잠든 아기고양이 몰래 발톱깎기

(c) 크집사 오늘은 아기 고양이들이 잠든 사이에 발톱을 깎아줬어요. 엄마 고양이는 아직까지 적응하는 시간이 조금 더 필요한 것 같아요. * 똥고양이 티셔츠 …
Claire’s voice is so calming and she’s so patient. No wonder the cats tolerate claw clipping so well. ❤️
“Stop that, or I’ll show you the difference in our strength” omg Claire suddenly became an anime villain….
The most special thing of Clair is the way her communicate with cat. She want they understand it safe and do not force them by power
The way she put the sleeping kitten’s head gently in her hand while cutting the claws, oh my god my heart! 🥰
잠깐이지만 집사님의 “참치”를 들을수 있어서 좋았어요 초창기부터 봐서 옛날 그느낌을 느껴서 더 좋았던거 같아요 안 좋은 일도 많았지만 앞으로도 좋은일 좋은 영상 부탁드립니다※아니 그냥집사님 참치 오랜만에 들어서 기분이가 좋아서 적었는데 좋아요가 이렇게 많다니 감사합니다
집사님이 진짜 고양이들에게 잘해주는게 느껴지는게고양이들 잘때 저렇게 머리 건드거나 손 건드리면 진짜 싫어하는데 집사님이 만지면 그냥 가만히있음 저게 쉬운게아님 진짜 고양이들이 집사님을 완전 편하게 생각하는거
2:51 압도적인 힘의 차이ㅋㅋㅋ3:31 엄마냥이 소리내는거 웃긴다ㅋㅋㅋ
Claire and her goodness always make me smile. The way the little cats are so confortable to let her trim their nails is the proof of how much she gave them the love they deserve. Mother cat maybe is the most afraid about humans but she is still purring when Claire pets her. This is just wonderful. You are an angel, Claire.
아 넘나 오랫만에 듣는 잠 오게 만드는 추억의 주문이네요ㅠ, 참치~~~
If I die, I want to be reincarnated as one of Claire’s cats.
2020 to humans: Here’s corona virus. Suffer 😈2020 to momma cat: I’ll take you to Claire😊
발톱을 자르면 냠냠이를 먹는 전통ㅋㅋㅋ 집사님 말하는게 넘 웃겨요ㅋㅋㅋ
우리 루루 발톱깎던 시절 생각나네아직도 나의 최애ㅠ동영상..그때부터 집사님한테 반했징ㅎ
I love how she used snacks to convince the mom cat to sit still rather than continue to struggle lol
The second kitten didn’t even wake up, this little cat family don’t know how lucky they are that Clair rescued them.
진짜 옛날 루랑이 아깽이 시절 발톱깎는거 보는거 같아서 너무 좋네요ㅎㅎ아깽이들 너무 귀여워요!!!
Mama cat: “pat?”Claire: *takes out nail clipper* Mama cat: “nO”
claire is caring and gentle. i can tell that she’s a beautiful person inside and out😊
Everytime when I’m about to “explode with anger” seeing the cute cats of Claire just blow out the fuse preventing it…and I feel happy as a cat and dog lover I’m so proud
0:11 ??? 거울이 아니라 애기 두마리가 저렇게 자고있던거네 ㅠㅠㅠㅜ모냐고 쟤들 ㅠㅠ 세상 귀여워 ㅠㅠㅠ
태어나서 처음으로 닭고기를 맛본 아기 고양이

(c) 크집사 오늘은 고양이들에게 닭가슴살을 요리해줬어요! * 크집사 구독하기 http://bitly.kr/roYmL9Q1aT * 파트너십 문의 we@luvcat.com.
루루 순삭 하는거 봐 어쩜 좋아 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
i keep coming back to this just to see how food driven DoDo is right from his first meal 😭🤚
There was a time Toto and Dodo were sweet little kittens. Now, there are ruthless pirates.
aaaa it’s so cute how you can see their personalities when they were so little…. DoDo was already a food demon…
New people to Kittisaurus: “please feed the brown cat more, he’s obviously starving”
루랑이 같은놈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 너무 웃곀ㅋㅋㅋ 애기들 이제 입으로 먹는거 보니 감격이다… 근데 애기들 둘이 성격 다른게 눈에 보여서 웃기넹ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
고양이들 반응을 보면 분명 어느정도 대화가 가능한거같은데 진짜 신기한 집사님이시네
it’s always so exciting and rewarding when kittens learn to eat solid food. i rescued an abandoned newborn kitten who took a very long time learning to eat solids (about two weeks after the rest of her litter-mates), so seeing these kittens learning to eat made me tear up a little.i love hearing them growl while they eat. the suddenly get very protective and greedy about their new favorite meal!you are such a wonderful butler. you give your cats so much love and attention and care. i’ve had cats all my life, and have rescued several abandoned litters, and still i am inspired by you to be a better butler.
