고양이 키우는 집에 꼭 구멍을 뚫어야 하는 이유

(c) 크집사 Shorts #루루구멍 * 똥고양이 해적단 가입 ☠️https://bit.ly/3gv2piU * 예민보스 https://smartstore.naver.com/nyaongs/products/5551058104 * 크집사 인스타그램 …
I was so sure DD is stuck at that point. Then remembered cats are liquid
“If there is a hole there is a way.” -Some random Cat
What I learned watching this video:1. DD is 90% fur.2. Lulu can sense when there’s a toy above him and there’s another cat about to play with it. Also he’s a trapdoor cat.
There are four states of matter:1) Solid2) Liquid3) Gas4) Cat
When DD’s stuck I suddenly believe that cat is liquid creature
야옹이들 하나하나 씬스틸러 근데 루랑이는 그냥 스틸러 ㅋㅋㅋ 아오 루랑이만보면 웃음이나와요💜
As always, LuLu is the showstopper. I love that guy!
Music stops playing when DD gets “stuck” 😂🤣
“Every hole is a goal.”-Cat Tzu probably
Lulu never ceases to amaze with those hunting instincts
하.. 진짜.. 이렇게 귀엽게 까꿍놀이 하면서 사람심장 심쿵하게하기 있기? 없기?있기😘 앞으로도 계속 귀여워줘~~😍😍
ㄹㅇ 너무 귀엽다 ㅜㅜ💖 마지막에 용맹한 루루 킬포 ㅋㅋ ㅎ
이렇게 집사님의 의도를 잘 파악하고 잘써주는 냥이들이 또있을까..
DD is always the cutest, so much dough on the bread.
모모 회장님 이 묘한 매력ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 계속 보게 돼요
DD is and will always be my favourite!
울 디디 어째~~~~ 존재자체가 사랑그자체!!♡♡
DD is an adorable cat who got stuck in a hole😂 . Aww I want to pet him.
Darn it. You had me cracking up loudly at 3 AM again. You are a lovable source for happy stuff before bedtime.♡
아기고양이들이 병원에 다녀왔어요

(c) 크집사 오늘은 디디와 아기 고양이 가족이 건강 검진을 하러 병원에 다녀왔어요. 고양이들 모두 건강해서 정말 다행이에요. * 똥고양이 티셔츠 …
Everyone’s complimenting the cats and Claire, but let’s be honest : Dr. Kim deserves some praise too for being as kind and wholesome as he is
I always comes back to see nana and baby toto and dodo … They grew up so fast… Nana is such a kind and calm kitty❤️
So cute 😍😍😍
Claire: “Temporary house guests.”Dr Kim: “Is that so?”Dr Kim knows Claire well, it seems.
Everybody likes DD 😂 The mother cat is so young she’s even younger than Lulu. She’s gone through a lot and hopefully she will have a good home in the future wherever that is.
I’m glad there aren’t too many people begging her to take in all three permanently. Of course, it’d be nice, but 10 cats is a handful. The ones she has now are so lively and healthy. We wanna keep them that way, and we want Claire to stay happy and not too stressed. Her handling of her own cats, and these three make me confident that she will send them to good homes. If the mother doesn’t end up getting adopted because she is an adult, then that’s fine too. I’m sure Claire will make the right choices.
He’s such a good and caring doctor. My old vet just wanted a lot of money and didn’t deal with the main problems, as I learned too late … You really have to be extremely careful who you entrust your pets and yourself to.
썸네일에선 늠름한 표정으로 있었으면서 그래도 병원은 무서웠구나 아깽이들 ㅜㅜ앞으로 건강하게 쑥쑥 자라자!!
애기냥이들: 엄마 나 무서워..엄마냥이: 디디야 나 무서워..디디 : ..??그런데 막상 엄마냥이가 진찰은 더 의젓하게 잘 받네요ㅋㅋㅋ 수의사님의 손길을 즐기기까지.. 엄마냥이가 사실 엄청 어린게 아닐까, 혹시 이번이 초산인 것 아닐까하는 생각했었는데 정말 어린 것 같아서 맘이 아프네요ㅠㅠ 얼마나 고생했을까ㅠㅠ 디디랑 엄마냥이, 애기냥이들 다 건강한 것 같아서 다행이에요!
