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ウミユリ海底譚 / 猫又おかゆ(cover)

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 僕はまだ忘れないのに” 『ウミユリ海底譚』 本家様▷https://youtu.be/7JANm3jOb2k illustrator:せらみっく(@ceramic06 )様 Mix:ごず(@_gozu777)様 Movie:神稲 たー …
Okayu has such an amazing voice
idk why but theres something about okayu’s voice that kinda makes me wants to listen to her over and over again
Don’t mind me. Just doing my daily Okayu songs rotation.
Okayu: I can’t be an Idol because my voice is kinda deepDING DONG GUESS WHO’S WRONG
Okayu: I’m embarrassed by my deep voice Everyone: That’s literally the best part
I understand = 0%I enjoy = 100%この歌は私を落ち着かせる
1 year later and this is still a daily listen
i love this song
待って わかってよ 何でもないから 僕の歌を笑わないで 空中散歩のSOS 僕は 僕は 僕は今 灰に塗まみれてく 海の底 息を飲み干す夢を見た ただ 揺らぎの中 空を眺める 僕の手を遮った 夢の跡が 君の嗚咽おえつが 吐き出せない泡沫うたかたの庭の隅を 光の泳ぐ 空にさざめく 文字の奥 波の狭間で君が遠のいただけ「なんて」もっと縋すがってよ 知ってしまうから 僕の歌を笑わないで 海中列車に遠のいた 涙なんて なんて 取り去ってしまってよ 行ってしまうなら 君はここに戻らないで 空中散歩と四拍子 僕は 僕は 僕はただ 藍に呑まれてく 空の底 灰の中で夢を描いた 今 心の奥 消える光が 君の背を掻き消した触れる跡が 夢の続きが始まらない 僕はまだ忘れないのに 光に届く 波に揺らめく 夜の奥 僕の心に 君が手を振っただけ「なんて」そっと塞いでよ もういらないから そんな嘘を歌わないで 信じてたって笑うようなハッピーエンドなんて 逆らってしまってよ こんな世界なら 君はここで止まらないで 泣いて笑ってよ一等星 愛は 愛は 愛は
Breh The Original Singer Has less viewers So yep still our Okayu deep voice is the best
Siiii al fin regres�!!!!!!
I don’t know why but her voice is the reason why i like her.
Okayu: My voice is too deep :(Everyone: I believe that’s the point, Sergeant
flos / 猫又おかゆ (Cover)

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 誓った筈も無かった事にした ” 『flos』 本家様▷https://youtu.be/bUbOc97FpUA illustrator:お鮨(@sui5o )様 Mix:ごず(@_gozu777)様 Movie:近所のにー …
The bit where she was saying the flower names but not showing flowers anymore but at 4:28 it showed a illustration of the hololive gamer girls as she said ‘Felicia’. Felicia is associated with happiness.It’s a simple detail, but really wholesome if you think about it.
If Hololive become Slice of Life Anime, this will be the ending song
歌詞で〜すご自由に〜Daphne(ダフニー)Ficus(フィークス) Iris(アイリス)Maackia(マーキア) Lythrum(リスラム)Myrica(ミリカ) Sabia(サビア)Flos(フロース)拝啓 僕の願いよ 未来よ 絶え間無い後悔よ 体感八度五分の夢は軈(やが)て散ってしまったDaphne(ダフニー) Ficus(フィークス) Iris(アイリス) Maackia(マーキア) Lythrum(リスラム) Myrica(ミリカ) Sabia(サビア) Thymus(サイマス)Ribes(リベス) Abelia(アベリア) Sedum(セダム) Felicia(フェリシア) Ochna(オクナ) Lychnis(リクニス)再啓君の想いは 憂いは回(めぐ)る感情論は 半径八十五分の世界に囚われた儘(まま) 本音を挿し罅(ひび)割れた今日を溢れた 一切に薪を焼べて風に乗せて錆びた空を彩る燻んだ日々を丁寧に 飾った花は直ぐに枯れてく 愚鈍な僕は夢から覚めて 縋った意味も無いな君が僕にくれた声も色も揺るぎない愛情も 二人きりの空に光った星も疾うに散ってしまった 難儀の末のモノクロの疲弊に季節は色褪せて 熱を帯びて鈍く膿んで擦れた街に零れる荒んだ日々を丁寧に 辿った先に花が咲く筈 利口な君は夢を見た儘 悟った振りで水を注いだ木漏れ日の中に柔らかく咲いた花は 雲の上で 違う星で 夢の先で揺れてる燻んだ日々を丁寧に 飾った花は直ぐに枯れてく 愚鈍な僕は夢から覚めて 縋った意味も無いな 不毛な日々を丁寧に 綴った紙に花を描いた 不遇な僕ら夢に敗れて 誓った筈も無かった事にしたDaphne(ダフニー) Ficus(フィークス) Iris(アイリス) Maackia(マーキア) Lythrum(リスラム) Myrica(ミリカ) Sabia(サビア) Thymus(サイマス) Ribes(リベス) Abelia(アベリア) Sedum(セダム) Felicia(フェリシア) Ochna(オクナ) Lychnis(リクニス)Daphne(ダフニー) Ficus(フィークス) Iris(アイリス) Maackia(マーキア) Lythrum(リスラム) Myrica(ミリカ) Sabia(サビア)Thymus(サイマス) Ribes(リベス) Abelia(アベリア) Sedum(セダム) Felicia(フェリシア) Ochna(オクナ) Lychnis(リクニス)Flos(フロース)
