Please darling♥

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 【3周年記念3DLIVE】 5月13日21:00~ 重大告知&ゲストあり!見に来てね♪ 【夜空メル記念グッズ販売中】 購入 …
Me: _*Sees darling_Me: _*proceeds to imagine my whole life living with Mel_
This vampire gets cuter and cuter every day
[Translation]Hey~! Just ONE DAY before Yozora Mel’s 3-year anniversary stream. Come and see me ~<3 !!!!
Onegai muscle : ❎Onegai darling : ✅Congrats for your 3rd years anniversary, i have reserved a seat on waiting room. 待てない
Friendship ended with “Hi Honey”Hello darling is my new best friend
I will surely be there, MelI can’t wait to see you shining on stage!
“I swear this promotion is too good! Im seeing myself already marking the calendar and making alarm reminders.”
Vampire Anime Waifu calling you Darling Me : Iam die Foreva Thank you
Our darling of the night sky, Mel! Just one more day to the big celebration, looking forward to seeing your performance!
Exciting! I can not wait to see Mel on stage!
of course Senpai Mel! ^^seeing you shining with all your talent and cuteness on the stage on your 3rd birthday will be a pleasure! ❤️
I thought this was from a Hololive Clipper but it is from the official Mel Channel! It’s so cute and adorable. But by the way, Mel. I don’t know if I can attend your anniversary stream because of studies. I’m really sorry! I’ll try my best to watch some of it live and then the whole VOD. Congratulations on your anniversary!
There’s no way I could miss Mel’s 3D live!
At this point, all the Vtubers will start saying “Please darling~”
Im in love once again with this kawaii Vampire, cant wait to see you on stage , ganbare Mel-chan
That heart-shaped pupils are the icing on the cake.
love you, our darling! 3周年記念配信楽しみ!!
me: *looks at the title*also me: *time to blast onegai darling*

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 夜空メル【Twitter】 ——————————————————————- 【出演者】 日ノ隈らん …

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 1周年記念ということで!今回はDECO*27さんの愛言葉を歌わせていただきました! ありがとう・・・!============================================== 1周年 …
I am so happy that Mel’s covers are coming back, I love Mel’s singing!Thank you Mel for bringing these back!
Seriously, all her covers are so good.Kinda regret didn’t know her sooner.
I was confused… I thought it was the third Ai Kotoba… I didn’t expect it to be the first one… Nice… I love it… Thanks for bringing this cover back Mel-sama… ( ◜‿◝ )♡
I absolute love this!! Glad I could hear it again
AAAAAAA!!!!!! FINALLY THEY”RE BACK!!!! I seriously missed her covers so much! Mel had the best covers during the time when I first knew about her 2 years ago lol
I really love your voice and I hope in the future you will release more songs and song covers.I enjoyed listening to it.Thank you so much.
Welcome back our tensai Vampire Mel-chan and also Happy 2nd Anniversary~!
Mel’s voice fits the song so much!
Yes I can finally see the Mel’s songs and covers now.
【歌枠】50万人突破まで歌うYO!Keep singing!【ホロライブ/夜空メル】