mommy cat is so calm and friendly! the way she went to dd was cute
Also, the mama cat is extraordinarily calm during the vet exam. I dont think she hissed once. Such a good girl
엄마고양이가 애기인데도 불구하고 아기고양이들을 2마리나 낳았으니…그런 좋지 않은 곳에서 어떻게 지냈을까 심란하기도 하고 안타깝기도 하네요 ㅜㅜ
Dr Kim is such a great vet, he explains everything so thoroughly and lets Claire know why each test is being done 😊Edit: The mother cat has the nicest temperament, it makes me look forward to giving a rescue cat a lovely home one day! 🥰
*I just started crying at the end, this young little family was going to be euthanized.. and because of Claire’s HUGE HEART ❤, they’re starting their new happy, healthy, free lives! 🐈🐈🐱*
Claire’s cats: Hate hospitalMomma cat: Hello, human in greenalso, we finally knew that momma cat is indeed having birth pretty young. so glad to see her taking care of her baby very well and being one healthy cat herself.
아니ㅜㅠㅜ둔둔이 목소리 더빙은 왜 그래요ㅋㄱㅋㅜㅜㅠㅜㅠ둔둔이 얼마나 여린 목소린데ㅋㅋㄱㅋ큐ㅠㅜㅠ
claire: you guys need some good memories so u can come back again!kitties: [got their buttholes poked into]
엄마집사님께 새끼냥이들이 파고드는거 넘 귀욥네요💛💛 근데 수의사님께서 엄마냥이 애기가 애기를 낳았다고 하신게 뭔가 맘이 찡하네요 ㅠㅠ😭 오래 건강하게 살자💙
디디 외출은 너무 좋은데 하필 병원이라 으르렁대며 추르는 또 열싱히 먹고. 날이 갈수록 귀여워 지는거 같아. 다들 건강해서 다행입니다.
DD when Momma cat tried to go to him: *im not ready to be a stepfather*
요즘 유행하는 고양이 물침대!

(c) 크집사 휴지도둑 #봄맞이정리 #물침대 오늘은 고양이들에게 물침대를 만들어줬어요! * 똥고양이 해적단 가입 ☠️https://bit.ly/3gv2piU * 야옹섬 크집사의 레시피 …
이 집안은 다행인게, 그 어떤 장난감을 사도 일단 10마리 중에 한 마리는 그래도 사용해줌. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 무의미하지 않아
I love Claire’s videos, and I’m fascinated by the cliques the cats form. I’d love a video about who hangs out with who! I’ve seen Nana and TT together, and seeing Dodo, Toto and Lulu hang out is adorable too! Who else hangs out together, and how frequently do you think they change up?
원래 고양이 세계에서는 서열이 높은 냥이가 낮은 냥이를 그루밍해주는 거라고 들었는뎈ㅋㅋㅋㅋ크집사네 야옹이들은 루루부터 시작해서 그런 규칙이 없이 그냥 서로 그루밍 해주나봐욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 애기 고양이들이 부하지만 선장을 그루밍 해주는 크림해적단….
고양이들아 행복해라 다른거 안바란다바랄자격은 없지만 그냥 행복하기만했음 좋겠다 언제나 집사님 곁 지켜줘라 애기들아
Love all the kitties and their cute antics but there is something so charming and contagious about Clair’s laugh…. Makes me feel at ease. Thank you for your videos
말 드릅게 안 듣는 3-4살 유아들이랑 있는거 같아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ라라 이미 빵꾸냄 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ점점 늘어가는 디디 대사 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Regardless of what happens to ToTo, he’s lived a wonderfully full life so far. There could not have been a better butler for him than Claire. I’m sending positivity for him and I hope he recovers fully ♡♡ 토토 사랑해요 ~~
집사님 정말 저희들은 끝까지 집사님 지키고 응원할게요,,! 너무너무 화나고 세상 환멸나지만 집사님이 원하시는대로 항상응원하겠습니다,, 힘든일 있으시더라도 혼자 끙끙 안지 마시고 같이 나누고 같이 헤쳐나가면 좋겠어요.. 열마리 고양이들 지켜주셔서 너무 감사하고 또 고마워요 우리의 일상에 평온함을 알려주셔서 고맙고 오래오래 가족처럼 보고싶어요 ! 세상에서 제일 소중한 집사님과 냥냥이들을 항상 똥고양이들이 응원하고 지킬게요 우리가 할 수 있는건 많이 없지만 항상 같이 하고 집사님 생각 많이 한다는거 알아주세요 감사하고 사랑합니다 집사님 ❤❤
I love the atmosphere of the house, it feels warm and aesthetic🤩.. plus the cute cats accompany spring at Mama Claire’s house😗🥰❤️
