(c) Akaihaato Ch. 赤井はあと ୨୧┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈୨୧ □OP (sound)https://twitter.com/REDALiCE (video)https://twitter.com/ChickenR1ce □ED …
New Haatons: What is this?Veteran Haatons: We don’t know either
The way Haato celebrates her 1M subs is so unique and terrifying. But i feel like there is a sequel.
Don’t cry because it’s over. Run because she’s coming for you next.
Other Hololive girls when they reach 1m: Celebration.Akai Haachama: The great saga of identity and existential crisis.Me: I don’t know wat to call her anymore. SEND HELP.
約5日前、0時からはあと様がこっそりマイクラ配信をするようになる ↓約2日前、0時からの歌枠中にはあちゃまに襲われ、首を切断される ↓昨日、切断された頭がはあちゃまの体を乗っ取る ↓登録者100万人達成 ↓ 今ここ大体の流れはこんな感じですね。よく分からない?安心して下さい。僕らも分かってません
while other Hololive vtubers celebrate 1M by singing Hatto/Haachama becomes a horror anime
“If you think killing Haachama will get you the good ending, heh, you’re dead wrong”-Akai Haato
She doesn’t need fans to make creepypasta about her, SHE is the creepypasta herself
when management told haachama to tone it down a bit they didn’t expect this modern age masterpiece
I was trying to predict that she will completely abandon her “Akai Haato” persona once she reaches 1million subs. Turns out I’m getting more confused.
Ya know, when she started to eat spiders and scorpions i was like, “how is she going to top this for more scary haachama?” Oh boy i was wrong. And even now, this isnt her final form. Sooner or later akai haato and haachama are going to do a fusion dance into akaihaachama or something.
Other Hololive VTubers who reached 1 million: Celebrating by thanking everyone and maybe play a gameHaato/Haachama: Celebrating by scaring the hell out of us with this horror movie
Are we just going to ignore this incredible orchestral haachama opening?
*Haatons:* “Guys, look! Haato’s back! And she’s still as cute as she ever was-“*sweating, backing away slowly* “That’s not Haato. Not anymore.”*Haatons:* “It’s Haachama?”*puts arm in front, directs to also start backing away:* _”No.”_
Not gonna lie when the dissapearance of miku started playing I got emotional. Bravo haato, that was kino.
It was so interesting to watch the Chat, how all the FREEHAATO and ONLYHAACHAMA Groups turn into complete COEXIST at a certain point. This is such a masterpiece.
I don’t even know wtf I’m watching at this point….
Tags of Genre in this livestream:Psychological, Horror, Drama.
Fate lore: lmao, you can’t understand meHaato: *_”I am 4 parllel universes ahead of you”_*

(c) Akaihaato Ch. 赤井はあと 先輩が作ってくれたbgmと動画企画で作ってくれた動画を編集して作ったよ! ありがとん! [Inst] Ne⁺(https://twitter.com/MouSniper) [Video] …
Dear Diary,Today the girl I have a crush on ate a tarantula.
“Is this song going faster or am I going CRAZY?!” – Amelia Watson
Haachama Cooking: existHowtoBasic: “I raised that girl”
Satan: Welcome to hellMe: This isn’t so bad*Music plays*
She seems happier now that she’s home…… still insane though.
“Nani the faq did watame just watch” Honestly I’m not even surprised that this is Haachama’s actual channel, it doesn’t feel out of place
Remember, everyone. She’s an idol. She’s an idol…. an idol…
Disclaimer: No onions were harmed in the making of this video
This music is in my head now, after Amelia stream.
The question isn’t “Nani the faq did I just watch?”It’s “Nande the faq am I watching it again?”
“do you like metal?””no””then what kind of music do you like””you wouldn’t get it”
English viewers: I have no idea what the hell she’s sayingJapanese viewers: I have no idea what the hell she’s saying
“Haha, what a funny shitpost, who made this?…”*It’s Haachama herself*W H A T ?HAT?
Haachama upload a short video:Us and the pig: “Oh no, not again!””Help pls.”
Everyone was harmed in the making of this.Glorious horrors abound
Maybe she left Australia, but Australia will never leave her.

