- Cat paradise turned into hell in one day. Bad weather turned the cat island upside – down. Part 1
- The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 5: Buffet Station for Tiny Kittens
- Thousands of dogs waiting for shelter construction to be completed.
- She walks better than vets who say, ‘This cat can never walk. Cat Asia.
- The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 12: Cute Tiny Kittens – Eating ASMR
Cat paradise turned into hell in one day. Bad weather turned the cat island upside – down. Part 1

(c) Adorable Paws Istanbul has been struggling with the most severe stormy weather I have seen in my life for the last 2 days. Many people and stray …
My lawsuit petition about moving cat houses on the rocks to safe areas. Most likely, this petition will be rejected as soon as possible. The part with the sea and rocks belongs to the state. However, the walking path and green park areas right next to the sea belong to the municipality. As a result of the complaints I made to the district municipalities, I did not receive any positive response. Response from the district municipalities: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, to which we are affiliated, does not allow this. For this reason, I prepared my complaint petition for the Metropolitan Municipality and sent it to the government. I swear I’ve been doing this for years. I will definitely not get positive results. I will share the incoming defense petition with you soon. I know this. Please learn too. 16 million people live in Istanbul. Half of the 16 million people are animal lovers. The other half live away from animals. You should know this. There are millions of people who do not want their cat houses to be found in green spaces and walkways. I am an engineer. I’m too smart to be stupid. I want to minimize the death toll while I build those cat houses there.How can you support this channel? ➡https://www.patreon.com/adorablepaws ➡https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/adorablepaws ➡Paypal e-mail: adorablepawsdonate@gmail.com ➡By watching videos. ➡By commenting. ➡By pressing the like button. ➡By sharing videos on your social media accounts. ➡As a member of our channel.➡https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz_cPU8mjoveseNrasZ91rg/join
Бедные котики. Спасибо вам что продолжаете им помогать и спасать. Вы очень хороший человек.
선생님 ~~!!!불쌍한 길고양이들을 위해 보살펴 주시는 선생님 감사합니다 😻😻
Poor kitties! Thank you for doing all that you do for them, Sir 🥰I hope the weather calms down soon! 🤞
I pray one day you can have a shelter for these lovely cats, where they will be in a safer environment, the work you do for them is AMAZING 👏
Semoga Allah selalu menjaga orang orang Turki dan stray animals in outside dari badai ini.Terima kasih banyak Mr.Onur dan Ms.Cansu atas semua kebaikan yang kalian lakukan pada stray animals🤍💐
My heart breaks for these babies. I wish there more people like you and your wife who give all to these babies. You can only do what u can. Thank you.
Такие трудные времена для вас. Вы очень сильные, ответственные люди. СПАСИБО большое за вашу помощь пострадавшим котикам 🙏💕
Poor cats 😓😓😓
Господи, спаси и защити добрых людей и зверей.Вы,добрейшие и очень мужественные люди.Ходить в такой страшный шторм по скользким камням ,ветер ураганный,что бы помочь бездомным животным,много стоит.Дай бог вашей семье здоровья и всяческих благ и пусть хранит бог вас и ваших питомцев.
The cats are so lucky to have you in their lives. The weather is shocking. It’s just a shame their little houses are right on the water. It’s a pity they couldn’t be moved further inland. Good luck to everyone. xxxx
Çok geçmiş olsun 😔 İstanbul’da oturuyorum. O fırtınada kızımla benim aklımız hep burada ki yavrulardaydi 😔 çok üzüldük 😔 Canlarimizi kaybettik 😢 Rabbim bir daha göstermesin 🤲😔🖤
Que pena,pobres angelitos. �stos temporales ir�n a m�s, debido al cambio clim�tico. Tendr�an que trasladar sus casas y a ellos a otro lugar . Gracias por ayudarlos!!
Онур, я желаю вам здоровья,вы провели целый день в холоде под штормовыми волнами и ураганным ветром. Всевышний даёт вам силы для помощи бездомным кошкам. Жаль, что не все смогли спастись. Большая популяция кошек проблема для городских служб, поэтому никто кроме вас не озаботился помощью кошкам. Спасибо за спасение кошек.