1:43 Claire casually predicted the future and she’s absolutely right 😂Dodo really did grow up to be long-legged lulu
The kitten she referred too as “Mini LuLu” should be named “MuMu”
DD: *waits for the other cat to move so he could slowly get to eat it*LuLu: gimme gimme that’s mine!! *going straight to the bowl*The difference between cat’s personality is so cute ☺️
Even at that age, I’m pretty sure DoDo would have tried to swallow a whole chicken in one bite.
The lady in this video is a true hero , she already has seven cats but when she heard the shelter were going to put down this cat and her two kittens she took them in as well . Dear lady whoever you are I salute you .👍❤️
둔둔이 닭고기 정말 좋아하네요. 더 먹고 싶어서 다른 애들 다 먹을 때까지 기다렸다가 기웃기웃. 아구 귀엽다ㅎㅎ
1:41 that small whine when Claire scolded her for eating too fast 😂😂😂Mini Lulu
I love how even as a tiny baby Dodo is always eager to eat! 😺
여기서 집사님이 제일 귀여우심ㅜㅠㅜㅠㅜㅠㅠ아기냥이들이 먹는 법 스스로 배웠다고 감격해서 줌해서 찍는거 너무 귀여우셬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ꙼̈
Dodo was a hungry beast from the jump lmao. It straight up feature not a flaw territory kid just likes to eat
Chuchu earns the calmest cat award
이유식은 별로인 것 같더니 닭고기는 엄청 좋아하네요!1:44 루랑이 같은 놈에 빵터지고 갑니다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
게으른 고양이들에게 달리기 경주를 시켜봤습니다

(c) 크집사 상자 #고양이경주 #간식주새오 오늘은 고양이들과 달리기 대회를 준비 해봤어요. 어떤 고양이가 가장 빠를까요? * 똥고양이 해적단 가입 ☠️https://bit.ly/3gv2piU …
I’m sorry but Lulu losing to Dodo in the snack race is hilarious.
5:22 that’s the cutest wiggle I’ve ever seen.
Coco’s hunting mode and calculation mode are the most precious and adorable thing in the world 😀😀😀
Can we just appreciate the effort Claire put into this race?
Professor Coco , indeed thinking outside the box
I feel like I always learn something new about CoCo when he appears in videos. He takes his box research very seriously and he doesn’t tolerate any nonsense from the youngsters😂
Dodo has proved himself to be “Lulu Long Legs” at last. Coco is having none of Toto’s sass as he thinks “outside the box” about these little kitty racing carrels.
역시… 우리 라라 이리오세요 엄마한테 오세요 라는 풀네임을 가진 고영다워 이리 오세요 하면 바로 오는 우리 똑띠 라라
2:31 OMG, ChuChu! I think ChuChu’s standing position is cuter than Lulu’s standing position. So stinkin’ precious!
Momo:”falling”Coco: whoa, what are you doing?Momo: stamina!🤣🤣🤣😂😂
5:21 뭐야 박사님 꿍실꿍실은ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ너무귀여워ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
“Kids these days have no manners”- Lulu, 2021 –
4:49CoCo: It’s over, ToTo. I have the high ground.ToTo: You underestimate my power!CoCo: Don’t try it.*Smacks ToTo with paw*
Coco is such a stoic kitty. Every scene is purrfection 😻.
영상 전체가 킬포지만 개인적인 킬포는 여기인것같다….코코 궁디 꿍실꿍실 5:21
I could watch a whole episode of just Claire having a conversation with Lulu.