(c) Akaihaato Ch. 赤井はあと はあちゃまクッキング全種➡https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQoA24ikdy_ku78UFuhn6T3lFsA9n4I_b ED➡https://youtu.be/n9AkIEDVHoU …
did she just layer american cheese onto curry paste and stick it in the microwave?
I struggle to understand how this woman has not killed herself by accidentally creating a highly poisonous meal.
Before the video: Oh hey, she’s back.After the video: Oh god, *she’s* back.
She’s the type of girl whom you’d want to marry but not eat her food.
is no one going to talk about the title of the video…?”WHAT A POGGER CURRY!”
English Translation (if you somehow want to learn how to Hachaama Cooking) 0:03 HaaChamaChama~ 0:04 I am The Best Idol worldwide, 0:05 Hachama a.k.a Akai Haato!! 0:08 Did you guys feel lonely because there isn’t Haachama Cooking Recently? 0:11 Welcom Back! 0:13 Do you prefer to take a shower first? Or do you prefer to eat first? 0:15 Or perhaps, you prefer Hachaama Cooking?? 0:17 AHAHA ☆ 0:18 Today’s Hachaama Cooking is~! 0:20 Haachama Special ♡ Curry Rice! 0:22 And the steps for making this dish, 0:24 I shall skip it!! 0:25 Its basically finished as soon as we scoop them out the pot and serve it~! 0:27 ~> ゛)~~ 0:28 after 3 weeks of cautiousness 0:31 Hachaama has become a changed woman… * Even my brain has changed! 0:33 The daily intense training of the running machine 0:35 has pushed her cooking skill to her limit. 0:40 She is now one step closer 0:42 of becoming the BEST IDOL 0:45 And this is 0:47 the curry rice made by Haachama!! (Wha… Unbelievable!!?) 0:49 Its thicc flavor and its umami has been pushed out. 0:51 the Curry flavor of this dish is flooding! 0:53 The taste and flavor of this dish is what only can be accomplished by Hachaama! 0:55 the God and the Buddha must have been grateful to Haachama. *You should appologize to the God and the Buddha (TL: the * is what Hachaama wrote herself) 0:57 Please look forward to next episode of Hachaama Cooking ~ 1:00 please subscribe to Hachaama’s Channel and follow Hachaama on Twitter( @akaihaato)! 1:02 Arigathanks!! 1:03 This is haato basic cooking……
Me: *did NOT understand a single thang*Also me: Yeah it was a great curry.
This has to be infringing the Geneva convention in some way.
0:10″ Welcome back “”Do you want to take a bath first””Do you want to eat diner””Or you want haachama cooking”That’s the best translation i could get
Me: Yay Haachama is back!Kitchen: I don’t feel so good…..
She sounds like shes a food wars character except.. you know.
_人人人人人人人人_> 新手の飯テロ < ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
Ah, exactly what i needed to survive zombie apocalypse
Hololive: **Gets Curry Meshi sponsorship**Haachama: “Imma end this man’s whole career”
I’m still squirm everytime I read this title
HAACHAMA-therf*cker /Prod. by Soulker

(c) Akaihaato Ch. 赤井はあと Inst➡https://youtu.be/nj33MArNjC8 [MMD] AC先輩➡https://twitter.com/AlterHaaton/status/1291358185090154499?s=20 Ne* …
This vtuber is going to be horrified when she sees what this fan account made.*checks account’s name*Oh… oh no…
The spirit of filthy frank is beggining to takeover her
Very cute internet idol Is from JapanLives in AustraliaSings in englishAnd requires your toes
Just imagine her speaking a much better English with Australian accent saying:”Your toes hand em’ over, mate.”
“I live in Australia but I’m from Japan.”I have come to realize this girl single-handedly made this statement incredibly terrifying.
Gotta love how the auto-generated captions think she’s speaking Russian.
You know, I thought this was a fan channel or something when I saw that thumbnail but I suppose I underestimated Haachama.
Small brain: YAGOOS DREAM IS DEADBig brain Yagoo: Wow that’s a lot of superchats, keep it up.
I just realized that she made a human centipede of the pigs which represent her fans at the start. Bruh
She is the female version of Filthy frank.
The 100 something people who disliked this don’t have a groumalus body.
this is some Pink Guy-level kind of a song
“Groumalus”. That word stabbed my brain like a knife.
Yagoo is rolling around in his grave and he’s not even dead.
The part where she says “* pop * brrrrrrrr” I felt that.
*”Haachamatherfucker.”*-Samuel L. Jackson.
kids wouldn’t understand true music. music now days could never
If this is not a true idol, I don’t want to know what an idol is. She’s PERFECT!
I lost more brain cells from listening to this than my dad did from killing the lambent cells which ultimately killed him

(c) Akaihaato Ch. 赤井はあと 1st Single 【 REDHEART 】https://youtu.be/A9HY4DsRTCg #REVIVEHAATO stream→https://youtu.be/oIvvuBQvrzk 【Art】 mousou(https://twitter.com/m_o_s_o) …
This rabbit hole is confusing, I want out
Haato is like:Silence Haachamai do not wish to be crazy anymorei just want to be happy.
I love how the name changes everytime when haato got killed, turned into Haachama ch. Haato lived again, turns into AkaiHaato ch.
Gives me horror RPG feels like mad father or witch’s house.
You could fill an Olympic pool with the amount of tears Yagoo has shed in the last week alone
Everyone else is making houses and just doing cute lighthearted stuff in general..While Haachama is creating her own reality… Wow
Teacher: “The test isn’t that confusing.” The test:
If the “my picture” part is to be taken seriously then looks like Haato and Haachama were twins? Plus the fact that she has stitches going around her neck could mean that they’re not one or the other but they’re actually both. Perhaps they were in an accident wherein one’s head was too badly damaged and the other’s body was already failing so the doctor went all mad scientist? Maaaan I’m loving the lore you’re putting out Haatochama keep it up!!
Ok, I honestly wasn’t ready for this level of posting.This lady has officially stepped into a territory where shitposting morphs into something completely different.
I love how the rest of Hololive girls are just doing cute stuff while Haato-chan and Haachama make creepypasta videos…
Other Hololive Girls : *Introducing their new outfit with a normal stream*Haato Chama : *Let’s put some horror here and done!*
Calli: off with their heads-Haatochama;Calli; wait-
This is actually quite scary when youtube decides to recomend this at 4 am
“Wait. . .””where is my head?””i need to find it”Immortal confirmed
Haato: **got executed with the head get cut off**Also Haato: plot armor BEACH
Top 10 anime revivals of all time part 2