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(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル メルはヴァンパイア! ୨୧┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈୨୧ 本家様:DECO*27様 …
Finally, a real vampire cover this song.Oh boy I can’t wait
“I’m a vampire” The first Hololive member who’s truly a vampire.
When I heard Iofi and Watame were covering this, I thought “it’s a shame Mel never covered this song, it would fit her so well”. And then she drops a cover a few hours later
Mel: “I’m a Vampire””Every 60 seconds in Africa a minute passes”
This isn’t a cover, this is Mel-chan singing about herself!!
Mel : I’m a Vampire Everyone: always has been
Mel is always so excited when she releases new covers, and Her Happiness becomes ours! Mel is an amazing Vampire, and an amazing Singer, obviously!
Mel to others covered the song:”Step aside the real vampire is here”
All jokes aside, this is one of the best covers of this song that i’ve heard.
Mel be like “ok move over, the real vampire is here”Our cute cinammon roll Vampire ☺️
I love how this has a completely different animation than the other ones.Also I’m surprised it took this long for the resident vampire to cover this song, was worth the wait!
I love that this looks and sounds different compared to the rest. GG’s to everyone involved.
This hits different knowing her characters actually a vampire
What a lovely cover! Mel did a great job singing Vampire! She has a truly melodic voice! You can tell she put a lot of heart and soul into her performance! Love the artwork too! It’s very cute and complements the visuals nicely! Those little animations are also adorable and make the MV even more charming! Good work from the team as well! A blessed gift from the true vampire! 🌟❤️
メルちゃんのヴァンパイア最高すぎた!!!出だしの笑い声から心臓掴まれて最初から最後まで聴き入ったd(˙꒳˙* )歌声はもちろん映像も音楽も相まってメルちゃんが天才ヴァンパイアだってことが分かった!!!!毎日いっぱい聴く!!!!

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 一期生のみんなが合いの手してくれます! 歌:夜空メル https://twitter.com/yozoramel 本家様:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYwDEkO9sYk 作曲・作詞 ナユタン …
*100% hololive experience*
Me: **watching the archived cover**Mel: **unprivates** You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me.
Pekora’s cover has over 10 million views while Mel’s cover haven’t reached 500kThis cover is really good, very underratedEdit: we have passed it, 1 month ago, really love this cover
Let me borrow a quote, “You were as beautiful as the day I lost you”
Can’t tell who did it better, Mel or Pekora…
Now this is a true Christmas gift…. Brings a tear to my eye… So happy to see Mel’s cover back!
We seriously need Mel and Pekora to sing this together!
What a great cover, Mel really made it her own!
The Vampire Idol can’t be this Cute?!
How did i not find this sooner, this is adorable.
In fact, I think this is the best version compared to others.
this deserves wayyy more love
Mel’s version deserves a lot more views. Like A LOT.
Mel just has a face that gives me an overwhelming feeling of “Must protecc the cinnamon bun”
Needs more views, to be honest.
Well she doesn’t give off as much energy as the original or Pekora’s would but her cover is great in it’s own way. Our lil’ vampire needs more recognition 😭
This is cute!!!As a new fan of Hololive, seeing an old video pops out in recomended is a treat. Would love to see old private videos too in the future.

