- The mama cat who adopts orphan kittens.
- 4 Baby Kittens are eating Dry Cat Food for the first time in their life.
- The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 10: Wet Cat Food for Tiny Kittens
- Every time we prayed to God for a baby, God sent us a new cat. 😻
- The story of 500 dogs living in the dump. Part 3
The mama cat who adopts orphan kittens.

(c) Adorable Paws We found these kittens crying under a car. They lost their mothers and were very hungry. They were very cold. People living there …
Cats are really beautiful creatures of our planet they always looks cute god bless to all of them
Sweet babies, sweet mother cat, sweet people. Thanks, Onur and Cansu. God bless you always.
Such a beautiful video and a very good mother.
My foster, calico (Angel) had five & she took care of perfectly. But towards the end, a neighbor found three in a box behind a Wal-Mart and my Angel took them as they were her own as she kept producing milk. We all laughed saying it’s s great thing that Cats can’t count !!!!..all happy- all healthy..😻
Animals are amazing and they have more feeling than so many humans .Thank you for being kind to animals 💖
Mum is so sweet and empathic like you.She’s also helping stray kittens.You’re a good team ♥️✌️🤗
We raised 4 kittens from a week old after their Mom was killed by a truck … bottle fed them every 2 hours … all lived and went to forever homes 💕
Какая прелесть. Кошечка и котята и хозяйка .
There was an old woman that lived in a shoe. She had so many children she didn’t know what to do. This time it’s Mama Cat with lots of kitties. Sweet!
Прелесть мама-кошка,но их уже можно кормить кормом для котят…..💞💞💞💞
The mama cat is gorgeous.I love her color.
Oh, what an absolutely adorable litter (or litters) of kittens! And what an utterly wonderful Mama cat!
That’s an adorable mama cat.
Bless you for saving these beautiful kitties, so happy to hear they’re all owned & mom is spayed! This video made me smile… 🥰
You two are angels walking on planet Earth. God smiles and blessings untold.
Such a beautiful video Onur and Cansu.Momma cat and babies are beautiful.💖💖💖😼🐱🐾🐾
Героическая мама кошка.Терпеливо кормит голодных сироток.И своих любить не забыввет.Спасибо за позитив.
What a good mommy cat.
What lovely cats. Thank you for cleaning them to take away fleas💕💕💕🐈💕
꼬물이들 너무 사랑스럽고 귀여워요~❤좋은 가족 만나 입양 갔으면 좋겠습니다~🥰
4 Baby Kittens are eating Dry Cat Food for the first time in their life.

(c) Adorable Paws A mother cat, who settled in the garage a few months ago, gave birth. 4 kittens. In fact, these kittens do not live in this place you …
You can watch all episodes of kittens through this playlist; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_sT1ALeIXg&list=PLTKpinw50OiatVFcHGN-6HjxrQuukiugm&ab_channel=AdorablePaws
Masya Allah….Sukses selalu brooo🤝🇮🇩
seeing those little eyes asking for food, my desire to hug everyone. Thanks to the couple who are so loving.
Adorable furbabies,Bless Them 🙏❤️😇
Love the one kitten “guarding” the whole dang pile!!
So adorable. I hope that they find loving homes.
Esses gatinhos estão muito felizes com tanta comida. 😋
So sad these little babies do not have a loving home,bless you for feeding them,I pray they will be safe from harm and sickness 🙏❤️
Four little angels 😇 are eating enjoying yummy 😋 dry food looking gorgeous and precious !! 😘🥰🤗💖💞❤💗💓
4 cute little faces.🥰 Very pasionate about their food😄
Just seeing these beautiful little fur babies put a big smile on my face.
Not all kittens eat dry cat food with such frenzy-craziness😂🙀🙀🙀. Probably, indeed, these kittens are trying it for the first time or are very hungry
😍They are beautiful cute surprise of Nature💓.. precious kittens😘🎇.. Blessings🎍.
Gotta ❤ those cute fur babies 👶 😻
Just too cute those adorable feisty little tigers. These babies aren’t more than 3-4 weeks old😻😻😻😻😻. You’re a good man feeding all them🌺💕🌟
Какие милахи ! Спасибо Вам , Онур, за заботу о малышах.
Sono stupendi ❤️ grazie per quello che fai 👍 per aiutare gatti cani e non solo! Il mondo sarebbe migliore se ci fossero tantissime persone come voi🙏🤗
Awe, they are just adorable. And how nice that all the neighbors around your parents look after the cats & of course you too.
Cuteness overload,..
¡¡¡Dulces imágenes!!!🤗🤗Describes un lugar en el que están atendidos: alimentación, sanidad, seguridad con coches… ¡¡¡Que maravilla!!!Gracias, Onur y Cansu por vuestra dedicación facilitando la vida a estos animalitos❤❤
The kittens’ mother is missing. I must be their mother. Part 10: Wet Cat Food for Tiny Kittens

