
(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね Play Game : 帰ってきた魔界村 ( switch ) タグ #生神もんざえもん ——————————————— ころ …
multitask doggo, it’s incredible how Korone keep talking/reading the chat while playing this freaking hard game and not even once getting salt with her attempts, she even laughs when she dies, you’re the best Korone
8:09:05 “Hello, my name is Korone Inugami. I’m a dog -> I’m a duck -> I’m a die. Dead soon, I am dead soon dog. Dead soon! Oh no!”
Doog Eternal and Ghost’n’ Goblins, demon yubis must be Korone’s favourites.
00:02:10 開始 00:06:21 モード選択/孤高● ゾーン1.墓場00:08:19 スタート 00:09:06 中間 00:10:54 中間 00:13:59 悲鳴 00:20:14 中間 00:21:04 レッドアーリマー 00:21:41 カエル 00:24:09 水落ち 00:26:33 やり~ 00:30:08 中間 00:31:13 即落ち 00:31:51 悲鳴 00:32:28 いやーん 00:35:12 ばかぁ 00:37:22 中間 00:54:19 ボス前 00:54:31 ボス戦突入 01:00:06 股の下 01:07:58 笑い 01:21:23 ボス撃破 01:22:04 魔法解放● ゾーン2.氷の町 01:23:46 スタート 01:27:18 中間 01:30:52 モグモグ 01:32:52 ばあちゃんが大掃除中 01:38:07 中間 01:41:35 亀 01:42:57 悲鳴 01:44:25 中間 01:58:30 ばかぁ 01:58:47 きらい 02:03:19 やーだー 02:04:37 間違えてエリア最初から 02:16:48 罵倒かわいい 02:17:54 くしゃみ 02:21:50 テロレロン 02:24:13 ころねのラーメン屋 02:31:55 あーーー 02:33:53 実況プレイ 02:35:18 中間 02:39:37 滑り落ちる 02:40:24 悲鳴 02:41:50 🐸 02:45:36 ボス戦突入 02:46:30 取れない 02:48:14 どうした? 02:50:05 脱皮モード 02:59:59 ハンドパワー 03:06:43 マイクごしごし 03:14:20 はい! 03:22:15 えへーん 03:25:26 トイレタイム 03:27:43 アドバイスタイム 03:31:30 首だけモード 04:02:36 あーーー 04:04:47 独り芝居 04:09:30 ボス撃破 04:12:41 クリア●ゾーン3.魔窟 04:14:47 スタート 04:15:50 連続落下 04:30:27 そそられる 04:32:10 カエルに変える 04:44:38 中間 04:49:30 新武器・円盤 04:50:54 間違えてエリア最初から 04:55:37 中間 04:57:09 中間 04:58:17 ぎゃー 05:02:00 かわいい 05:04:05 かわいい 05:15:15 笑い 05:17:15 犬みたいな声 05:19:01 コウモリをリスナーと思って 05:35:33 モグモグ 05:37:19 再開 05:58:23 中間 06:03:00 中間 06:03:45 はうん 06:03:55 ジェットコースター 06:12:28 中間 06:19:53 ボス戦突入 06:38:39 ボス撃破 06:43:18 クリア●ゾーン4.魔城口 06:46:00 スタート 06:50:29 一旦マップに戻る ●ゾーン1.処刑場 06:51:50 スタート 06:56:52 中間 06:58:58 中間 07:00:13 中間 07:05:55 中間 07:09:34 中間 07:15:19 いやらしい花 07:17:03 あうあうあうあう 07:18:27 ボス戦突入 07:21:45 クリア ●ゾーン4.魔城口 07:23:05 スタート 07:32:56 ダハツ 07:36:10 中間 07:40:14 ばかぁ 07:49:00 中間 07:49:06 苦手な虫 07:49:32 🐛 07:52:45 中間 08:00:26 もぐもぐタイム 08:05:45 再開 08:07:13 あーう 08:09:05 I’m Duck 08:17:28 ボス戦突入 08:17:44 ベルゼブブ 08:20:18 卵 08:21:45 悲鳴 08:25:10 きゅー 08:25:30 頭こすってくる 08:28:01 盾 08:32:15 ぎゃっ 08:57:41 煽ってやり返される 08:59:50 気持ち悪い 09:07:11 おトイレタイム 09:11:10 再開 09:14:57 きゅっ 09:23:48 ボス撃破 09:25:29 クリア●ゾーン5.魔界城 09:27:19 スタート 09:28:13 中間 09:31:54 虫再登場 09:33:12 復活 09:35:23 えへっ 09:37:07 ばかぁん 09:43:50 もぐもぐ 09:44:46 再開 09:49:00 中間09:49:33 ボス戦突入09:50:52 悲鳴 10:03:25 メロンパンもぐもぐ 10:05:11 再開 10:12:25 ボス撃破 10:14:19 ラスボス前中間 10:14:33 ラスボス戦突入 10:21:41 飲み物を飲む 10:24:28 再開 10:30:14 あはん 10:32:33 叫び 10:38:29 ラスボス撃破 10:40:25 ゾーン5クリア 10:41:04 エンディング 10:45:23 1周目クリア 10:45:55 2周目ちょっとだけやってみる 10:46:37 ゲームの速度を変えてプレイ ●ゾーン1 深魔の墓場 10:47:58 スタート 10:49:54 ここらへんで終わり 11:06:00 エンディングメイキングタイム 魔界村クリアおめでとう!!鬼畜さも全力で楽しんで、挫けることなく何度も挑戦していくころさんは見ててずーと楽しかった!上達の速さもさすが。しかし孤高でこれなんだから、伝説は一体どうなってんだ・・・w
New fans might say that its a long stream but deep down we know this is normal to our god dog
Korone is just fundamentally built different. Her build ascends past out current knowledge of energy. We may never know how she does it but maybe in the following centuries or millennia we might be able to understand just a glimpse of how her energy storage works
Just remember that this was *not* an endurance stream.The real endurance stream will be when our doggo streams for an entire weekend.
