- Real owners of Istanbul streets. Cats.
- Kittens rescued 4 months ago are now healthy adult cats.
- Naughty Angora cat Jennefer sleeps in the flowerpot.
- The kittens’ mothers has been missing for a week. I must be their mother for a while. Vet time.
- Motherless Kittens eating chicken for the first time in their life. I must be their mother. Part 15
Real owners of Istanbul streets. Cats.

(c) Adorable Paws Istanbul’s thousands of street cats are fed and sheltered at by an adoring public. #AdorablePaws #KittenStreet #TinyKittens …
This video contains only cat love. You can watch the feeding of these animals in other videos on our channel and support us.
🐱🐱🐱🐱🛵 🛵🛵🛵😄😄😄😄💖💖💖💖👍👍👍👍
They sure all look healty and not afraid of people so I may hope everybody treats them as nice as you do. Thank you❤
Istanbul is my favourite city! I love seeing the kitties everywhere and that the people love and care for them alot 🙂
Yes, I live in Istanbul too, I fully agree with the title of real owners of the streets. 👍🥰There are a lot of stray cats in the city we live in, every day I feed and give love to stray cats. I dream of a world where cats can live happily. don’t let cats go hungry. I’ll spread it all over the world
Shows how amazing the people of Istanbul are. Kitties are in good hands 🤲💚
I have no words to say how charming💘 I am with this video and the people of this country can see that they love the animals.. Here is the US 🇺🇸 people only have them for a while and then throw them out on the street like garbage is super painful to watch the kittens on the street starving. 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈 God bless all these people who love these❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈 loving creatures
What a beauty of a country where people love and respect these incredible kittens. 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈 God bless you always❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
You don’t own cat’s. Cat’s own YOU, and the streets. They’re beautiful and fluffy. Send my love and kisses to all these beautiful souls in Istanbul😘🤗
These cats on the streets of Istanbul are addictive. I walk around and see them all over the streets and can’t pass by them and not miss them. They are all adorable and easy to get attached to.
They’re beautiful and cute. Almost all of them seem to like the affection 😻. They certainly are used to human contact ❤️
I love Istanbul , i was there for many times and all the time i was petting cats , they are adorable, i have also one , but what makes the difference is that you people of Istanbul are very friendly with the pets and treats them very nice ! With love 💕 from Romania 🇷🇴
How lovely to know that the citizens of your beautiful city really do their best to take care of the kitties. <3
So happy to see they are loved and treated well. Thank you to Istanbul.
I love Istanbul. The last time I went I made it my mission to pet every cat in sight. I would live there just for the cats 😂😂
I’m Turkish and me and my neighbors feed almost 10 stray cats. There is also a doghouse for puppys. We feed them every day. To earn the grace of Creator, we must have mercy on his creations⭐️
Hace años fui a Estambul, me pareció una ciudad impactante y maravillosa, pero además el saber que protegen tanto a los felinos la convierte en la ciudad Perfecta, sois geniales ❤️
Great to see folks are not upset about cats sleeping on their cars. Cool.
Onur и Cansu,спасибо за прекрасное видео!Хочется поблагодарить жителей Стамбула за доброту и любовь к животным!
Parab�ns pelo carinho e amor que voc�s d�o � esses gatinhos.
Kittens rescued 4 months ago are now healthy adult cats.