Спасибо Вам за спасение и не безразличие к малышам.Пусть у вас и вашей семьи все будет хорошо
Бедные детки, как страшно, какой шторм! Какое несчастье, если бы не вы Онур, было бы намного больше погибших котеек!!! СПАСИБО вам, целый день на ветру и среди брызг воды, берегите себя. Здоровья вам.
Tüm çabalarınız ve kedi evleri için elinize sağlık. Kayıplar için çok üzgünüm. Allah beterinden korusun
Meu DEUS!! Quê triste 😭😭 ainda bem que tem um anjo protetores olhando por vocês miauzinhos . Que ele também seja amparado 🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰❤🤴
Huge respect, Onur, you help them so much, I cannot describe. Please folks, let’s watch till the end with adds, if not able to donate, thanks.🙏❤️🐈
Mai visto una persona amorevole e premurosa come te, tutti dovremmo prendere esempio. Ti auguro ogni bene sulla terra. ❤️🙏🏼
The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 5: Buffet Station for Tiny Kittens

(c) Adorable Paws Part 5: Buffet Station for Tiny Kittens. I continue to be a mother to motherless kittens. With breast-milk substitutes, dry cat food and …
The main purpose of these cats is not to drink the milk. Because they are motherless, they go crazy to suck the bottle. When I prepare the milk and put it on a plate, they don’t drink it. Please do not write insulting comments without knowing us.
You are doing a wonderful job taking care of these adorable kittens! Of course, every kitten feeding video must include at least one kitten standing in the plate of food!They sure love their bottle! And their replacement mom!
You’re doing such a great job🤗🤗🤗. That’s so time consuming since kittens have to eat every four hours. You guys are truly THE BOMB🔥🔥🔥😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
Oh my God they are so cute, God bless those kittens.
The manners are amazing…nothing like literally “entering the plate”!!!Os modos s�o incr�veis…nada como literalmente “entrar dentro do prato”!!!
A mazing روعة thank you,you are angels
Elinize sağlık,bir anne şefkati ile çocukları doyurdunuz, Allah sizden razı olsun..🤲😻
Super cute kitties. They’re like “papa coming home”, all excited. So heartwarming!!!🥰🥰🥰😻😻😻😻
You really became a mom for these kittens 👍.
Siguen hermosos 😺 como toman el biberón 🤗🤗🤗
Adorable healthy kittens are eating – surely one of the best topics for watching 🤗❤️👍Thank you so much! 🙏❤️
THE CUTEST EVER 😍😍😍😍😍😻😻😻😻😻❤❤❤❤❤Thank you so much 😻Cat Daddy Onur🌹
Watch out, Onur, they might rip your fingers off. Look how “fierce” they are, hahahaha.Cuidado, Onur, eles podem arrancar os teus dedos. Olha s� como s�o “ferozes”, hahahaha.
Support and drop a like again😎 but just a short comment as my condition is not that good at the moment sorry Mr Onur🤔☹️Wish you you all the best with the kittens and may you get more views and donations there😊😎
Obrigada por tudo
Dios te bendiga, por salvar a esos lindos gatitos. Saludos desde Espa�a.
Aw : They are Just So So Adorable . Gorgeous . And they are being So Well Cared for by their New Mummy……👩🏻🍼👩🏻🍼👩🏻🍼“A Mother’s Work is never done “. Always more to do with Babies ..Animal or Human….💁🏻♀️Aw 🤗🤗at them all 🍼 Beautiful 😻🤩🤩. Thank You for Caring for them all . Be Safe and Well.🍼👩🏻🍼👩🏻🍼👨🏽🍼👩🏻🍼. 💕💕🙏🙏🙏
Aman Allahım dünyanın en güzel manzarası biberonla emen kedi, harikasınız elinize sağlık.💖😿
Feeding kittens with milk from the outside looks very funny, but I can imagine how difficult it is to do in reality…
Thousands of dogs waiting for shelter construction to be completed.

