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(c) Choco Ch. 癒月ちょこ ホロライブ所属悪魔の保健医の 癒月ちょこです! 今回DECO*27さんの オリジナル曲「妄想税」を歌わせて頂きました! ご本家様:sm21764582 □vocal 癒月 …
her voice is so alluring *NOT IN A LEWD WAY NO*
I’ve been trying to find covers of Hololive members and somehow this didn’t show up……this is such a great cover, pretty underrated
I love how Choco-sensei is still giving heart to the comments, even after a year has passed since the song’s release.She’s not just a sexy demon, she’s cute and caring
There is something incredibly attractive in Choco sensei’s voice, whether she’s singing or just talking..Thanks for the recommendation youtube, you finally understood that I’m looking for all the hololove cover clips that I missed in the past, and this one is a delight to listen to.
This randomly played out of nowhere and checked it was sung by Choco-sensei! Thank you YT for the recommendation. I hope Choco-sensei would release more covers in the future (*≧▽≦)
I want to hear more of Choco Sensei’s Beautiful Voice 😍
Gracias YT por la recomendaci�n esta hermosa la canci�n
Her voice flows like honey it’s really peculiarly alluring, must be all that asmr
Theres something so charming and alluring about Chocos voice. I could listen to it all day 😍
Ooh great work as always, Choco, I’ve been trying to find even more of your songs lately because I’ve become such a fan!
1:10 「YEAH」←最高に可愛い
This song really fits Choco’s voice! This is such a great cover, really really underrated. I do hope we get more covers from you eventually Choco Sensei 🙏
Amazing Sensei! Looking forward to more covers in the future!
I regret not watching this way sooner. Choco has such a lovely voice, and is such an amazing singer.
Can’t believe im about to agree, her voice is actually pretty Attention catching, Love the song~!
We truly need more Choco-Sensei covers, such a wonderful voice.
I wish we got more Choco songs, such an amazing and unique voice
Never heard of this cover. What a perfect voice to cover this song. Love it. Sasuga sensei!

(c) Choco Ch. 癒月ちょこ ホロライブ所属悪魔の保健医の 癒月ちょこです! 今回やいりさんの オリジナル曲「〇〇〇〇〇」を歌わせて頂きました! ご本家 …
i’m mad that i didn’t see this soonerbut its too beautiful to get mad over
Your voice is beautiful, please sing for us more Choco sensei!
Your voice is beautiful, I don’t partly understand Japanese but this song made me wanna cry
I may do not understand Japanese, but I loved her voice more than anyone else, and how could I not appreciate this wonderful song? And how could I not notice the beauty of her charm? The effort she puts into her heart and the everything she does is lovelier than anyone would expect :))
I really like her vocals
Choco-sensei’s singing is adorable ..
Bem fofo o vídeo, e voz também eh muito linda, perfeita 😍
I feel so relax while listening to this ^~^
8 months later and this song still sound absolutely perfect.
Passing just to say that I really adore your voice
I just heard something magnificent today
I dont understand japanese but this made my eyes tears a bit.
I’ve been into Hololive for about a year or so now, and I have to say, this is my first exposure to Choco-sensei. What a beautiful singing voice. I’ll be checking out more.
9 months later youtube recommends me this songthis site finally did something good
I may not have understood a single word of this but I could definitely feel the passion behind it. You have a beautiful voice Choco
Omg this song made me feel loved…<3
i cant stop listening to it , i feel somethin special with her voice <3
Thank you for being amazing Choco Sensei. This song warms cold nights and brightens cloudy days.
oh God, I think I’m in love.

(c) Choco Ch. 癒月ちょこ 3周年記念グッズ⇩ https://hololive.booth.pm/items/3175011 オリジナル楽曲配信サイト⇩ choco.fanlink.to/chocolove ちょこの活動3周年配信来てくれてありがとう!
This was an ” _intense_ ” and ” _exciting_ ” 3D Live. No one but Choco sensei could really pull this off. Gotta say I really enjoyed this one. Also loved the way she performed her og single. That was oddly energetic of her. 10/10 would rewatch with the family.👏👏👏
Happy 3rd Anniversary, Choco-sensei!!! Wishing you all the best in the future!
