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恋愛裁判 Ver.戌神ころね

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね Instrumental: 零食oyazi (@ BlackRock118) 东方记者(@ BSUldDKcT7TZWqQ) 佛罗伦萨(@ nenmuriya) 御水银(@ silver_cat_2337) 黑野(@ EL03_kurono) 切 …
Korone: “Oh, Jesus!”Atheist rates drop to zero*
Korone-sama: Love is war
Korone:says “oh jesus”Me: “you know what, im kind of an christian myself”
Korone saying “Oh Jesus” made the Christians have more people
I just realized: the song is spoken from the “convict”/“culprit”s side, but Korone is the one singing, and she’s the judge…*VISIBLE CONFUSION
okayu: watch 0.01 seconds of aqua’s stream*korone:
I’m glad this video is back from being privated… I don’t want to experience this again…. T___T
Korone: How shall you plead Mrs. Okayu?Okayu: *I’m innyasent.*
世 界 一 需 要 の あ る 裁 判
Okayu: Is 1 centimeter closer to another girl than KoroneKorone: You have fortfeited your freedom privilages
Who did the captions? They should really get a raise!
“Jesus” backwards is “sausage.” Have a good day.
Man, i love her version so much.
Me: Petting another dogMy dog:
When you’re an atheist but you heard Korone said “Oh, Jesus”*becomes a holy crusader*
I’m so thankful that this video is back! Is a really good cover
【一周年記念】ヒャダインのじょーじょーゆーじょー / おかころ【歌ってみた】

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね 今日はおかころデビュー1周年!! 記念に2人で歌ってみたよ~!! これからも、おかころは真実!!! —————————————————————- 本家様 …
Video editor: “Okay, so what media do you have for me? Clips? Videos? Images? Graphics?”* gets handed one picture of them *Video editor: “……..alright, I can make this work.”
For anyone who can’t understand Japanese they’re singing Nichijou op 2
*Achivement Unlocked!*How did I get here?
Me when i first fell down the rabbit hole: Oh, it’s a song about being best friends, and it was published on April Fool’s day. It’s a dog with a cat, so they must normally dislike each other.Me now: Okakoro is the peak of cuteness and I will stab anyone who disagrees.
The April Fool’s joke is that they’re saying they’re just friends.
_人人人人人人人人人_> おかころてぇてぇ < ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
this is really the editor experimenting “well how much can i do with a single image”
I don’t know what they’re saying but this still slaps
Some dude: Can you be my waifuFubuki: 2:19
This song perfectly simbolises how Korone drags along Okayu with her pace. (Korone is more energetic than Okayu.) But they are a good match honestly. 😀 ^^ <3
So what the news today ?Somebody: A singing Doog and Caat
I saw my dog chase after a cat today and was extremely confused when he caught up and fought the cat instead of singing and dancing with it.
hermoso cover, las amo
2:35 i just realized that there’s a gorilla with a halo, that’s Kanata
4 month listening this okakoro
【歌ってみた】スイートマジック 【戌神ころね】

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね たくさんの方にお祝いしてもらって素敵なお誕生日になりました。 お返しに、がんばって歌ったよ!!(* v v)。 ☆:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:☆:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*:;;::; …
The Japanese lessons are paying off, I can finally read English with different letters.
so cute!
must protect that smile
I got diagnosed with diabetesThe cause is her.
2:52 that moment where even the yubi yubi that we’ve always given to her starts falling down behind her it’s too funny 😂
Happy Birthday!! 👆
This is the cutest cover of sweet magic
Wow your voice is so cute!! ^@W@^
甘くて幸せなこと隠し味何にしよう純粋な乙女心甘い恋も絡めなくちゃ切なさ重ねてミルフィーユ酸味も積み上げタルト苦味もチョコレートケーキ?魔法かけた甘い奇跡甘さを抑えてビターとかミルクなしのコーヒーとか甘いだけじゃ大人になれないの?そんなの絶対に絶対やだやだやだねぇあげようか 甘い罠ほら虜にしてあげるそんな魔法 かけるからちょっとだけ待たせたげるわたった一口が足りなくて赤いイチゴみたく意地張って甘いところなんて見せないわ完璧に作るもん一人でも、でも、でもねぇ、気づいてるんでしょ?わかってるんでしょ?隠し味の恋心苦みとか 酸味とかそういうのもたまにはいいわ意地っ張りで ワガママなそんな「甘い魔法」使い

