【 #百鬼あやめ2周年 】みんなのおかげ様で2周年!!!!!!!本当にありがとう!!!

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ 人間様と迎えられる2周年。ありがとう 百鬼あやめ 活動二周年記念ボイス ▽販売ページはこちら▽ https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2309046 …
A round of applause for visco and his team for putting English cc on our cute oni’s celebration stream
Here after eng subs are released. Now i can enjoy this archive.
I made a new one since the previous one flagged as spam.00:51 Opening Sequence (BGM Chrono By Kirara Magic & Yirokos) 01:59 3D KONNAKIRI 02:13 Ojou thanking all of *_Ningen_*-*_sama_* who waited 02:20 “Yay Are you watching?” _oni giggles_ “Today, as *_Ningen_*-*_sama_* knows, written here, eh here , here on the top right-, is it top left , oh on the top right, is Nakiri Ayame 2nd Anniversary” _oni giggles_ 02:58 Ojou expressing her heartfelt gratitude 03:07 Ojou mentioning her last 3D livestream was about half a year ago, so maybe some *_Ningen_*-*_sama_* have never seen this and it’s the first time seeing Ojou in 3D. Usually Ojou just sits down so the viewer may not be able to see some details. 03:42 Ojou want to show her back which some viewer finding -sexy- cute. Ojou also showing her _stigmata_ near her neck and then reminded that some of the viewer may have seen her 3D model from the Hologra video 04:36 Ojou explaining why she would play the 3DVR Horror game even though it’s so scary and she’s not good at it. (Lose to Pekora on Fall Guys then the punishment game is playing Horror Game) 06:28 *Kawa* *Loading Screen* 10:22 *THE HORROR BEGINS* (Emily Wants To Play) 12:10 *Back to Oni Forest* (Probably technical stuff problem) 13:12 Ojou wearing back the VR Headset 13:22 Ojou shocked because of the dolls at the Emily wants to play start screen 13:39 *RETURN TO HORROR* 14:11 Ojou scared even though she had just started and then mentioning that live chat is truly important because its can make her less nervous when she looks at it 15:28 Ojou struggles to grab and then happy when she finally do it 16:39 “Is this okay? Jumpscare-type horror games is actually the number one horror game i’m not good at..” 16:48 “That door, that door and that door is really creeping me out!!” 17:27 “The door is clattering!! what should i do, what should i do!?” 17:39 Ojou shrieks, hand shaking, scared, confused, nervous also struggled 18:56 1st *Jumpscare* + Oni Shrieks 19:28 *Back to Oni Forest ,Tea Break* 19:45 Ojou confused about the written in game hint 19:53 Some chat mentioning the violent shaking hands before 20:16 “Ah so it means do the opposite, Then let me know earlier!” 20:24 “The chair is back, the chair is back” _oni giggles_ 21:58 *BACK INTO THE HORROR* | Ojou wearing back the VR Headset 22:06 “But really It turns out that VR horror is really terrifying, i kind of underestimating it, it’s like you are fully entering this world.” 22:33 “When i see other member playing this, it doesn’t seems so scary but in fact this is truly terrifying I don’t know if I can do this but i’m gonna do my best!” 23:09 “Wait, It’s Ringing!! It’s Ringing!!” 23:53 2nd *Jumpscare* + Oni Shrieks + Ojou visible confusion 24:45 “Now what ? Should i just get ready for the jumpscare!?” _Oni giggles_ 24:54 Ojou scared that the dolls would appear from behind her and begging that they go targetting someone else. 25:07 3rd *Jumpscare* + Oni Shrieks 25:26 Ojou finally understand that when she hear laughter, There’s something nearby 25:52 “LET ME IN, LET ME IN!!” 26:07 Ojou want to grabs the knife to rip and tear the dolls, alas, she can’t 26:34 Aborted *Jumpscare* + Oni Shrieks 27:15 “I didn’t know horror games could be this exhausting..” 