1:34 Coco reaction to Momo destroying the boxes is so cute & Funny!! XD
다들 달리기에는 관심없고 그냥 상자가 아늑해서 좋아하는거 같은데ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 귀여워라💕💕
Coco is having none of ur sass 😂😂😂😂
루루가 하극상 당하나 싶어 맴찢 하려던 찰나에 너도 디디한테 까불잖아 소리 듣고 뿜었네요
루루에겐 더 많은 사랑이 필요해요

(c) 크집사 병원 #팬미팅 #말썽쟁이 오늘은 루루와 티티가 건강검진을 하러 병원에 다녀왔어요. * 똥고양이 해적단 가입 ☠️https://bit.ly/3gv2piU * 예민보스 …
* 병원에서의 루루와 검진 결과는 김재영 원장님 채널에서 자세히 볼 수 있어요. 캣튜브 : https://youtu.be/a8itSdTtGL0안냥 크집사 입니다.얼마 전 루루랑 티티를 데리고 병원에 다녀왔어요. 티티는 신부전증 수치 확인하러 갔고요. 루루는 정기 건강 검진이었어요. 티티의 신부전증도 루루의 스코티시폴드 유전병도 완치될 수 있는 병이 아니에요. 매일의 일상 속에서 하나하나 신경 쓰고 고민하고 관리해야 하는 병이에요. 티티는 잘 관리되고 있지만 루루는 조금 더 진행되었다고 이야기를 들어서 많이 속상했어요. 아직까지는 잘 놀고 잘 뛰고 있지만 앞으로 어떻게 될지 모르는 것이 저를 두렵게 만드는 것 같아요. 검사 결과를 들으면서 고양이의 삶이 인간보다 한참이나 짧은 것이, 나이를 먹어간다는 것이 새삼 서러웠어요. 그래도 저는 예전처럼 아이들을 껴안고 펑펑 울거나 하지는 않아요. 시간이 흐르면서 조금은 무뎌지고 조금은 단단해졌나 봐요. 병원에 다녀오는 길에, 야옹이들과 함께 오늘을 소중히 살아야겠다고 다시 한번 다짐했어요. 힘들고 지치는 날에도, 그래도 우리가 함께라는 것에 감사할 수 있어서 다행이에요.* 태능 고양이 전문 동물 병원은 예약제로 운영이 되고 있어요. 촬영을 하는 날은 되도록 예약이 없는 시간을 이용하고 있지만, 앞 시간의 진료가 늦게 끝나는 경우도 있어요. 그럴 때는 되도록 안쪽 대기실에서 기다려요. 또 루루나 티티가 검진을 받을 때 일반 진료보다 오래 보는 것처럼 보이는 이유는 전체 건강 검진을 진행하기 때문이에요. 특별히 아픈 곳이 없어도 정기 검진을 위해 방문하기 때문에 일반 진료보다 많은 검사를 하고 있어요.* For a more detailed look at LuLu’s test results, please head over to Dr. Kim’s channel.캣튜브 https://youtu.be/a8itSdTtGL0Hi, it’s Claire.I took LuLu and TT to the hospital a while back to measure TT’s kidney (renal) failure levels and ensure LuLu could get his periodic checkup. Both TT’s kidney failure and LuLu’s hereditary Scottish Fold disease aren’t something that they can just make a full recovery from. These diseases require strict, daily maintenance, and I need to constantly pay close attention to their conditions at all times.According to Dr. Kim, TT’s condition was being handled properly, but LuLu’s disease had progressed a bit, which caused me quite a bit of grief. He’s more than capable of running around and playing to his heart’s content for the moment, but the uncertainty of the future still fills me with no small amount of fear. After receiving their test results, the unassailable truth that cats lead far shorter lives than humans hit me, and the unavoidable reality of aging saddened me. Still, I didn’t end up crying this time. Maybe I’ve grown a bit numb, or maybe I’ve learned to harden my mind, or maybe a bit of both. On the road back home, I reaffirmed my vow to treasure each day with my cats. No matter how hard or tiring it gets, I’m simply grateful for the fact that we’re together.* Taenung Cat Hospital operates on a reservation system. On days when I film videos, I try my best to go on days and hours with no other reservations, but that’s not always a possibility, and sometimes patients (other cats!) scheduled for treatment before my cats might require more time than expected. On such occasions, my cats and I wait in the inner waiting lobby. Also, you might have noticed that LuLu’s and TT’s checkups seem to take longer than usual. That’s because the two of them receive full, comprehensive checkups. Since the two of them require periodic checkups even if they aren’t in pain, they have to take more tests than usual.
