- Thousands of dogs living in the city dump.
- The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 6: Rain is coming. We have to move.
- Spend a Happy Day with Stray Cats
- We won against paralysis and we will beat heart disease too. With the light in cat Asia’s eyes.
- Feeding 100 Stray Cats 2 – Turkey’s Cat Island (Cute Cats – Cute Kittens)
Thousands of dogs living in the city dump.

(c) Adorable Paws In this video, you will not see any beautiful images on behalf of humanity and dogs. Do not forget to turn on subtitles. There is …
The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 6: Rain is coming. We have to move.

(c) Adorable Paws Part 6: Meteorology warned for rain. Actually, the cat house was built from waterproof material. Considering the worst, we should …
They are so lucky to have you. Thank you for making sure they are safe while the weather is bad. Don’t get too attached 🙂
Adorable precious kitties, thank you for saving them I hope their mom is ok too. 😊
THOSE ARE SOME VERY HAPPY KITTIES TO BE INSIDE🤣😻😂😻. You can tell they feel safe because of their level of energy and playtime fun. Love you guys so much😻. These babies are so lucky to have crossed paths with you👍👍👍💕🌺💕🌺
Fofos demais!
The way they run to you when you call is the most heart-warming thing. You are a great cat dad.
I enjoy your interaction with the kittens. And your sense of humor.
They are adorable and yes there sound system is flawless.
Estão cada dia mais lindos!Parabéns por cuidar destes pequeninos gatinhos!👏👏👏👏😻😻😻😻😻
Eres un pedre cariñoso para estos gatitos están desesperados quieren que seas su papá thank you 😻😸👍👏🇪🇸😿
So much cuteness, I’m glad you kept them safe, but I do wish you could keep them with you, because outdoors has so many dangers, including predators!At their age, they are just full of “energizer bunny”!! 🐇
Good nigth Cansu and Onur ! You are the ideal mon for the kittens : lovely ,responsible ,dedicated !!! So cute kittens !!! 😻💙🐈💜🐱💕🐱💖👍👏🙏🙌🇧🇷 .
I love watching little kittens play together…they are so playful and so cute…I adopted a kitten early this year and now he is not tiny anymore but still playful and cheeky and the terror in the house always annoying my two older cats…hehehehe…
For kittens that spent the first part of their lives outside they seem to have adjusted immediately to the indoors. Thank you for helping these beautiful, motherless babies. You two are the kind of people I can honestly say I love. I really can’t say it enough., THANK YOU
Thank you for your big heart Onur and Cansu!!! Your kindness may God reward you for what you have done, savings these precious Kittens. What an adorable vlog with the Kittens enjoying life!!! Joan Bates ❤ ❤ ❤
Todos nos estamos encari�ando much�simo con estos cinco angelitos y ser� cada vez m�s dif�cil si al final han de marcharse, pero ojal� que encuentren pronto un hogar definitivo en el que vivir.
These little ones need homes. Hoping and praying that good families come to adopt soon.
Allah’ım yerim ben bu ponçikleri kızlar deyince hepsi mavluyor hem tatlı hem kurnaz bu cadılar var ya koltuk multuk kalmadı yetiş Cansu 😃😺
There should be a warning ⚠️ on this video. This can be very addictive to those who are sensitive to the cuteness overload. I loved ♥ the kitten 😸 chorus 😍. Thanks for taking care of them. I think something 🤔 happened to the mom 👩 or, she would have come back by now.
I think there are few things in life that are more fun than watching kittens at play.
Too cute 🥰. Onur’s girls 👧
Spend a Happy Day with Stray Cats