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 3月15日21時から40万人記念配信!】 https://youtu.be/DpoVAL-Esbk (重大告知もあるよ!) 月1でメンバー限定ASMR配信をしています! 気に入って頂けたら是非 …
🌟【Timestamp / タイムスタンプ / 時間戳記】 0:05:13 【Ear cleaning 1 / 耳かき 1 / 掏耳 1】(右耳 / Right-Ear) 0:15:40 【Blowing ear 1 / 耳ふー 1 / 吹氣 1】(右耳 / Right-Ear) 0:16:30 【Ear cleaning 2 / 耳かき 2 / 掏耳 2】(右耳 / Right-Ear) 0:31:55 【Blowing ear 2 / 耳ふー 2 / 吹氣 2】(右耳 / Right-Ear) 0:36:56 【Ear cleaning 1 / 耳かき 1 / 掏耳 1】(左耳 / Left-Ear) 0:46:43 【Ear cleaning 2 / 耳かき 2 / 掏耳 2】(左耳 / Left-Ear) 0:55:00 【Cotton swab / 梵天 / 棉花棒】(左耳 / Left-Ear) 1:01:30 【Oil massage / オイルマッサージ / 精油按摩】(Both Side) 1:13:25 【Tapping Ear / とんとん / 輕敲】(Both Side) 1:14:41 【Towel / lタオル / 毛巾】(右耳 / Right-Ear) 1:15:41 【Towel / タオル / 毛巾】(左耳 / Left-Ear) 1:17:35 【Kapu / かぷ / 咔噗】(右耳 / Right-Ear) 1:18:45 【Kapu / かぷ / 咔噗】(左耳 / Left-Ear) 1:20:10 【Kapu / かぷ / 咔噗】(Both Side) 1:22:55 【Heart beat / 心音 / 心跳聲】(右耳 / Right Ear) (Please feel free to leave a like to let more people can enjoy this streaming archive) ————————————————————————————— 1:20:55 ————————————————————————————— 👉 Membership has started! 【Perks】…There are now 2 levels of membership. 【かぷ民level🌟】 ✨A membership badge will be attached next to the name! A variety of member-specific stickers can be used♪ ✨Publish 1 member-only wallpaper painted by an illustrator every month ✨Member-only stream once a month 【お肉はむはむlevel🍖】 ✨Including all perks of かぷ民level and お肉はむはむlevel only stream once a month (At this level there will be more rare ASMR streams etc.) 👉 メンバーシップはじめました! 【特典】…現在2種のメンバーシッププランがあります。 【かぷ民プラン🌟】 ✨名前の横にメンバーバッチが付くよ!専用スタンプも沢山使えます♪ ✨月に1回コミュニティに豪華絵師さんによる書き下ろし限定壁紙を配布 ✨月1回の限定配信 【お肉はむはむプラン🍖】 ✨上記、かぷ民プランの特典すべてに加え 月1回お肉はむはむプラン限定配信 (ここではもっとレアなASMRなど) 👉 開始了會員資格囉! 【特典】…現在有2種級別的會員資格。 【かぷ民級別🌟】 ✨在名字的旁邊會附加會員徽章喲!同時能使用多款會員専用的貼圖喔♪ ✨每月發布1幅由豪華畫師親筆畫下的會員限定壁紙 ✨每月1次的會員限定直播 【お肉はむはむ級別🍖】 ✨以上寫到的、かぷ民級別所有特典再加上 每月1次的お肉はむはむ級別限定直播 (在這個級別會有更稀有的ASMR等等)
Mel’s ASMR is always funny of surprises, really enjoyed her ASMR. Blessed ASMR from Mel for a wonderful night.
This was such a great gift. Blessed ASMR. Thank you Mel!
I just want to let Mel know that this stream helped me go to sleep while having a bad headache.
Mel ASMR is always lovely, Thank you!
I love and really appreciate how she doesn’t have any background music and it’s just her raw voice
This was some of the best ASMR I’ve ever heard! Thank you Mel-chan!
Thank you for the stream, Mel!!!!
thank you so much for today’s ASMR stream, Mel: your ASMR is the best! I had a wonderful time today.
Thank you for this comfy White Day ASMR, Mel.
Mel is a nice fluffy puffball radiating with a pure wholesome aura of sunshine in a prairie of butterflies and sunflowers.
Thank you for the amazing ASMR Mel sama and Happy White Day
58:28 – I really like this “left side, right side” – it’s a classic ASMR trigger and Mel makes it sound extra pleasant! Thank you for this ASMR, Mel-chan!
Mel is Love, Mel is Life.
Woke up today, saw there was a Mel ASMR stream, then immediately went back to bed listening to this lol
I hadn’t seen much of Mel before her Holotalk appearance, but she was so cute on there I decided to watch this video, and now I’m subscribed.
Thank you for the asmr livestream Mel chan!,that was really fun

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル こんにちは!改めまして、ホロライブ所属の夜空メルと申します! 今回は!3Dモデルで!Mitchie M様の「ビバハピ」を歌ったり踊ったりしてみました! 今後3Dの身体でこう …
You know what’s better than one Mel? *TWO MELS*
Amelia was right, this is a very cute song!
impressive how, even when they are dancing in sync, the movements are still subtly different. Very cool
I’m here after Amelia mentioned this cover. Its good to see it back again!PS: Oh! This is the one that Mel dances on one of the HoloGra. The one with beetle.
That other girl is really cute, she should become a Vtuber
I can’t help but come back and replay this, it’s so good!
I just got recommended this by Youtube. For once they can be useful, but I ain’t forgiving them after the incident of Mel’s comeback stream.
I just woke up from a blackout and found myself watching this video…not that I complain or anything
This being up again is the best christmas present <3
歌ってみたで動いてるメルちゃんを見れて感動したし何よりメルちゃん超絶可愛かったよ!!1:38 ←メルちゃんこだわりのM・E・L・U!1:43 ←ダブルメルちゃんによるカバディダンス2:40 ←君が好きだよ🌟2:59 ←にゃん♪↑特にここの4箇所がむっちゃくちゃ可愛い!!!!!!
So glad it’s back, such a great cover!
It’s back. I don’t know since when, but it’s back, that’s all that matters.
Why i haven’t see this before?! Cute song! Great choreography!!
メルちゃんの 歌とダンス、とっても上手で、とっても可愛い!🌟メルちゃんの色んな表情や、動画の演出も、最高だね!!
【ホロライブ】魔界組5人で「Crazy ∞ nighT」歌ってみた☆

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 本家様:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7O11PAcAw4 MIX:しの様 https://twitter.com/shino8820 オケ作成:FuMay様 https://twitter.com/FuMay 動画:鳴宮ユキ …
Dang this song is so good, why i just found this now..
Can we take our time to appreciate how Mel-chan nailed that last line? That pitch was perfect!!!
YouTube algorithm has been hiding this from me for almost a year
Do anyone notice the instrumental is so metal-ish compare to the original ?I love it < 3
omg yes, this is one of my favorite vocaloid songs, thank you for the cover
Mmm finally i have a chance to listen to this, such a great song and even greater cover <3
修正お疲れ様です! 皆の衣装も歌もとっても可愛くて素晴らしいコラボ曲でした!!
2:15 から音が重くなって、1人ずつのセリフ(歌)の入り2:33 のメルちゃんから始まるラスサビ魔界組にぴったりだし、最高に引き込まれる
Yes! This masterpiece is back!
0:20 シャーペン逆で持って芯出したままなの気づかずに親指をそのままの勢いで下げた時の俺