unrelated but the instrumental (you can especially tell in 0:38) sounds like Maplestory’s Raindrop Flower
Lyrics Dafuni(Daphne), Fikusu(Ficus) Airisu (Iris), Makiya(Maackia) Risuramu(Lythrum), Mirika(Myrica), Sabiya(Sabia) Furosu Haikei Boku no negai yo mirai yo taemanai koukai yo Taikan hachido gobu no yume wa yagate chitte shimatta Dafuni(Daphne), Fikusu(Ficus) Airisu (Iris), Makiya(Maackia) Risuramu(Lythrum), Mirika(Myrica), Sabiya(Sabia) Taimusu(Thaimus), Ribusu(Rybus), Aberiya(Abelia) Sedamu(Sedum), Ferishiya(Felicia) Okuna(Ochna), Rikunisu(Lychnis) Saikei Kimi no omoi wa urei wa meguru kanjouron wa Hankei hachijuu go fun no sekai ni torawareta mama Honne wo sashi hibiwareta kyou wo afureta issai ni Maki wo kubete kaze ni nosete sabita sora wo irodoru Kusunda hibi wo teinei nei ni Kazatta hana wa sugu ni kareteku Gudon na boku wa yume kara samete Sugatta imi mo nai nai nai na Kimi ga boku ni kureta koe mo iro mo Yuruginai aijou mo Futarikiri no sora ni hikatta hoshi mo tou ni chitte shimatta Nangi no sue no MONOKURO no hihei ni kisetsu wa iroasete Netsu wo obite nibuku unde sureta machi ni koboreru Susanda hibi wo teinei nei ni Tadotta saki ni hana ga saku hazu Rikou na kimi wa yume wo mita mama Satotta furi de mizu wo sosoida Komorebi no naka ni Yawarakaku saita hana wa Kumo no ue de chigau hoshi de yume no saki de yureteru Kusunda hibi wo teinei nei ni Kazatta hana wa sugu ni kareteku Gudon na boku wa yume kara samete Sugatta imi mo nai nai nai na Fumou na hibi wo teinei ni Tsuzutta kami ni hana wo egaita Fuguu na bokura yume ni yaburete Chikatta hazu mo nakatta koto ni shita Dafuni(Daphne), Fikusu(Ficus) Airisu (Iris), Makiya(Maackia) Risuramu(Lythrum), Mirika(Myrica), Sabiya(Sabia) Saimasu(Thaimus), Ribusu(Rybus), Aberiya(Abelia) Sedamu(Sedum), Ferishiya(Felicia) Okuna(Ochna), Rikunisu(Lychnis) Dapuni(Daphne), Fikusu(Ficus) Airisu (Iris), Makiya(Maackia) Risuramu(Lythrum), Mirika(Myrica), Sabiya(Sabia) Saimasu(Thaimus), Ribusu(Rybus), Aberiya(Abelia) Sedamu(Sedum), Ferishiya(Felicia) Okuna(Ochna), Rikunisu(Lychnis) Furosu.(flos)
This comment will likely go unread. But I believe that Okayu’s singing, not only her voice, is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard, and for some reason, it tops most of the other high pitched voices of the other holo en girls. It’s just so smooth and sweet.
