요즘 유행하는 고양이 맛사지 기계를 샀더니 난리가 났어요!

(c) 크집사 오늘은 고양이들에게 새로운 마사지기를 소개해줬어요. * 크집사의 레시피 https://tumblbug.com/recipe_by_claire * 똥고양이 티셔츠 …
I love Claire’s laugh so much
Everyone: Run for your life! TT and DD: This is the good life
The looks on both DD and TT were of utter bliss. So cute.
DD is the type that really doesn’t care cuz he’s a lazy bread cat
Only the oldest cats liked the massager. DD and TT showing their true age lol
둔둔이 큰 고양이가 마사지 받는거 너무 웃겨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 티티 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 눈이 감미롭게 감겨 ㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Only DD and TT are qualified to go enjoy cat spa in the future. Both of them have acquired the finer taste of luxury.
I showed this video to my new kitten. He was startled to hear Claire’s voice, was fascinated by LuLu, and kept trying to “find” and play with TT. It was adorable!
“Since TT likes it I dub this a good buy.” – ClaireAwwwwwwwwwww!
Lulu: likes foodDD: likes anything that pampers him
DD and TT are more trusting than the others, it seems. “If Claire has it, it must be fine.”
One of those gadgets where you’d better prepare for the cats to hate it. It’s either going to be loved or not used at all but Claire thinks it can work for her head, lol. At least TT and DD seems to enjoy the massage, so cute.
The two elder cats of the family, King DD and Queen TT needed and deserved their relaxing massage…that’s why they enjoyed the most😁
LuLu’s reaction: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHMoMo’s reaction: i rate this cat massager 1 out of 5 stars, old patting machine is better.ChuChu’s reaction: why is that thing moving? OH GOD IS ATTACKING MY HEAD HELP.LaLa’s reaction: fight me!DD’s reaction: this is fine.TT’s reaction: this isnt so bad.Bonus:CoCo’s reaction: hmmm…interesting, maybe i could create my own robot with this machine.
DD: Likes It👍🏻TT: Also Likes It👍🏻LuLu: Doesn’t Need A Massager Just Claire’s Hand 🤚🏻 ❤️
I love how Clair wants it for her self and DD loves it he so cute💞💞😻😻🥰🥰
I haven’t watched Claire and the cats in about a week. I heard Claire’s voice and I felt tension rush out of me that I didn’t even know I had. Thanks for relaxing me, Claire!
DD is always so chill. Claire can test anything on him😂TT really fell in love with it, though!
If TT likes it then it’s worth it. Approved by the queen👑
DD has got to be one of the most laid back cats I have ever seen. Nothing seems to phase him.
루루 안녕?

(c) 크집사 핑크젤리 #초코젤리 #영혼의라이벌 오늘은 루루에게 영혼의 라이벌이 나타났어요! * 똥고양이 해적단 가입 ☠️https://bit.ly/3gv2piU * 야옹섬 크집사의 레시피 …
11:18 – The best part about this was Claire’s stunned silence before laughing, and then feeling bad and giving LuLu extra Nyam Nyam.
루랑이 아크릴판에 머리 박을때 진짜 갑분싸 됐는데 루랑이 혼자서 서럽게 야옹거리고 있어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ToTo’s little vest is so cool. It suits him well!!! 🥰🥰
I always love seeing ToTo’s brave side. With his little vest, he looks even more adorable! ♥️
Веселая семейка! Очень понравилась!🙂👍❤❤❤
Isn’t it funny how the creamsicle cats are afraid of just about everything?
I love the fact that claire is so loving towards the kitties and she enjoy having them around as much as they do having her there with them. Stay tight together❤💯😊
11:18 루랑이 점프+야옹+크집사님의 진심 어린 사과😂루랑아 아프지 않았어?😅
I love when Lulu lies down on the acrylic sheet at 9:01 . Such soft belly fur. I wish I could pet him.
루루는 정말 역대급 고양이 혹은 강아지이자 다람쥐
금요일이라 퇴근후 집에와서 술한잔하구 기분좋게 취했는데.. 루루가 또 보구 싶어서 보러봤지요 > < 자기전에도 루루영상보다 자구 술취해서두 루루보구 싶구 기분다운됐을때도 루루영상보구 웃구 진짜 너무 귀여운 우리루랑이
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ루랑이 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ루랑잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아미치겠엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ루랑이 너무 귀여워요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
11:18 억울해서 아옹~ 하는거봐ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 이건 10년동안 사죄해야한다
Lulu running into the acrylic has the same energy as Michael Scott when he apparently ran into a sliding glass door because it was so clean 😭
That Claire laugh gets me every time 😂
루루 때문에 가슴이 철렁.. 유리에 머리박고 대신 츄르를 얻었네. 루루 건강해야해 !!!!!요노무스키 도대체 뭔데 내 심장을 쥐락펴락하니. 사랑해 루랑아~~~❤️❤️❤️
Lulu see’s his reflection. Or Lulu sees another Lulu’. Too kute. Meow. TT is the boss. And don’t you forget it. Adorable kats. Your kats need a lot of stimulation to stay active and healthy. I used to do the same to my kats.
10:07 루루 동공확장ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
😄🤣😅😂🤭It’s so funny and cute the way Lulu was trying to chase the shiny glass reflection like if he was trying to chase another cat that looked like him.
Apparently, This is the first time Lulu saw his own reflection and thought it was another challengerLulu’s jump at 11:18
엄마 고양이가 처음으로 목욕을 했어요