2:53 10:54:12 10:54:29 11:02:58自分用ころさんのアクションゲーム配信大好き
11:01:43 今日の格言「1枠(12時間)内でのクリアは耐久ではなく日常。」

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね Play Game : Minecraft(マインクラフト) タグ #生神もんざえもん ——————————————— ころねTwitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone …
30:25 通話開始
3:38:26 Shion falls in a mob pit and dies A zombie steals Shion’s “4ねソードw”(“go die sword lol”) and repeatedly kills both of them with it Luckily Korone retrieves it in the end!
Ah yes. A collab between Korone and Harry Potter Girl.
16:17 shion jumpscareFrom this point on she collabs with shion to remake slow dog emojiWhat a blessed stream
4:24:00 bouncy korone
1:11:11 is Korone making fun of Shion bcs she isn’t boing boing? lolThe chat reaction makes me think that i’m right
*this was a masterpiece*
Korone cured my depression
46:28 おかゆ好きすぎ問題
who is the artist of the thumbnail? 😭
34:12 未知との遭遇ウワーすき
Fall Guys、はじめてプレイ

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね FALL GUYS(steam版) Twitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone 本ゲームは GHI Media LLC dba Devolver Digital のガイドラインに則って配信・収益化を行なって …
4:08:13 “Hippity Hoppity your Yubi is my Property”
29:16 Korone gets sent to the shadow realm
4:38:32 “Korone will you marry me?”Hotate Doggo: WAT?She’s too cute
29:08 Twitterでみたやつ
End text is:While the viewers who came to support Korone were consoling her while she was down because she didn’t get first place at her athletic meet, they ended up eating by mistake the fingers that she returned to them.Thinking this was bad (not in the taste meaning of the word), the viewers tried to vomit them. Korone decided to help and make them vomit too. But… Somehow, what they puked instead was the cracked egg of another woman. “What’s the meaning of this!”, Korone raged, violently. She ended up seizing their other fingers.I swear to god, one of these days I’m going to come back to these streams to discover she’s written the next great American novel or something, these are getting more and more long and surreal by the day 😂
_”I’m everyone’s wife!”_*Gotta sub sub sub!*
She was more in her doggy element this time:Chasing after ballsBarking at those who came too closeChasing after tails as well as her ownFreaking out when that cat made a noise before killing it
This game is one of those where you say “One last time!” and ended up doing more hours like our doggo here.
I just browsed to a random timestamp and… 58:23Please don’t @ me
2:02:11 Jibanyan raid her stream
4:19:51 🥺💖 she loves me
2:53:43 Talk about Big Brain moves.
1:31:15 ゾンビ映画で出てくる悲鳴。
and my highschool math teacher said i would never get married, well look at me now
Korone does anything simple to be epic. 1:46:24
1:24:52 お歌助かる
4:35:50 made me so happy to hear that
she played FOR ALMOST 4 HOURS xD i could never do that with this game!
【A WAY OUT】みっころねは逃亡する【ホロライブ/さくらみこ/戌神ころね】

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね タグ #みっころね 前回→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqCsK1IriTA ——————————————— ▷さくらみこ https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35 …
Always Love doggo and Miko together
Gosh even though they had a lot of fun and stuff they really worked out to the end but then they got to choose who’s gonna live, yeah the plot can get twisted. Both of them are sad, even so the story is well written and amazing but painful
lol the game just switch to straight up PvP at final, how come i never heard this game before?
My immersion on the end scene almost broken. Both of them kept joking and I love it xD
Miko : Call me LeoKorone : LaoMiko : LeoKorone : MioMiko : Im Neo 2:28:55
Vincent lost his brother but he didn’t realize that he have found a new one when he met Leo
Korone: I’m sorry you were like a father to me I loved you like a sonMiko: Do not Underestimate my powers
32:40 誰よその猫女!
