- 【自己紹介】はじめまして!キズナアイですლ(´ڡ`ლ)…
- Kizuna AI – AIAIAI (feat. 中田ヤスタカ)【Dance Practice Video】…
- Say So/Doja Cat(Japanese Version)covered by KizunaAI【歌ってみた】…
- ロキ / 鏡音リン・みきとP/covered by キズナアイ×ブラック【歌ってみた】…
- 祝・ゲーム化!私を攻略できちゃうアドベンチャーゲームが・・・!…
- 【アニソンカラオケ】私の歌で当ててみて!【クイズ】…
- Akinatorは誰でも知っている?!…
- 【人工知能】「Quick,Draw!」とお絵描き対決!…
- 【検証】りんなとキズナアイ実は仲悪いのでは疑惑!…
Kizuna AI – AIAIAI (feat. 中田ヤスタカ)【Official Music Video】

(c) A.I.Channel <Music Video> Director : Satoru Ohno Producer : Creative Collective F A T I M A Creative Producer : Kazuki Sekiyama (IN FOCUS) Production Manager …
The type of music you listen when the homies aren’t around
Me 5 years ago: “Anime girls will never be real”Me in 2021: “The future is now, old man”
Everyone: bruh look at that depressed kid, he probably listen to some depressed music.The depressed kid headphones:
My friend said he hated this songNow I don’t have a friend
_3D Anime Girl dancing with 3D Girls_*We living in future mate*
Parents: “Anime isnt real, they’re just cartoons.”*insert glasses flash*
Strangers: She’s so quiet and deppressive.My earphones:
1:51″Pull me close, pull me close, you’re the only one for me””Here it comes, here it comes, deep inside””More and more, more and more don’t you let it get away””Now my whole future life is by your side”*mom, im scared*
Plot twist your homies listen to this music when no one around too
when the real life human became the background dancer instead
After rounds of hololive i always come back to here to ai chan to relax
This is a Japanese advanced 3D idle, KIZUNA-EYE.Fusion of Japanese culture and Japanese technology.
The guy who made the subtitles should be promoted
i remembered she started just playinh games and reacting… NOW SHE IS SINGING AND HAVE A HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTION FOR MUSIC VIDEO!!!gosh… Well all of other Vtubers,Ai Kizuna still the best
ちゅめて ちゅめて 親指以外って検索予想に出てきたんだけど
Ya know it’s the future when real people are the backup dancers and an anime girl is the main

(c) A.I.Channel プレイヤーの“声”で操作をするという新感覚アクションゲーム 『休むな!8分音符ちゃん♪』に挑戦してみました! ○休むな!8分音符ちゃん …
AI: “Sexy voice” My mind: HENTAIAlso AI: *starts saying food names*oh boy, i really love this channel
Ai chan:sexy voice?my mind:yamete,yamete kurasai,torenai!!!!!!!!!Ai chan:(talks about food)my mind:even better!!!!
My mind : Hentai! My hand : my time has come.
Sexy part endsAwww I guess the fun is over.Next topic: *Sadism**OOOOooOOoOooOOOOOHHHHHHHHH*
1:15 her face is like bruh
AI: “Sexy Voice”My mind: I think this is hentaiAI: “Natto”Me: ……… Good
“It’s a wonderful game where you can hear my screams” -AI Chan’s subtitles
3:57 si veniste por la portada :V
AI: “Sexy Voice”Me: Where the hell I drop my headphone!?
Animal sounds:Woof – DogMeow – CatBaaah – SheepWah! – A very angry Kizuna
3:29 – omg, her gigles is killing my heart right now :'(((
Every body gansta till the most comments are about hentai
When the thumbnail said Sexy VoidME: *ARA ARA*
4:53 the $3�y voice4:55 this is $4�y kizuna Aaai…Me:i thought rhis was kid friendly?And kizuna saying tasty food5:30banana chocolate
Kizuna Ai’s my favorite way to disappoint my parents <3
3:30 that legit cute laugh tho.I’m addicted to it.
“Hurry up and lick my shoe already”Lmao
Nadie:Comentario mexicanoKizuna: imposible(meme de thanos)
3:30 I could just listen to this all day
KING-Kanaria/covered by キズナアイ【歌ってみた】