(c) Adorable Paws This is a big forest in Istanbul. A highway that runs through the forest. There are thousands of dogs living here. These dogs go to …
Самая лучшая новость-Приют для Животных👍👍👍❤❤❤❗ Такое благородное дело, Респект, Браво👏😍❗ Спасибо, что такие добрые люди, как Вы 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💞💞💞💞💞💞❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I really love to see how genuine and gentle these dogs are towards your wife. Thank you to both of you for continuing to do this good deed. Bless you both🤗💖
Parab�ns p essa mo�a, isso mostra que ainda existe pessoas boas
I see more and more kindness to animals in Istanbul thanks to you. There ought to be an international prize for goodness and decency, and if there were, you would win it. Thanks for all that you do! 😇😇😇😇💖💖💖💖💖
Спасибо за хорошую новость о строительстве приюта!Хочется надеяться,что жизнь собачек скоро улучшится.Спасибо вам за всё,что вы делаете для животных!
Уважаю и преклоняюсь!!🐕🐕🐾🏡💖🙏
Какие молодцы!
You do such a wonderful thing for these otherwise lost animals who would starve. Happy to hear about shelter😍😍 Bless you for what you do for the doggies and keep up the good work 💓💓💓
Amo isso!💞💞💞💙💙💙
Finally, it is good to know that a construction is in progress
Seviliyorsun abla keşke senin su videolarin büyük yerlerdeki kişiler de görse
Gracias infinitas por ese amor tan grande a los desprotegidos, perros y gatos! ❤🐈🐕
Onur, it is a relief to know that shelters are being built. At least there will be better control of disease, castration, and possibly better visualization for adoption purposes. Blessings to all who love and care for these stray cats and dogs.Onur, � um al�vio saber que est�o sendo constru�dos abrigos. Ao menos haver� melhor controle das doen�as, das castra��es, e, possivelmente, melhor visualiza��o para fins de ado��es. B�n��os a todos os que amam e se importam com estes c�es e gatos desgarrados.
Que lindos todos si estuviera en ese pa�s ir�a a verlos y a donar. Que bendici�n que no los desamparen.
Que bello coraz�n de esta mujer dios la bendiga x voltear a ver a estos seres indefensos
Vcs são os anjos de Deus obrigado 👼
Beautyfull Lady… BeautyfuLL heart. Care about hungry n safe animaL. God so glad watching what you do. Sky Loving you too…
Boa tarde! Vocês são anjos humanos Deus abençoe suas vidas em nome de Jesus 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
🤗🤗🙇🙇🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🐕🌳🇨🇷👏👏👏👏❤gracias por cuidar de ellos Dios los bendiga.
She walks better than vets who say, ‘This cat can never walk. Cat Asia.

(c) Adorable Paws When we found her, it was a common idea of many veterinarians. This cat can never walk. 1 year has passed since then.
SWEET ASIA 😻🐈alles Liebe & Gute💚💚💚Dankeschön⚘ Onur für die liebevolle Fürsorge 😻🐈
She is adorable. She is so loving and appreciative. She can teach us humans so much
Of course she will get better & thrive because she has many people who love & are praying for her
She’s a beautiful and brave girl. Your commitment to her care is inspiring. Thank you for all that you do.
There are many kittens who have difficult conditions but continue to live happily because they receive not only treatment but lots of love. This is the case with Asia. I also trust that this girl continues to enchant us with her unique tender eyes.H� muitos gatinhos que t�m condi��es dif�ceis, mas seguem vivendo com alegria por receberem n�o apenas tratamento, mas muito amor. � o caso de Asia. Tamb�m confio muito que esta menina siga nos encantando com seus olhos de ternura �mpar.
Милая, милая, нежная Азия! Пусть забота Онура и любовь тысяч твоих почитателей помогут тебе восстановится!!!
It’s good to see that little Asia is eating well and has some movement. She’s such a bright-eyed sweetheart, but there’s times one can look at her and see she’s not feeling well. It occasionally shows in her face, but we shall hope the treatments will help her be more comfortable and move better soon. Thank you for not giving up on Asia. You’re the best kind of humans.
