- Let’s visit the world of cats, namely the Cat Island.
- The reaction of the cats in the house to the new paralyzed cat.
- The hungriest cat I’ve ever seen in my life. He thanks me for feeding. He pays his debt with love.
- Small breed dog scared the cats on cat island.
- Please just stay away from the virus not from cats.
Let’s visit the world of cats, namely the Cat Island.

(c) Adorable Paws I can’t imagine a world without cats. Are you one of those who say that they can never live without cats? Let’s visit the world of cats, …
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Ustedes son �ngeles para estos gatos!!! Que Dios los bendiga siempre!!! Saludos cordiales desde el edo de M�xico
God blessed you. We need more people like you in this world.
Многодетная семья!)))) Все котейки круглые, хорошие. Храни вас Господь!
Realmente hacen un trabajo magn�fico que personas tan bondadosas los gatitos se ven muy bien y son hermosos es admirable su labor felicitaciones !! Tendr�a que haber m�s gente as�!!!!!!
Que vontade de abra�ar todos meus filhinhos peludo kkk que coisa mais fofa
It’s just so nice to know that there are people that truly love and care for these kitties 😻💋💋🐾🐾🐾🐾
God bless you for all you do for the cats. Some people rather watch shameless celebrities than help a struggling channel doing God’s work. Please don’t give up, the cats need you.
Oh my, how many cats. ❤️❤️❤️🤗😍
Peace and blessings to these God sent angels. I’m so touched to see them feeding so many hungry cats. I wish I can bring all the abandoned cats in my country there. May God keep you safe and healthy. Ameen.
Thank you for feeding these lovely beings. Cats are angels. They need our love and we need them!
These beautiful kitties all deserve to be pampered house cat’s! They’re lucky to get this meal from generous ppl whom donate their precious time & money! Life on the streets is very harsh struggling to survive each & every day of their shortened life! 💔
Que atitude nobre alimentar esses felinos adoráveis!!!!!❤️❤️
Спасибо вам , ребята ! За спасение, за заботу о котиках! Спасибо за ваши добрые сердца!
I wish there were more people like you two. Your video makes me very happy! Thank you for feeding all of those kitties!! I do feel sorry for some of the kitties that didn’t get any food, since the top cat’s will not let some of the other’s have any. I wish I could have been there to feed the other kitties that were waiting their turn and the kitties that were coming up too late. I feel sad for the kitties that didn’t get any food. Thank you for feeding the ones you could. I loved seeing all of the different beautiful kitties.
You guys are awesome with what you do for the cats 🥺 I love it, I could sit here and watch all comercial on YouTube & give you all the likes in the world as long as you can benefit for the cats and your self as well very well deserved! 🤗 THANK YOU!!
This is amazing, I don’t think I’ve seen so many cats close together like this before, except maybe Cat Island in Japan or maybe the cat lady in California, USA. Thank you so much for feeding these lovely little animals. I bet there are no mice or rats anywhere in that area! I really enjoyed this video and am looking forward to more. Again, thank you for all you do for all these cats~!
Bendiciones a los que alimentan a los felinos que invierten sus tiempos. Gracias 🎶😊🐈🇵🇪🎵
Q lindos os gatinhos ♥️Eles são de rua?
Как мило, сердечно и с глубокой любовью забота происходит. Счастливые котейки! Живут в теплой стране. Главное еда и вода!Спасибо вам добрые и заботливые волонтеры! 🙏🏼🐈😊👍
The reaction of the cats in the house to the new paralyzed cat.