(c) Adorable Paws In the previous video; We took two kittens home for treatment. The diseases of these cats have healed. We went to leave these …
Hello friends. For subtitles, don’t forget to press the Subtitle button. You can support us by watching other videos on our channel. We would appreciate it if you recommend the video to your friends and share it on social media accounts. You can support us by subscribing to our Patreon account. https://www.patreon.com/adorablepaws
Тоже кормим везде!! Домики строем💟💟💟 Благодарю вас добрый человек🌹🐈🐈🐈 Здоровья вам и счастья🐈🐈🐈
Какая добрая душа в этого человека 👍🐾🐈🐈🐈🐈🐾🐾🐾👏🙏
СПАСИБО вам, Добрые Люди , за заботу о животных !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Мир держится на Доброте и Милосердии .
This man is one of gods best creations. The world needs more people like him.
Какая прелесть эти животинки, обожаю животных,,,дай вам Бог здоровья , мира и благополучия, пусть БОГ хранит вас и помогает, счастья вам и любви вселенской….
Как прекрасно,так хорошо становится после такого видео
Коты снимают стрессы, успокаивают нервы и как снотворное ,при бессонице.Если конечно любиш этих животинок😙😙😙
Кошечки исцеляют пространство,забирая на себя негатив.
Thank for feeding them onur 🙂
Какой вы хороший человек! Здоровья Вам и удачи в делах!
Es un placer ver a personas que se interesan por los animales ❤️ que vídeo tan bonito.Espero que la gente aprenda de estos seres humanos llenos de amor.
Какой молодой человек добрый здоровья тебе пусть хранит тебя Всевышний
Здоровья молодому человеку. Москва февраль 2020 год.
Какой молодец! Помогает и лечит, да и к меню относится с вниманием! Коты должно быть счастливы – ведь о них заботятся! Счастья и здоровья добрым людям, что помогают и спасают беззащитных малышей !
Удачи вам, благополучия,человек большой и доброй души! Смотреть одно умиление!
Человек — это звучит гордо. В данном случае, это вы.Спасибо
Bravo Onur pour tout ce que tu fais pour tous ces chats et chatons et j’aurais bien aimé être là avec toi pour t’aider ! ♥♥
I don’t have a FC account but I spread the word the old school way by talking to people,show them your videos.Thanks guys.Your doing a great job ♥️✌️🤗
Какое добре сердце и большая душа у этого парня.Добра тебе и Божьего благословения на всю твою жизнь..
We won against paralysis and we will beat heart disease too. With the light in cat Asia’s eyes.

(c) Adorable Paws At first, we did not know what kind of disease we were fighting. But now we know. Heart of cat Asia. We managed to beat the …
We apologize to everyone who has followed us for 2 years and treated us like family. Why is that? We have never posted videos of animals in poor condition on our channel. We apologize for posting this video of Asia. Our goal here is to get more people to watch the video. To be able to meet the treatment costs by earning income from the video. Thank you for your understanding.
Se Deus quiser ela vai ficar bem e viver muitos anos!
Rabbim sizin bütün Canlar için gösterdiğiniz çabayı biliyor,görüyor.. İnşallah ASYA kızın da şifasını verecektir,ona ikinci şansı olarak sizleri vesile kıldı….Sevgi ve ilginizle yardımcı oldunuz ,yine yardım edeceksiniz…Her işiniz rast gitsin,her zaman sağlıklı yaşayın ki Canların derdine derman olun…Bildik Ailesi sizlerden Allah razı olsun..🤲🐈💘🧿
I’m so sorry for the sweet kitty but I’m going to be honest… I wouldn’t let my kitty suffer like that. You guys are so great and I know how much to help all these animals ❣️❣️❣️❣️. You have such GREAT HEARTS🌺💕🌺💕!! I have four kitties myself, we’ve had to put sick kitties down before so they wouldn’t suffer especially if something went terribly wrong with me not at home😭😭. I just don’t believe in forcing animals to stay alive when their quality of life will be a struggle. And being without breath because of heart is saddening 😔😔. I donate when I can, please don’t take this wrong, I’m not trying to be hurtful one bit. I know how it is to love a kitty so much and want to do everything to save it💞🕊️. Sometimes we have to know what’s best for them. I’ve been a foster for years and have had to make hard decisions like this so I’m not just saying words.GOD BLESS you both!! You are very loved💕🌺💞🕊️
Sweet precious darling Asia. How hard this must be for you & yet you are such a little trooper. I know this is hard on your “parents” as well. But they love you so much & I know you are in the best of hands. Sending you lots of love & healing sweet girl. xoxoxo
Совершенно чудесная кошечка!Спасибо вам за неё!
Asia is such a sweet and pretty girl, she will get better! 🥺💕
Выздоравливай красавица..нежный ласковый комочек.. Будь здорова и счастлива..Спасибо за любовь и заботу..♥️💋
Porfavor cuidenla mucho .denle un beso de mi parte.
I am so sad 😿 to see Asia struggle to move. But I am so happy 😺 to see Asia eating. She is trying to do her best even though her condition is serious. Onur, there are so many people hoping to see Asia recover because you are doing everything for her. Kind regards from your friend in England 🏴.
Мы все желаем, чтобы Азия выздоровела❤Азия мы верим в тебя😽
Deus já salvou este anjinho 🙏🙏 ela merece viver e brincar muito ainda 👏👏😻😻😻
Dios lo bendiga por todas sus acciones y también rezaré por Asia para que siga luchando. 🐈🐈🐈🐈
Бедная малышка. Как она страдает. Онур, спасибо, что не перестаёте за неё бороться. Я очень надеюсь, что Азия обязательно поправится и будет жить долго и счастливо. ❤❤❤❤❤
I’m very sorry your cat is unwell. I Pray that she improves.
Маленькое беленькое сокровище.. здоровья тебе…не плачь милая.. тебя любят и ты будешь здорова..🐈♥️💋
It is extremely heartbreaking to see Asia like this, we can only hope with all the love and care Asia receives she will get better!
Моя любимая Асия. Как тяжело видеть, что тебе плохо. И такая радость, когда тебе хорошо! Онур все сделает, чтобы помочь тебе,а нам остается только молиться и надеяться на Чудо!
This cute little angel is the best way to start a new day. You can’t resist his/her cuteness. Thank you so much for feeding these beautiful creatures. Have a great day 🥰🥰
I’ll always pray for Asia and other babies too.. Insyallah they will stay healthy and happy with you and your wife.. Thank you so much for take care Asia and others.. Much2 love❤️❤️❤️ from🇲🇾
Feeding 100 Stray Cats 2 – Turkey’s Cat Island (Cute Cats – Cute Kittens)