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね あさココLIVE でしか流れなかった伝説のCM! 秘蔵映像をご覧ください。 Twitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone.
Korone: *Closes eyes1 Million People: *this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen*
Korone: *smiles*”Suicide Rate drops to 0″
this is literally korone’s ad for her channel.*IT’S… PERFECT*
Korone: *literally just the word scallop and the same word backwards*1.3 million people: hmmm interesting
Full transcript:Ho-ta-teTe-ta-ho
I got this as an ad, praise the lord. Amen.
Gonna tell my kids this is Thomas the tank engine Japan version.
0:02 ころさんにアホと言われたい人用
Almost forgot to watch this today
How did this video get to be an ad? I NEED TO KNOW.
In these trying times, I come back here once a day, everyday to truly know what a scallop is and how to say it in reverse in Japanese. Thank you Korone u sweet doggo
**Korone smiles**Me: **goes to heaven peacefully**
this is the only ad i will willingly watch
Korone has become an ad apparently.
The most adorable shitpost ever.
Korone:One Million YouTube Users: *Interesting.*
I’m kind of happy I got this as an ad
That smile… We need to protect that smile.
when korone “ho ta te, te ta ho”i feel that.
This video for as short as it is, never fails to get a smile out of me and I love it

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね バンジョーとカズーイの大冒険(NINTENDO64) Banjo-Kazooie Play! Twitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone この動画およびライブは、任天堂著作物の利用許諾を …
4:01:01 This is like witnessing the birth of Christ himself.
4:01:01 e e k u m b o o k u mEdit: no problem! ( to teh replies)
Imagine being a Japanese fan of this streamer and majority of the comments are in English.
2:06:35 eekum bookum(x2)
40:23 First Contact
Help, I can’t stop saying “e e k u m b o o k u m”
4:11:14 the disappointment on her face in those seconds gets me. It also hurts because Clanker’s Cavern is a pain to 100% complete
ALL EEKUM BOKUMS (Updating as I watch)40:24 (x2)46:50 (x2)52:49 (x8)54:22 (x3)55:28 (x9.25)1:03:051:12:17 (x4)1:13:001:16:37 (!!) (x3)1:32:55 (x9)1:48:031:51:49 (x4)1:54:541:55:301:55:50 (x3)2:01:21 (x5)2:02:132:03:13 (x4)2:06:23 (x14)2:41:422:49:33 (x3) + 2x oshan bokums2:55:34 (x3)3:04:10 (x4)3:05:47
1:35:07 She turns into a blender for a second 😆
52:45 Mumbo: pls help me reclaim my magic, I’ll give y-Korone: *AH OH AH EEKUM BOOKUM*Mumbo: ;.;Korone: eekum bookum >:3
Someone made an smooth and funny animation of the “Eekum bookum” and its amazing
I will no longer call them Mumbo Skulls. From now on, til the end of time, they are now called Eekom Bokums.
I don’t know what she’s saying but this is pretty rad, i guess.
I never appreciated how well this game conveys things to the player until I watched a dog play it in Japanese
4:01:00 – The 2Snacks animation led me to this timestamp.
It’s so adorable when she does the imitations of the characters
I wish I could muster up half of the joy this girl has.
40:29 monkee laugh

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね Where is the wall socket? Twitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone 使用音源 ©効果音ラボ 様.
15 seconds well spent
Everybody always asks “Where’s the wall socket?”Not “How’s the wall socket?”
There’s something comforting in knowing that even on the total opposite side of this marvelous planet called Earth, people have the same little day by day struggles
Korone casually transcending the language barrier like it’s nothing now lol
I just realizedThis is her official channel
She seems lucky that there’s no demon under her bed trying to interfere.
At least she didn’t miss it completely and jam it through the wall.
At this point I’m pretty sure she finds herself just as cute as we do
*Korone is slowly ascending to her meme phase*
Fun fact: that sound is from “Plug & Play” game. In her walkthrough, she said she loved the sound and how pleasant was plugging in and out the plug.
“Where is the wall socket?” A question even scientists haven’t found the answer to
Ah, content like THIS is why I subscribed to her.
Content that transcends language and culture. Truly blessed
Best dog is now making memes too. Maybe 2020 is not so bad after all.
You know an empire is rising when Korone start using classical music
Me when I wake up at 4am for water and find out my phone wasn’t plugged in.
Oh what happened to korone-san eyes, oh wait.. she has 4 ears?!
I feel this on a spiritual level
[…] 速すぎるRPG!!?!?!?!?!?!?!(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね […]