comments that asks creators/editors on Youtube to “shake a carrot” if they’re being overworked/pressured/etc. If this is the correct interpretation, it would appear to be an implication by Claire that this wasn’t entirely an independent decision by her. Please consider unsubscribing from the CreamHeroes channel and subscribing to Claire’s other channels (it’s also what a lot of the Korean comments are asking). CreamHeroes is a channel that Claire raised and we subscribed to because of her and her caring for the cats, not for a company that gave her marginal amounts of help for producing merch and such. There’s no point in giving a company the profit from nearly 4 million subscribers when they’ve unfairly taken away the channel and only gave her approximately $16000 in “compensation.” Let’s all support Claire and the 7 cats, not the company. I don’t know why they thought we’d stay with CreamHeroes if Claire is gone (do they think a Youtube channel is pure name value?), but we need to actually take action if we want the company to suffer the consequences of what they’ve done to Claire.
진짜로 안타까운게 한국어 모르는 외국인들은 지금 상황을 모른다는거임…🤦♀️
Tt is such a sensitive soul that she probably could sense that Claire was going through a stressful time. So sweet of Tt to put a comforting paw on her shoulder to give her a kiss.
I really love your videos! All of the cats are so cute.I hope everything will be okay Ms.Claire..stay strong and be happy always.We love you😊
아기 고양이와 숨막히는 첫 만남!!

(c) 크집사 오늘은 방묘문을 설치하고 고양이들에게 아기 고양이 가족을 소개해줬어요. * 똥고양이 티셔츠 https://marpple.shop/kr/kittisaurus * 크집사 구독하기 …
I love that ChuChu loves the new wagon.
2:22 헐 티티.. 설마 루랑이 얼굴 들이밀어서 그러면 안 된다고 혼낸거야..? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ😭
Chuchu standing on her back legs to watch all the kitties was pretty cute. Poor TT sulking about the new cats in the house. So cute.
2:58 요동치는 루루의 코 귀엽다 ㅋㅋ
저 쪼만한 애가 하악질한다고 다 쫄았어 ㅋㅋㅋ 넘 규여워
I noticed Chuchu and Lulu have a habit to stand up with two feet when they’re scared or surprised XD
2:45 TT sulking because of the new family members.Many months later: TT being besties with mom NaNa 😍🤗
Dodo and Toto are so cute as kittens ❤
4:27 아니 우뚝 서 있는거 너무 귀엽잖아 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
ChuChu standing is the cutest thing I have ever seen, she is adorable
여러마리가 저렇게 옹기종기 모여서 보고 있는 거 너무 귀엽네ㅠㅠ 와중에 티티 혼자 다른 곳에 앉아 있는 거 너무 성격 드러나고 아주 영상 전체가 다 킬포야
4:29 아니 대체 왜 저렇게 서 있는 거야 ㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㅋ ㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㅋ ㅋㄱ ㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㅋ
알고리즘으로 떠서 또 봤는데 츄츄 서서 처다보는거 04:27 준니 웃김 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I love how TT checks Lulu at 2:20. Lulu “lemme at ‘em”. TT ” stop it, look, don’t touch”
3:13오와…애기다애기 이러고있는데 애기가 굵직한목소리로 야 이래서놀란 아져씨들같음
Chuchu is so cute whenever she’s surprised trying to figure out what’s going on and only stands on her two back feet!
For someone who knows Claire and the cats since the beginning of Creamheroes, I genuinely appreciate the fact that she kept this channel for more OG content. By OG I mean, now with Kittisaurus, we can no longer hear her voice – either communicating with the cats or mimic their human voices (replaced by BGM). Just so we’re clear, I’m not saying Kitisaurus is bad, hellllll nah. Both types of videos are entertaining otherwise, and I will always support them no matter what. All I’m trying to say is, please keep uploading on this channel (despite the lesser views)!!
rewatching this video and it’s so fun to see all 7 cats together curiously watching the yellow family
I love you & your cats. Having a difficult time in life these videos help. Thank you for sharing your happiness with us all <3
와 두발로 서있는거 봐 진짜 귀엽다,,,요즘 크집사님 애들 보면서 마음에 평화를 찾아요,, 아기냥이 모여서 킁킁거리면서 보는거 너무 귀여워서 심장 힘들어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ하
마리오 카트를 사줬더니 고양이들이 난리가 났어요!

