- 2分で「餃子」作った結果・・・!?【はあちゃまクッキング】…
- いただきはあちゃま…
- 世界一恥ずかしい耐久…
- 【Minecraft】ひさしぶりにこっそり【Hololive/Akaihaato】…
- 2分で「パスタ」を作った結果・・・!?【はあちゃまクッキング】…
- Doki!Doki!Haato club!!…
1st Single 【 REDHEART 】

(c) Akaihaato Ch. 赤井はあと MV:募集中 MV製作はまだ出来てないんだけどフルバージョンを早くUPしたかったので投稿したよ! ーーーーー 【悲報】大人の事情でオリジナル曲の販売ができなくなったよ …
I hope to cheer someone up with this song. この曲を聞いてたくさん元気になってね!🌟
This has completely grown on me and I have been anticipating the full version since Beyondthestage and the Live3D stream, this is a certified hololive classic
POV: You’re here because you miss her just as much as I do…
“I give you my big RED HEART“ Now have a new meaning to me, and is creepy.
My last 4 brain cells after trying to understand the Haachama lore :Cell-1 : trying to figure wtf is going onCell-2 : crying in the cornerCell-3 : asleep at this pointCell-4 : *vibin’ to this*
After reading your tweet, I really hope you’re doing fine. Your health comes first more than anything. Take your time until you’re comfortable at streaming. We will wait for you with a Big Red Heart!❤❤❤
Addicted to this song!
I just realized Haachama’s name Akai Haato (赤井ーハアト) does refer to Red Heart.
This is not the song you play when your homies arent home, this is the song you play when your homies are in your home.
Due to recent events, “big RED HEART” hits different.
Haachama, I don’t know if you’ll read this, but: we Haatons really miss you. You’ve given us your BIG RED HEART, and I want you to listen to your song again. Even if the entire world doesn’t understand what you’re doing, we still have your heartfelt thoughts, and you have our gratitude and love. Take whatever time you need to rest and prepare, and come back soon. Me and you, we make that part of us! <3Edit: for posterity, this comment was posted only a couple of days before the queen’s eventual return in March. Not to say I’m a harbinger or anything, but…
English class: “Hi, how are you?” “Hi, I am good.”Haachama: “This slaps.”
Hi, how are you? Are you calling up my phone? Baby tell me what is wrong Don’t you ever let me go Hi I am good I am still looking for proof Am I good enough for you? Don’t you tell me what’s my rule This is me, are you coming on the ride We’re going super high Got to be who what I like You and me, are you ready for the fight? Alright, alright Alright Stronger than I ever been before This is who I am Nothing in the way Today and far away You and me Make the part of me I give you my big red heart My, my big red heart My, my big red heart I’ll be true to my red heart My, my big red heart My, my big red heart My big red heart Hi! Over there Thank you for coming along On this journey of my own Promise me you’ll won’t let go Yes, this is me I am falling but I’m strong ‘Cause you got me in your arms Don’t you ever let me go I want you to come with me on the ride This is going super high I am falling from the sky Got to be who you wanna be that’s right Alright, alright Alright (Let’s go!) (1, 2, 3, go!) I am still a girl Figuring out what’s true or false In this whole wide world I’m your only girl Tell me once more what’s really going on with you I’m looking for the right one on the road The one that’ll always take me back to you This can be home, will you be my home? Stronger than I ever been before This is who I am Nothing in the way Today and far away You and me We make the part of me I give you my big red heart My, my big red heart My, my big red heart I’ll be true to my red heart My, my big red heart My, my big red heart My, my red heart! My, my red heart!
Came here to feel better and remind myself and all Haatons that she’s stronger than she’s ever been before!! We will wait for you Haachamas, you and your beautiful BIG RED HEART ❤️❤️❤️
You know you’re in love when you out of nowhere start humming while walking down the street.
Let’s get this video to 3 million views ‘til Haachama comes back ✊😔
See, she became an idol to destroy YAGOOs dream of intertainment
“It has been just two weeks” but I’m sure that I’m not the only one who’s big red heart has been struggling with the miss of the queen once againWe can do this Haatons, we’ve done this before! We have to keep being Haachamachama to receive her back with our brightest smile!
