ねこナビ編集部(Youtube 動画 pick up)

ねこナビ編集部(Youtube 動画 pick up) Youtubeおすすめ紹介
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A cat succumbs to sleepiness despite being curious about bird videos.

(c) Cat Navi Desk 【Twitter】https://twitter.com/‪CatNaviDesk ‬ 【Instagram】https://www.instagram.com/cat_navi_desk.

A human succumbs to sleepiness despite being curious about “a cat succumbs to sleepiness despite being curious about bird videos” videos

This cat has sleepy grandpa energy. “Turn that back on, I was watching that!”

Look at this fine distinguished young man

Cat: _falls asleep_Cat’s ears: rotate 15 degree clockwise, turn to south-east, listen carefully a sec, now back into default position, turn to north

This makes me sleepy. I wish I was small enough to take a nap in someone’s lap.

He’s like “I’ve only had 18 hours of sleep today.”

He just like my dad who says the film is really good, but I saw him sleep while watching

Its the saddest thing when they finally fall asleep (on you) and you get the urge to move for whatever reason.

His undecided paw is something we can all relate to

Cat: I’m going to eat you…Bird: In your dreams.Cat: We’ll see about that… Zzz…

He’s warm; he’s safe; he’s loved…why wouldn’t he be sleepy…

Not blaming him, his spot looks cozy af

Wow, that cat really did succumb to sleepiness despite being curious about the bird video

Owner: “You’re so sleepy. Why don’t you go lie down for a while?”Cat: “I’m not sleepy! I’m just checking the backs of my eyelids for cracks.”

I love how it’s little paws are folded up like that, so precious

Warmth ✔️Safety ✔️Quiet✔️Making owner immobile ✔️*Sleep mode activated*

This made me feel very calm and filled my soul with inner peace.

Cat: falls asleep 5million people: this some gourmet shit right here

Me during math classes, just with the difference that I wasn’t even interested.

He’s not sleep. He’s just “ resting his eyes”. 😉

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Cats and Ping Pong Trick Shots

(c) Cat Navi Desk 【Instagram】https://www.instagram.com/cat_navi_desk 【Twitter】https://twitter.com/‪CatNaviDesk​ ‬ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Track: …

I love how completely unimpressed they both are with everything. “A ball went in a cup. Wow.”

When only one cat is in a frame, another holds a camera.

3:10 I couldn’t help screaming at the last scene due to their’s overcuteness


The fact they were able to setup any dominoes with a cat around is amazing in itself.

0:23 「おおっ…!」て感じで身を乗り出すネコチャンがかわいい❤️二匹とも、飼い主さんの指示をじっと待てるのがすごい!


This is the kind of stuff that YouTube was made for!



Incre�ble, que bueno tener unos gatos tan inteligentes como esos, saludos.

Sensational! In addition to training the kittens, you came up with all of this! Ingenious

The world: he has too much time on his hands. The cats: he has exactly the correct amount of time on his hands!

Beautiful cats! My boy is almost 12 years old, he looks exactly like the black and white cat here and I love him to pieces! 💞💕❤️ He will also knock ANYTHING down that I put in front of him 😂

These are two of the most patient and intelligent cats on the internet.


You found cats favourite game! Dropping balls and see stuff fall. A behind the scene should be interesting, would like to know what it took to do all that. Amazing video, Oscar worthy! 🏆

It’s seems that the cats absolutely don’t give a f”ck about what’s happening, but whatsoever they make it work!

This must have taken a million takes to get it all so perfectly right. Thanks for this, it made me very happy.

Not only are these two, beautiful cats intelligent, but the owner who set up this domino course is quite the scientific wizard!!! Loved this!

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(c) Cat Navi Desk 【別映像】ぶるるが一方的に駒を取る ⇒https://youtu.be/3uOR75xF448 ※サブチャンネルも登録お願いします! 【Twitter】https://twitter.com/‪CatNaviDesk‬ …



Impressive how long and hard they think before making their moves.





It’s fascinating how cats interact and ignore each other at the same time.

That was the most intense battle of shogi that I have ever seen, you could see both players licking their sweat off their fur as time goes on.

The black and white cat is a master at shogi.

They are trying to figure out how they can get some treats out of this.

They’re like “The silly human doesn’t know… These aren’t edible!”

Cats hope to get food after every time they move the piece.😄

São dois anjinhos lindos e fofinhos 😂😂🙏🐈❤️

Whoever gets the most pieces knocked off the table on his side, wins!

Human: *gives cats a game*Cats: we want treats, not games


As a Chess player, I’ve always been mildly curious to learn Shogi, also called Japanese Chess in English. I already know how to play XiangQi (Chinese Chess), which is surprisingly similar to western Chess. But I’ve heard Shogi has very different game play.

If the cats started playing I would watch for hours


