
(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ ぺこらちゃんはスピードが得意らしいよ~~。 コラボ相手のぺこちゃん(兎田ぺこら) YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1DCedRgGHBdm81E1llLhOQ …
0:50 「言わせないでくださいぺこですよ先輩」語尾ばぐってて草
Okayu has such strong comfortable one-san vibes i don’t even.
Thank you for the stream!!
9:10 La estrategia “Distraer con una conversacion” no le funcionó-Peko(≧∇≦)Me hizo acordar cuando si le funciono a Okayu con Korone
13:51 ぺこらの「Yahoooo!」と叫び声すごい.
I’m really happy to see Pekora having collabs with other members, especially Okayu. This was such a great stream, thank you!
10:14 こっからの幸運兎煽りが好きすぎるw
0:15 鼻で笑うぺこら1:54 フェニックスぺこ〜4:42 スピード7:21 エアホッケー10:10 ヨット20:50 ヨット出すよっと22:27 ヨット出すよっと28:52 幸運兎ってワケ29:48 大富豪38:37 嘘つきおかゆん40:07 神経衰弱43:06 VSタンク45:00 的当て48:47 スピード52:02 トイテニス52:46 にゃーコラボおつかれさまでした〜✌️
Okayu : ” i have never played this before “Oh this girl lies as easily as she breathes lol.I remember quite clearly how she said to korone that she is really good and played it a lot lol.She just wants to bully the rabbit xD
RIP rabbit. Got played by cat. XD
The two most feared words by any Hololive member: BYE BYEEE
9:05 この流れ最高におかゆんって感じで好き
The stream was really enjoyable. I hope to see more in the future!
The most chill vs one of the most screaming Vtubers. What a great combination 😀
【ASMR】はじめてのASMR / Japanese Trigger Words, Whispering【ホロライブ/猫又おかゆ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ ホロライブゲーマーズ所属、猫又おかゆです (okayu nekomata) おにぎり屋さんを経営してるばあちゃんの一人娘(猫)! ゲームの配信が主な活動ですが,雑談やお歌の配信 …
lucky korone, she gets to hear okayu’s voice everyday
14:20 When you wanna swear at the game but your parents are in same room
37:43,Pekora doing ASMR
Thank you for your first ASMR stream, Okayu-san. Your deep voice fits the role perfectly!!
I was about to fall asleep to this then I heard with my volume all the way up “FINISH YOUR MID FADE WITHOUT PAUSING TRY YOUTUBE PREMIUM ON US AND STYLE UNINTERRUPTED”.
Me: **Casually sleeping while playing this**YouTube: Quick! We must use the loudest ads we can find!
26:35 こんなゾクゾクするフーフー初めて
this is genuinely the most relaxing asmr i’ve ever listened to, and i’ve listened to a LOT of asmr
I already felt chills just reading the TItle.
This makes me *Sleepy.*
it’s scary to trust my ears to people, but it is nice when only good sounds come, nothing loud and painful!
15:29 Oh boy, it’s Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal all over again
I listen to this almost everyday, I’ve decided that Okayu is my favourite hololive member her chill & relaxing vibe is unrivalled in hololive ^_^
10:36 is what I live for.
This isn’t something I thought I needed until now.
It’s cool because she could be very easily casting a curse on me and I wouldn’t even know because I can’t understand anything she says
53:29 God bless
your deep voice made this 100000 % better, thanks, congrats okayou on your first asmr stream <3
【ASMR】子守唄配信!ヒソヒソ…/softly song Japanese【ホロライブ/猫又おかゆ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 米津玄師さんや椎名林檎さんの歌をアカペラで 子守唄風に歌います 僕とみんなのお約束 ・コメント欄で不快なコメントは触れずにブロック ・迷惑になるので伝書鳩 …
Mogu mogu
Okayu voice is really beautiful and calming, listening to her singing made me feel relaxed, i will definitely sleep well
When okayu sings, tbh I hear the voice of an angel
So soothing! Like the comforting and calming voice of a mother. I’m sure Okayu can help anyone with falling asleep with her singing! I feel at ease now.
God. Okayu’s voice is so soothing.
Your voice is beautiful Okayu.This was the perfect way to unwind after a hard day at work.
When i saw this channel for the first time i thought it will be cute loli noises but i got into beautifull calming noises and thats better
my friends told me i’m a mad man spending $1000 in dac, amp, and headphone rather than a new gpu. But now i can listen to the voice of an angel.
Okayu please gimme more of your ASMR singing I just love it and prefer it over ear cleaning etc. ^^ waiting in hope haha ^^
words can’t fully express how calming and soothing okayu’s voice is…<3 <3 <3
自分用のセトリvivi 4:40メトロノーム 10:20すべりだい 16:34正しい町 21:50Lemon 27:42ピースサイン 34:00幸福論 39:42アイネクライネ 43:40丸の内サディスティック 50:00ありあまる富 55:20
This video is curing my anxiety and depression at the same time. How is this so good? So beautiful.
