- 【3周年記念】祝3周年記念ライブ!!!宵の余、良い!!!!!!!🌸🌙 #百鬼あやめ3周年…
- 【歌枠】80万人無事に見届けられるのか…!?!?80万人チャレンジの巻…
- 【100万人突破】チャンネル登録者100万人突破!!!!ばたばた感謝祭!!…
- 【APEX】シーズン8ランク進める!!!!!!!!…
- 【Ultimate Chicken Horse】障害物競走を勝ち抜くのは誰だ!?!?!『 アルティメットチキンホース 』…
- 【歌枠】50万人いくまで終われない…!?!?!?久しぶりの歌枠!!!…
- 【空気読み3】すー、うーん美味しい空気。…
- 【 Fall Guys 】1位目指して頑張る!!!!!!!!!!!【フォールガイズ アルティメット ノックアウト】…
- 【#ゆるホロチームカート】運転ブロンズ一生懸命走ります!!!!!🚙🚙…
【歌ってみた】グッバイ宣言 / 百鬼あやめ cover

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ 狂い咲く Song by グッバイ宣言 Music Chinozo Covered Vocal : Nakiri ayame ======================== □ご本家様 Chinozo様 …
I can’t stop replaying this. Ayame’s smug aura just teases me knowing that I will *never* stop listening.
I can’t stop coming backThis cover is still one of the best covers I’ve ever heard
is this the best cover of this song that has ever existed?this is the best cover of this song that has ever existed
10 millions, LET’S GOOO!Congrats, Ojou, you really deserve this
this is probably one of the best cover out there
Her voice is so beautiful, truly a blessing.
Ojou’s voice fits the song so perfectly, I can’t stop listening to this
At this point I feel like Ojou just owns this song
I’ve listened to this so many times I can vibe to it with no sound
10 Million views, congratulations ojou 🤗🥰🥰At this point i believe this songs exist to be covered by you
Ojou’s voice is the hidden cure for depression she makes my day when she giggles or sings
haber escuchado este cover de Nuestra Ojou cuando solo tenía 300 vistas y ver que alcanzó las 10M de vistas es todo un honor de haber vivido este grandioso momento🛐
Back again never getting tired of hearing this song her voice is just AMAZING!!!
【歌ってみた】KING / 百鬼あやめ cover

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ You are KING ♔ Song by KING Music kanaria Covered Vocal : Nakiri ayame ======================== □ご本家様 Kanaria様 …
they saved the best for last fr
1:50 that giggle cures cancer, ressurected my dog and unstucked my sisterthankyou
As someone who’s been listening to Gura and Calli’s version a lot, Ayame’s voice sounds so soothing
listening to this song be like”he’s going into cardiac arrest, get th-“*ojou giggles*”and we lost him…”
Whoever said, “Ojou, please giggle so we can add that into the mix.” is a freaking genius.
her english pronunciation is a lot better than most of the covers
After watching a couple dozen of King covers, I have to say… I am still not tired of it.
Those giggles should be classified as a lethal weapon and/or the official religion of the entire universe
Imagine Ayame on her throne with her feet not touching the ground while flailing adorably
100万再生おめでとうございます!!! 公開からまだ4日ほど、! なのに本当にすごい…………初日の時点でもう40万以上でこれは、すぐに行くななんて予想してましたが、こんなに早いとは 聞いてくれた全ての人に感謝です。そしてお嬢が頑張って出してくれたことに感謝!!!!!! ありがとうございます!!!!!!! 改めて100万再生おめでとうございます👏( ‘ω’ )
I still enjoy this song, and so do you. The giggles makes the experience unique
Damn, Ojou’s laugh, tho… Truly fitting of a KING.
Love this cover 💖
Ayame has realized her giggle’s lethal potential and has successfully weaponized it.
I hope this is the start of bringing some of her old covers back online
【歌ってみた】花に亡霊/ 百鬼あやめ cover