(c) Adorable Paws I found these kittens 4 months ago. The mother cat asked me to help me rescue these cats. I brought the mother cat and kittens to …
Saud�veis, lindos e bem cuidados. Gratid�o por ajudar. Deus aben�oe por esse trabalho t�o lindo!Colombo PR – Brasil
Que bom q estao todos bem fico feliz em ve-los saudáveis…Obrgada por ciudar deles..🙏
Voc� e Cansu transformaram suas vidas de �rf�os em aconchegante e saud�vel vida fam�liar. B�n��os divinas!!!
Ne mutlu hepsi sizin gözetiminizde büyümüşler 🐈🐈 hayatları kurtulmuş ✨Allah sizden razı olsun 🤲
Parabéns por cuidar dos gatinhos e castralos assim viveram felizes para sempre, gratidão do Brasil!😻❤🙏
São muito fofos! 🐈🐈🐈🤗🤗🤗❤❤❤❤
Es maravilloso lo que haces, un mundo mejor ,con menos sufrimiento, con tu granito de arena
Nossa,o tempo passa rápido 🤗😍
При таком уходе и любви,обязательно выживут
Ого,вот так малыши!!!Так выросли. Музыка,только на парад….😁🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
Спасибо Вам за помощь малышам. Ваши родители воспитали достойного мужчину!
Subhanallah😇 semoga semua kucing” itu dan pemiliknya selalu sehat dan Bahagia. Amin😇
Малайцы! Вiдэа супер! Дзякуй за дапамогу жывёлам ❤️🤗
Thanks so much for taking care of these beautiful kittens, you are truly a angel on earth, blessed be you! ❤️🙏
Kittens are growing up so fast. Mine now adolescences already. They are so heavy when sleep on my chest at night. 😍
Yes I agree wholeheartedly with the writer’s sentiments below!!! You are an inspiration Onur and Cansu too!! I hope God blesses you in all you do for the unwanted Kitties and Canines. May Love and happiness triple 💕 for you guys!!! Love Joan Bates ❤ 💕
Oh they were so cute! And scared! And cute! They are still very cute, but not scared anymore! Don’t blame yourself for failing to catch the mom cat. You have done so much already by rescuing and neutering the kittens.
Cada um mais lindo do que o outro.
Красивый окрас ! Симпотяги , здоровы благодаря вашим заботам!!!! Спасибо!!!
Naughty Angora cat Jennefer sleeps in the flowerpot.

(c) Adorable Paws My name is Jennefer. I’m a naughty Angora cat living in Turkey. I live at home. I usually sleep in a flowerpot. I get food and love …
Do not forget to press the subtitle button. English, Pусский, Português, Malay, 日本の, Italiano, Español, हिन्दी, Français, Indonesia, العربية, Deutsch, I would like you to watch this video to the end and move the recommended category to the video by pressing the like button. In this way, you will help us gain more subscribers and help more animals.
Thank you very much!Wunderful Jennefer♥️Love from Germany
Forget about dirt and let Jenifeer sleep inside flowerpot because she enjoys there .Thank you for all your love and care for beautiful cats ,💖
Jennefer needs her own space she is a princess 💗💗💗
Jennifer is an incredibly beautiful cat. All white, and with those fantastic blue eyes! And a heart-shaped pink nose!
У нас тоже любят в тазу или в вазонах лежать и еще иногда землю выгребут на пол и катаются в ней😁А что делать…хотят ….а мы их любим и позволяем баловаться😂Ваши кошечки прелесть👏👏👏😻
she looks comfortable ❤️
Jennefer is so beautiful and adorable in the flower pot lol.Nice place to lay down in!😼💟💟💟🐾🐾⚘⚘
Jenifer found a cozy place to take a nap. She’s clever to find the best place 😅 My place also has lots of stree cats. I adopted some cats from the street too 🌴☘️🌾🌼🌱🌿🌳
She is adorable
Jenefer is too funny. Such beautiful white fur in the dirt lol Onur I have a white dog and he is also deaf. Believe it or not a lot a white animals are deaf. Thank you for being so kind to these beautiful fur babies 🥰
So cute when she sleep at flower pot,it’s her safety place 😹😻 My persian cat girl do that too 😹
Jenefer found herself a cozy napping place.
Greetings from Spain, We are mother and daughter and today we’ve seen your last vídeo, Jennefer is so lovely and so needy you are the man who whispers cats and they look like they understand , xoxo to you and your wife. Kisses from Spain🇪🇸❤🐱👍
You are such a cutie!!!!Keep up the good work my brothers and sisters!Always in my thoughts and prayers In’sha’Allah!!! :))))
How adorable Jennifer is ❤️ and all of your cats ❤️🐈
She is a beautiful catter flower
Jennifer is just like my cat Peach! 🐈😆 He really likes a small confined space and baskets 🐈❤️🧺
Onur, your description is 😹😹😹😂😂🤣😂🤣😂😁 Funny…Jennifer is a very noble and superior cat 😋😹🥰😻Kudret is sweet ❤️
Ben balkona ozellikle toprak dokuyorum,onunla oynamayi cok seviyorlar.sonucta dogalarinda var.😊.ayrica bizim 6 li bizi yataktan attilar bile…😹😹😹
The kittens’ mothers has been missing for a week. I must be their mother for a while. Vet time.

