密着24時!超人気ケーキ屋さんの究極のふわふわチョコレートロールケーキの作り方|ビルソンローラーズ × 菓匠Shimizu

(c) ケーキ屋 ビルソンローラーズ bilsonrollers 今回訪問した「菓匠Shimizu」清水さんのチャンネルはコチラ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovy04AOB1g48h9UkOAwxYg □12 …
▼今回訪問した「菓匠Shimizu」清水さんのチャンネルURLはコチラ登録してねー↓ subscribehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovy04AOB1g48h9UkOAwxYg
love that they interview the guy and let us see how its made you can see this man has years of experience, he does it so effortlessly looks soo cool
I love watching industrial size mixers working but at the same time the logical part of my brain is asking, “where’s the safety shields”? It’s very satisfying to me to watch the mixers knowing they’re whipping up something good.
Didn’t understand a word they’re saying, but the chef sounds super friendly and nice☺
My man them look crazy delicious. Its a chocoholic thing so I’m super jealous of you right now. Good job. Would it be possible to get the recipes for your ganache and glassage chocolate? In English please and thank you sir.
Desde Colombia buenos d�as muy buena la receta me la regalan en espa�ol Por favor
Não faça um negócio desse comigo 🤤🤤🤤
Omg the way he put the filling on is so smooth😍😍😍😍😍
These have got to be quality cakes because the are not mass produced, I like that they don’t waste anything
Wow finally roll look so rich and delicious. I wonder how much it cost.
Пришлите мне такой тортик в Москву,очень хочу попробовать!?!
Thanks for the amazing video 😊 well done 👏 looks so 😋
Ни слова не поняла,но работает 👍. Очень ловко.
Beautiful and I’ll bet delicious 💕
2段チョコケーキの作り方 バースデーケーキ Two tier chocolate cake – birthdaycake |ビルソンローラーズ

(c) ケーキ屋 ビルソンローラーズ bilsonrollers 2段デコレーションケーキの作り方、チョコレートバージョンです。 おいしいチョコレートクリームの作り方も公開。 「2段ケーキ作ったけど入れる …
Thank you for showing us on how to do it. That was amazing . The last sharing on how to create the boxes for the cake was a mind blowing. Thank you Sir
Maria Apu is so lucky to have such a beautiful, delicious cake for her birthday.
Hi, did you refrigerate the cake before applying the second layer of cream on the first cake? Thank you
This is beautiful cake thank you so much 😆
🧡I’m craving for it and it’s literally 1am here!!
Gostei muito
ケーキの作り方も為になりましたが、最後の箱作りも勉強になります( •̀∀︎•́ )✧︎
Por favor traduz pra mim esse recheio e cobertura � um chantilly com ganache?
Beautiful work 👌🏼
Los saludos desde Colombia me gusta el pastel
Просто восторг!!!!
Very beaultiful👏👏👏👏👏👏here in Brasil
よく下の段のケーキに芯を差し込んでから上段乗せてるの見るけど、なくてもいけるんですね箱作りも なるほど です
密着24時!オレンジパウンドケーキを大量生産するケーキ屋さんの1日 |ビルソンローラーズ

(c) ケーキ屋 ビルソンローラーズ bilsonrollers 12週間“オンライン”ケーキスクール ↓ビルソンローラーズと一緒にケーキ作りを学ぼう! https://youtu.be/1DF4DD5ihWY 今回はさわやか …
My cake is in the oven now! So so excited to try it out. Tasted the batter before going into the tins and its so so delicious! 😋 Thank you for the recipe! Update: Couldn’t wait for the cake to rest overnight so we ate it once its cooled down! So so tasty!!!! Thank you😁😁😁
Muito bonito ❤️
You take a lot of care and pride in your baking. Looks so delicious.
I would definetly buy a whole pound cake, it looks so good!
So I made this a few days ago and it was soooo delicious, amazing recipe. The only problem I had was the orange slices sank into the cake 🙁 How firm should the top of the cake be when you put the slices on?
O m�todo de fazer e o resultado � excelente, pena q n�o tem tradu��o.
The precision in making equal portion sizes using scales!!! I never thought to do that. This will relieve a lot of stress.
I am happy to see you use ALL the butter. 🙂
I love the technique for bringing suppleness back to the oranges very lovely cake
These look heavenly. Thank you very much for the recipe.
I am so happy to see you scrape the butter off the paper, you are one of the few chefs my grandma wont kill
Hola maestro. soy de Argentina. me encanta lo q hace. me puede pasar la receta en espa�ol
Thank you for the english subs!! Do you make other cakes with the same base recipe?
Great video! The cake looks really delicious too
fantastic looking cakes, but i have a couple of points can anyone clear for me,a) what do you do with the contreaux?b) it stated the baking time at the end- 25+25= 50 mins, but isn’t it 15+25?Thankq for sharing the recipe.
I just found your YouTube channel. And I am leterraly speechless 😶. Absolutely Amazing. ✨✨✨ Thank You so much for the English sub. Wish you all the Best Chef 👑
you know whats the best thing about being a patissiere/baker, its the scrapes XD
Hello, thank you for your video, I have one question. Wouldn’t the orange the shell/cover will cause the bitter flavour ? or did you make some treatment on them before making?
本気のバスクチーズケーキの作り方 とろけるレア食感の濃厚ベイクドチーズケーキ |ビルソンローラーズ

(c) ケーキ屋 ビルソンローラーズ bilsonrollers 話題沸騰中!人気のバスクチーズケーキの作り方です。 「なにこの食感!!」と感動する味… レアチーズケーキのような濃厚さと ベイクド …
Isso é uma delicia,comprei hoje no lawsom 😋😋
Love this recipe! i tried it Out and It’s very Juicy and delicious💮
Gracias por compartir, se ve deliciosa, me pondr� manos a la obra y a realizarla, saludos desde Sonora, M�xico.
The cake turn out so beautiful 😍
Very Beautiful Cake! 🎂😋 I’m craving right now 🤤 And to warm the eggs and heavy cream is such a good tips! Thank You. 😎
Hi! I tried this recipe and my cheesecake turned out curdled inside. Can you let me know why? Thank you so much for your videos 💓
sensacional deu agua na boca
Do we have to preheat the oven?
1st time to see a Japanese baking fast 😉
Hi. If I use airfryer, how long do I bake & what temperature?
マカロン作り方1(フレンチ) How To Make French Macarons |ビルソンローラーズ

(c) ケーキ屋 ビルソンローラーズ bilsonrollers マカロン作り方2はコチラ https://youtu.be/IakxFZiZuT4 実際にマカロンを食べたい方はお店まで来てねー^^ 「遠くて行けないよー」という方 …
大量に作ってるの見るの好き 気持ちいい
Процесс завораживает!
こんなに沢山の量作れるスペースも材料もないから羨ましいです~(;;) 憧れますね