(c) Adorable Paws Part 10: Wet Cat Food for Tiny Kittens. I continue to be a mother to motherless kittens. Kittens think I am their own mother. They get …
You can watch all episodes of kittens through this playlist; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_sT1ALeIXg&list=PLTKpinw50OiatVFcHGN-6HjxrQuukiugm&ab_channel=AdorablePaws
Parabéns, pelo belíssimo trabalho em cuidar desses anjinhos!🤗😇😻👏👏👏
I wish for all the kittens all over the world to be able to be taken care of like this! Blessings 🙏😻❤️👍👍👍
These little ones are so cute, Jennefer was also really cute being so patient.
Estan bien bonitos estos gatitos no me voy a cansar en decirte gracias por alimentarlos.
Hoping families get lucky enough to have these babies soon.
Jennifer is really sweet and loving. She does not even hiss to the kittens. I wish them a good life
Bu sokak hayvanlarına bu kadar özverili davranıp baktığınız için çok değerlisiniz………..❤❤❤❤❤
Parab�ns pela dedica��o a eles. Est�o lindos! Deus aben�oe!
Glad the kittens are healthy! Hope their Mama is okay as well. It was nice of Jennifer to help you by testing the kittens food and teaching them how to eat it!Seaside kitties look well, too. A little grumbling, but sometimes your housemates and neighbors can get on your nerves!
Dios los bendiga 🙏🙌💕Infinitamente por darles comida y esterilización y vacunas y mucho 💘
Малыши так громко пищат! Милые лапы. Так и бегут к маме-папе
Maşallah hepsi birbirinden güzel Allahım bu masumları sizin gibi vicdanlı merhametli insanlarla karşılaştırsın.😻
Их так много, сотни а то и тысячи кошек🙆♀️ здесь нужны руки помощи, благотворительность бизнесменов, местных властей. Вам тяжело, ведь помимо них, у Вас есть своя личная семейная жизнь, а главное рождения своих детей😇 и вся жизнь в целом. Бог в помощь 🙏
Yaptığınız takdiri hakediyor saygılar sunarım güzel bir insansınız
Onur bey sizin kalbiniz merhametiniz sevginiz bu masumlara merhem oluyor rabbim razı olsun :).
I like the fact that they are being fed in the plastic containers. That’s really awesome. 💯
Yes kitties prefer wet food 🥘 with water 💦. Thank you for providing both.
WOW ! Acum aveți mai multe pisici! Sunteți oameni cu un suflet foarte bun, vă doresc multă sănătate și toate cele bune! Happy Weekend! 🙏❤️😃🌹🐈🐈🐕🐈💞💥
First of all thank you for feeding the stray cats and neutering them you won half the battle there that means less kittens. And as for your cute little they are so sweet they’re giving me a tooth ache🤣. I will keep liking and sharing and hit the thumbs up and subscribe💞🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈😘
Every time we prayed to God for a baby, God sent us a new cat. 😻

(c) Adorable Paws Did we mention that these cats are our children? Did you know that we have been sleeping in the same bed with our children …
Q lindos os meus tamb�m dorme comigo amo eles
A nossa gatinha dorme com a gente também são muito lindos amo 💓💓💓
Ночная движуха веселуха ! Прикольно ! Спасибо за показ!
И от меня огромный лайк 👍 Быть добру!
Пусть Бог исполнит все ваши желания!!!
Спасибо большое за вашу доброту и помощь животным 🐈💕
Thank you so, so much for all the beautiful things you have done for poor homeless cats!
🐈🐈🐈🐈❤️❤️❤️❤️Stay save, happy & healthy papa Onur & mama Cansu…thank you for the love & care for the kitties. God loves you & will answer your pray. 💕
Esses gatinhos s�o muito fofinhos mesmo.
Мы желаем вам вам, дорогие, чтоб по вашему чудному дому бегало столько же детей , сколько котиков. Чтоб были такими же ангелами , как и вы! Моя дочка ждала первого 7 лет. Здоровья вам, вечной любви и конечно же деток!👨👩👧👦🙏🙏🙏💗💞💕💖
Beautiful Cats!!!God Bless you Onur and Cansu, This is the escene I live every nigths🤭🤭🤭
They are all so precious. Makes me laugh watching cute little Asia walking all over you Onur. Can’t believe you sleep through that lol
Котики такие красивые и ухоженые ..нежные милые животные..Спасибо вам за добро.. Пусть сбываются ваши желания и мечты…😀♥️♥️
Азия не верит своему счастью, что она попала в семью, что ее любят, кормят, лечат и заботятся.
Des enfants formidables ,pour un couple formidable !😸😺L’amour est sans limite ,alors le nombres de vos bébés aussi 😜😋Asia est si belle ,ses yeux sont extraordinaires 😻😻😻Pleins pleins de longues années de bonheur pour vous ,vos bébés actuels et vos futurs bébés.💓💓💓Des bisous à toute la famille 😽😽😽
Как я люблю когда вы снимаете видео про весёлые тусовки : дома, на балконе, в офисе. 😁😀😄💕💕👍👍👍👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Асия такая красивая! Вообще все котики прекрасные!
God’s ways are unfathomable. Don’t be sad that you and Canzu have not a baby yet. God gives you the cats and one day when you not longer believe in a own baby, you will have one! Be patient …
Beautiful family!! 🥰
Какие красавцы все. Азия очаровашка, ещё стесняется.
The story of 500 dogs living in the dump. Part 3

(c) Adorable Paws The story of 500 dogs living in the dump. #adorablepaws #luckypaws #straydogs This is a city dump. There are 500 dogs living …