골드버튼에 숨겨진 새로운 기능!

(c) 크집사 드디어 골드버튼이 도착했어요!
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 제가 아는 다른유튜버들은 보통 골드버튼을 받으면 소중히다루느라 정신이 없는데 이분은 골드버튼으로 수생식물 키울 생각부텈ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Congratulations Claire and baby kitties! So glad the algorithm suggested this channel and Kittisaurus through your recent video. I am so proud of you and the kitties. You make sunshine during my rainy days. I will fully support your channels! Saranghaeeeee 😘
It isn’t necessary to know Korean for such a joy! Proud to belong to this huge family, lots of love to you and the seven furry babies ❤❤❤❤
최근 아프리카bj 덕자라는 사람이 부당계약으로 승소한 사실이있습니다 부디 크집사님께서도 회사에 억울하게 계정을 빼앗기는게 아닌 자신의 정당한 보상을 챙기시길 바랍니다.
제가 크*****를 구독한이유는귀여운 고양이들도 있지만 집사님 때문도 있었어요. 어떻게 저렇게 애들을 이뻐하고 사랑하실수있을까? (더불어 너무재밌엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) 반려동물 키우는게 사람하나 키우는 것만큼 이라던데, 크집사님은 고양이들을 정말 너무너무 사랑하시는구나, 나도 나중에 애기나으면 저렇게 사랑해줘야지 했어요.집사님 화이팅하세요. 우리 다시 300만 가요^^*
전 그간 사정도 모르고 왜 골드버튼을 또받으신거지 원래받으신거 지금 보여주시는건가했네요ㅠㅠ이런바보ㅠㅠ영원히 응원할게요!! 집사님 화이팅!!
Her voice is so emphatic. Wish I knew what she was saying. I started following as soon as I heard what happened with Cream Heroes. Glad you’re still going to post for us!
No me importa que no haya subtítulos en español. Sus gatos y su voz me relajan… Best regards from Mexico, Claire! 🇲🇽
집사님의 무한 긍정 마인드와 자기 주도적 실용주의, 합리적 자본주의!! 존경합니다~ 우리 집사님이 목베게 꼬~옥 받으셨음 좋겠어요
지금까지 크림히어로즈 영상들 보며 많은 위로, 응원들 받으며 힐링해와서 많이 아쉽지만 이젠 크집사님 채널보며 힐링해야겠네요ㅎㅎ 항상 응원합니다❣️고양이들도 집사님도 사랑합니다😍
FELICIDADES, Claire! Los queremos mucho.
부계가 아니라 쫓겨나서 본계가 됐다니 으ㅡ으열받아ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠ 보니까 재생목록도 이미 다 정리돼있고 혼자 채널 정리하고계셨네 후
Espero que tengas muchos más logros y alegrías para ti y tus gatitos, te envío un abrazo desde México. ❤️🇲🇽
혹시 이번키티사우르스 채널에 실버버튼은 건너뛰고 골드버튼을 보낸이유가지난번에 받은 크림히어로즈채널 실버버튼으로고기를 다져서 아닐까요?ㅋㅋㅋ
You deserve it your such a lovely caring mum to your kitties and bring so much joy to us in these worrying times thanks
1:08 “대표님은 아직 안바뀌었어. 이분이 주식이 많은가?”😭😭🥺😢 집사님은 주식이 부족하셨나요…망할회사
congrats ms. Claire and the kitties, luv especially for DD from Indonesia, Wish u all always stay healthy
“물 담으라고 만든것 아냐” 유투브측 항의 빗발쳐…
congratss to all cats n their mom… ❤️❤️❤️
Other : prize their gold button, put it safely and let no one touch it Claire : use it as her kitty drinking bowl and end up wetting it… 😂😂
새로운 고양이 가족이 찾아왔어요

(c) 크집사 안냥! 집사입니다. 얼마 전 보호소에서 엄마 고양이와 아기 야옹이 둘을 데려왔어요. 공고 기간이 며칠 남지 않았고, 엄마 고양이가 젖먹이 아기 야옹이 둘을 데리고 갈 …
안냥! 집사입니다. 얼마 전 보호소에서 엄마 고양이와 아기 야옹이 둘을 데려왔어요. 공고 기간이 며칠 남지 않았고, 엄마 고양이가 젖먹이 아기 야옹이 둘을 데리고 갈 곳이 없을 것 같아, 당분간 저와 함께 지내기로 했어요. 야옹이들은 아직 이름도 없고 거처도 결정되지 않았어요. 결정되면 다시 한 번 공유 드릴게요! 처음 온 날은 경계도 심하게 하고 냄새도 정말 심하게 났어요. 엄마 고양이는 화장실도 안가고, 밥도 안먹고 그랬는데 이제 제 손에 있는 간식도 받아먹을 만큼 친해졌어요. 지금은 방문을 열고 들어가면 애애옹 하면서 마중 나와요. 매일 물수건으로 닦아줬더니 냄새도 좀 덜 나고요. 덕분에 저는 침실을 빼앗기고 창고 방에서 자고 있어요. 일곱 야옹이들도 방문 너머의 손님이 너무나 궁금한지 종종 방문 앞에서 기다리고 있어요. 