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ Song by 花に亡霊 Music ヨルシカ Covered Vocal : Nakiri ayame ======================== □ご本家様 ヨルシカ様 …
At this point, whenever Ayame doesn’t stream for a while, she’ll always return with a song
花に亡霊とても好きだったのでお嬢の声で聞けて嬉しいです! 早朝に窓を開けて外の草原を見ながら流しています! とても落ち着く声でお嬢の声の魅力が詰まってて毎朝癒やされてます!OMJ!!
Her voice just cures everything. Whether she sings or just talks normally, you can’t help but be happy 🙂
I already liked it but with this song it’s even more breathtaking :’)
Her voice lessons are paying off. I am so proud. I’m glad more people get to hear her amazing singing voice
Ojou’s voice fits perfectly with this song
This is so calming to listen, when i set this to my alarm ringtone i’ll probably gonna keep sleeping when i hear it. Always take care Ojou~!
Chad Ayame:Hasn’t streamed for a weekDrops a really nice song out of nowhereIs faqing cuteRefuses to elaborate
What beautiful singing. I always love Ayame’s voice, but it is on another level this time.
Her voice just cures everything. I feel peaceful and relaxed when I hear her voice
This might be my favourite cover, it’s so beautiful it can cleanse one’s soul
Ayame’s voice is so soothing, it feels so nice listening with earphones.
Really nicely done with the minimalist instrumental chosen here that only serves to put emphasis on Ojou’s voice. The fact that she also sings in a lower register that she normally does also puts more emotion into her voice. All in all a very soothing and beautiful experience that shows how hard she practiced that song and how she has matured as a singer.
Truly an amazing cover, i can’t stop hearing it
This is so soothing :’) Ojouu, thank you for this! It really highlights her voice. <3
I’m so proud of Ojou, so much hard work during her vocal lessons are definitely paying off !!
宵の余、良い!/ 百鬼あやめ original

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ 「宵の余、良い!」 Music:武田将弥 様 illustration:さとうぽて 様、山吹色様 movie:すこっち 様 字幕制作:fts, T-chan, IAmVisco Translation: fts Subtitling: T-chan …
Finally, Ojou blessing us with an Original song, couldn’t ask for something better
The art is soo good! And her singing is fantastic! Terrific work!
For anyone that wants to sing along but doesn’t know Japanese, the captions got you covered. Wow that english lyric is well done
Finally, time for Ojou to make an original song, her voice is actually dopeandsuperbased
Finally, after waiting for 4 years, Ojo’s original song!! The song is worth looking forward to and the perfect song for the upcoming birthday….
The amount of Nakirium in this song is enough for a good 2 weeks.
There’s no such thing as too much Nakirium, I’ll get my daily dose listening to her song
What a catchy song and Ojou’s beautiful voice is just so wonderful, thank you ayame and congrats!!The yoi no yo yoi part will be stuck in my head for a long time, Ojou’s cuteness is too much
YAAY! I’m so happy for Ojou-sama original song! THANK YOU!
This is an awesome original. Just as energetic as Ayame herself. I’ll be listening to this a lot!
I love Ayame’s voice. Song is upbeat just as I like my music, and her voice just makes this song perfect. This is going straight to my Favorites. 🙂
Finally Ojou’s original song is here!! Can’t help to sing along with it especially at the chorus part. Sasuga Ojou!! I can feel the nakirium flow within me.
【 #百鬼あやめ新衣装 】新衣装お披露目会!!!やっときたあああ!!!

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ KING歌いました https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTO0KnDsVH0 ======================== 百鬼あやめ 誕生日記念ボイス発売中!
Ojou-sama is truly the very definition of cuteness.She acts cutely, she speaks cutely, she dress cutely, she smiles cutely, she laughs cutely, and, of course, she giggles cutely.Truly the embodiment of cuteness itself.
Just when I thought the cutest thing about Ayame was everything about her, she just got even cuter with a new outfit. I’m die thank you forever
Her new outfits, her twintails and her giggles is cuteness overload in my hearts!! thanks a lot for the blessed stream ojou-sama~
5:17 kon-nakiri18:24 giggle30:17 new outfit4:17:40 otsunakiri
ojou: im embarrassed~me: tell a bad pun and it’ll go away!
Her new outfit is adorable! It makes the already adorable oni even cuter!
30:18 New Isshou Oni31:58 Lower Body (YoDaYo)38:28 Smoll Yo-san39:05 Yo’s Smoll right hand
If Ayame ojou-sama got a ponytail in her next character design I’ll die thank you forever……..+glasses=Instant death
やっぱり語彙力無いオタクだから 可愛い!ありがとう!しか出てこないかわ余!!!!!
Loving the new outfit since it’s been ages since a new outfit for anyone of the 2nd gens.
New outfit start from 26:00 , but i recommend you guys to watch it all for maximum nakirinium ^^b