고양이에게 뽀뽀 100번하면 생기는 일

(c) 크집사 Shorts #숏츠 #고양이뽀뽀 * 똥고양이 해적단 가입 ☠️https://bit.ly/3gv2piU * 크집사의 고양이모래 https://smartstore.naver.com/nyaongs * 크집사 인스타그램 …
마지막에 너무 귀여워서 한 입(!) 하려고 입에 넣어보았다가 혼났어요. 오늘도 사랑스러운 하루되세요!
Cute cat💕. The cat wants to be loved.🥲🥰🥰🥰
Oh que amor 😻🥰❤😍😘😻, tão fofo 🥰
Oh, I didn’t know Claire kisses and tells TT “Pooh”. I call my babies like that too!😻😻😻
Such a beautiful purr. TT is in bliss. 💜
This is so incredibly heartwarming <3
크집사님은 티티를 사랑해주시고 티티는 집사님을 사랑해주는데 정작 영상 보는 제가 사랑받는 기분이예요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
항상 생각하는 거지만 크집사님 웃음소리를 들으면 언제나 기분이 좋아진다 🙂
Claire’s love for cats is next level…😊 Only TT seems to be ok with Claire’s kisses and loves
티티는 엄마랑 뽀뽀하는게 세상에서 가장 행복할꺼같애요😄 티티 뽀뽀!하니까 콩!하고 박는게 너무 사랑스려워 미치겠어요ㅠㅠ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Now that Claire is comfortable with showing her face, we get to see wholesome moments with her and TT! 😻
I love the way TT anticipates the kiss and pushes her head against Claire. The kitty headbutt of love. Too cute, my heart cant handle it! 🥺
The way she got mad when claire tried to bite was so so cute
It’s clear TT loves Claire so much, even when she swats her away it’s very gentle 🙂
I JUST CAN’T STOP COMING BACK TO THIS VIDEO. Everytime i get headache or stressed cuz of my studies, I always come back to this video and it NEVER failed to calm me down and melt my heart 🥰This is singlehandedly my favourite video on the internet (´;ω;`)❤️祝 TT 身体健康, 长命百岁 :p
Queen TT deserves all the love she gets, She is very disciplined, she does not do naughty things like opening cupboards or stealing food,She is an honourable being who respects her space and others space too, And importantly TT loves claire a lot
저렇게 사랑스러운데 100번이 아니라 1000번을 해도 모자를 것 같은데요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 힐링되는 영상이네요💕
고양이가 행복해 보여서 아무 생각없이 계속 보게 됐는데 크집사님이셨군요ㅠㅠㅠ 진짜 매번 볼 때마다 고양이들이 크집사님 좋아하는게 영상으로도 다 보여요!!
TT is just absorbing all the love and attention Clarie’s giving to her, until the end. XD
서로가 너무 사랑하고 아끼고 믿는것이 그대로보여서 괜시리 눈물이 나네요 🥺 ㅎㅎ너무 잘 보고 갑니다 항상 행복하시기를 ❤️
아기 고양이가 서열 1위 디디에게 덤볐어요!

(c) 크집사 아기 고양이가 디디의 무거움을 아직 모르는 것 같아요. * 크집사의 레시피 https://tumblbug.com/recipe_by_claire * 똥고양이 티셔츠 …
I love how DDs response to being challenged is to just lie on his opponent.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아니 보통 서열1위들은 무서움이던데 디디는 무’거’움인게 너무웃겨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
루루,라라,츄츄를 겪어본 디디로써는 아기냥이를 대하는 게 이젠 익숙하겠어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ딱 표정이 ‘너가 덤벼봤자지…•᷄ὤ•᷅(둔둔)’ 이런 느낌인데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
크…..서열 1위지만 먹을 거 다 양보해주고 귀찮아도 어린 냥이랑 놀아주는 디디 너무 멋있음
DD is so big…… Dodo is lucky that he didn’t get buried in his own floof.Dudeeeeeee. 789 likes!?!? 🤯
DD has been so gentle with the kittens and so sweet to the mother… he was the first to fully accept them it seems. He’s taken over the role of a father so quickly, he’s truly a sweet cat 😭
더보기란에 무서움이 아니라 무거움이라 한번 제대로 뿜었습니닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠ 도도야 넌 아직 둔둔이에 대해 잘 몰라…그는 티티를 뒹굴게 만든 과거가 있어…그러므로 디디- 빵줘라-
DD with DoDo : Wrestling togetherDD with ToTo : Napping togetherFATHER OF THE YEAR right there, people… 😻
디디랑 도도 체격(무거움)차이ㅋㅋㅋ 디디가 한 발로 툭 치니까 도도 떼구룩 구르는 거 넘 귀여워요 마지막에 다정한 디디토토도 넘 귀엽고 젠틀한 삼촌냥이 디디ㅠㅠ
디디는 진짜 연장자라서 그런지 철든거같고 착하다 ㅠㅠ
I love how Chairman Mo wants nothing to do with it, he’s his own person.
다리가 긴 고양이들이 왤케ㅠ어색하냐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
DD: “You know what’s better than fighting, kid? Napping. Nothing beats a good snooze.”
At least DD forgave him for thinking he’s better than the big bread himself and then let ToTo lay next to him hopefully DoDo will learn from his mistake
omg NaNa ignoring her babies because she knows they are the other cats responsibility now is such a mood
2:22 DD’s stance (his back while looking at Dodo) and his slow walk, telling Dodo he’s the king in the house hahaha! He showed he is the alpha.
I love how happy Momo is around Nana. It’s precious beyond words.
DD playing with his son DD is an awesome father Top 10 cat fathers
DD is so grounded and earthy but calmly keeps everyone in place. If TT is queen, DD is king. And Lulu is the joker. 🃏
DD & I think it was ToTo were so freaking adorable when they were “fighting”!!! As if you could really call it fighting.. DD would never hurt him!! DD is a gentle adorable giant! 💖 And at the end when they were snuggled up together! My heart completely melted!!! 💖DD💖
고양이랑 봄소풍 다녀올게요!