The quote I saw which says…”When you’re happy, you enjoy the music.When you’re sad, you understand the lyrics.”is just so godamn true right now.
This really does sound like a pop song from the early 2010s.

(c) Akaihaato Ch. 赤井はあと 活動1周年おめでとーんっ✨ 『ECHO』を歌わせていただきました。全力で歌ったから大音量で聞いてね♪ ————————————————————————— ♥ご …
Sorry haato we were too blind to see your warning
Haachama: *says Echo clearly*Me with my malfunctioning ears: P E K O
Anyone noticed how the channel is now changed from “Haato” to “Haachama”? We have officially lost her and this song is the evidence of it
Report from February 2021: Return of Haato. Haachama beheaded her, but she still alive. This hole is much deeper than we thought.
As someone who didn’t find this until after Haachama went completely off the rails, I want to say that this was probably an early warning sign
man this really hits different now
This got much more terrifying after the most recent stream…
“Haato’s desperate cry for help while Haachama started to took control: the song”
Yeah…I think everyone came back here after the end of the season right?
50万再生おめでとん!!!!!Thank you for 500000000k!!!流石に今も聞いてる人は・・・いないよね???(YouTubeのコメ欄によくあるやつ)
2019: “nice cover”2020: “the transition to insanity known as Haachama2021: “the old and new self defiance, yet coexistence may be the result of a mutual understanding from my inner self”
This aged well with Haachama and Haato switching every now and then.
“My enemy’s invisibleI don’t know how to fight”She was asking us for helpand we did nothing…
I’ll wait for your return!
Everybody’s talking about Haato’s descent into Haachama or the song itself, but is anyone going to point out her surprisingly massive boing boings?
this song hits different
This song was warning us of this day. 2021, the Haatochama war has begun
The lore of haatochama became deeper than the rabbit hole itself .
This is haato bassic cooking rap

(c) Akaihaato Ch. 赤井はあと HAACHAMA COOKING~ —– Music provided by Rujay. Instrumental: “Next Level” by SeriouzBeats. Channel: https://YouTube.com/user/RujayTV.
This is almost as fire as Haachama’s burnt cooking.
I swear if Gordon Ramsey ever tweets something relating to hachama I’m going to laugh my ass off.
Oh my god, she’s aware of HowToBasic’s existence this whole time.
Plot twist: Haato is the creator of HowToBasic.
Me: For my last meal, I want Hachama cooking.Prison staff: We said to pick your last meal, not execution.
Not gonna lie, I’ve listened to this more times than I care to admit. It’s pretty catchy.
“you have no choice, I just cook”Am I supposed to feel extremely threatened?
Why does “gee thanks” hit me on a spiritual level
Are you crying, craving or have a crush for me?Me: YES
Dear HaachamaI’m so sorry I didn’t know about you soonerSincerely Me
*Love her cooking or hate her cooking;**She’s spittin’ straight facts as much as I spit out her cooking.*
0:12 “rawr”
Senzawa has been really quiet since this dropped
0:12 “rawr x3 pounces on you”
That moment when you realize that Haachama is an old fan of Gura lol
“English MUZUKASHI OMG”NGL these lyrics are fire.