Those mogu mogu sounds really be makin me relaxed af
I find myself keep coming back to this video Everytime i’m unable to sleep, Thank You Okayu 🙂
im sad that i missed it live, but it really is beautiful. 10/10 best voice to listen to.
Sometimes I get stressed that I cant speak or understand japanese, and then I find this vid and somehow it’s just made me less stressed.I doubt you’ll read this, but thank you Okayu. <3
Goddess of lullaby has descend😍😍😍😍 love the voice, i almost fall asleep listening to thisc
y pensar que uno podr�a enamorarse de la voz de otra persona wtf :s xD <3
Seriously, the most beautiful voice of all VTubers…I’d love her to put me to sleep.And Ange Katrina to wake me up, lol.
Como es que no encontre este video antes?? Adoro a Okayu <3
【地獄】SMOKなりきり❤トーク ~俺があいつであいつが俺で~【 #SMOK /ホロライブ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 各なりきりメンバーへの質問コチラからお待ちしています! https://forms.gle/FhzRAFiedFSsi2NQA \ 定期的な地獄は如何ですか? / ◇大空スバル …
I watched through a clip as I don’t understand. but then watching this whole thing is pure Gold, no matter if you understand japanese or not.These ladies are genius!!!
okayu impersonating korone and talked so fast is hilarious lmao, SMOK stream is amazing as alwaysthankyou for the smok stream!!!!
Are we not going to talk about how they managed to sneak in a celebrity guest star without warning here? Never thought I’d see the day Doraemon participates in a SMOK stream.
I love when is reunited.
I couldn’t stop laughing, your impersonations are on spot, SMOK is great!! Thanks for the stream
Thank you for the amazing stream, SMOK! Really Funny! It felt like more than 50% of the chat was for the whole stream.
*Okayu exists*Korone : OKAAYUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!
19:35 ころさんの”ぶち込まれたねぇ”すこ
You know its good when you don’t understand anything at all but still laughing from it.
This whole stream was one big 草
I never so exhausted because laughing like this before…. 🤣
I wish I could understand them, but it’s obvious they were having fun in that intro.It was so chaotic
this stream really define friendship
Today we learned that Okayu has the potential to be a rap god seeing how her she can speak faster than the speed of sound.
We got loads of blessed laughs in this stream. Okayu nailed those impressions man!
1:01:10 の「お゛か゛ゆ゛ーーー」からのみんなの声にまじで”幸せ”を感じる…羨ましくすらあるわ
I laughed hard when okayu start rapping 😂
【ASMR】寝る前に耳かきしよっか🌠/ Ear Cleaning【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ お誕生日プレゼントでたくさん耳かきグッズ 頂いたので今日は使っていくよ~~!!!!! 猫又おかゆ 誕生日記念2021グッズ販売中 ▸販売ページはこちらから …
Lovin’ your Asmr Streams can’t wait for more ♥️♥️♥️♥️
I started school in person today for the first time in over a year, and lets just say High school is not what I remember. Anyway, it sucks that it just had to be today because I ended up missing this!! Maybe next time….thanks for the quality ASMR Okayu!
耳かき┣ 0:01:09 左耳┣ 0:02:48 この綿棒すごくて┣ 0:05:38 右耳┣ 0:05:44 左右差の話┣ 0:10:52 踊り狂う耳かき┣ 0:11:44 左耳┣ 0:15:59 右耳┣ 0:16:10 みんなせっかち┗ 0:18:24 広告切るためにマウスカチカチ梵天┣ 0:20:06 梵天ふわふわタイム┣ 0:21:29 ふわふわで攻撃してます┣ 0:22:39 トントン┗ 0:24:46 耳ふさぎ指かき┣ 0:25:43 爪を切ったので┣ 0:28:10 耳ふ〜┗ 0:30:19 こっちはやらなーい耳たわし┣ 0:30:34 左耳┣ 0:32:44 一緒に寝よ┣ 0:33:50 右耳┣ 0:34:25 吐息┗ 0:35:00 深呼吸ステンレス耳かき┣ 0:35:50 左耳┣ 0:36:31 ごめんね┣ 0:36:45 トントン┣ 0:38:24 メン限歯磨きASMR動画の話┗ 0:39:14 仕上げはおか〜ゆ〜指かき┣ 0:39:22 しゅっ┣ 0:41:26 責任取ってくれないくせに┣ 0:41:31 耳ふ〜┣ 0:42:27 両耳┣ 0:43:11 大事なASMRマイクの話┣ 0:43:58 ASMRマイク買った時の話┣ 0:44:45 すんすん┗ 0:45:50 香水 耳かき┣ 0:47:23 両耳┣ 0:47:30 メン限ASMRの話┣ 0:48:46 ロリおかゆ?┣ 0:49:48 むーってしちゃう話┣ 0:51:25 ずるいよね?┣ 0:52:57 変なこと言っていい?┣ 0:53:57 耳トントン┣ 0:54:42 恥ずかしくなったんだもん┣ 0:55:16 うるさいから耳ふさぎまーす┣ 0:56:20 梵天で耳かき┣ 0:57:00 耳ふー┗ 0:58:43 咳払い梵天┣ 1:00:10 両耳┗ 1:01:29 ということでスパチャ読み┣ 1:02:24 咳払い┣ 1:02:48 読み始め┣ 1:05:04 いっぱい聞いていっぱい寝てね┣ 1:05:07 鼻すん咳払い┣ 1:05:28 自分用┣ 1:09:54 いなくならないよ┣ 1:13:23 もうすぐ2周年┣ 1:15:16 咳払い┣ 1:16:27 よしよし┣ 1:17:44 責任取るよ┣ 1:20:36 きのこ音痴猫┣ 1:22:55 咳払い→訛りの話┣ 1:31:25 耳トントン┣ 1:33:39 今日の配信はお休み┣ 1:34:20 深呼吸┣ 1:35:22 ロリおかゆん┣ 1:38:37 幸せを願うことについての話┣ 1:48:10 咳払い┣ 1:49:58 咳払い┗ 1:52:54 おやすみなさいのキスゴールデンカムイの原作、電子書籍で買いました!今読んでる本読み終わったら読み始めます〜〜