27:33 Ojou learning family tree, interrupted by creaking door sound 28:03 Aborted *Jumpscare* + Oni Shrieks 28:40 Ojou trying to read the paper then hilariously threw the instruction paper “I don’t understand!” 29:25 4th *Jumpscare* + Oni Shrieks 30:04 *Back to Oni Forest* 30:16 Ojou learn from chat that room with lights off is not good. She thought that it was normal because it was horror game.30:51 Ojou want to be praised because despite her fear she was still trying to do her best. 31:02 Ojou still experiencing adrenaline rush and want to drink water, then giggles when get praised 32:05 Ojou apologizing because despite she doing her best, she doesn’t really make any progress on the game. 32:44 Ojou want to do small talk segment first before doing next segment because her heart still pounding like crazy 33:06 VR Horror has reached time limit 33:18 Ojou want to looking back and talking about the past two years 33:31 Ojou urging you to take screenshot and clips and then tweets with the hashtag on the description. 34:04 Happy ojou reaching trending 5th on twitter 34:17 Ojou introducing herself for *_Ningen_*-*_sama_* who still probably don’t know about her 35:55 [ *not gonna lie my eyes are teary at this moment* ] Ojou very very grateful to us who always supporting her 41:04 Information about 2nd Anniversary Commemorative Voice Pack & Commemorative Goods 46:08 *Kawa* *Loading Screen* 48:04 *YAGOO’S DREAM LIVE STAGE* + *OJOU IN IDOL OUTFIT!!* 51:18 Connect – Claris ( Puella Magi Madoka Magica Opening ) 56:26 Kirameki Rider – hololive IDOL PROJECT 1:01:31 New Ending Sequence ( BGM Xomu & Justin Klyvis – Setsuna (Kirara Magic Remix) ) [ Let’s hope Ojou could take a good rest tonight, because another celebration stream for reaching 400K subscribers might happen alot sooner! ] [ This is unreal.. thank you for the likes and replies! Thank you also for the live translator on the live chat, you’re the real -hero- *_Oni-musha_* ! ]
あやめ嬢、2周年おめでとうだ余おおおおおおお!!!Congratulations for your 2nd Anniversary!Today stream is the most beautiful and the cutest one i have seen!That idol outfit, i missed it so much after i saw it in NSS..Its been a full year since i followed your journey, next year will be full of suprise as well, im sure of itThank you making our year full of giggles and cutenessWe overseas fans will always love and support you!! <3Also damn man, that ED is so good! (p.s. I am the Poyoyo)
【セトリ(※敬称略)/チャプター】0:51:19『コネクト / ClariS』0:56:28『キラメキライダー☆ / Hololive』【✨2周年✨】《チャプター》0:00:51 鬼神OP0:01:58【開始だ余】【♡ガチ恋距離♡】2:56 20:04 32:06 39:36 49:40 49:55 0:03:35 後ろ姿 0:04:24 (背中)0:04:34 (挑戦)何故VRホラーゲームを する事になったのか。 0:06:16 〜準備中(かわ余)〜【1回目】 0:10:21 メニュー画面0:11:00 ゲームスタート(BGM無し) 0:11:59 BGM待鬼 0:12:47 \姿勢が良い/【↑改めて】 0:13:38 メニュー画面0:13:57 本当のゲームスタート(Continue)0:14:44「グーパーしか出来ないのね」 0:14:59 (メモ)掴めた・読めた 0:16:32 扉がない方から。 0:17:44 ↑開けられなきり0:18:21「ゴンゴン鳴ってる!!!」 0:18:43 お皿洗い〜(※音量注意) game over0:19:28「ただいまー」0:20:22「椅子生えた(?)」【お茶・お水】20:36 31:07 40:1321:29「ちゃんと目、 “カッ”て、“パッ”つって」【2回目】 0:22:05 メニュー画面0:22:36 ゲームスタート0:22:59「ゴンゴン鳴ってる!!!」 