“You are getting crazy and crazy because you are watching hachama chamaa”Yes
i like how she uses instrumentals that senzawa used for that one song

(c) Akaihaato Ch. 赤井はあと はあちゃまクッキング全種➡https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQoA24ikdy_ku78UFuhn6T3lFsA9n4I_b ED➡https://youtu.be/n9AkIEDVHoU ーーーーーーーー …
Ievan Polkka ロイちゃま

(c) Akaihaato Ch. 赤井はあと HAACHAMACHAMA~~~!!! I really like this song!! Especially, nightcore version is my best! 【original】 ロイツマ「ievanpolkka」 https://youtu.be/iLhk216W37k …
I’m unironically adding this to my playlist
Finland: “hey guys we made a cool song”Japan: *”Unfortunately for you, history won’t remember it that way.”*
Lyrics (Haachama-chamanese, romanized):Haachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachamachama-cha-cha! Arattsa-ttsa yabirin dadaaparidin dada-den dan-den-da-doAh bari ttaattaaaParipparii biribidididididi rundan den ladohYa ba rin ten-ten lan-ten labaaalabahTukutuku detta te labuuWa dikan tande-tade lyatohTakaa-takataka tuu-tuu dee ya tuu!Arattsa-ttsa yabirin dadaaparidin dandanden dan-den-da-doAh bari ttaattaaaParipparii biribidididididi rundan den ladohYa ba rin ten-ten lan-ten labaaalabahTukutuku detta te labuuWa dikan tandetade lyatohTataa-takataka tuu tuu dee ya tuu!Baa?, Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa↗️Baa➡️Baa↘️Baa⬇️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa⬆️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa↗️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa↗️Baa➡️Baa↘️Baa⬇️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa⬆️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa↗️Baa➡️Baa↘️Baa⬇️Baa➡️Baa↘️Baa⬇️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa⬆️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa↗️Baa➡️Baa↘️Baa⬇️Baa↗️Ba-HAACHAMA-CHAMA?! :DHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachama-cha, Haachama-chaHaachamachama-cha-cha!Arattsa-ttsa yabirin dadaaparidin dada-den dan-den-da-doAh bari ttaattaaaParipparii biribidididididi rundan den ladoYa ba rin ten-ten lan-ten labaala–BA-RIN ten-ten lan-ten labaala–BA-RIN ten-ten lan–RIN ten-ten lan–RIN ten–RIN ten—RI–RI–RINRINRIN!?!? Arattsa-ttsa yabirin dadaaparidin dada-den dan-den-da-doAh bari ttaattaaaParipparii biribidididididi rundan den ladohYa ba rin ten-ten lan-ten labaaalabahTukutuku detta te labuuWa dikan tande-tade lyatohTakaa-takataka tuu-tuu dee ya tuu!Arattsa-ttsa yabirin dadaaparidin dada-den dan-den-da-doAh bari ttaattaaaParipparii biribidididididi rundan den ladohYa ba rin ten-ten lan-ten labaaalabahTukutuku detta te labuuWa dikan tande-tade lyatohTakaa-takataka tuu-tuu dee ya tuu!Baa??? Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa↗️Baa➡️Baa↘️Baa⬇️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa⬆️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa↗️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa↗️Baa➡️Baa↘️Baa⬇️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa⬆️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa↗️Baa➡️Baa↘️Baa⬇️Baa➡️Baa↘️Baa⬇️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa⬆️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa↗️Baa➡️Baa↘️Baa⬇️Baa↗️Baa↘️Baa!!⬆️
The Haachama that does a little hammer pants dance and contributes nothing to the pot is my favorite.
therapist: buff haachama isn’t real she can’t hurt you buff haachama: 💪(˚▽˚)
I am blessed
I just realized that what’s playing in the background is “Hacha macha” over and over.
She knows what she’s doing. She’s just embracing it now.
I fell asleep with this on loop. I had a nightmare that I was being chased by a giant Haachama that was trying to use me as an ingredient for her “soup” (I think , there was a big pot). Anyways this song is a curse and a blessing for me.
Here for my 6 hour shift boys, don’t mind me just clocking in
> Profile picture has changedShe’s evolving, just backwards but forward
あ らっつぁっつぁや りびだびりんらば りったん りんだんれんらんどぅ まばりっばっばー ばりっばりばりり りびりび りすてんれんだんどぅやば りんらん てんてだんでんあろ わらばるぶるぶるぶるぶ れいえぶばりったん りんだんでんらんろ たた たたたたとぅとぅ でんやぶあ らっつぁっつぁや りびだびりんらば りったん りんだんれんらんどぅまば りっばっばー ばりっばりばりり りびりび りすてんれんだんどぅやば りんらん てんてだんでんあろ わらばるぶるぶるぶるぶ れいえぶばりったん りんだんでんらんろ たた たたたたとぅとぅ でんやぶYO!あ らっつぁっつぁや りびだびりんらば りったん りんだんれんらんどぅまば りっばっばー ばりっばりばりり りびりび りすてんれんだんどぅやば りんらん てんてだんでんあろ わらば りんらんてんてだん でんあろわらば りんらん てんてだん りんらん てんてだん りんらん りんらん りんりん りりりあ らっつぁっつぁや りびだびりんらば りったん りんだんれんらんどぅまば りっばっばー ばりっばりばりり りびりび りすてんれんだんどぅやば りんらん てんてだんでんあろ わらばるぶるぶるぶるぶ れいえぶばりったん りんだんでんらんろ たた たたたたとぅとぅ でんやぶあ らっつぁっつぁや りびだびりんらば りったん りんだんれんらんどぅまば りっばっばー ばりっばりばりり りびりび りすてんれんだんどぅやば りんらん てんてだんでんあろ わらばるぶるぶるぶるぶ れいえぶばりったん りんだんでんらんろ たた たたたたとぅとぅ でんやぶ
“Haachama covers this song”Us: _Happy and Confused Noises_
explain this, atheists.