(c) Adorable Paws There are a lot of stray cats in the area where we live. We help with nutrition, neutering, adoption and housing. By watching the …
Hello friends. For subtitles, don’t forget to press the Subtitle button. You can support us by watching other videos on our channel. We would appreciate it if you recommend the video to your friends and share it on social media accounts. You can support us by subscribing to our Patreon account. https://www.patreon.com/adorablepaws
Аллах вас любит, вы очень добрый человек, спасибо вам за кошек ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hi folks 😍Don’t skip the adds! Watching them you help Onur to feed the cats and dogs.THANKS♥️✌️
You made a great job helping these stray cats. It’s a pleasure seeing them. Some are so tiny and innocent!🙋♀️👍💚🌼🍀
Gracias buen hombre por alimentar y cuidar de estos gatitos,Dios te bendiga🙏
Thank you for all you do for these adorable cats. 😻❤️
Que lindo lugar , todos respeita os animais,, alimenta com carinho, parab�ns Turquia
Eu e minha família amamos 🐈 🥰😍🤗
You can see that in Turkey, people realy loves and tolerates stray cats. These cats are not as wary of humans as in some other countries cause they know people won’t harm them.And you can see that this man and his wife absultely love cats.He give his time and money to take care of them.All of the viewer should do their best to help them, by boosting his views and ads or donation.
Только добрые люди могут так заботиться.Спасибо вам.
Вот это да,как хорошо этим кошкам ,что у них есть такой кормилец!
Thank you for feeding them and loving them. God bless you🙏
You’re a wonderful family, this is Amazing thank you!🙆💜💚💙
Thank you for feeding 💜💜💜
So many beautiful cats and so hungry. So cute the little babies you hold up for us 😻😻😻They all look very healthy❤️👏🏼
Adorable Paws, God Bless You. Man. for food the Cats. 🙏🙏🙏
So many cute kitties…. thanx for feeding them
BRAVO 💓👏👏👏👏
Как приятно смотреть на такое ,какие добрые люди и милые кошечки, у нас во дворе тоже много кошек и мы их подкармливаем …
Simplesmente encantada com os felinos e mais encantada ainda com seu gesto de amor e solidariedade!!! Com esses anjos sem asas. Que Deus lhe abençoe grandemente e toda a sua família. Meu parabéns!!! 👏🇧🇷❤️