0:23:38 メモ発見〜(※音量注意) game over【3回目】 0:24:06 メニュー画面0:24:19 ゲームスタート0:25:05「笑っておられるので、 中に入れてください」【4回目】0:25:23 メニュー画面・ゲームスタート0:25:41「余の寿命が500年 ぐらい縮んだ気持ち」0:25:59「これです!」0:26:18「どこどこどこどこ…」 0:26:34 (どんな声? 0:26:53 にらめっこ0:27:56「こちらです!…こんにちは! …みってる〜?」0:28:34「意味わかんねぇーよ!」 0:29:24 ※音量注意 0:29:58 帰還0:30:34「にらめっこしたよ…褒めて」 0:32:35 休憩・次のコーナー0:33:57「やったー!みってる〜?」——————————————————————- 0:34:16 自己紹介・今までの振り返り 0:35:16 😈ちゃんから、 (感謝)人間様へ0:36:07 FAMSライブ話 0:38:06 FAMS FAN MEETING話0:39:13「こう見えて二期生なんだよ、 …ぴゅーぴゅーぴゅー」0:40:27「百鬼あやめを、 よろしくお願いします」——————————————————————-【✨告知✨】0:40:43 活動二周年記念ボイス 0:42:14 (デザイン)トートバッグ 0:42:45 (デザイン)スマホケース0:43:32 <ボイスについて>0:46:00 〜準備中(かわ余)〜【✨アイドル衣装✨】0:48:05 スクショタイム1:01:31 新(鬼神)EDおつなきりでした〜😈改めまして、2周年おめっと🎉3周年まで突っ走れー❕❕❕あやめちゃん愛してる。。。
That intro! It melted my heart! Who am I kidding? Everything melted my heart! It’s Ojou after all.
今日の3D配信最高すぎてパシャパシャスクショしまくりでした2周年おめでとうございます!! これからもお嬢の事を推し続けます!!
THE MADLADS ACTUALLY DID TRANSLATE IT i expect to see more translators doing gods work like that,i feel like this is a great leap for the simps
whoever made the subs deserves a nobel prize or something like that
Happy 2nd Anniversary Ojou-sama!!!! Thank you for the cute stream!!!! Ahh, I really want to hug you!
First of all, I want to thank pekora for beating ojou in fall guys. I wouldn’t forget this for 2 months, no 1 month, ok maybe 1 week, who am I kidding 2 days! I wouldn’t forget this for 2 days.I also want to say good job to ojou for doing this stream even though she’s not good with horrorOjou singing is always nice to hear. It’s always soothing for my ear.Also sorry for I can’t give support by donating or becoming a member or not buying merch (anyone wants some kidneys?)Lastly, thank you Ojou! You always brighten my mood. Happy 2nd Oniversary!!!
A round of applause for visco and his team for putting English cc on our cute oni’s celebration stream
Her Laughter is the absolute medicine to everything
Ojou!! Happy 2 year anniversary!! I have only known this channel for about 10 months now but during that time, every single one of your streams has brought me happiness! Thank you for always working hard and always delivering such enjoyable content! I am looking forward to staying here for as long as possible!!Please rest well! And as usual, I’m looking forward to you next stream!

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ 百鬼あやめ 誕生日記念ボイス発売中! ▽販売ページはこちら▽ https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2586180 …
5:42:57 my mans Devouring the Gluteus Muscle of Famous Boxer Michael Tyson back at it again
+Over 6 hours of Ojou stream in the only day of the week i can watch a stream live reliably +Apex Legends ranked matches with plenty of progress (kills, assists and RP+) +Surprise collab with Robocco and Fubuki … I didnt know it was my birthday already
0:05:25 開始 APEX突発コラボ助かる 3:44:06 そんな~ 合流(敬称略) 0:17:28 ロボ子 1:17:30 白上フブキ
Ojou!! I think this your longest stream I have seen… It was a lot of fun watching and listening to you, Roboco and Fubuki play Apex. Thank you for the stream!!I’m sure you have a lot of preparations to do for Bloom too so please rest well~~(For myself 5:47:31)
26:28 ここかわ余で好き
Wish there were english translations for this stream. But it’s still amazing to watch as Ayame is pretty good at Apex Legends! 😀
Thanks for the stream! An unexpected endurance stream but surely a welcome one. Take a good rest Ojou!