The dancing Haachama is what gets me every time.
I came back here to hear Haachama. T__T
I’ve watched this thousands of times and I have no regrets
Japanese girl that stuck on Australia singing Finnish songMrs. Worldwide

(c) Akaihaato Ch. 赤井はあと 今日紹介した先輩としきれなかった先輩!☆ミ 素敵なイラスト書いてくれて本当にありがとん!!!!!!!! 参加してくれた先輩は #R18はあちゃま からチェックできる …
Fun fact: Duration in this stream is 69 minutes.
So she’s really become “I watch it for the plot” the vtuber.
Don’t mind me I’m just looking for timestamps at the comments section.
58:33 A clip worthy moment. Feel free to use it.
“Mom, trust me I watch this ero stream for the lore!”
OTHER VTUBERS: Under constant watch from managers, cannot say certain words, only sing the songs that were planned.HACHAAMA: Makes a stream showing lewds of herself, and shows beheading live.MANAGEMENT: Understandable, have a nice day
“Erolive”-I forgot whoAlso Congrats Haachama 980k subs Road to 1mil Let’s goo!!
The plot thickens… *gazes at something else*
Once again, Haachama has asserted her dominance over Youtube-kun.Truly, she is the strongest idol!
タイムスタンプです。アーカイブ視聴にお役立て下さい。00:00:10 OPENING 00:02:56 開始 00:05:45 ①honmirin先輩 00:07:30 ②あこ助先輩 00:10:13 ③oimo buster先輩 00:11:47 ④最中かーる先輩 00:14:14 ⑤豆乳うどん先輩 00:16:28 ⑥ちよねここ先輩 00:18:44 ⑦INAGITA先輩 00:20:49 ⑧そーり先輩 00:23:29 ⑨カクマユ先輩 26:38 CM 26:54 00:27:21 ⑩まるごし先輩 00:31:02 ⑪まきなん先輩 00:33:12 ⑫五月雨せつな先輩 00:35:57 ⑬ゆ宇先輩 00:37:21 ⑭konnyaku先輩 00:39:32 ⑮EXアルナム先輩 00:41:32 ⑯まごわさび先輩 44:05 CM 44:41 00:44:52 ⑰Yoshiheihe先輩 00:47:55 ⑱クル先輩 00:50:17 ⑲しのむ先輩 00:53:46 ⑳綾城大福先輩 00:57:00 ㉑SY4先輩 01:02:56 ㉒いちはちよん先輩 01:05:17 ㉓宮崎はっかあめ先輩 01:05:45 ㉔くらうど先輩 01:05:56 おわりに 01:07:17 ホラー展開 01:08:29 ENDING 01:09:33 放送終了完走おめでとうございました!
Haachama: *Does an R18 arts stream review*YouTube-kun: “I’ll allow this.”
The plot is thiccer than some of these artworks
Haachama: I’m gonna get banned by this, it’s too much*Proceeds to make a completely separate video of the most revealing image in the stream*
“Help me or I’ll kill her”Me: that’s a tricky question Haato san…
Other people: Talking how to save Haato.And another people: Haachama rules!Me: Noice lewd pic.
These streams are the real definition of Quality Content.
The fact that she asked “who took this photo” means she acknowledges that these are all canonically photographs
Other vtuber”Ok ima gonna sing for …. Subscriber”Haachama”Hehe, H art goes brrrr”