You know, you always have that one friend you all love who is really chill and never stood out but once they do they do their special thing…. you start to love them 1000000000000000 times more
She has such a soothing singing Voice I could listen to these songs all day even though I understand absolutely nothing and i think that is amazing
Okayu: I dislike my voiceAlso Okayu: *F L O S*Fans: Our beautiful *F L O S*
FAQ. Who disliked this beautiful cat singing.
Never though her voice can be THIS beautiful…
One thing I still can’t believe she said. She said that she dislikes her voice a while ago but after hearing her sing so many times, her voice is like a blessing for us that I’m getting goosebumps when she starts singing…Thanks again for the cover~!
Someday, we’ll come back here to remember their gifts given to us after they’ve gone.
Okayu’s singing is soothing. It calms down your soul with just a single listen. You’ll have these weird nostalgic moments you never knew you had. You’ll start to think of situations that fit with this song. Oh how I wish I could listen to this forever, I would probably forget about this at some point in my life and if I remember this, I’ll never forget about it ever again
I’m back here after she had her original song This is the reason I fell into the rabbit hole because of okayu’s song cover, voice and gaming
失楽ペトリ / 猫又おかゆ(cover)

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ “息を呑んで恋をする” 『失楽ペトリ』 本家様▷https://youtu.be/Tke5xF_hUXo illustrator:おしるこ(@oshiruco_212048 )様 Mix:ごず(@_gozu777)様 Movie:神稲 た …
Friends: Our Christmas can’t get any better than this.Me: **plays this**
Okayu’s voice is dangerously addictive
and to think, she used to be uncomfortable with her voice, but this is a BANGER
自分用あっちの方に罠がある かかってあげなくちゃ 困ったフリをして 言え・言え・言え・言え 甘いものは果実 苦味の中に恥 踊ってみるだけさ イェイ・イェイ・イェイ絡まってほどいてが人生だ 本気じゃないからどうなんだ あんたの倫理じゃどう思う? 聞こえたぞ ためらいや迷いとは忠告だ 聞いちゃいないのが残念だ 狡猾(こうかつ)な不器用を手に イェイ・イェイ・イェイルールを破らずにゲームを 嘘つきにヴェールを すれ違うようなものだと過ちを亡者の培養列島 この世は失楽園 密通遊興デカダン 荒野を望む砂の城 聖者の行進 ゲットー周りは失楽園 息を呑んで恋をするとっくのとうにバレている 戻ってあげなくちゃ 笑ったフリをして 言え・言え・言え・言え もらいものは無実 見つめすぎる瞳 泊まってこないのね 家・家・家据え膳(ぜん)貪(むさぼ)って皿までさ そいつで制せば聖戦さ あんたの故郷じゃなんて呼ぶ? 聞かせてよ 後悔や未練ほど饒舌(じょうぜつ)か? 愛想もないほうが幸いか? 善悪に臆病なのね いいえ・いいえ・いいえシーツを汚さずにゲームを ふしだらにスーツを 袖に香りを 報いを 目には目を亡者の培養列島 暴けど失楽園 厭世観(えんせいかん)で飾り全裸を恥じた愚か者 聖者の行進 血相変えては失楽園 だまし合ってもう終わりカードの束からスペードを 砕けてしまったら 美しいと思うぐらいになにも無い亡者の培養列島 この世は失楽園 密通遊興デカダン 荒野を望む砂の城 聖者の行進 ゲットー周りは失楽園 息を呑んで恋をする理解者と罰点 一生あなたと失楽園 背徳感を齧(かじり)平和に飽きた子どもたち 因果と応報 さあ真っ逆さま 失楽園 楽しかった毎日も 見失ってさよならだ
『失楽ペトリ/Lost Petri』(Covered by Nekomata Okayu)Original:ナナホシ管弦楽団English Translation:There’s a trap over there. We have to get him in. Pretend you’re in trouble Say it, say it, say it, say itSweet is the fruit Shame in the bitterI’m just trying to dance, yay, yay, yay Tangled up and untied is life What does it matter if I don’t mean it?What do your ethics say? I hear you.Hesitation and hesitation is advice. Too bad you didn’t hear it.Cunning and clumsy in hand, yay, yay, yay A game without breaking the rules.Veil the liar.It’s like we’re passing each other by, making mistakes.A cultured archipelago of the departed, this world is a paradise lostthe decadence of illicit liaisons the sandcastle overlooking the wildernessthe march of the saints the ghetto around is paradise lostI fall in love with my breathI’ve already been found out I have to go back for youPretend to laugh Say it, say it, say it, say itWhat I got is innocent Eyes that stare too muchYou’re not staying over, are you? House, house, houseYou’re not staying here, are you?What do they call you back home? What do you call it back home?You’re not as talkative as you are regretful or lingering. Is it better to be