Happy 3rd Anniversary Choco-sensei! Nobody is quite as powerful as you in 3D! Love the new single!
Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary, Choco-sensei! This stream had its… interesting parts, and ChocoLove is an amazing song!
Happy 3 years anniversary, Choco-Sensei!!!!!!!!Thank you for the great stream!!! It sure was an experience!!!! You’re amazing, Sensei, thank you for always making us laugh, smile, and… feel all sorts of things ww!!!! Have a wonderful night, you deserve the best in the world!!!
Happy 3rd Anniversary Choco-sensei! Ahhh for some reason it brings back many memories, 3D Choco is incredibly cute, It was a great time, thank you!
Congratulations on your 3rd year anniversary and Thank you for the absolutely perfect stream, Choco-sensei! May the force be with you !
Congratulations! Wow, excellent high-energy 3D.
Congratulations on 3rd Anniversary, Choco-sensei!! Really nice anniversary stream ideas and ChocoLove was wonderful!
オリ曲聴きたい!って言ったのは覚えてるけどこんなに早く聴けることになるとは思ってませんでした!ダンスも可愛い!先生ありがとう!4年目もよろしくお願いします!(๑╹ω╹๑ )👍
Happy 3rd Anniversary Choco-sensei!!!🔥👏

(c) Choco Ch. 癒月ちょこ サブ垢→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp3tgHXw_HI0QMk1K8qh3gQ サムネイラスト:みかん。様@mikan_41 本ゲームは © 2020 Electronic Arts Inc. の承諾 …
What a great stream thank you Choco sensei! Also 1:01:00 timestamp for blessed Choco screams
Can someone please clip 4:52:57 and loop it for 10hrs. Thank you.I’ve been replaying it over and over since the stream ended…
This apex stream and her growth as she progresses in the game brings a tear to my eyes. Watched from start to finish and I can assure you, she really did have some growth in skills of how the game is played. Congrats on the Gold Rank, Choco-sensei
17:51 Choco got a knockdown and shot at Caustic then a few seconds later you see him casually trying to shield swap(or loot) in front of Choco and gibby
Definitely hard earned and well deserved she did great
The grind has paid off! Next stop, Platinum.
Stream everyday for the past week (except one day maybe), 11 hours apex and still proceed to do asmr stream. Choco sensei yabe sugoi👌👏
Congrats Choco sensei and thank you for this amazing endurance stream, See you later.ASMR IKZ!!! XD
Good job, sensei! I’m proud of you. Please rest well, OK?
11 hour stream is a blessing, Thank you choco sensei!

(c) Choco Ch. 癒月ちょこ サブ垢→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp3tgHXw_HI0QMk1K8qh3gQ 3周年記念グッズ⇩ https://hololive.booth.pm/items/3175011 オリジナル楽曲配信 …
I fell asleep to this stream and woke up just before she ended it. I’ve slept 7 hours with her cute voice and the sound of dying endermen.
Choco’s patience is damn impressive. I don’t have the patience to even build a mob grinder or any kind of farm in Minecraft, let alone sit in front of one for several hours clicking away.