(c) 크집사 오늘은 엄마 고양이를 씻겨줬어요. 걱정했던 것보다 목욕을 싫어하지 않아서 다행이에요. * 똥고양이 티셔츠 https://marpple.shop/kr/kittisaurus * 크집사 구독하기 …
I’m sooo surprised how well behaved momma cat is on her first bath. She didn’t cry, maybe tried running way but she just sat down. Claire’s miracle hands🙌
DD is so gentle and kind. He represents the family very well. He’s a quiet leader with a soft touch. Makes perfect sense he connected with the guest kitties😍
Lulu: Ignores nyam nyamMe: I feel a disturbance in the force.
Aaaaaah, antes tinha legenda em português, agora não tem maais 😭😭 Gente do céu esses gatinhos são muito fofooos ❤❤ Br aqui 🇧🇷😌
I never realized how big Lulu’s head is until I saw him next to mommy cat 😂 😂
[속보]대충격 루루 츄르를 포기하고 자리를 떠…ㅋㅋㅋ진짜 역사적인 사건 아닌가요. 그나저나 엄마고양이 진짜 너무너무 착하고 순하네요 걍 크집사님 손이 목욕금손이신건지 다들 순한건지…ㅋㅋㅋ
세상에 길냥이치고 엄청 얌전하게 목욕하네 예뻐라ㅠㅠ 우리집 냥이는 전쟁 그 자체.. . … ..ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
NaNa is so cool and relaxed. I love how claire takes care of her
Lulu: “Are you seriously giving her OUR treats?”*no appetite due to frustration
can’t believe Lulu straight up left when there was food 😱
디디는 정말 정 많은 고냥이에요. 어쩜 저리 다정할까요.
I am so glad Miss Claire helped the new little family out. The mother cat is so charming and well behaved. It would have been a shame if they would have met a terrible fate if it wasn’t for Claire.Thank you so much for helping them! ❤
엄마를 닮아서 아기 냥이들이 미묘네요… 카메라랑 아이컨택할 때 심쿵해버렸어요ㅠㅠㅠㅜ♡♡
루랑이가 하악한 것도 충격적인데 먹이까지 거절하다니…….. 매우 충격적
디디는 유독 저 가족이랑 사이가 좋네ㅋㅋㅋ
The way nana looks up at Claire so lovingly is great
4:06 세상에 루루가 하악을 하다니충격이다 세상에 세상에 세셍에나 세상에
Mamma cat: stay calm in The bathCoco: finally, a worthy oponent
I’m so happy with the cat family, and what you’ve done for them, Claire. That’s why the mama and kitties are giving all their trust in you. 🐈😻
루루 vs 아기 고양이