They didn’t understand the language that well, and yet this game moved them basically to tears. It’s really incredible. I’m so happy they played this, and I’m so glad it moved them so much. Such an incredible duo Miko and Korone and such an incredible game.
ちょっと悲しいEDなんだけどでも本当に楽しかったです~ またみこちにべつのゲームコラボしましょうにぇ~1:18:04 やべ
32:40 Korone calls Miko “Okayu” LMAO
15:34 doggo sneeze
15:34 Korone sneezes 28:08 Elite music competition! 32:40 Korone calls Miko “Okayu” 38:55 Korone being a troll 51:15 Car chase 56:24 RIP anime girls trying to steer a boat1:18:10 Chat starts screaming “NTR” 1:21:59 Basketball game 1:27:24 The big decision: “Waffle” or “Tomato” 1:31:06 Arm-wrestling (Korone strongest idol confirmed?)1:42:16 Miko and Korone interrogating a victim 1:52:01 Jasmine is sexy 2:10:03 Hospital scene begins (NO CONNECT FOUR?) 2:28:42 Wooowooowwwwoooo (slow-motion noises) 2:37:36 Miko hijacks a helicopter2:49:06 The shooting starts 2:54:20 Point-blank headshot (Doggo laugh) 3:05:15 Korone gets wasted repeatedly. 3:12:44 “Let’s Go Human” 3:19:42 Top 10 Anime Betrayals of All Time 3:26:46 Whatever this is3:37:17 Miko spends too much time gloating 3:39:06 Pain-peko 3:44:38 Korone is happy
Thank you Miko and Korone for this Stream. I loved the entire playthrough of “A WAY OUT”, both of you work great together and made this such a fun time. Love you both so much and take care❤️.
This game is totally perfect for their collab, they really getting into the character lolthough the ending was heartbreaking
This stream was amazing I loved their gameplay and I know for a fact they loved the game like how they were playing into their characters and everything it was hilarious
2:28:52 神回避
I like how whenever Miko does something that involves violence she immediately goes for ORAORAORAORAORA
Leo and Miko are really alike lmao. Both Wild and Crazy. The Stream is so much Fun. Hope there’s more collabe with these two, They are really Crazy…
R-type dimensions exやるでな

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね Play Game : R-Type Dimensions EX ( switch ) タグ #生神もんざえもん ——————————————— ころねTwitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone …
She stopped because the archive limit is 12 hours, imagine if there is no limitation for stream archive
The amount of time Korone dedicates to all games has earned her massive amounts of respect from me.
I went to bed a few hours in. Woke up now, wondering if she is still playing. Well turns out I missed her by a few minutes.Absolute madness.
12時間も挫けずによく頑張ったよ、おつかれさま。その頑張りはすごい、次こそリベンジを果たそう! 2:00 開始(Start) 11:51-13:47 ゲーム開始(GameStart)6:01:20 好きな男の子の話
11:41:50For all OkaKoro fans, here is Korone singing “Okayu Okayu”. Okayu showing up to give Korone support is so sweet.
I can’t imagine doing one thing for 12 hours straight. Gotta give props to Koro-san for the sheer dedication. Sleep well Koro-san, you deserve it!
poor koro-chan, sweetheart was so frustrated at the end. You’ll get em next time, don’t be sad!
9:00:37 The cutest ‘No’ I’ve ever heard!
Korone’s patience, attitude, determination, cuteness, perseverance, and just overall adorableness is seriously off the friggen charts all the damn time
11:53:35Top 10 saddest anime moments
“Mou ikkai, mou ikkai.Korone akiramenai”Well… What can I say? Impromptu endurance run (as she had no intention on going on for so long or at least that’s what I recalled hearing) and a very hectic rollercoaster of a trip thanks to YouTube acting up and her literally bashing her head into a wall known as “Stage 7” for literally two thirds of the run.Sadly she couldn’t clear this in one go, thus becoming this channel’s second black mark, but six and a half stages out of eight in her first attempt is very solid result.All the respect to the doggo and I’m sure that with a big more practice and a clear mind she can conquer this one out. ^^.P.S.: UmineKOrone is a thing and is here to stay apparently XD
“Fun” fact: 3:55:15 – 11:53:37 the SAME level being played over and over and over. 3:18:35 Koro-san made carbonara out of us.
Korone is simply amazing…
Amazing mental fortitude. She was stuck in stage 6 at the same spot for what 6-8 hours.. and didn’t give up. Okayu🍙 coming in at the last 30mins or so was really sweet. Hope Korone can beat R-type next time!! がんばれー!!
すごい根性だよ… 本当尊敬してる
Sasuga KoroneThe problem here probably was, that R-Type is not meant to be played with infinite revives. You either get through this part fully equipped or you start all over again. If you start from the revive point naked, you’ll have a bad time.
I watched this live, went to bed, and overslept for her karaoke stream. Because SHE didn’t sleep 😀
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