(c) A.I.Channel ※敬称を略させていただいています ———————————————————————————————————— フィギュア『Kizuna AI “hello, world”』受注受付 …
I’m KING👑えっっへん!
Kizuna reminding the vtuber community who rules over them.
社畜だからかyou are king がyou workingに聞こえる🥺
*kizuna ai asserting her dominance reminding everyone that she’s the OG vtuber*
You click one of these King covers and I swear YT bombards you with a ton of them 🤣Not like I’m complaining.
Kizuna: “I’m KING”Me: **Hands over crown* “Yes. You are, my king.”
幽閉 利口 逝く前にユーヘイじゃ利口に難儀ダーリン幽閉 ストップ 知ってないし勘弁にしといてなんて惨忍人様願う欠片のアイロニだれもが願う無機質なような一足先に始めてたいような先が見えないヴァージンハッピーショー無いの新たにお願い1つ愛も変わらずおまけにワーニング ワーニング無いのあなたにお願い1つ張り詰めた思い込めレフトサイド ライトサイド歯をむき出して パッパッパ照れくさいねレフトサイド ライトサイド歯を突き出して パッパッパッハハYou are KING無邪気に遊ぶ 期待期待のダーリン健気に笑う 痛い痛いの消える無様に〇ねる 苦い思いも無くなってラララブウ ラッタッタ嫌い嫌いの最低泣いてダウン毎度新たにお願い1つ愛も変わらずピックアップのワーニング ワーニング無いのあなたにお願い1つ張り詰めた思い込めレフトサイド ライトサイド歯をむき出して パッパッパ邪魔くさいねレフトサイド ライトサイド歯を突き出して パッパッパッハハYou are KING
原曲がEnglish GUMIちゃんだからそれ意識だと思うんだけど日本語若干たどたどしいのポイント高い
The OG. The King of Vtubers. The pioneer. The Creator of Vtubers.
And this makes this the 25th time I’ve heard this song without ever hearing the original.*Come on YouTube, keep it going.*
When you see another king cover: *ah shit here we go again*
キズナアイ vs 輝夜月(本人再現版) – スーパーラップバトルズ

(c) A.I.Channel 私キズナアイ、あのラップバトルに挑戦しちゃいました! 月ちゃん、いざ勝負! ▽輝夜月チャンネルはこちら!
ご本人に再現頂けて夢のようです!!本当に嬉しくて幸せです、ありがとうございます!!こちらのコメント欄も全て拝見してます。ご視聴ありがとうございます! – スーパーおかじゅん
I did not expect to see an “Epic Rap Battles of History” parody here. I ended up watching the whole video without the captions. I have no idea how I understood them. 😂
Kizuna Ai tenes todo mi apoyo! Vamos a combatir el ecchi juntas xD
the way she says fck you is just so cute i cant take it seriously lmao
アイより青しだなあ ってやばくね。アイ=キズナアイ、藍青し⇔アイ
Thousands of years of human evolution… to make this masterpiece
�picas batallas de rap del frikismo versi�n waifus 3D :V
「Hey Luna!調子に乗るな!」で毎回吹くw

(c) A.I.Channel とにかく言いたいことがある! 今日は思いっきり言わせてもらいます! みんなよーーく聞いてください! これが私の! 今の気持ちですからーーーー!
Nobody:AI: *aggressively* I LOVE YOU
I don’t know if should be scared about this or start laughing? She seems very serious about this topic.
Why I don’t watch more of your videos?They don’t have English sub
Nobody:Not even the crazy weebs like me:Ai, screaming: *_DAISUKI_*
Everyone… We have pissed her off… Also where’s my English squad at?
FBI : *confused screaming
1:13 ツンデレ〜
Eromanga sensei was a masterpiece
Ai: acting like aquaUs: kawaiiiiiiii
**the whole video listening to Ai-chan screaming**us: *SO KAWAI!!*
Me: *”I love you.”*My crush: *”I love you too!”*My alarm clock: 2:21

(c) A.I.Channel チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします(o・v・o)♪ https://goo.gl/uMP1DM ゲームチャンネル「A.I.Games」もよろしくお願いします! ♡A.I.Games♡ https://goo.gl/Xn7u84 …
*Welcome to Another Episode of “Why am I watching this”.*
If you marry me, i promise you, i will run you on high end pc
The best way to make AI fall in love:”I won ten hundred million yen in the lottery…” XDDDDDDDDDDDD
How to make kizuna ai fall in love3.4 million people : *SUPEED*
“How to make kizuna fall in love”simps: write that down write that down!
A better title would be:“A.I. Chan destroying some hopes n dreams of some weebs”
Who else is watching this with English subtitles
10 years laterBillionaires at interviewInterviewer : what led you to this path?Billionaire : it’s complicated, but you can say I did it out of love😂😂
Alguien que hable espa�ol auto like para no desaparecer
Kizuna ai: how to make me fall in loveWeebs: *INSTA CLICK*
Some Guy Flirting With Kizuna : **Tries to say anything romantic**Kizuna : _”Are you delusional? Do you suffer from a mental illness?”_
“Why im still here just to suffer”
This, my friends, will never happen to us so we shall have to find another way.
Now Ai ain’t sayin she a gold digger….
2:58 useless useless useless useless Me: “road roller flashback”