【雑談】3周年配信スパチャお礼&雑談 グッズ裏話も…?👚🧸

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ 100万人記念「クソださTシャツ 」&「ぽよ余ぬいぐるみ 」発売中! 販売はコチラから!▷ https://hololive.booth.pm/items/3220200 …
Hoooo! 5 hours of chatting, supachat thanking and reading and a whole lot of cuteness all the way to 3am in Japan. Thanks for the stream Ayame!!
NewsTshirt Ranking (b black w white)Nakirigumi b > Nkrgm drawing w > Nkrgm draw b > Kawayo w > Yo b > Kawayo b > Yo w > Nkrgm wAyame finished SC up to 3rd AnnivEdit: she’s feeling unwell yest (7) and today (8), “today or tomorrow 7/9 or 8/9 i will play ringfit”Noises Timestamp1:03:33 Ayame drink1:37:18 Ojou English3:17:59 she lost the superchat for a moment3:31:58 ara whisper3:34:09 yubi yubi3:45:37 a short talk about ringfit and whisper4:05:49 I am seiso san 4:11:48 drink4:38:41 Yadaa
I haven’t seen you stream till late night (almost early) morning. Impressive and hardworking Ayame. Nice and congrats on your new merch too.Maybe next time I can get them too.Ps. Just to be clear all hololive members and staffs are impressive and hardworking too.
長時間お疲れ様でした! 3周年おめでとうございます
3:33:51 3:34:10 Ojou : Yubi Yubi I’m die. Thank Ojou forever. 5時間配信お疲れ様でした ! !
I’m so excited for your 3D live, Ayame! Congratulations on the merch, it looks so cute and cool! Thanks for all your hard work and for the nakirium! Rest well, Ouju!
0:04:10 START お礼雑談裏話助かる 楽しかったです 1:28:29 よろこバスつってね
Happy 3rd Anniversary Ayame! I hope we all get to have many more fun years together!
Thank you so much for this Stream! Maybe this will be the last stream I see full from beggining to end because tomorrow I come back to the school. Thank you so much for everything Ojou! Even so I will try my best to catch the live streamings!

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ さくらみこ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hM6YJuNYVAmUWxeIr9FeA □アキロゼ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFTLzh12_nrtzqBPsTCqenA □百鬼 …
So happy to see Ojou playing Mario Kart again*flashbacks to her being surprised about getting first place*
Otsunakiri~ It was a fun race to tune into! Makes me want to replay MK8D all over again. And what a miracle getting the same team with Towa and Nene twice in a row!
that was fun my heart was beating so fast wth ayame did great and the others too THANKS FOR THE LIVE STREAM AYAME ❤️
ゆるゆるで楽しかった! 今日もありがとう!!
Collabs with a game as chaotic as Mario Kart never disappoint.Though it looked like they were actively hoping for each others deaths
That was really fun!
Congratulations for Number 6 Ayame! Thank you so much for the Stream, I really enjoyed it!
18:39 Nothing can beat Ojou, except Ojou
【#VTuber最協決定戦】#ハッピーセットWIN 百鬼あやめ視点【ロボ子さん/百鬼あやめ/夏色まつり】

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ Twitter https://twitter.com/nakiriayame?lang=ja チャンネル登録 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7fk… 生放送関連のツイート #百鬼あやめch ファントーク …
I love this team, the stealthiest team in the tournament.
They all had some really bizarre events 31:15 1st Match: 19th (Matsuri AFK as jumpmaster and Robocco DCd mid-match) 1:05:50 2nd Match: 14th (Matsuri wiped after spread-out landing) 1:42:25 3rd Match: 20th (First encounter, last round champions and a 3rd group, GG) 2:22:35 4th round: 7th (Robocco again DCd) Overall: 19th (still 1st in our hearts) This was quite the experience for them (competing against so many outstanding players) so lets congratulate them for their effort (I write this after spending 28 hours with no sleep *thud*)
Good game HPS. Glad all three of you are having fun. Sneaky tactics are the best. 😄 Hope there are more tournaments like this. They’re really interesting to watch.😁
even though you didn’t get #1 you’re still #1 in our hearts, ojou! otsunakiri~! ! !
お疲れ様! 19位どんまい楽しかった
I really enjoyed the stream (as usual). I was really happy to see HPS working together. Things didn’t always go as planned but it looked like the three of them had fun so I’m glad! Next time, I’m sure they will do a lot better!Thanks for the stream!! I really did enjoy watching it!!See you in the next stream ojou!!
Otsukare HPSIt was a tough game. You guys did a great job yesterday. I’ll keep cheering on three of you!
Otsukare HPSIt was a tough game. You guys did a great job yesterday. I’ll keep cheering on three of you!
最終試合ステルスゲーまとめ2:30:13第一芋ポジ確保2:30:54 1パ目通過2:34:52 2パ目通過2:36:16 3パ目通過2:37:15芋第二ポジ確保2:39:17もはや別ゲー2:39:53第三芋ポジ確保
0:08:47 開始 最協決定戦お疲れさまでした! 0:29:55 ・1戦目 1:04:56 ・2戦目 1:42:34 ・3戦目 2:22:48 ・4戦目
【 MONSTER HUNTER RISE】少しずつ成長してきたモンハン修行