(c) 크집사 봄소풍 #고양이산책 #도시락 오늘은 날씨가 너무 좋아서 고양이들과 봄나들이를 다녀왔어요! * 똥고양이 해적단 가입 ☠️https://bit.ly/3gv2piU * 야옹섬 크집사의 …
I really thought Claire was taking LaLa and LuLu outside for walkies.
저희 고양이가 방문 앞에 있었는지 제 핸드폰에서 나는 루루의 울음소리를 듣고 삐졌어요..ㅠㅠㅋㅋ 넘 커엽..
8:38 are we gonna ignore the fact that Momo close the basket while DD is there
The funniest part was where the picnic basket closes on DD while he is inside it. DD trapped. DD stuck.
DD gets special kitchen privileges because he waits for everything to be cooked before he gets a taste :))))) Lulu’s calmed down a whole lot after the younger kitties came but he’s still vicious when he smells food :)))
The highlight of this video was DD licking Claire’s bread loaf when she was busy feeding his siblings🥖👏🏼
Lulu and Lala: Let’s go for a Walk outside. We want to explore what food is available there. DD and TT: let’s go for a walk to explore the nature and expand out kingdom.
Seeing Claire walk the short-legged duo LuLu and LaLa was just too freaking cute omg <3
I think it would be cute for Claire to have a Girl’s Night video with NaNa, TT, ChuChu, and LaLa 😀
i would love to see more of Nana, she is such a love bud, but i think its quite hard to give everyone a good screentime
Who all thought that Claire and her cats are going outside for picnic ??🤣🤣🤣
0:22 디디도 회장님처럼 궁디팡팡족?1:56 루랑이 데칼코마니 도도3:09 커여운 둔둔이 앞발7:04 둔둔이ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ8:26 굳이 바구니 안에 들어가는 디디8:38 굳이 닫아주는 모모9:46 의도치 않은 몸개그 도도
to think we all watched nana, toto, and dodo grow and become apart of the luvcat family over the past year, am glad that miss claire gave them the help they needed
Momo closing the lid and trapping DD is way funnier than it should be 😂
2:42자연스럽게 한 대 치는 도도
LaLa and LuLu en el picnic jajaja q hermoso :3
I just love every second of these videos! 🥰🥰🥰🥰😻😻😻
I love how Nana and Lulu are just chilling together watching Claire play cards lol
I’d love to see LuLu and/or LaLa on an actual walk outside! They walk so well on the harness you should try it!
하네스까지 했길래 산책냥이가 있는줄 알았는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 방구석 소풍이었군요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ역시 소풍에는 화투 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
오오.. 살려주새오