unfriendly?You’re a coward about right and wrong. No, no, no, no.No. No. No.No. No. No.A scent on your sleeve, a reward, an eye for an eye.A cultivated archipelago of pariahs.The fool who adorned himself with pessimism and was ashamed of his nakedness.The march of the saints, the change of blood, Paradise Lostwe’re done cheating each othera spade from a deck of cardsIf you break it upthere’s nothing to see but beautya cultivated archipelago of the dead, this world is paradise lostI’m in a sand castle overlooking the wildernessThe march of the saints, the ghetto, all around is paradise lostI fall in love with you with my breath taken awayI’ll be with you all my life, Paradise LostChildren bored with peace gnawing on immoralityCausality and retribution, come on, head over heels, Paradise LostI’m going to lose sight of the good days and say goodbyeNote: For some reason if i put the Correct Translation of this song the comment got deleted by YouTube Maybe because the lyrics is a little bit sensitive, i already try change the lyrics a little bit and comments again with my both acc but it’s still deleted. So This is pure DeepL Translation
I’ll define her voice in this song with the word “mature”. I’m not used to this since I fell in the hole. It’s pretty nice.
I feel bad for everyone who didnt fell into this rabbit hole. Theyre missing waaaaay too much of this gem
On Christmas night as well, dang tomorrow is gonna be great.
Sadisctic Okayu doesn’t exist, she couldn’t hurt youSadisctic Okayu:
a wild Okayu has appeared!-hide food (O) -run ( )you failed hiding your food, as Okayu has already snatched it!-take it back ( ) -beg her to return the apple (O)Okayu refuses! as she is wildly eating the apple!how we see Okayu eating the apple: “amu amu amu amu amu…”how Okayu sees herself eating the apple:
Nothing beats the Lazy Cat singing for a Christmas gift
GodHow can someone be so chill but at the same time be so….spicy….. She’s very talented in my eyes. That voice is……so good
I have been listening to this on repeat for months now i can never not like this song its so unbelievably good that honestly its a drug its so addictive and the only voice that competes with okayu is towa but okayu still beat her out
i cant stop listening to this HELP !!!………. actually dont help me im happy
乙女解剖 / 猫又おかゆ(cover)

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 誤解は解けるかな ” 『乙女解剖』 本家様▷https://youtu.be/7zwCIz-Ohn4 illustrator:お鮨(@sui5o )様 Mix:せぇ。(@SE_902)様 Movie:近所のにー …
When she said Nyan Nyan I felt that
So as far as I can discern the lyrics, it’s about a girl who messes around with people, but had one special night with someone where she crossed a line. Then she tries to deny that there were any romantic feelings involved in it, but she feels drawn to that person again and again, and thus she accepts that her feelings get “dissected”. Girl dissection as it were. She wants to feel ashamed for enjoying the pain, but also thinks it makes life more interesting.In this cover there are images of Korone, Aqua and Shion mixed in to drive the point home more directly. What a sinful cat lol
And I was told she thinks she can’t be an idol because her voice is too deep? Heresy.The deep voice is amazing. So smooth.
Okayu singing is a new rabbit hole that I’m falling into
Thank God its back. This cat’s voice is just divine.
this is what i would considered not-common beauty. Not just beautiful cause its not the norm, this is a form of “beauty” itself
this is basically her flexing her rangeEdit: and her harem
Angel Voice Love from italy
Alright, I’ve decided. Who wants to join the Church of Okayu’s voice? All we do is worship this cat’s gorgeous voice.
