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(c) ケーキ屋 ビルソンローラーズ bilsonrollers 12週間“オンライン”ケーキスクール ↓ビルソンローラーズと一緒にケーキ作りを学ぼう! https://youtu.be/1DF4DD5ihWY ↓ケーキ屋 …
Youtube: Recommends this video.Me: Watched the entire thing in my homepage in preview mode 👀 ❤️
I was like, “can this thing be any more perfect?” Then they kept adding more stuff and making it even better 🍰
I am from the black forest and I have to say it looks really good. Its definitely not a black forest cake though as that would involve kirschwasser (some kind of cherry alcohol) wayyy less chocolate and definitely no ganache. Nonetheless i would love to try this cake as it looks really really good.
Esse bolo foi o mais incrível q já vi parabéns!!😋
Perfeito!!! Mais perfeito ainda se tivesse um pedaço desse agora 🍴🍰
Watching this made me emotional cause of how much i aspire to do this myself. Thanks for the step by step. Beautiful.
Como eu queria um pedaço desse bolo 😋
Agora fiquei com dó de comer , parece uma obra de arte de tão lindo ❤️
Da até pena de comer , de tão bonito 😍
Muito bom, amei de vdd!!! Muito bem estruturado e trabalhado! Parab�ns!
Uma verdade obra de arte. Parab�ns, resultado final magn�fico….
Bakery: How much Chocolate do you want on your cake?Costumer: Yes!
This cake makes me want to open a dessert shop.
Did anyone else not want it cut because it was so perfect?
Que divino. O sabor deve ser incrível 😍
That looks so good. I could eat that whole thing before it was cut! 🤤
This looks amazing! I have just one question, the edges, where did they go? Because I will eat them😋😁
Just when I thought he’s finished, he adds more…
A lot of work went into making this cake. After all the final decorations and the edible gold leaf, you can very well expect each slice to be expensive. For the chocolate lovers, this is a dream cake . 🍰🍰 😃
Muito bom 🇧🇷😍
【短縮版】芸能人の豪華なバースデーケーキ:特大ケーキの作り方 |ビルソンローラーズ

(c) ケーキ屋 ビルソンローラーズ bilsonrollers どんなケーキができるのか? 完成までのお楽しみー □12週間“オンライン”ケーキスクール ↓ビルソンローラーズと一緒にケーキ作りを学 …
Além de lindo tenho certeza de que ficou delicioso, amo chantilly!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Awesome 😍
Dá até pena de comer de tão lindo que fica 👏👏👏
What a good idea to spritz the cake first before applying frosting! I always pull up the thin crust on top when I apply frosting 🤪. Thanks for the tip! 👍
I’ve never seen anyone use a spray bottle for the simple syrup. Totally genius. About to be a game changer for me! Thank you!
Uau que massa de bolo bonita, disponibiliza a receita por favor? Thank you so much!
Muito obrigado por nos presentear com tamanha t�cnica e indiscut�vel beleza.
誰に送られるんだとしても、このケーキ作る工程すごすぎ ..クリーム上手に塗りたいよ
Gosto muito desse bolo de morangos com chantilly,o chantilly do Jap�o � diferente menos doce e mais cremoso,e orna muito bem com esse p�o de l� que � super leve…
Que massa maravilhosa essa que ele molha, pega com as m�os e n�o quebra!
Lindo esse bolo deve tá uma delícia 😋👏👏👏
Aqui no Brasil uma grande parte da população não gosta de bolo recheado com chantilly. Dá arrepio…😬Mas, ficou lindo.
El pastel perfecto 🤩
MEU DEUS DO CÉU QUE que bolão lindooo!!! PARABÉNS pelo ótimo trabalho!! Na verdade é uma arte né.👏👏👏😍😍😍🇧🇷🇧🇷
Deve ficar muito Bom,de d� �gua na boca
Vou criar coragem para fazer um bolo desses! O problema � arrumar tanta gente para comer o teste
Aqui no Jap�o n�o tem recheios como no Brasil. E chantilly com morango � o preferido.
Your cake is gorgeous, beautiful, wonderful!!!!It’s a magical art!
Bolo maravilhoso e delicioso
誕生日バースデーケーキ 言葉がいらない愛のケーキ ハートデコレーションケーキ |ビルソンローラーズ