I hope Lulu and TT, and all the 10 cats of claire will have a longer healthy life because they radiate joy!
병원가는 날은 성적표 받는 기분이죠 ㅠㅠ 집사님 마음 진짜 공감해요. 우리 야옹이들 말썽부려도 좋으니 오래오래 건강하게 곁에 있어주길~~! 대신 집사 수명이 줄어드는게 함정… 크흠…
04:21 크집사님: 우리애기 뼈만 남았어수의사님: 그래도 4.6kg 인데..모든 집사들 눈엔 냥이들을 더 먹여야될거같나봐요ㅋㅋㅋ
Ah! Claire works for a kitty litter place! That makes a lot of sense and also explains quite a bit as well. Part of her job involves learning things about cat’s health and comfort and it also explains why there’s no real problem with taking her cats to work with her every now and then.
LuLu sitting next to Mommy’s bag at work so she wouldn’t accidentally forget him was too adorable!
LuLu sure seemed to be very surprised not only by the office, but by all their fans but at least he’s happy again finally getting back home Where he knows he’s safe with his Jelly Bean Pirate Crew.
“어떻게 저렇게 크지 머리통이. 신기하단 말이지” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ루랑이 진짜 볼 때마다 너무 귀엽고 만화에 나오는 고양이 실사판 같아요연골이 많이 닳았다니 걱정되긴 하지만 주변 근육 강화하면 충분히 보완작용을 하기 때문에 크게 우려하지 않아도 될 듯해요사람도 연골 닳으면 주변 근육 강화시켜주는 운동하라고 하고 실제 중요한 재활운동이잖아요. 강화방법이 좀 다를 것 같긴하지만…P.S 원장님 오랜만에 다시 봐도 루랑이 닮음
난 디디가 입구에서 저렇게 그루밍 해줄 때마다 너무 착하고 감동이더라..진짜 너무 마음이 예뻐
어떻게 저렇게 크지 머리통이 누가 실시간 육성으로 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I hope Claire and her cats get a long, happy and healthy life. They are such an inspiration in this tough times.
I think Claire should take TT to the office more frequently. When she goes, TT is suddenly full of energy.
Seeing DD and LaLa checking Lulu’s scent to find out where he was and if he and TT were okay was so special! Also I think DD remembered that no matter how concerned he was about TT he just wasn’t ready to end up with another bop upside his head!
Claire is such a wonderful mother to the cats! TT, with a halo, is like the angel sitting on your right shoulder telling you to do good things! LuLu has horns and sits on your other shoulder telling you how to get into trouble! I think they are so amazing! 💞
인간의 1시간이 개나 고양이들은 6시간 정도의 시간이 흐른 것과 같이 느낀다고 해요. 그래서 주인이 일하러 아침에 나가서 저녁에 집을 들어가면 정말 긴 시간이 지나서 만난 것처럼 격하게 반겨준다는 것을 어디에서 본 기억이 있어요..^^티티와 루루의 시간도, 다른 여덟 야옹이의 시간도, 세상 모든 고양이들의 시간은 그렇게 빠르게 지나가기에 소중히 사랑하고 오래오래 건강할수 있도록 아껴줘야하지 않을까..라고 생각해보게 되네요..^^아플 시간도 없이 집사님이랑 행복하게 사랑하며 살았으면 좋겠어..티티 & 루루 !!
10:17 개인적인 오늘의 베스트 픽입니다.
“어떻게 저렇게 머리통이 크지…?”ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
It’s the first time that I see Lulu’s fans in live action. Must be so thrilling to see that Hello Kitty-shaped big head! Lulu has no idea that he’s got thousands and thousands more adoring fans. Wishing Lulu good health.
I would love a video of Claire presenting the material for her cats and where we could buy it (cat trees, litter boxes, bags etc.). I love everything she got for her cats. ❤️
루랑이 아픈걸 처음 알았네요..루랑이 삼촌팬이라서 뉴욕에서 아마존으로 루랑이 우산이랑 필통도 사서 가지고 있는데..항상 품위있고 도도한 팉티와, 항상 용맹하고 귀여운 루랑이를 위해 기도하겠습니다ㅎㅎ크집사님을 위해서도요ㅎㅎ