2:09 「思い込みの狂気」であくたん登場するの草
English lyrics: Let’s play Maiden Dissection! Everyone wants some heart-pounding excitement, right? I want to experience shame, ever since that night when I found out it’s good if it’s enough to hurt. Good evening, is now all right? There’s nothing I want to say in particular, but now there’s this and that, plus an “it’s all right” that comes up. Without you, none of that matters Each of us with our masks on, we flirted. It’s in shreds, without spelling out that it’s love. It’s a penalty shoot-out, Feelings vs. Boredom. Yes, there’s a child who’s lost in anything and everything, shedding tears, meowing “SOS” with half-open eyes. This whole disease, I’ll send it to you as an attachment. I want to go as far as to share painful things, don’t I? I really want to run away from this love. Either way, let’s play Maiden Dissection! Come on, calling each other by our real names! “I don’t want to live” was what I should’ve said. Will I ever find peace? Let’s play Maiden Dissection! Everyone wants some heart-pounding excitement, right? I want to experience shame, ever since that night when I found out it’s good if it’s enough to hurt. Really sorry for calling you so early. I must’ve woken you up, didn’t I? Is now a good time? I had a dream where you fell in love with somebody else. I want you to deny it. Come on, love me? Two times a day, morning and night, I’ll sprinkle spices on you. The insanity of wrong assumptions has no effect. Listen, you’ve been pretty cold lately. Either way, let’s play Maiden Dissection! Pulling burning passion out of each other, we act like idiots. I find you telling me “no!” just unbearable. Will we ever resolve this misunderstanding? Let’s play Maiden Dissection! Spreading drool on the “baguette.” Let’s check if our climax has been a let down, ever since that night. Let’s play Maiden Dissection! Come on, calling each other by our real names! “I don’t want to live” was what I should’ve said. Will I ever find peace? Let’s play Maiden Dissection! Everyone wants some heart-pounding excitement, right? I want to experience shame, just like on that night when I found out it’s good if it’s enough to hurt.You are welcome.
The song is back!!
The lines:”Nee aishite?” (“Hey, do you love me?”) was said by Korone,”Omoikomi no kyouki, kouka wa nai” (“The belief in insanity has no effect”) was said by Aqua, and”Nee, saikin tsumetai ne” (“Hey, haven’t you been pretty cold lately?”) was said by ShionInterpret this as you will.I’ll just be here reeling from how amazing Okayu’s voice really is.
I was already aware that among the hololive members, Okayu is one of the ones with deeper voices, but I was still surprised by this.
Happy new year to you Okayu! Keep gaming and keep singing!
もぐもぐYUMMY!/ 猫又おかゆ

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ “ 君が泣いてもお腹は空くよ ” 作詞作曲:ピノキオピー (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMMBGMjrrWcRZmG_lW4jC-Q) 映像制作・ドット絵制作:山下 諒 素材制作: …
Man this song really grows on you the more you listen to it
Other Hololive girls: “Sing’s about a message to their fans.”Okayu: *FOOD*
“sir, the earth is being torn apart.”“dear god… by what?”“A hungry cat is eating through the planet with her clones.”