(c) 크집사 크집사 #마리오카트 #홈서킷 고양이들에게 마리오 카트를 사줬습니다!
안냥! 크집사 입니다. 오늘은 마리오카트 홈서킷을 가지고 냥이들이랑 놀았어요. 저는 그 동안 자동으로 움직이는 장난감을 많이 샀어요. 오른쪽 다리 부상 이후로 냥이들이랑 놀아주기 힘들어져서 현대 기술의 힘을 좀 빌렸죠! 오늘 가지고 논 마리오카트는 그 중에서도 제일 소음이 적고 안정적으로 달려서 아기 야옹이들도 좋아해줬어요. 사실은 빌린거였는데.. 하나 사고 싶어졌어요. 절.대.로 제가 갖고 놀고 싶어서가 아니라 아기 냥이들이 좋아해서요
The camera on the car gives such a closeup view of the cats, and it’s super fun! I love that TT uses the running wheel on her own.
Nintendo should be using this as part of their marketing
this is quite possibly the best advertisement for mario kart home circuit I’ve seen
And the only way I found out about live action mario kart, was through a cat video 💀 perfectly balanced
This is genius. Right now Nintendo owes her for the worlds best advertising.
Let’s all take a moment to appreciate she actually got Luigi to drive around the Cat Circuit course.
poor Luigi. after being haunted by ghosts, now have to deal with cats
The sound effects of the cat’s paws hitting Luigi was hilarious 🤣
for English translation No! This is a big butler. Today, I played with the cats with the Mariokat Home Circuit. In the meantime, I have bought a lot of toys that move automatically. After my right leg injury, it became difficult to play with the cats, so I borrowed some of the power of modern technology! The marioart I played today was the least noisy and ran stably, so the baby meows also liked it. Actually, I borrowed it, but… I wanted to buy one. It’s not because I want to play with it, but because the baby cats love it. Show less
claire is definitely one of the most creative cat youtubers out there
This is the best Mario Kart video I’ve ever seen. as much as I love video games, cats are an extremely important part of life.
Can we just appreciate Claire n her crew for entertaining us with her cats…
2:08 wow! That is SO DOPE! 😱😻💙How’d you do all that!? Is that a real think you can do!?
헐 와 진짜 게임테마같닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ거대고양이를 피해 골인하랏!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ신기해!!
So incredibly creative, Claire. I love this so much! One of your best Vlogs yet. 😃 Lol, imagine playing Mario Cart with cute cats all over? I would pay for that, for sure! 🤗
The fur texture on the cat is so realistic wow
마리오카트를 이런식으로 홍보했어야지,,,, 진짜 크집사님께 광고 맡겼으면 지금 세배로 팔렷겟다
Oh my god the view of the cats moving about and tt on her wheel while you drive around the room is so great Claire 😁✊ its like a hidden unlocked mario kart level “Claire’s room”
This new video games she bought reveals how clean Claire’s house is. Not even dust behind the sofa. With 10 cats living together thats almost impossible. Amazing.
번역기를 썼더니 루루가 저에게 덤비라고 욕을 했어요!

(c) 크집사 고양이들의 말을 들어보려고 번역기를 써봤어요. 고양이들이 저에게 무슨 말을 하고 있었던 걸까요? * 루루 냠냠에코백 https://tumblbug.com/lulu_yummy.
maybe Claire should test Lulu when she is giving food to him
고양이에 특징: 평소에 잘 우는데 야옹하라고 하면 안함
Selamat anda telah menemukan bahasa Indonesia dalam komentar video ini:)
신문물 들어오면 입에 넣고 보는 친구들ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I love how TT has always that “I’m not impressed” look on her face.The true queen of the house
Claire: I bring a sophisticated technical instrumentCat: Thank you for the chew toy 😸😸😸
나는 DD가 번역가에서 야옹하는 유일한 사람이라는 것을 믿을 수 없다
I think it was a mistranslation. I’m sure the phrase “fight me” in dog speak sounds the same as “I love you so much, give me yum yum” in cat language 😂😸
Pretty sure LuLu was saying “Hand over the nyam-nyams~ Claire!”Also DD probably just said; “Bread~”
*ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이거 냥빠님이 꾸릉이 말 번역한다고 사왔는데 드라이버가 없어서 사왔는데 그것도 사이즈가 안맞아서 불에 플라스틱 녹여서 붙여가지고 나사 돌리려는데 그것도 실패하고 때려 부수기도 실패해서 직접 불에 녹여서 뜯어냈던 통한의 그 번역기 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ*
I always love the ending with Lulu looking up to tell you to subscribe.
Hello Claire, love this new techy toy! It’s a very nice idea and I will try it also! Hahaha! Take care and stay glorious with your babies!😘🤗🥰
루루는 집사가 츄르나 밥 안 주거나 츄르하고 밥 안 줄때 정말 심한 욕이 나올 듯…
Chairman MoMo looking sharp today! He has the cutest little cat chin! LuLu, be a lover not a fighter! Thanks, Claire!
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ근데 루루라면 충분히 그랬을 거 같다고 생각했어요 평소에도 귀여운 얼굴로 냐옹~하지만 사실은 “뭘보냐”같은 말을 하고 있는게 아닐까하곸ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Claire understand her cats better than any translator could
They’re so cute, I can’t. LULUUUUUU omg I’ll always say it, he’s the cutest (sorry my cat I love you too 😅)
DD is definitely the most vocal of the cats.
LuLu: If it’s furry, I groom it.It’s not furry, so I eat it.
*tt licking claire when she hugged her melts my heart*