(c) 크집사 봄을 맞아 고양이들이 몸단장을 했어요. 루루가 똑똑해져서 발톱깎기가 점점 어려워져요. 실수로 영상을 삭제해서 다시 올려드려요ㅜㅜㅜ.
Who else is really happy she talks in her videos again?
I’m not gonna lie. Claire’s laugh and Lulu/mono voice overs are part of what makes her channel so special. Please keep talking to us Claire! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
4:28초 디디가 크집사님 꼬옥 안는거 기여워ㅠㅠ+오랜만에 이 영상 다시보러 왔는데 좋아요가..?
5:45 we all always knew Claire had 3 arms
I miss Claire doing Chairman Momo’s voiceovers
2:36 Claire singing to ChuChu is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen ❤️😭😍
Lala’s squeaks, she must have learned that from DD 😂DD: “No talk me angy”
2:39 아기 곰돌이♪ 발바닥에♪ 털이 자라서 곰돌이가 되었네!♬♬ 2:39 The baby bear’s♪ paw pads♪ grew fur and you turned into a bear♬ ⬆츄츄 나올때 항상 나오는 집사님의 노래 😍😍
Actually, I though I’m more a “dog” girl than a “cat” one. But seeing Lulu and his cat-friends.. (especially Lulu! His adorable short legs… his button nose… his round eyes.. soooo adorable!!).. make me change my mind.Thank you Claire for making me love our little fluffy friends.
코코는 발털깎아도 야옹하지 않는다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ어쩔때 코코는 야옹할까욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 또 듣고 싶당 코코야옹소리
It’s impressive how, when they are afraid or doesn’t want something, their first reaction is to try to get closer to Claire. So cute.
Claire’s laugh is the most precious thing in the world ♥️
TT just stood there patently and waited for you to finish.. she loves you so much and would not make anything difficult for you 💖💖
Ever wondered why LULU is always there when somebody is getting nails done or being washed ??For the TREAT that follows after that .
I love them all so much! Thank you Claire for always sharing with us and brightening the world a little bit, one toe fluff haircut at a time!
Sitting down with a coffee and snacks while watching Claire and the cats. We must appreciate the little things in life. Something as simple as hearing her speak and laugh can bring joy to many of us. Thank you Claire for keeping us entertained.
어떻게 고양이는 손톱깍는것도 뽀쨕하고 귀엽죠?귀여움이 권력이라면 앞발질 하나로 지구를 평정하고 울음소리로 우주를 평정할것같습니다.날이 갈수록 카메라에 자기들이 어떻게 귀엽게 비치는지 마스터해가는듯.아이돌데뷔 준비하시죠 크매니저님!!!
How i learn korean language ??Kpop : NOKdrama : NOCreamheroes / kitisaurus : YES
LuLu is a great escape artist when Claire tries to clip his nails he escapes with at least a little trouble.
so happy to hear your voice, miss claire and lulu’s narration too 😭💕💕
하루종일 따라다니면서 참견하는 루루가 너무 귀여워요!

(c) 크집사 다른 고양이들을 케어하고 있으면 루루가 어느샌가 나타나요. * 똥고양이 티셔츠 https://marpple.shop/kr/kittisaurus * 크집사 구독하기 https://bit.ly/2Qm7nCC …
고양이 한두마리 입양해 노년을 보내려던 계획은 2년 정도 전부터 이 프로 보면서 대체하고 있는데 대만족입이다. 집사님 고마워요. 60대 후반 할머니.
I really like the deep voice being given to DD. Fits his “gentle giant” nature.
대학교때부터 크집사님을 통해서 ‘나만 고양이 없다’는 슬픔을 달래왔고 드디어 저도 고양이가 생겼어요!! 몇 년이나 고민한 만큼 정말 소중한 존재를 끝까지 잘 책임질게요. 응원합니다~~~
It’s always a treat to hear Chairman Momo talk about himself, DD speak about being a “gentle giant” princely kitty (and bread), and Lulu being Lulu. We heard all three things in this video.
DD = Loaf of bread with crustCoCo = Loaf of bread without crust
Awee I love when Claire and Lulu has a conversation. Sometimes they just straight up arguing. That’s hilarious!
Today both DD, Lulu and Momo talked 😊😊😊.
4:46 because this world needs Chuchu’s precious mewl 🥰
Lulu’s leg kick is one of the cutest things ever.
claire’s voiceover for each cat is so cute 🥺
_”Look at my dashing face!! My sides! My tail! All _*_sexy_*_ “_ – Chairman Momo (2020)Indeed chairman!! We totally agree 💯💯🙌
하 진짜 나 둔둔이 너무 사랑하는듯…
루랑이와 집사… 둘의 조합 볼때마다 어쩔까나 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ큭. 루랑이 귀여워서 심장이 녹아내려요~~~😍😍😍
집사님이 디디 성대모사 욀케 웃기냐곸ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ디디 없다-디디 혼자 할 수 있다-디디 안 보인다-발구락 맛있다-너무 귀여운거 아니냐고욬ㅋㅋㅋ!
Chuchu’s precious moment. Isn’t her chin very cuteeee?4:05
People always love Claire’s cats but why does no one talk about her humour?? 3:02 ‘Say that stuff with your face, not your butt’ 😂 she’s such a funny lady i’m surprised that the videographer doesn’t burst out laughing
How many times a day does Claire have to vacuum to keep that carpet always looking so perfect?
Everybody run away when butler comes to them with tools in her hand.
DD is such a fluffy big boy, ChuChu�s big surprised eyes really remind me of an baby owl
Claire I absolutely LOVE the video and all of the kitties voices that you do. Made my day bright watching this! Thank you. ☺