I noticed that this video has no english lyrics so I made some. Please enjoy.Even the hardest thing in all the worldif you put mayonnaise on itwill taste good?Even if you cry, you’ll still get hungryCouldn’t digest it, sorry sorry. Sour things, sweet things, I’ll eat ‘em all I wantVery sorry to trouble you so.Cilantro arrangement, weird flavored juiceIgnoring my heart, I gulp it down, ah! At the restaurant, chaotic information overloadSpilled my tea on the lying menuWith you, mogu mogu (mogu mogu)Mogu mogu (mogu mogu)Right in the middle of a firefight, mogu moguGroup of starving mountain demonsI’m hoping for a future where I’m fullMogu mogu (mogu mogu)Mogu mogu (mogu mogu)Before the world ends Mogu mogu, yummy, godlike crazyYum yum, frankly munching munchingMogu mogu, yummy magic coming Tasting this world, yum yumTheoretically backed mille-feuille sandwich(sandwich)Wishing to be anonymous aurora sauce(sauce)Roughly seasoned, but overlook itIf its tasty, it’s okokGood things, bad things, eat lotsI’ll wipe my dirty mouthRice ball, pizza, cakeExtravagant full course mealquestioning if it’s a trap, I’ll be careful, ah!Wild ideas, groundless rumors of a buffetSorting between rotten food and high class cookingWith you, mogu mogu (mogu mogu)Mogu mogu (mogu mogu)In a death game classroom, mogu mogu (ugya)Group of starving mountain demonsIt’d be nice if you, my good friend, would surviveMogu mogu (mogu mogu)Mogu mogu (mogu mogu)In a few years at this placeMogu mogu, yummy, godlike crazyTonight’s dinner will beMogu mogu, yummy magic comingNext time will be your turnMogu mogu, yummy, godlike crazyYum yum, frankly munching munchingMogu mogu, yummy magic coming Tasting this world, yum yum Mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu yummyMogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu yummyMogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu yummyMogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu yummy Yummy
I seriously don’t know why she thought her voice wasn’t suitable to be an idol. She literally has the best voice in Hololive. Fight me
Just now figuring out she was insecure about her voice? When I skimmed through clips her voice was literally the main draw for me, even when she just talks normally
Therapist: “Light Yagami Okayu isn’t real, she can’t hurt you.”Light Yagami Okayu: 2:28
POV: This isn’t the first or last time you played this song.
Okayu’s singing really is a treat.Pun intended
when okayu said “si la passion ciento de mayo mezcla que tarde”. I felt that.
This song is just so perfect for her character.
My little 4 years old sister is so like this song, she sing this song all day long 😁
Renegade scientists designed this song to be as addictive as possible. You listen to this song 5 times, you’re hooked for life. You listen to it a couple hundred times, you die. You go cold turkey, you die after 5 times. Mogumogumogumogumogumogumogu
Just a man listening to yummy while he’s grilling some steaks
I just love how American people listen to anime songs and they have no idea what they’re saying but they still watch it anyways
Romaji lyricsShinrabanshō no akusenkutō moMayonēzu kaketara daitaiOishiku naru?Kimi ga naitemo onaka wa suku yoShōka dekinakatta gomen gomenSui mo amai mo katte ni tabeteGomeiwaku okake shite imasuPakuchīna okite hen’na aji no jūsuKokoro o mu ni shite nomikomimasuKonton jōhō kata no resutoran deUsoppachi no menyū ni ocha koboshiteKimi to mogu mogu (mogu mogu)Mogu mogu (mogu mogu)Jūgeki-sen no man’naka de mogu moguChimimōryō harapeko no mureManpuku ni naru mirai o negatte iru yoMogu mogu (mogu mogu)Mogu mogu (mogu mogu)Sekai ga owaru mae niMogu mogu yami~i maji kamiYamu yamu ari no manmaMogu mogu yami~i MAGIC COMINGKonoyo o ajiwau nda umaumaRiron buso no mirufiyu sando (sando)tokumeki bou no orora sosu (sosu)Ozappana ajitsuke ome ni mite yoOishiku nattara ok okI mo warui mono ippai tabeteYogoreta kuchimoto nuguimasuOnigiri, pizza, keki, gokana furukosuwana o utagai ki o tsukemasuMoso ryugenhigo no baikingu deDoku-iri to zeppin ryori eriwaketeKimi to mogu mogu (mogu mogu)Mogu mogu (mogu mogu)Desugemu no kyoshitsu de mogu moguChimimōryō harapeko no mureNakanai kimi to ikinokoretara i naMogu moguMogu moguSunengo mo kono basho deMogu mogu yami~i maji kamiKon’ya no ban gohan waMogu mogu yami~i MAGIC COMINGTsugi wa omae no ban daMogu mogu yami~i maji kamiYamu yamu ari no manmaMogu mogu yami~i MAGIC COMINGKonoyo o ajiwau nda umaumaMogu mogu mogu moguMogu mogu mogu moguMogu mogu mogu moguMOGU MOGU YUMMYMogu mogu mogu moguMogu mogu mogu moguMogu mogu mogu moguMOGU MOGU YUMMYMogu mogu mogu moguMogu mogu mogu moguMogu mogu mogu moguMOGU MOGU YUMMYMogu mogu mogu moguMogu mogu mogu moguMogu mogu mogu moguMOGU MOGU YUMMYYUMMY!Desu!!!
Me being on a diet, this song makes me sad 🙁