엄마 야옹이와 아기 야옹이가 건강한 야옹이가 될 수 있게 응원해주세요.Hey, everyone! It’s Claire. A short while ago, I brought home a mother cat and her two kittens from an animal shelter, as their listing period was almost over. In some Korean animal shelters, abandoned or homeless animals are euthanized if they are unable to find another home by the end of their listing period. This is due to a lack of space or resources on the part of the animal shelters. As the mother cat and her kittens didn’t seem to have anywhere to go, I decided to take them in for the time being. At present, I haven’t been able to decide on where they will stay or even their names. I’ll make sure to put up a notice when a decision has been made! On their first day with me, the kitties were very wary of me, and they smelled really bad. The mother cat wouldn’t even use the litter box or eat food in the beginning. Now, though, we’ve gotten closer to the point where she’ll eat treats off my hand, and all three will walk towards me and meow to welcome me in when I enter their room. Plus, I’ve been washing them with wet towels, so they don’t smell quite as awful anymore. In order to accommodate my new guests, I gave up my bedroom to them, and have been sleeping in the storage room. Meanwhile, my seven kitties are constantly waiting outside the door because they’re curious to find out who the new guests are. Please cheer on and support the mother cat and her two kittens, so they can become healthy and happy kitties.
How many cats you want?Claire: Yes
rewatching this video to see how much they’ve grown 😭 Nana getting less thinner and more talkative, toto and dodo running around the house, im so glad that you decided to keep them❤️
i refuse to believe that claire is human.she must be an angel.how is she so kind hearted.she deserves only the nice things in the world.
Past Clarie to baby Dodo: “Buddy, you need to eat to live.”Dodo: Taking her words to heart, “Yes, always need food!”Present-Day Claire watching Dodo demolish his food, his mom’s food, and Toto’s food: “I have created a monster.”Dodo: Teams up with Lulu to get even more food.*The whole plot of Kittisaurus Villians*
엄마고양이 보고 두달 전에 저희 집에서 아이를 낳은 길고양이를 생각이 나네요 그때 새벽에 아기고양이 소리를 듣고 놀랐어요 원래 밥만 달라고 했는데 아이까지 낳았다니… 고양이를 키우는 경험이 전혀 없어서 얼마나 난리를 쳤는지ㅋ 그때의 생각이 나면 웃음이 나와요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 지금은 집사가 제 직업이 되고요ㅋㅋㅋ 엄마고양이랑 아기고양이 세마리 다 건강하게 크고 있습니다^^
10 cats. Claire’s now has earned the title of a crazy cat goddess.
이때까진 몰랐다. 루루2 루루3가 될줄은…
크집사님인 줄 모르는 상태에서 알고리즘에 의해 영상을 보게 되었는데 말투 딱 듣자마자 엥 뭐지? 크집사님인가? 했는데 맞음 ㅋㅋㅋ 그 특유의 말투 사랑스러버요
ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 이 영상을 처음 본게 엊그제같은데 한 손에도 들어오던 쪼꼬만 아깽이들이 토토와 도도라는 이름을 갖구 냥춘기를 보내고있네요ㅠㅠㅠ 꼬질꼬질하구 말라깽이던 나나는 붙임성좋고 애교있는 집냥이가 되어서 잘지내고 있고요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I’ve meet Nice people before and they usually take the cub only but Claire youre are on another level of kindness. You even take Home the mother. All i can say is thank you for taking care of the cats.
너무 작고 소중해…
Taking care of 10 cats would be insanely rough. Whether you keep them or find them a new forever home, we’ll support you. <3 <3 <3
새끼랑 같이 잇는 길양이가 하악질도 안 하고 이런 착한 고양이는 정말 첨 봐요살기위한 방법을 알고 잇는건지 짠하기도 하고 집사님 댁이라 무한 안심이네요~~
Cat`s (and other animals Etc. Dog`s) use their eyes to communicate, use it when approaching a cat or dog and they will feel more relaxed with you, if you stare with out blinking or closing your eyes, they will see you as hunting them or getting ready to attack.