Glad to know Toto is getting better now 😊🤗
Thankyou Claire for really making a huge effort to show everyone again. I’ve noticed the efforts you’re making and am so greatful. Plus their voices are amazing, so I’m very happy hearing them too. Can we get a ‘STAMINAAAA!’ lololol
야옹이들이 좋아할 줄 알고 네개나 샀지만 라라만 좋아하는 것 같네요 그럼에도 열마리 중에 한마리는 좋아할 줄 알았다며 초탈한 모습 진정한 집사의 자세 같습니다 라이브때도 맨날 루루옆에 붙어있더니, 도토리들은 왜 그렇게 루루를 좋아할까요 넘 귀여워요❤
It’s nice to see DD to be more active and talkative 😂😂😂. Being the eldest, his voice is deep. A relief that Toto is doing better, highly energetic. May he become healthy soon with a better appetite. Lulu seems to be more matured now, with the golden kitties growing naughtier. A new shampoo service is available for Lulu… Wish darling TT and Chuchu to be more participating…
ChuChu is so cute on this waterbed 😍
항상 볼때마다 느끼는데 애기들 각각의 개성하고 생김새가 너무 이쁨 ㅠㅠㅠ 성격도 귀엽고 특히 루루 다리 짧은거 넘모 커엽…
If I could stay home and make 100k off of videos of me playing with my cats all day I would be soo happy ( in my Craig from south park voice)
a cat when they saw tissue paper: “WE MUST DESTROY THIS EVIL MONSTER”
Lala has a voice now…but she always says ‘mya’! Cute.
Hope Claire doesn’t blame Toto when he unrolls the toilet paper in the bathroom! She’s just taught him it’s a toy to play with XD
2 things we can rely on:Lala’s habit of destroying thingsMomo’s desire to be on top of every new thing in the house
아기 고양이가 탈출했어요!

(c) 크집사 디디가 방묘문을 넘어와서 더 높은 것으로 바꿨어요. 그런데 이제는 용감한 아기 고양이가 방묘문 틈새로 탈출해요. * 똥고양이 티셔츠 …
Claire: shocked that DD jumped the fence.Also Claire: Trained the cats to navigate over egg cartons, invisible walls, hurdles, water bottle mazes, dominoes, water trays, bubble wrap, watermelons, toilet paper walls, balance beams….I swear in another universe, these 7 cats could pull a heist if they wanted to.
DD is that chill guy who actually excells at doing things once he puts his mind to it.
I love how other cats were very startled by DD jumping over the fence 😂😂
So DD can jump over a fence meant to keep cats out, but can’t jump over a hurdle meant for cats to jump over. Interesting…
DD just wants to be friends with the new kitties. To be fair he did strike up a bit of a friendship with momma cat on the way to the vet already. 🤷🏼♂️
Anyone else just randomly came across Claire one day and fell in love with Claire and her kitties and instantly became the biggest fan?
Lulu while looking at the kitten : “What is that ? So cute and small. Can I eat him ?”
휴 영어 댓글도 재밌는거 많고 공감 되기도 하는데 몇개 읽다보면 지침ㄷㄷ 역시 모국어가 편해ㅎ 유튜브가 빨리 언어별 댓글 정리 기능이나 댓글 즉시 번역 기능좀 넣어주면 좋겠다 우리나라 말고도 영어 안쓰는 나라 많을텐데 해주면 많은 사람이 좋아할듯ㅎ
방묘문 : 넌 모찌나간…..아기냥이 : 어림도 없다 아암 아아아아암문 밖 이모삼촌들 : (얼음)
lol, when DD jumped the fence The Chairman ran so fast. “Such Stamina”
Claire: I’ll put a fence here and the kitties will be safeDD: Just because I’m fluffy you think I can’t jump mommy?😹
여러분 그거 know? youtube가 English 댓글을up으로 한대요 그래서 이렇게 한국어와 English를mix해서 쓰면 my 댓글도 up하게 되지 않을까요oh , my 댓글 많이 up 됐어.다들 Thank you. ^____^
DD: I want in!baby cat: I want out!Lulu: umm, Claire? am I responsible for this small creature?