(c) Adorable Paws A new cat came to our house. Let’s watch the interesting reactions of other cats in the house. Jennefer is trying to get to know the …
Hello friends. The paralyzed cat’s name is Asia. We adopted her. Asia is now a healthy cat. She walks, runs, plays and misbehaves like a healthy cat. You can watch current videos of this current cat on our channel. 💓💖❤️
Спасибо вам за кисоньку. Дай бог, чтобы она выздоровела. Так и будет!
Такая милая кошечка!как хорошо,что она у таких любящих и заботливых людей,с большим ❤️❤️❤️👏
You’re giving the poor baby the best medicine – your love and attention. Thank you!
Elleriniz dert görmesin inş🤲🌹İlginizemi tşk edeyim,ellerinizle beslemenizemi,sahip çıkmanızamı🙏🙏🙏RABBİMiz sizlerden sonsuz razı olsun kardeşim🤲🌹
♥️♥️♥️♥️😉😘Que suerte tienen estos gatitos. Un abrazo fuerte para estas personas.👍
Спасибо за Вашу доброту и любовь к кошкам! Надеюсь новая кошечка поправиться и сможет ходить, ЛЮБОВЬ делает чудеса!🐱❤
M emociona esta gente tan maravillosa ,q dedica su tiempo y su amor a estos seres 😻😻😻😻
Aww such an adorable new cat 😻 Thank you for taking care of her ❤️
Bom dia! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Parabéns pela atitude 😢😢😢😢
Thank you for not giving up on her! I look forward to when she’s fully recovered with your family’s tender loving care ❤️ God bless you for your compassion towards animals!
I hope her can walk normally one day. the help and love you offer her is amazing!
Спасибо Вам большое,что ухаживаете за этой кошечкой.Здоровья вам и вашим котеечкам,пусть эта кошечка поправится и радует вас и нас)))
какой Рыжик**** как лев****
I’m rooting for the sick cat! I hope there will be improvements. I can tell the cat already feels safe and loved. Bless you!
He is so sweet….and you too ❤ thank you ❤
Thank you so much for helping the poor kitten. Love do miracles. The cat will gain health by your love and care❤️❤️❤️❤️ May God bless you all❤️
A home is not complete without the pitter patter of little cat feet…including this one👆 Your home have unlimited furr-niture and happiness😅 Bless you and family. Thank you.
God bless you
Que jesto lindo de amor !
The hungriest cat I’ve ever seen in my life. He thanks me for feeding. He pays his debt with love.

(c) Adorable Paws I ran into the hungriest cat I’ve seen in years. He ate dry cat food nonstop for 20 minutes. When he was full, he did not leave my …
Dear Adorable Paws family. We have seen you as a family for 3 years. A family that grows bigger and stronger with each passing day. You always applauded us when we did the right thing. You warned us when we did something wrong. For example, you warned us in the first video of this cat. Considering these warnings made in a beautiful language, we searched for hours for this cat and found it. The next day this cat was taken to the veterinary clinic to be treated. While we were shooting this video, we could not realize that the cat had an important disease. That day, we went to this village for the funeral of my father’s best friend. And we were distracted. We fed this cat and applied internal and external parasites. In the comments made under the video, it was written that the cat had a skin disease. Taking these comments into account, we took this cat to several different veterinary clinics. And the next day, the treatment process was started quickly. Thank you for warning us. This is why we are a strong family. I apologize to my entire family for the 1 day delay in the treatment of this cat. New video of this cat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYtk5xari10&ab_channel=AdorablePaws
Take her home! She’s so loving and grateful! Needs a bath and a warm place to live! So sweet
Questa gattina affettuosa è molto riconoscente per il cibo che ha avuto, merita di trovare una casa con delle persone che le diano affetto e amore. 😻😻
Deus lhes aben�oe por todo amor e dedica��o para com os gatinhos. �gua comida e carrinho, pois os animaizinhos nos d�o muito mais a gratid�o .
E nós os agradecemos por ser pessoas tão especiais , maravilhosa 🤩😻👏👏👏👏👏 Gratidão a tudo que vocês fazem 🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏
Милая ласковая кошечка …спасибо тебе Человек за помощь животным !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Как они нуждаются в нашей любви и помощи! Жаль что не все великодушны и поступают как Вы! Спасибо…
Страшно подумать,сколько дней эта кошка не ела и какие муки голода она испытывала… Thank you so much🙏
She’s not only hungry for food but for love, compassion and company. She’s a keeper.
Это правда! Кошачья любовь – самая чистая любовь!
Çest émouvant de voir combien se chat est reconnaissant que vous l aiyéz nourri ,sûr qu il ne vous oubliera jamais! Les chats ne sont pas ingrats mille mérçi. Vous êtes un éxemple plein de générosité ❤❤❤
Ele come muito mesmo!!E agradece carinhosamente o que recebe.
This cat deserves a home..n i m sure she will never forget to bless the owner …she has that sense….beautiful….
the cat is longing for love and attention not just food.. so sweet.💚
Maybe whoever you left the food with will fall in love with this sweet girl and take her home. She’s irresistible!!!💖
You is very kindly and good person and she is beautiful meow and purr!!! Very nice video, thank you for feeding and fondle with the cute cat!!! God bless you!😘🐾💖
Es t�n, t�n cari�osa, que deber�a estar en un hogar….
Son muy agradecidos yo rescate una linda gatita y siempre me agradece, me doy cuenta por que me ronronea y algo dice en su maullar. Gracias a Dios existen los animalitos y la gente buena.
Muito fofa essa gatinha! Agradece ao alimento que voc� deu a ela, � muito amor pelos animais, s�o muito agradecidos pelo que fazem por eles!
Implorando para ser adotada ..Sente muita fome .Ela � muito formosa , linda e amorosa .Sinto vontade de adotar .
Small breed dog scared the cats on cat island.