(c) Adorable Paws Part 2: Health check for kittens. Vet time. The cute tiny kittens. Unfortunately, their mother has been missing for a week. I think the …
Какие они ещё маленькие …как же с ними тяжело , они плачут все время ,мамочку хотят..тепла и кушать. Жаль малышей..
Não dou conta…eu perto desses filhotes ficaria o dia inteiro brincando, fazendo carinho….sou mole mesmo!😂😂😍😍😍
Красотули какие хорошенькие ,домик будет удобный! Спасибо!
💝 little sweethearts😚..cute & innocent.. worried about their mother..May she come back soon… lots of love, hug & Blessings🎍.
Thank you for all you both do for the cats in your home, office & in your area. These darling kittens are very lucky you found them. I’m so glad that physically they are healthy & that you will hopefully be able to find them homes asap.
The kittens have you taking care of them, that is best gift they could have!
😱😱😱😱😱they are soooo gorgeous😻😻😻😻😻😻God bless you for helping them🙏❤
Какие очаровательные малыши!!!💖💖💖💖💖
Good nigth Cansu and Onur ! You are the perfect Family to the kittens !!! Cansu and Onur have a mother heart !!! 😻💕🐱💕🐈💜😻💖👍👋🙌🙏🇧🇷 .
God protect these little innocents and so helpless and cute, and may he bless you for the love and affection for all animals.Cansu, Onu, Sedat, I never thought of meeting such good and inspiring people, great people who live on the other side of the world but whose love inspires and infects everyone who watches videos filled with love and hope.
Bravo gentil homme..👍🇲🇦 Maroc
Thank you very much 🌹Onur Bey ,for feeding all the little Kittens 🐈😻 & your amazing efforts 💖😻🐈
Pauvres petits cœurs 😩😿Heureusement papa et maman formidables sont là pour eux !😋
Hep mutlu ve huzurlu olun ballar.💛💛😘😘💛😘💛😘💛😘💛😘
Those kittens will remember you for life Mr Onur, they will never forget that you rescue them all there, humanity is still there🐈😊😎
Tudo pequeninos q lindinhos🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👏obrigada por ajudá-los
Maşallah çabuk öğrendiler başlarının çaresine bakmayı..Allah razı olsun sizden Onur Bey..🤲
Какие прекрасные котята! Я думаю, что их обязательно возьмут в семьи!
Motherless Kittens eating chicken for the first time in their life. I must be their mother. Part 15

(c) Adorable Paws Part 15: Kittens eating chicken for the first time in their life. And here is the most peaceful sound in the world. Can cats eat raw …
Sayenizde güzel bir ziyafet çektiler ne kadar mutlular kesenize bereket Allah sizden bin kere razı olsun
Allah sizden yüzbinkere razı olsun inşallah sağlıklı huzurlu ömrü nüz olsun tırnağınıza zarar gelmesin inşallah❤❤.
Какие же вы добрые и человечные люди,жаль,что таких,как вы мало.Крепкого здоровья и благопулучия вам и вашим пушистикам.
Que fofos se deliciando com frango, bom apetite!🙏Bênçãos do Brasil 👉😻❤🇧🇷💞
No pueden ser mas🥰🥰🥰🥰❤❤🥰🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱 hermosos…….
Büyüklerin yemeklerini yerken olan sakinliğ 😻😻😻i ; ufaklıkların da birileri yemeklerini önlerinden alacakmış gibi olan telaşı…😉😉😉
The other day lovely fish! Today chicken!They sure eat like princes and princesses s….💖💖💖💖
They are all so cute and growing so fast!! I’m partial to the tuxedo beauties tho! Much love from GA USA🤗💗🐱💗 🇺🇸
Eles são lindos demais, vontade de levar todos pra minha casa.🥰
I love hearing the little purrs and chirrups the kittens make. They are so unbelievably cute and so well cared for and loved. Thank you so much Onur and Cansu for all you do for to help these beautiful babies.
It’s going to be hard for you to let go of these kittens, after all the care you have given then. You and your partner are good people.
Such beautiful sweethearts thank you so much for caring🧸🧸🧸🧸🧸🧸🧸🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 GOD bless you both and the beautiful angels
Beni de sev sırası ,Allah razı olsun sizden çok güzel bakıldılar sayenizde sağlıklı sevgi dolu birer Can oldular… Rabbim sizleri her zaman korusun..
Как же они вас любят, спасибо вам 💙💙💙
They will make some very happy families when they find their forever homes, they are so well socialized and happy. You are a wonderful parent.
Afiyet şifa olsun güzelliklere maaşallah pamuk şekeri gibiler koruyan doyuran emeği geçen izleyen herkesden Allah yüzbinkere razı olsun inşallah