I love how lulu literally doesnt care about the intruder in his house literally let him go pass him and stared at claire saying give me food
When DD wants to do something, no obstacle could hold him back
we all thought DD visits the new family because he’s curious but then claire exposed him as a food stealer 😩🤣
When there’s a normal obstacle dd pretends he can’t do it but when he wants to he can do everything 😂
와….이때까지 디디를 저평가하고있던 나를 반성했어…
I love my own kitties so much. I appreciate your vet for teaching me about how to be a responsible pet owner.
The kitten was so excited!!! His little tail trembled when he got out and when he went around the corner. That kitten is an adventurer!
엄마 고양이는 다른 주인이 있었던 것 같아요

(c) 크집사 엄마 고양이가 저를 경계하지도 않고, 제가 만져주는 걸 정말 좋아하는 것 같아요. * 똥고양이 티셔츠 https://marpple.shop/kr/kittisaurus * 크집사 구독하기 …
I love how Mother cat loves Claire so much. Stray cats get very affectionate towards those who adopt them.
Claire: Look, treats!Momma Cat: Don’t want treats. Want pets.
Dear Claire, it breaks my heart how preciously the mommy cat adores you and waits for your love. It really loves you for your kind gestures to her. I hope you could give her a name to call and I believe she’d come jumping when you’d call her. This feels so precious that I’m writing this comment just after watching 1 min of the video!
엄마고양이가 점점 통통해지고 생기가 보이네요!게다가 좋은 새 가족까지 생기니까 안심이 되요왜 내가 안심이되지….지금까지 키워주셔서 감사합니다~
세상에 크집사님한테 만져달라고 애기 젖먹이다 말고 호다닥 달려오네 아이고 이쁜아ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 맛있는 냠냠을 눈앞에 두고 일단 쓰담쓰담 해달라고 부비적대는 저 사랑둥이가 어쩌다 안락사 위기까지 갔던건지… 진짜 저 아이한테는 천운이었네요ㅠㅠ
That momma kitty really loves being pet. She’s so affectionate. Claire is an angel for saving that little family.
It’s amazing how far Nana, Dodo and Toto have come, they’re so healthy and well loved and are a part of such a wonderful family!!
사람을 엄청 따르고 크집사님이 물수건으로 닦아줘도 가만히 있는 거 보고 사람 손길이 탔던 아이 같다고 생각했는데.. 정말 그랬나 보네요. 저렇게 애교도 많고 사랑스러운데 어쩌다 보호소에 가서 죽을 뻔했을까요. 근데 크집사님 손길이 나옹이들을 녹이는 마법의 손인 건 아니에요..? ^^
She is very cute and loving. She knows you saved her. She understands her family is safe.
와 지금 다시 보니이젠 나나도 많이 통통해졋고크집사님 많이 따르고 좋아하는거네요도도 토토 어떻게..저리 작앗엇나 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜ지금은 커져서 0순위 디디한테도 덤비던데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
This makes me wanna cry. Momma cat has come so far under the watchful eye of Claire. It’s so beautiful to watch. I hope she keeps the momma even if she adopts the babies out.
She’s so friendly for a stray. She must be used to people in some way
저리 애교를 부리는게 어째 또 버려질까봐 혹시나해서 애교를 부리는거 같기도 하고..너무 짠한데 데려온분이 크집사라서 너무 안심되고 편안해보이기도해요 ㅠㅜㅠ 우리 치즈냥이 가족들 앞으로도 많이 보여주세요 8ㅁ8 너무 귀엽고 사랑스러워ㅓㅓ 😭😭😭 💕💕💕
She just comes running for some cuddles. Poor Mama just wants to be loved. I’m so glad Clair took her and her kittens in. I would adopt Mama kitty if I could.
Nana is such wonderful cat
Not even Mommy Cat can resist Claire’s loving pats and scritches. There’s a reason why DD’s addicted to them! 💖✨
엄마냥이 애교가 엄청 많네용!!!집사님을 엄청 신뢰하고 있나봐요ㅎㅎ치즈 아가냥이들 넘 심쿵이예용💓
It’s so sad that people just abandon their pets 🙁 But now she’s with Claire, can’t get better ^-^
If Claire keeps these cats, do you think the mother cat will be named “Mama/마마” ??? I think it’s cute plus it keeps with the naming scheme she has with the others
Came back here to see the twins as babies again. So adorable Dodo and Toto