I’m sad, I never got a notification for this. Love these unplanned collabs
This sudden collab was unexpected but I enjoyed it. Also, Isn’t this the first time Ayame stream so long for almost 6 hours?
Another Ojou stream to recharge my Nakirium without having to watch clips
Thanks for the stream Ayame!!!
1:20:48 FBKING’s deathbox falls into the water lol.

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ 百鬼あやめ 誕生日記念ボイス発売中! ▽販売ページはこちら▽ https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2586180 …
Setlistですわ〜09:56 Sorairo Days16:33 Anata Kaibou Junaika ~Shine~29:03 Owaranai Yume34:05 ANGELUS38:56 Dearest49:53 Hoshi ga Matataku konna Yoru ni57:30 Kaibutsu01:03:01 Homura01:10:45 Togetsukyou ~Kimi Omofu~01:16:54 Dry Flower01:25:28 Ring of Fortune01:38:27 Dreaming Days
I love her covers of Ring of fortune ! I hope she will release an official cover version !
おつなきり〜!70万人おめでとう!!お嬢の渡月橋やRing of Fortuneがまた聴けてうれしかった…!何より犬夜叉の曲でものすごく懐かし〜〜〜!ってなってすごい楽しい歌枠だった余!お嬢のことこれからも末永く推し続けられますように。
Oh dear, oh dear. this is literally gorgeous singing ever, i love you so much ojou-sama~
Congratulations for 700K subs, Ojou! 🎉Your singing voice is getting better! You have a really beautiful voice. I’ll keep supporting you! Let’s go to 1 Million subs!!!
Congratulations on 700,000 subs ojou!! Thank you for the singing stream!! Your voice is naturally very relaxing and it just gets even better when you start singing!!Please rest well~~ I’m looking forward to whatever is next~~(For myself: 2:20:22)
2:58:54 自分用70万人おめでとう!仕事で見れなかったのでスパチャだけ投げさせて貰いました!YOASOBIさんの怪物初めて聴いたけど57:30かっこ余だった!!これからも応援してる!あと病院行きますw
【 MONSTER HUNTER RISE】あやるしモンハンライズ!!!一狩りいくぞおおおお!!【百鬼あやめ視点】

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ 潤羽るしあ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl_gCybOJRIgOXw6Qb4qJzQ ======================== 百鬼あやめ 誕生日記念ボイス …
Two of my most favorite members together. This is so much blessing. Also, good to see how they both improved so much as hunters.
Thanks for Ojou and Rushia bringing us such great Hunting Show!🥰🥰🥰
1:14:21 ここが一番かっこ余かた 1:38:00 カンカンポイントかわ余 2:01:17 ここが一番かっこ余かた2 (一番の意味?) 2:13:08 ガチ恋勢の轟竜
【 MONSTER HUNTER RISE】納刀術を覚えた初心者剣士⚔⚔

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ 指示コメなどしたくなるとは思うんだけれど余のペースで成長していくのでそっと見守って頂けるととってもとっても嬉しいです アドバイスなどは受け付け中です!
余さんの体が治療せずとも元気でいられるようになるといいなって思いました(皆そうだけどね) 今日もありがとう
timestamps for personal use 2:11:09 3:32:12happy that I managed to get into a hunt with ojou! hope your knee gets well soon too! and to others trying to join the hunt, ganbare I believe u all can get it too
0:06:07 開始 モンハン助かる 強敵物欲センサー 0:33:04 釣り 2:12:18 石鹸
watching ojou play MHR makes me more excited to play it too
2:40:12 saving for myself
Good work today Ayame 3:12:09 my personal Oni blessing
2:06:35 ここのスマブラ状態は「ひるみ軽減」レベル1があれば解決できる余!簡単に作れるスロットなのでマルチでば是非作ってもろてー
Thank you also for this streaming and for your hard work! I had fun with this gameplay! Good night and see you the next time! Bye Bye! ^.^