(just a direct translation of another persons comment) Earpick 0:01:09 Left ear 0:02:48 This cotton swab is amazing. 0:05:38 Right ear 0:05:44 left and right. 0:10:52 Dancing Crazy earpick 0:11:44 Left ear 0:15:59 Right ear 0:16:10 Everybody’s impatient 0:18:24 Mouse tick to cut ad Brahma 0:20:06 Brahma Fluffy Time 0:21:29 they’re attacking with fluffy. 0:22:39 tonton, tonton. 0:24:46 Ear cover Fingerpick 0:25:43 because i cut my nails. 0:28:10 Earbuds〜 0:30:19 i won’t do this. Earwash 0:30:34 Left ear 0:32:44 sleep with me. 0:33:50 Right ear 0:34:25 Sigh 0:35:00 Deep breath Stainless Steel Earpick 0:35:50 Left ear 0:36:31 sorry. 0:36:45 tonton, tonton. 0:38:24 Men’s Limited Toothpaste ASMR video story 0:39:14 The finish is Oka〜yu〜 Fingerpick 0:39:22 shh. 0:41:26 you’re not taking responsibility. 0:41:31 Earbuds〜 0:42:27 Both Ears 0:43:11 Important ASMR microphone story 0:43:58 The story of when I bought an ASMR microphone 0:44:45 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. 0:45:50 Perfume Earpick 0:47:23 Both Ears 0:47:30 Men’s ASMR talk 0:48:46 loli porridge? 0:49:48 i’m going to have to talk about it. 0:51:25 sly, right? 0:52:57 Can I say something weird? 0:53:57 ear, tonton, tonton. 0:54:42 i was embarrassed. 0:55:16 because it’s noisy, i’m blocking my ears. 0:56:20 Earpick in Brahma 0:57:00 Ear hoo 0:58:43 Cough cough Brahma 1:00:10 Binaural 1:01:29 and that means Spacha reading 1:02:24 Cough 1:02:48 start reading 1:05:04 listen a lot, sleep a lot. 1:05:07 Nasal cough 1:05:28 For yourself 1:09:54 i won’t be gone. 1:13:23 We’re about to celebrate our 2nd anniversary. 1:15:16 Cough 1:16:27 all right, all right. 1:17:44 i’ll take responsibility. 1:20:36 Mushroom sound-deaf cat 1:22:55 Coughing up → talking about accent 1:31:25 Ear ton ton ton 1:33:39 today’s delivery is closed 1:34:20 Deep breath 1:35:22 Lori Porridge 1:38:37 A story about wishing for happiness 1:48:10 Cough 1:49:58 Cough 1:52:54 Good night Kiss
Just listening to okayu’s voice I feel more relaxed, thank you for this great ASMR stream
I caught the end of the stream and had to wait for it to end to be able to listen to it in its entirity
Thanks for the wonderfully relaxing ASMR stream Okayu!! These always help me sleep a lot better thanks to your soothing voice, I can’t wait for the next ones!!
Woah,thank you.your ASMR is so very relaxing
needed this after a long and tiring day. Thank you so much Okayu!
Okayu asmr is just too perfect, i struggled to keep my eyes open for the stream
Thank you for the relaxing ASMR! The little bit of English near the end was very cute, thank you for your hard work!
Okayun’s teasing in the ear blowing part made my heart skip a beat
Okayu’s voice is just too calming and i liked every second of her voice
Couldn’t catch the stream due to overseas time but ty for this I’ve been waiting on another one of these love em!
Thank you for this wonderful asmr💖I can sleep well tonight
Okayus’ voice is already nice to listen to on regular streams, so her ASMR is on another level. Hopefully in some years I’ll be able to understand the speech as well.
i love studying to okayu’s asmr. it’s so relaxing
Okayu’s voice is the best for ASMR its so relaxing and chill
was listening to this during classes and almost dozed off, blessed okayu asmr