(c) 크집사 오늘은 루루와 아기 고양이에게 마사지를 해줬어요. * 똥고양이 티셔츠 https://marpple.shop/kr/kittisaurus * 크집사 구독하기 https://bit.ly/2Qm7nCC * 파트너십 문의 …
Claire: *Makes Lulu go on a diet*Also Claire: “Snack time!”
When Nana smiles at Claire when she strokes her, well, it’s the loveliest thing, she’s changed from a sad, underweight, neglected kitty to a happy cat, and it makes me proud.
Lulu using the kittens litter box is a dominance behaviour, so yes, he’s jealous.
Just in case for those who don’t know: Claire has decided to adopt mama and her kittens! Mama’s name is Nana and the kittens are DoDo and ToTo.
3:06 나나가 집사님이 도도 만질 때는 가만히 있더니 도도가 루루한테 가니까 아기를 보호하려고 다가가는 것 같네요.. 나나가 착하고 어리고해도 엄마로서는 야무지게 애기들 잘 키우는 것 같아요bb
Claire: “Awwww, Lulu’s sulky because he’s supposed to be the baby! Don’t worry Lulu, you’ll always be my baby~”Chuchu: “Umm… EXCUSE ME”
나나 정말 넉살도 좋구 성격도 무던한 것 같아요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 집사님 손길도 좋아하고 다른 냥이들에게도 먼저 다가가고 비비고 거부당해도 별로 신경도 안 쓰고ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아가들 있는 엄마냥이는 예민하고 경계가 심할 줄 알았는데 ㅋㅋ
아기냥이 근처에 루루가 앉아있을때 나나가 둘 사이를 가로막듯이 엎드리던데, 다른 냥이들이 아기 가까이에 있으면 꽤 경계하는 것 같아요
lulu: listen here buster idk who you are but IM THE BABY HERE. i have SMOL LEGS!! you may be tiny but IM BABYtoto and dodo: oh sorry were just kitt-lulu: IM THE BABY CLAIRE GIVE ME THE ATTENTION I DESERVE claire:ok let me snuggle lulu: no the damage has been done claire: foodlulu: fine i forgive you
That scene when Claire said yumyum, Lulu and Lala following her. So lovely!
I absolutely love watching Claire interact with LuLu 💕
I love Claire’s laugh so much ❤️
츄루라 막내라인이라 영원히 아기고양이일 줄 알았는데.. 찐 아기고양이랑 있으니까 어엿한 어른냥이로 보임ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
루랑이는 분위기도 모르고 낭만도 모르지만 냠냠이는 잘 알지
Lulu: “I’m baby give me attention”Claire: *pats* Lulu: “no I meant food”
1:20 담 넘는 고양이랑 그걸 지켜보는 집사와 고양잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 빵터졌어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Before new cats showed upEverybody: *Sees Lulu as the baby kitten of the family*After new cats cameEverybody: *Sees Lulu as a big boy*Lulu: 🙁
“We are at home finally my kitties” NaNa really loves Claire’s touch♡♡ And Nana already trusting Claire with her kitties from the first day Claire brought them back to the home.
If ever Claire opens a cat cafe I’ll visit to spend time with these cuties
나나가 확실히 도도와 토토를 애지중지 키우네요 루랑이가 그냥 한번 울었을 뿐인데 중간에 껴들어서 애기를 보호하는 느낌
드디어 루루 훈련에 성공했어요!

(c) 크집사 오늘은 루루가 강아지처럼 엎드려를 할 수 있게 됐어요! * 크집사의 레시피 https://tumblbug.com/recipe_by_claire * 똥고양이 티셔츠 …
Claire: sit *pat pat noise*Lulu: ok ima stand
Lulu is so innocent, gets beaten everytime but never takes revenge
lala seems a bit stressed recently i hope she’s doing well. At least she’ll always have DD to comfort her!!! also i love the new TT outro so much!
아 진짜 루루 너무 귀엽다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ저 너구리같은 몽몽한 꼬리 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ진짜 꽉 안아주고싶다…ㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Lulu’s arms aren’t long enough for sphinx pose. He’s more of a loaf kind of guy.
Claire: “Sit!” *pat, pat*Lulu: “Ohhh…I know Mommy wants something from me….but I don’t know what…time to go into “confusion stance!”
I love TT, especially when she’s running on the wheel.
Claire I would watch the heck out of a video that’s all just of queen TT rolling around in the sand!! It would be the most adorable thing ever!
100만명 구독자 축하드려요…😻저희는 앞으로도 무수한 영어 코멘트들 사이에서 생존신고를 하는 한국인들로써 긍지를 가지고 크집사님 채널을 지키도록 하겠읍니다..루라루라 짜리몽땅한 고냥이들 티격태격하는 거 넘무 귀여워요..ㅠㅠ💛
best line of the video:”Lulu is the cutest cat in the world ” 💖it is a universal truth now
Claire: SitLulu: Stand?Claire: No, sit!Lulu:: STAND UP?!!! *Meerkat pose.*Claire: Nyam nyam?!!!Lulu: NOM NOMClaire: *claps* Training complete. I’m so proud of you.
I just wanted to say that Claire videos always makes me happy whenever I feel down. So thank you very much 🐈❤️
Claire’s laugh is one of a kind 😂😂😂
원래 강아지든 고양이든 코가 눌린 친구들은 별로 내 취향이 아닌갑다… 했는데 루루 보고 취향 바뀜 세상 이렇게 귀여운 생명체가 있다니
루루랑 라라가 제일 좋아~루루랑 라라가 제일 좋아~이빨은 작아도 먹는걸 좋아해~ 좋아해~~
I think LuLu will also learn how to fly just for the snacks, he’d be Super-Kitty!
Congratulations hitting 1m subs🌟 Claire & her fluffy children👍❤👍❤👍❤👍❤👍❤🎊🎉
Claire: LuLu sit down!LuLu: did you say LuLu stand up? Ok *stands up*Claire: no-
세상에서 제일 귀엽고 말잘듣는 고양이가 되었어요?! 너무 귀엽다!! 루랑이를 때리고 도망가는 라라도 너무 귀여워요! 나나는 저기 뒤에서 지켜보는데 고양이는 왜이렇게 전부다 귀여울까?!