Милая девочка. Благодаря вашим заботам и большой любви она живёт и выздоравливает.
She’s a strong warrior with the will to live and walk! Thank you for not giving up on sweet angels like her. 💞
Amor, ora��es, pensamentos positivos, tudo isso mandamos para Asia e seus lindos papis humanos.
Hermosa Asia tan bella vas a estar bien y superarás todos tus problemas fuerza !!! Chiquita 💪
Asia’s eyes match her green bed, so cute.She is brave and can only get stronger as time goes by.
Ela vai ficar bem 🙏 DEUS está cuidando dela🙏 Vamos acreditar e orar por ela 🙏🙏 Ela é encantadora 😽😽
👏👏👏La luz de esos ojos y vuestro cariño mueve montañas. Asia superará todo porque sabe que estáis ahí, y sacará todas sus ganas de vivir, su coraje.¡¡¡Qué mirada!!!!No os deis por vencidos. ¡¡¡El amor puede mucho!!!Gracias por informar, cuidarla y quererla tanto.❤❤❤
Какая она красивенькая ! Да ,,,,за ней нужен уход !
До чего же она красивая. И странная походка её совсем не портит. Прекрасная кошечка, любящая.😻
Huge emerald eyes, she’s all eyes. Eyes are the window to the soul. Asia is a pure soul and will beat 💓this, 💓you can do it again baby girl. I love 💘you sweet lass🙏🍀
Любовь и забота делает чудеса!
Cuanto te entiendo Onur, yo tengo también un problema de columna con una de las gatas que tengo, sigue luchando por ella Onur 💕💕💕💕
The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 12: Cute Tiny Kittens – Eating ASMR

(c) Adorable Paws Part 12: Multivitamin supplement for motherless kittens. To strengthen immunity. In fact, many kittens don’t like the taste of it.
Эмоции просто переполняют! Какие котяточки хорошенькие, быстро растут. Огромное Вам спасибо за заботу и помощь всем котикам.
Много времени уделяете котикам , заботитесь..спасибо вам огромное 😃🐈🐈🐈❤
👍👍🐈🐈🐈🐈, krásný a díky za jejich podporu a krmení ❤❤❤
Elinize sağlık kesenize bereket abileri Allah sizden yüzbinkere razı olsun inşallah afiyet şifa olsun güzelliklere maaşallah
Homem de Deus,voc� � tudo que os animais precisam ,quanto amor e dedica��o.Eu aqui de t�o longe ,pe�o que Deus continue aben�oando por toda sua vida.
They are becoming healthy and healthier all coz of your love and care 🤗🤗😊😊🥰😍😍
Que Deus abençoe muito você que cuida desses presentes de Deus 🥰❣👏🙏🙏👏❣❣🥰😇😇😇😇😇
Con el apetito que tienen,están creciendo fuertes y sanos,te van a comer una mano!😸 CANSU ♥️ ONUR GRACIAS 😽🐈🐈⬛🐈🐈⬛👍
На таких людях ,как вы Земля держится !
Мое уважение Вам.
Дай Бог вам всех благ за заботу о животных!
Yolunuz açık olsun güzel yürekli candostlarımız..🙏♥️🙏..
Няшные котяточки💞👍🔥милахи👍💖хоть бы всех пристроить в добрые хорошие ручки🙏
But the kittens are not “motherless”, because they have YOU now!
Bless you for feeding these cats!
Cuánto hacia que no veía videos de los gatitos de las rocas !! 😊 Están preciosos gracias Onur 👋👋👍
Kittens are very cute and lucky to receive your protection, but those who live on the streets and on the island still need you much more so I thank you for taking care of them. And one of the inexpensive ways in which we can also help you is by viewing the complete advertisements that appear on your channel so that YouTube can monetize you so that you can invest it in food, medicines and veterinary treatments for cats in need.
Sayenizde kuyruklar filosu hep mutlu..👍🐾♥️🐾👍..
So cute little kittens…God bless you all
Este canal hace una labor hermosa.