She even gave up her room for the kittens to sleep… Claire is indeed an angel T_T
the mother cat looks so relaxed having her head in Claire’s palm and having her face cleaned. She must really want human’s affection and care 🙁
HAHAH that last ACKK!! 😂 Claire you’re a hero whom we admire and adore so very much! ❤️
The origin story of NaNa, ToTo and DoDo.From a helpless little family out in the streets, to being the newest members of the Cream Heroes Family.
I keep revisiting this videos to see baby toto dodo and momma Nana ….. They grew up so fast😭
고양이가 진짜 화났을 때

(c) 크집사 Shorts #숏츠 #라라 고양이가 이렇게 화난건 처음봐요 * 똥고양이 해적단 가입 ☠️https://bit.ly/3gv2piU * 예민보스 …
인생은 먐먀처럼!Live Like LaLa!
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 라라가 생각보다 씨게 화내니까 코코 머쓱해하는 거 너무 웃겨ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 라라 가다가 다시 생각해도 화나서 뒤 한 번 돌아보는 것도 웃겨ㅠㅜㅠㅜㅠ
LaLa’s eyes are so incredibly expressive. She looks like she’s done with everyone and everything the moment CoCo touches her 😂
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ미간이 ‘난 존나 화났음’하고 말하는거같아서 개웃김ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ귀여워
동물한테 표정이 없다고 하는 사람들은, 표정을 볼 줄 몰라서 하는 말일뿐… 정말 동물을 사랑하고 키워본 사람은 표정 있다는 거 다 알지요🥺
냐옹이도 인상 팍 찡그리는 순간이 있다니….ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ세상화남
라라미간 무슨 일이야ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ고양이 빡친 표정이 이렇게 잘 드러날 줄 몰랐다.. 코코는 머쓱해서 스크래치 벅벅
Professor COCO testing LALA’s reflexes as he believes that white fluffy cats are fastest, angering her was just a bonus as he can also study cat emotions simultaneously.
Judging by the look in Lala’s eyes, Coco should probably sleep with one eye open for a while.
Lala ALWAYS looks mad to me, but that strut, ears to the sides, the energy was intense.Also, Coco’s attack was so cute! I can’t remember seeing him so playful before.
마징가 귀에 인상 팍 쓰고 꼬리 흔들면서 가다가 한 번 더 돌아보는거 진짜 무섭다 먐먘ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
가다가 한번 더 뒤돌아보는게 진짜 개빡친거같음ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
The fight of the clouds, it’s gonna be legendary 💪🏻☁️
우리 라라 진짜 언짢은 표정ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아놔…. 코코오빠여서 한 번 봐준다…. 딴 오빠였으면 안 봐줬어… 이런 느낌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
가다가 싸악 뒤 돌아보는거 ㄹㅇ 빡쳣다… 그와중에 쫄아서 꾹꾹이 하는 코코 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
라라 진짜 화나보여 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ코코: 머쓱;;;;00:11 루루 그 와중에 집사님 눈치보네여 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
코코가 사냥놀이하자고 장난쳤는데 라라가 진심 빡쳐서 머쓱코코되어버리는 거 너무 귀염뽀짝하고 라라 울화통 안 풀려서 두번 돌아보는거 개웃기닼ㅋㅋㅋ
세상에 우리 아기고양이 라라 화도 낼 줄 알고ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 화내는 것도 왕 귀여우면 어떡하죠. 존재맘으로도 큐티러블리 먐먀~
ㅋㅋㅋ 자기 감정에 솔직한 라라!! 스크래처 긁으며 딴청부리는 코코, 라라 한 번 쓱~ 보는 것 까지 어쩜 이리 귀엽고 이쁘죠~
For once it’s not Lulu getting he’s usual beat down from the other cats. I was little surprise at Coco jumping on Lala, she was ready to go ninja warrior and duke it out with Coco. Lala probably what have a playful reaction if it was DD, she LOVES DD.
아기 고양이가 두 배로 커졌어요!

(c) 크집사 오늘은 고양이들의 몸무게를 재봤어요. 간식을 많이 먹은 고양이들은 운동과 식단 조절이 필요할 것 같아요. * 똥고양이 티셔츠 https://marpple.shop/kr/kittisaurus * 크 …
I really like lulu he’s awesome
Claire: “Lulu, you have to go on a diet!”Lulu: “Diet?!? What is this new devilry?”Claire: “It means you have to eat less.”Lulu.exe has crashed
I laughed so hard when Lulu stole the food off the spoon and Claire screamed in surprise! lol XD
1:47 루루랑 라라 반응 다른 크집사님ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ정말ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Lulu: 2.90 kgClaire: thats too muchCoco: 4 kgClaire: thats ok
TT is keeping herself in shape on that running wheel 😂, she really likes it.
둔둔이가 몸무게가 제일 많이 나가서 둔해보이십니까? 아닙니다. 보셨다시피 보이는것과는 다르게 7냥이 중에서 제일 날쎕니다. 빨간 공이나 프로펠러를 날려주면 6kg짜리 크림색 솜뭉치가 하늘을 나는 장면을 보실 수 있습니다.