(c) ケーキ屋 ビルソンローラーズ bilsonrollers このケーキを見れば相手にあなたの気持ちが伝わる! 愛のある誕生日にハートのケーキが役立ちます^^ 「もう何年も気持ちを伝えてない…
Que lindo esse bolo, perfeito💖
Amei, ficou muito lindo 😍
Lindo bolo!Parab�ns.
ハートのスポンジに生クリームが綺麗に塗られていく工程に見とれちゃいました( ¨̮ )︎︎♡二度塗りするはずなのに一回目の塗りもあんなに丁寧なのがすごい…!!
Hermoso pastel, haré uno igual; gracias por compartir 😊 👏👏👏
Nossa que lindooo Amei!
Um bolo bem generoso a ele aqui agora 😋
Nao gosto de bolo seco, gostoso é molhadinho 😋
Beloooooo ❤
Se ve buenisimo, lastima q no dicen la receta asi podría intentar hacerla por mi cuenta, 😍😍
Очень красиво!!))Вы прям талант)👏👏
esta hermoso el dise�o …al ve esto se me antojo y me dio hambre 😉
Que lindo! Gracias
密着24時!誕生日ケーキがいつもより多かったケーキ屋さんの1日 「バースデー日和」|ビルソンローラーズ

(c) ケーキ屋 ビルソンローラーズ bilsonrollers 12週間“オンライン”ケーキスクール ↓ビルソンローラーズと一緒にケーキ作りを学ぼう! https://youtu.be/1DF4DD5ihWY 「やけに今日は …
Esses bolos parecem ser deliciosos !😍😻😋
Que ricos se ven esos pasteles agradezco que comparta sus ideas y diseños de repostería ☺️☺️☺️😍
omg these cakes is too beautiful to eat <3
Ficaram muito lindos .
Están hermosos esos dulces 😍 y se ven buenos.
You can endlessly look at how the water flows, the fire burns and how you make cakes!☺👍
Lindo o seu trabalho 😘😘🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Adoro esses bolos japoneses ñ são muito doces e são lindos👏👏👏
Amazing but honestly the most impressive part to me is your being able to center the small cake on the larger one. I would just mess that up sooooo badly. 😀
Muito lindo !!!
Merci beaucoup pour le partage de votre savoir faire ! J’ai d�j� test� un g�teau d’anniversaire en suivant vos recettes ! Serait t-il possible de me donner la recette de la cr�me que vous utilisez pour tous vos g�teaux d’anniversaire ? De m�me pour le Coulis rouge utilis� ? Merci d’avance.
Ai Que bolo lindo t� com �gua na boca
Perfeito e pelo visto saboroso🤤🤤🤤
Woow quiero comer todos esos pasteles 💜😋💜

(c) ケーキ屋 ビルソンローラーズ bilsonrollers 12週間“オンライン”ケーキスクール ↓ビルソンローラーズと一緒にケーキ作りを学ぼう! https://youtu.be/1DF4DD5ihWY お店の名前を …
バターと一緒に入れたのは生クリームではなくて牛乳です!テロップ間違えましたーIt’s not Heavy cream that I put in with the butter, it’s milk! I made a mistake in the text.https://youtu.be/h_aTi_zcOSE?t=315
I really like how clean they scrap the bowls. Not wasting even a tiny bit when compared to the large quantity they made <3
As a chef soon to be, this is both satisfying, and inspiring!This just shows you that nothing is too big to cook!
whenever I try making roll cake, the part I struggle with is rolling it! Props to this bakery for the skills and passion in what they’re doing!
These chefs elevate cake-making to a craftsmanship. Their precise and meticulous approach is a delight to watch.
It’s amazing how they work so quickly and manage not to make a mess. These guys must be professionals!
First, he cracks the eggs delicately. Then, he weighs those eggs to make sure it fits the right measurements. I’m not yet finished watching but I know this video is gonna be amazing!! 😋💞👌
It’s so satisfying to see that they’re making everything in precision and they’re not wasting a bit!
This is one of the reasons I want to go to Japan they make such good food 🤤🤤
6:34 目分量でピッタリ850gとか凄すぎやろマジで尊敬
Dude, i don’t know how many people worked in this exactly…. but those guys are STRONG AF bro! The fact that one guy just held that KitchenAin bowl like it was a cup of tea?! I can barely hold that shit still in TWO HANDS even! Great job everyone! Dang 0_0
Delicia! Belo trabalho artesanal!🌺👏💛⭐️💚🌟🌸🕊🕊🙏🏻🙏🏻🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Trying to make roll cake and got a lot of tips out of this thank you so much