(c) Adorable Paws When a small house dog came to the area of 100 cats, funny images appeared. With the little dog running towards the cats, …
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Дай Бог здоровья вам и вашим котикам!!!Пусть у вас всегда будет возможность им помочь!Будьте счастливы ☀
Dios te bendiga por darles tu tiempo, alimentos y cari�o a esos lindos gatitos.
Сколько красоток!Спасибо ва,добрий человек,что кормите их.Я их в душе также ласкаю.Очень люблю животних
Человек с Большой буквы, счастья ему бесконечного и процветания, здоровья крепкого и долголетия, мира и любви, ему и его Друзьям!
Добрый , хороший человек. Дай Бог ему здоровья! Жаль, что таких мало.
У Вас доброе сердце.Да хранит Вас Господь от всех бед и болезней, да дарует Вам долгие годы жизни! Обильных Вам милостей Божьих!
God bless you! Need more people like you.🙂
Спасибо вам за ваше доброе дело!Я тоже взяла шевство над группой котейчиков😼😼😼У меня их 12,люблю их очень.Всего вам хорошего!Удачи!!!
Такие люди спасают мир и делают жизнь прекрасной.Душа радуется таким людям.Здоровья и счастья им.
Как в рай попал,какая прелесть!!!!❤❤❤
Просто класс! Очевидно но невероятно,какой необыкновенно добрый!
Que adorável ♥️🇧🇷
You are a great person!!!! They are so vulnerable and you gives them another day alive, healthy and happy. Thanks so much for your effort and dedication!!!
Those are some healthy strays. Great job feeding them and socializing them. Some could get adopted
I just love how you communicate with those little ones. I can see the trust they have in you. A soul connection. I have that with my four cats. It’s something you can’t describe.
Eu amo os felinos e me dói o coração de vê-los abandonados, ainda bem q existe gente q tem coração! Parabéns pelo o q vc faz! 😚
Such kind, truly good hearts you and your wife have….Blessings to you both….Love all the cats.🌺🐾😇
CUTENESS over loaded. .. .
This man have good soul and big heart. Respect !
Please just stay away from the virus not from cats.

(c) Adorable Paws The cats on the street need us a lot these days. When people run away from the virus, they ignore these cats. They don’t see these …
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Еще раз посмотрела ваш фильм о котеечках . Решила — напишу еще отзыв о прекрасном парне Onur .И классных котах .СПАСИБО.
Дай Бог вам здоровья добрый человек 💐💐💐 счастья и всех благ!🐈😸
Looks like he’s in heaven, surrounded himself with all the love. Thank you for your compassion!!
It’s so admirable to see him treat each and everyone of them equally just as if they are his children.
There is something wrong with people who hate cats. This person is alright.
Que fofura! 😍 Que Deus o abençoe por esse gesto de amor com os gatinhos! 🙏
I feed the cats in my neighborhood and I wish I could help all of these cats as well. It really warms my heart that you care so much for these precious animals.
They all look so well fed.
God bless you for protecting cats.
You have such a gentle and beautiful soul! Thank you for feeding and loving these cats. I’m an animal lover, who is a slave to the system living in an apartment. I have 2 cats that I love and adore. If I could do anything in the world, I would love to own/manage a pet rescue. Thank you for all you do. It’s very encouraging to my soul to know that lovely people like you are in this world. Sending much love and respect to you ❤️😻💕 The sick cat sneezing too much should probably be taken to the vet to get medicine because it may have an upper respiratory infection that will spread to the other cats. Are these cats being trapped and spayed/neutered?
*Cats after eating*Cat 1: “Hey I want petz”Cat 2: “Hey I want petz”Cat 3: “Hey I want petz”
Aww they come sit on your laps as if they are your pets. Adorable
These stray cats look so healthy! Some of them are even kind of fat. It’s just great they are in good condition
When he said “EXCUSE ME, EXCUSE ME!” 😂😂😂That man is a living angel! God bless him and keep him safe and protected 🙏
Only blessed heart can do this …grate….🥰
When he called the black cat his lucky angel 😭😭😭😭 I’m glad there are people who love black cats ❤️❤️❤️
This man is beautiful soul, May God fullfill your all wishes.
God bless you young man… “” Excuse me..excuse me..” …I love that… so cute …a real cat paradise..A rainbow bridge on earth…Our world needs more people like you…
This man has a precious heart we would save him at any cost he is rare.