4:41 – Lulu’s only thought is “IT’S MINE!!!” when Claire let her guard down for that split second to check on if she should put more food into the scale. She should know by now that Lulu is on a seafood diet; he sees food, he eats!
Lulu nearly died when he heard the word “diet”. DD is the greatest chonk, must be all the carbs from the bread he eats.
This video should have been titled “Fat Shaming Lulu” 😂😂
There is no “diet” in LuLu’s world! Lulu is like a vacuum. No crumb left behind!
3:18 루루 앞다리 꼬는거 실화야? 세상에 너무 귀엽잖아 진짜 지구 뿌셔
Omg, why i’m laughing at the slowmow when claire takes DD 😂
It’s amazing how the kitties just plop down on the scale. So cooperative! They really love their mama!DD is amazing, he’d be awesome at baseball or volleyball- football too! He’s got the shoulders for it, 🤣
명불허전 디디! 체중계가 꽉차는구나ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱ괜찮아 우리 디디는 식빵이니까..!🍞🍞❤
claire: *drops food by accident*LuLu: *its showtime*
Claire: Lulu, you have to go on a diet!Lulu: *rain effect* And they ask you if you’re okay, and you just have to say that you’re fine, but you’re not fine-
5:45 Anybody else also saw Coco silent meowed?its been a long time since he did
3:18 짧은 다리로 꼬는거봐봐 너무 귀여워 ㅈ빈ㅇ븻ㄱㄷㄱㆍㅇ늣ㄷㄱㅅㅂㄴㄱ
Chuchu: 5.8 lbs Lulu: 6.4 lbsNana: 6.5 lbs Lala: 6.6 lbs Momo: 9 lbsCoco: 9.4 lbs Tt: 10.8 lbs DD: 13 lbs!!!😧
새로운 우리집 강아지를 소개합니다!

(c) 크집사 새로 데려온 멍멍이와 함께한 저녁시간! #크집사 #강아지 #Vlog * 똥고양이 해적단 가입 ☠️https://bit.ly/3gv2piU * 야옹섬 크집사의 레시피 https://han.gl/kQSad …
크집사님 설마 10묘 1츄르는 아니시죠??!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
It’s funny that NaNa the “alley cat” is the one who behave best of the whole bunch.” She is polite gentle and loving
DD is such a great cat. He doesn’t even bother Claire when she is eating unless it is bread 😂
Wish there was a way to know Nana’s full backstory. She was clearly a pet before she became a stray. She seems smarter than the rest of the cats. Not to mention how friendly/social she was when she and the kittens were first brought into the house.
I wanna hug Lulu honestly can’t take my eyes off him lol 😂 he’s so tiny and adorable and he even begs for food 🥰😩🥺😭
Nana is such a dream cat to be honest. Who wouldn’t want a cat that is so adorable and loving plus the fact that she behaves so good for a stray cat.
Thanks for making my crying stop Claire…if it weren’t for you and your kitties….I wouldn’t be alive today to thank you ❣️
I haven’t watched in a while, the kittens are so big now!
nana paw is such an adorable moment😍, why no one is talking about it TT
크집사님 웃는소리가 숨넘어감 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나나가 제일 집냥이 같네요 ㅎㅎ
울 나나 똑똑해ㅜㅜ삐약거리며 우는 것도 귀여워..금빛 눈망울 반짝이는 것도 이쁘고 성격도 좋아ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ사랑둥이ㅜㅜ
루루 얼굴 크다고 생각한적 없은넫 확실히 크네욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 3d옆에 2d잇는거같아서 넘 귀여워욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
love how DD was just sitting there confused when all the cats came to take her food ㅠㅠ
5:00 I can’t with Claire’s laugh. It’s contagious- 😂
Nana is about to rank very high on my bias list of CreamHeros.. she’s so cute and kind. I was amazed at how she followed all of Claire’s commands.
루루는 왜 아직두 아기같지ㅠㅜㅜㅜㅠ 너무 귀여워 ㅠㅜㅠㅠㅠ
5:01 아니 크집사님 웃음소리가 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 안끝나ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ7:46 여기도ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Watching Clair this past year has really inspired me when I was thinking of getting of cat. Our new kitten Loki turned out to be a picky eater, but turns out he eats a lot of the same things Claire’s cats do. XD So the liquid treats she gives her cats and such has been good knowledge for what to do with my own little ball of mayhem.
Nana is so smart! Love your kitties Claire!
I am so happy to see Nana again with the other cats. And she’s very smart. Lulu is now grooming her. Thank you Claire for adopting Nana and her kittens