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ 指示コメなどしたくなるとは思うんだけれど余のペースで成長していくのでそっと見守って頂けるととってもとっても嬉しいです もしどうしても言いたくなったら言いたくなるごと …
Some of the stream highlights:5:00 Start30:17 Magamaga-senpai getting bullied 33:50 Ojou realized traps doesn’t work on Elder Dragons1:49:01 , 1:49:53 , 1:51:37 , 1:52:27 Enjoying her 1st experience with Quick Sheathe 3 2:43:26 Ojou died because she was talking to chat3:00:20 Yakiniku 3:41:33 Ojou oneesan voice おつ~!
3:00:36 Ojou is cooking while her team is fighting XD3:41:33 Ojou use Onee-San voice to celebrate her fan birthday.(Start from 3:40:45 I guess…)
おつなきり〜!配信内では、中々の強運でしたね。3:09:58 NHKの圧にも負けず
0:05:01 開始 モンハン助かる 0:45:18 宝玉 2:58:36 バレないよね
Thank you for this streaming and for your hard work! I always have fun with your gameplay! Have a nice rest and see you the next time! Bye Bye! ^.^
Thanks for the MHR Stream today Ojou <3. really fun and can’t wait for the next stream
Sfx timestamp because i dont understand japanese (Final and Fixed) 30:38 Ojou Laugh 32:44 Wowowow ojou sfx 40:12 40:26 AAA ojou sfx 42:56 Kakkoi 43:20 47:38 Pokemon trainer Ayame 44:38 44:55 panik ojou sfx, Itai 45:24 heavy breathing, DO YOU SEE IT? YATTAA, sugoi (best one) 48:40 niceee yattaa, happy oni claps 49:51 50:11 waaaa ojou sfx, heavy breathing 56:34 56:56 57:40 59:00 1:45:13 1:45:27 1:45:47 2:05:47 2:08:36 laughs, giggles and random ojou sfx (shopping arc and more) 1:02:05 1:02:24 EEE, Laugh (i feel there is some cute small talk here) 1:12:41 kocchikocchi Sfx 1:13:12 Acapella 1:14:26 1:14:49 2:08:21 woo itai, wowowo, whinning 1:22:20 2:08:45 start your day with explosive sfx but cute 1:29 :47 1:30:17 1:30:30 Onegai, kittaa shhh, yattaa, ureshii 1:34:27 language processing failed, um? 1:37:23 1:37:32 minna something, cutesy ojou, claps 1:41:13 Okaeri, tadaima (Imagine you are coming home to ojou) 1:45:50 2:05:00 undefined cute sfx 1:45:52 Ringtone notification (ojou is an instrument) 2:06:08 ORA, explosive sfx, ora 2:06:22 ojou’s cute novelty 2:08:11 short kimochii~ 2:08:36 2:08:53 lots of laughs, piupiupiu 2:09:24 Ojoustar, get oju’d PS: After this timestamp i fell asleep, Ojou sfx feels like lullaby to me, Hope this timestamp help you enjoy stream
15:26 turf war making ayame excited19:46 washoii time22:28 ayame surprised25:51 yabai bai bai sayonara28:18 DONT YOU EVER CLICK THIS ! TOO MUCH NAKIRIUM29:56 Her senpai has come30:25 ayame kohai mode30:44 sou ryu owa chatta32:44 wowowowowow42:55 maga maga senpai44:52 no context45:25 hyper ventilating01:30:15 detaa~01:49:54 wui woe yoi01:52:18 i missed it with kawayo voice01:54:06 satisfying ayame01:56:39 pyo pyo pyo02:44:38 aaa i fall02:52:46 she talk about chocolate02:57:46 she cry kawayo02:59:47 legendary meat03:25:10 ayame baby mode03:26:39 she tell us that, i was really happy just from u watch my stream and having fun with it. dont push yourself too much on SC. yasashi oni03:38:08 oni niyoi?03:41:33 legendary onee san04:02:19 prrrr prrr04:07:53 chat asking her again to be onee chan
お嬢のモンハンは観ていて すごく楽しい〜😳✨いつか、マルチで参加したいっす☺️🌸
5:15 I like when Ojou start talking to her JP viewers. 1:44:44 since Ojou always seems relaxed & comfortable with them 1:45:10 Ojou is cute all the time even when spacing out or silently observing her surroundings or when she is singing 1:13:08But Comfortable Ojou is The Best Ojou 1:42:20 1:42:24 1:42:401:42:05 I am glad the Overseas Viewers have some decency to stop commenting when Ojou asking things to JP Viewers, 1:42:45 the Chat will be too fast for her to read if they all Commenting Non Stop at the same time. 1:43:02
Ojou-sama is the most dangerous hunter that i’ve ever seen, cuz my nakirium has been recharge!!
so cool ayame Chan, hope you can see you live again and hopefully you can keep fighting 👍
45:25 ハイテンションお嬢『宝玉出たー!!!』何度聴いても最高やな♪
She is so full of joy and laughter playing mon hun. 🥰🥰🤭🤭
5:18 kon-nakiri4:12:27 otsu-nakiri