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 【夜空メル記念グッズ販売中】 購入はこちらから→ Tシャツ: アクキー: ※他にもボイスなど …
50万人おめでとう!set list3:47 CHE.R.RY / CHE.R.RY 9:24 桃色片想い / Momoiro Kataomoi 17:34 さくらんぼ / Sakuranbo 26:21 ハロハワユ / Hello, How are you 40:25 夜に駆ける / Yoru ni kakeru 52:21 ボッカデラベリタ / Bocca della Verità 56:37 うっせぇわ / Usseewa 1:04:06 ロマンティックあげるよ / Romantic ageruyo 1:13:51 ドキッ!こういうのが恋なの? / Thrilling! Is this Love? 1:18:30 ゴーストルール / Ghost Rule 1:25:59 sweet parade / sweet parade 1:35:07 千本桜 / Senbonzakura 1:48:57 めざせポケモンマスター / Mezase Pokemon Master 1:58:53 金魚花火 / kingyohanabi 2:06:08 PEACH / PEACH 2:20:34 ベノム / Venom 2:26:21 バラライカ / Balalaika 2:37:25 サザエさん / Sazae-san 2:42:54 おどるポンポコリン / Odoru Pompokolin 2:48:59 DANZEN!ふたりはプリキュア Ver.Max Heart / DANZEN! Futari wa Precure Ver.Max Heart 3:06:28 おじゃま虫 / Ojama Mushi 3:13:59 ファンサ / Fansa
🌟【Timestamp / タイムスタンプ / 時間戳記】(Please feel free to leave a like to let more people can enjoy this streaming archive)0:03:47 CHE.R.RY- 0:09:24 桃色の片想い 0:17:35 さくらんぼ 0:26:24 ハロ/ハワユ 0:40:24 夜に駆ける 0:52:25 ボッカデラベリタ 0:56:40 うっせぇわ 1:04:06 ロマンティックあげるよ 1:13:49 ドキッ!こういうのが恋なの? 1:18:33 ゴーストルール 1:26:00 sweet parade 1:35:09 千本桜 1:48:58 めざせポケモンマスター 1:58:54 金魚花火 2:06:09 Peach 2:20:35 ベノム (piano.ver) 2:26:22 バラライカ 2:37:25 サザエさん 2:42:55 おどるポンポコリン 2:49:00 DANZEN!ふたりはプリキュア(ver.Max Heart) 3:06:28 おじゃま虫 3:14:00 ファンサ3:08:54 pafupafu nyanya_______________________________________________________________________________(改めて50000000000人おめでとー!これからもたくさん素敵な思い出を紡ぎましょう!ずっと応援します!大好き)
Congratulations for reaching 500K subscribers, Mel!We’re half a million kapumins now: and it’s all thanks to you, Mel, if so many people from all over the world have gathered.let’s continue going forward, together.
Both Mel and Aki got to 500K today a point when you don’t have to care about numbers quite as much anymore (but you will anyway).
Congratulations Mel! This cinnamon bun is one half of a mil in reaching the hearts of people around the world!!! Looking forward to everything you have in store for us, and thank you for gracing us with so many lovely songs! 🙂 It was one heck of a time, Mel. Have a good rest and congratulations once more to hitting 500K !!!
37:06 take screen shot of Mel’s face when she got 500K !! 😂
Congratulations on 500K subscribers Mel-chan! What a wonderful setlist! All amazing songs!
Congratulations mel on 500k, youre my first vtuber to watch
歌枠おつかぷでした。50万人おめでとう~これからもよろしくお願いします。次のステップは60万!!自分用 4:54:27 5:57:06
2 Gen 1 blondes reached the same milestone in the same night. Congratulations to both Akirose and Mel! (Hoping for a collab or two)
Oh wow! I left home for a shift at work when this stream went live and it only just finished? Mel you wonderful mad lass! Congratulations on 500k subs, you worked so hard!
Congratulations for 500k! Looking forward to more streams.
長時間配信おつかぷさまでした~!あらためて50万人突破おめでとう!🎊いつも楽しい配信をありがとうね⸜( ॑꒳ ॑ )⸝
Mel hermosa felicidades por los 500k 🥰🥳🎉
Congrats on 500k!!
Congratz on reaching 500k and the great content you given us 😀

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル Twitter ハッシュタグ イラスト : #メルArt 生放送関連 : #メル生放送 ファンネーム : かぷ民 推しマーク : (つけてくれるととっても嬉しい) …
She went from Lewd headpat toMust protect headpats.Nice outfit mel
I really like Mel’s new outfit, the hair accessories and the change in hair does it for me
I love this new outfit of yours Mel-chan!
This new outfit is incredible, I love it.I expected a gothic vampire outfit, but this is so much better!
夜空メルちゃん、新衣装お披露目おめでとう!🌟ずっとずっと大好き!\( ‘ω’)/
You thought Haachama was supposed to be Tsundere, but it was HER, MEL!
The perfect combination of Cute and Anti-Ban. Love it!!
Love the new outfit ❤️
Great new costume Mel, looks cute!
I thought I was going to be a bit disappointed at first because I liked her old costume and its uh… nice view but this one is ultra cute, I like it!
あなた超かわいい ! 🦇💛I missed this live , her cuteness power with this new style is very efficace against me !
The new model actually looks good on her.
Mel-chan, your new outfit is very lovely ^.^
I love the new look.