4:18:20 救世主現る 4:29:54 負けたにぇ… 4:46:32 エリートみこ、エンダーマントラップ再稼働 4:55:11 エンダーマン狩り開始(Lv.114) 0h Lv.7, 21:46 19→0, 30m: 7, 1h: 44, 61, 72, 82, 3h: 91, 98, 4h: 104, 111 5h: 117, 133, 6h: 147, 160, 172, 184, 8h: 194, 8:25:27 トワ様, 203, 9h: 212, 221, 10h: 229, 237 10:37:04 Lv.240到達 対エンダーマン戦 397104勝3敗
A moment of prayer for all the endermans used as sacrifice for content. 🙏
10:03:32エンダーマン討伐数:393,335 体10:37:54エンダーマン討伐数:397,104 体約30分で4000体エンダーマンを倒す先生ぇ…
雑まとめ自分用5:00 スバル(鶏)8:20 くしゃみ13:20 誤乗車21:20 事故29:30 TTTチェスト整理1:01:30 可愛い娘1:06:00 物件1:20:20 ぺこら養う1:26:30 嫌いな人1:31:00 理不尽な怒り1:48:50 長時間アーカイブ1:50:30 心臓に悪い1:59:10 契約2:04:40 掌返し2:06:10 頑張ってる人が好き2:25:30 ARK2:36:40 ケルベロスの犬2:51:30 4時間カチカチ3:20:40 ロボ子先輩蜘蛛女3:34:10 エンダーマン脱走3:38:50 スタートライン(Lv.100)3:40:40 ストレス溜まってる?3:43:40 テレポート3:47:10 あたしのこと好きすぎぃ!3:59:00 持ち帰り品4:12:00 お金持ちになりたい4:14:40 都合のいい設定4:18:20 エリート出勤4:25:10 ポロリ4:29:50 エリート殉職4:32:50 あてぃしポロリ警戒4:35:20 あくたんとデート予定4:37:10 二期生の安心感4:44:40 女は我儘に4:46:30 エリート巫女4:51:20 うきうき5:02:40 普段のレベル上げ5:04:20 勉強用BGM5:10:30 っぱエンダーマンよ5:12:50 あくたんデート作戦会議5:16:00 可愛い下着まだ送ってないわ5:24:40 足りない5:30:50 ちょろ先5:32:20 昨日はスバルとランチ5:33:30 遊ぶときは個室5:35:30 怖かった、半個室の隣に同業者5:42:10 手渡しスパチャ5:44:20 記念ボイス5:47:30 何人居るんだホロライブ5:51:20 リスナーは酸素5:54:00 序の口6:01:30 三期生ライブ6:04:00 クリスマスの予定6:07:10 ちょこスバの可能性6:09:50 スバルあたしのこと好きすぎぃ!6:13:40 団長は良い人すぎる6:15:10 プレゼント6:18:30 居心地がいい二人6:34:10 角は何のために?6:37:40 転生もの漫画6:38:20 転生したら6:46:50 人脈が大切6:48:50 恋愛相談する相手6:51:10 人のせい6:52:40 愛の形6:54:20 ウザい友人6:57:50 ハッキリ言う人7:05:20 虚言癖7:07:10 趣味7:07:40 料理7:15:10 めんどくさがり7:19:40 他人の家なら7:22:10 食の好み7:25:50 スイーツ7:29:40 ラーメン友達欲しい7:31:50 食の好き嫌い7:44:30 スーパーのバイト7:47:00 コンビニのおでん7:51:10 飛んで来て7:55:10 バスケがしたいです7:55:40 デートがしたいです7:57:40 エンダーマンの匂い8:13:30 200は通過点8:18:40 ポケモン<マイクラ8:22:20 口癖8:25:50 トワ様追われる8:34:50 浅漬けテスト対策8:42:20 UNO8:46:50 桃鉄8:49:00 ほめのび8:56:20 泣いちゃった9:03:20 ギネス9:12:10 バーサーカー9:19:00 胃下垂9:21:30 先生に似てる9:27:50 声真似9:30:30 エンダーマンしか勝たん9:35:50 無茶振り9:44:50 感覚狂う9:48:10 恐れること9:56:40 割り切り大事10:00:00 1h-Lv.17↑10:02:00 エンダーマン討伐数10:11:00 ひとと話すの楽しい10:13:00 この配信で1番大変なのは10:20:00 キリよくない10:29:20 終わる気ある?10:30:10 気のせい10:32:40 終わる気はない
At this point, the representation of Death in Endermen culture is not Grim Reaper but simply Choco-sensei with her Diamond Sword
長時間配信御苦労様でした~ほぼ40万体キルは記録的ですなぁ4:46:30 みこちナイスゥ!!
Thank you very much for this stream Choco-sen!! Please rest well
based on the numbers she shown us, she killed about 4k Endermans in 30 mins, and her total number is 397k. Based on these numbers I can calculate she spent just abit less than 50 hours sitting there killing endermans including this stream.
Endermen are back in the menu! thankfully they seem as endless as Orks or Tyranids, so Sensei can continue to feast.