(c) Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ 百鬼あやめ 誕生日記念ボイス発売中! ▽販売ページはこちら▽ https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2586180 …
0:04:59 開始 歌枠助かる 楽しんでいきましょう! 0:35:44 羽川さん 0:48:22 ドライフワラー ===================== 歌唱曲リスト(※敬称略) 0:16:56 空色デイズ / 中川翔子 0:23:01 I am / hitomi 0:29:40 Grip! / Every Little Thing 0:37:17 イェイ!イェイ!イェイ! / 吉田仁美 0:51:44 ドライフラワー / 優里 0:59:53 春風 / Rihwa 1:12:14 Shiny Smily Story / hololive IDOL PROJECT 1:20:20 夢見る空へ / hololive IDOL PROJECT
Here are some english and japanese time stamps / こちらが英語と日本語のタイムスタンプです 00:05:00 ★Start 00:16:56 1. Sorairo Days / Nakagawa Shoko 00:23:00 2. I am / Hitomi 00:29:40 3. Grip! / Every Little Thing 00:37:17 4. Yay! Yay! Yay! / Yoshida Hitomi 00:51:44 5. Dried Flowers / Yuuri 00:59:53 6. Harukaze / Rihwa 01:12:15 7. Shiny Smily Story / Hololive 01:20:20 8. Yumemiru Sora He / Hololive 01:30:27 ★ED 00:05:00 ★開始 00:16:56 1. 空色デイズ / 中川 翔子 00:23:00 2. I am / hitomi 00:29:40 3. Grip! / Every Little Thing 00:37:17 4. イェイ!イェイイェイ! / 吉田 仁美 00:51:44 5. ドライフラワー / 優里 00:59:53 6. 春風 / Rihwa 01:12:15 7. Shiny Smily Story / ホロライブ 01:20:20 8. 夢見る空へ / ホロライブ 01:30:27 ★ED I don’t know Japanese at all, so if I made any mistakes please tell me so I can correct 日本語が全く分からないので、何か間違いがあったら教えてくださいそうしたら修正できます
00:59:53 春風 / Rihwa is one of her best songs! Love it when she sings that!! <3
Heals not only with giggles but with her voice as well 😍 sasuga ojou
0:04:59 開始 0:16:57 空色デイズ/中川翔子 0:23:01 I am/hitomi 0:29:40 Grip!/Every Little Thing 0:37:17 イェイ!イェイ!イェイ!/吉田仁美 0:51:45 ドライフラワー/優里 0:59:54 春風/Rihwa 1:12:15 Shiny Smily Story/hololive IDOL PROJECT 1:20:21 夢見る空へ/hololive IDOL PROJECT
Thank you for the singing stream Ojou, your voice is still beautiful when singing.Ojou is very cute. Good luck on stage, do your best!!See you there!
With this ojou is ready to rock the stage during the festival! Gambatte!
Her singing voice sounds so much more grown up. Thats such a nice combination <3
Thank you for all your time stamps, really appreciate your efforts
Live直前!!!ドキドキなセトリ!!!!!16:53 空色デイズ/中川翔子 23:01 I am/hitomi 29:41 Grip!/Every Little Thing 37:18 イェイ!イェイ!イェイ! /吉田仁美 51:45 ドライフラワー/優里 59:53 春風/Rihwa 1:12:15 Shiny Smily Story/ホロライブ 1:20:21 夢見る空へ/ホロライブ
Ojou singing voices being a blessing as usual
It’s incredible just how far she has come in singing ability, her hard work is paying off!
39:38 個人的に今回で一番かわ余な笑い声