
(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね Play Game : Atlantis no Nazo(アトランチスの謎) タグ #生神もんざえもん ——————————————— ころねTwitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone …
Korone is a doog of focus, commitment and sheer will. She’s too powerful.
This is what a classic Korone stream feels like. You wake up in the morning. See she’s started streaming. Go to work or school come back 8 hours later. And she’s still streaming. What a Doog.
This is actually insane. Doggo’s determination is unbreakable.
In summary, our beloved Doggo:- Mastered the art of perfect frame jumping- Achieved Ultra Instinct- Surpassed the Gods in patience and determination- Got a shitty ending for her troublesMay she get all of the yubis for this legendary achievement
Korone is and always will be a true legend. She put yet another “impossible” game completed on her list and it’s growing! Can’t wait to see what game she conquers next!
Hardcoregaming101’s article on Altantis no Nazo ends with this scentence: “It’s unknown why the game was cancelled for Western release, but this is one case where people are lucky to miss out on an import, for it is not a hidden gem, but a cursed artifact that brings doom and misery upon those who behold it.” Congratulations to Korone for beating it on what is probably the hardest route.
Korone always gets things done near the 12-hour limit xD
11:42:44 エンディングがショボすぎてバグを疑われるw
指指指ワオ。 それは本当に強烈でした。 はい、それは非常に困難でしたが、あなたがさらに別のゲームを完了することができてうれしいですこの偉大な勝利を大きく祝い、数時間の長い時間の後に、偉大な勝利をお楽しみくださいおめでとうございます。 私たちはあなたに私たちの指をお祝いの印として与えなければなりません 👍👍👍グアテマラからのご挨拶
おめでとう! That was such an awesome finish! For those who might be wondering, that was really the true ending and it wasn’t a glitch. Even if she didn’t die after getting the diamond, it would have been the same. Amazing stream as always!
That glitch ending in the end has the same vibe when she beat Doom 64 lmao.
11:42:33 Finally she got it/最後に彼女わやった💪😭💪😭❤️❤️❤️ころねさんおめでとう❤️❤️
This is one of the greatest moments in video game history.
This was my first korone livestream i watched and it was awesome.

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね タグ #生神もんざえもん ——————————————— ころねTwitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone ——————————————— 本ゲームは …
1:36:24 ゴムゴムの帽子を手に入れる1:38:50 ゴムゴムの立ち上がり1:51:32 ゴムゴムの立ち去り1:58:00 ゴムゴムのイントロ2:07:48 ゴムゴムの親近感2:13:00 ゴムゴム言っとけばok2:13:26 ゴムゴムのどうなってるんだ!2:14:32 ゴムゴムの行くから2:15:42 ゴムゴムの学校帰りのコンビニ2:16:08 ゴムゴムの四角ボタンでしゃがみ移動2:17:13 ゴムゴムのなかなかアイテムが落ちてないね2:21:32 ゴムゴムのドアコック2:21:36 ゴムゴムのおけぇぇい!2:22:53 ゴムゴムの進んだ2:25:45 ゴムゴムのなんとかかんとか2:40:36 ゴムゴムの安心2:43:26 ゴムゴムの小刻み2:51:40 ゴムゴムの無理2:58:37 ゴムゴムの好奇心2:59:13 ゴムゴムの泳げない3:02:27 ゴムゴムの…えっ?3:02:45 ゴムゴムの富士夫20万円返すからな3:12:27 ゴムゴムのこんにちは3:14:32 ゴムゴムの豪雨3:33:33 ゴムゴムの困ったわ3:33:41 ゴムゴムのいいよ3:37:58 ゴムゴムのお邪魔します3:38:55 ゴムゴムのゴムボート3:42:43 ゴムゴムの下心4:00:05 ゴムゴム卒業
This is just a game as I have experienced the Hanshin Daishi Earthquake. Sometimes I think it’s good to have an educational education that makes you think of it as a simulation of the future.
3:10 Dingle Bell! Dingle Bell!
This game really pulled a human trafficking card at the end of the game-
21:30 軽く10時間発言で湧くチャット欄草
10:33:55 バイク事故
2:44:14 3:05:15ころねリスナー、犯罪者になる
21:27 ウインク助かる
Very long stream, you did great koro-san! ❤️
ストリームありがとうございます。 とても楽しいこと。
【メガドラ/MD】はじめてのソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ2【Sonic the Hedgehog2】

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね Play Game : Sonic the Hedgehog2 ( MEGA DRIVE MINI ) タグ #生神もんざえもん ——————————————— ころ …
This is what you’re looking for: 5:07:40Why is she angry?Secret dog.
Most Vtubers are anime characters played by real-life actressesKorone is an anime character played by another, even more powerful anime character
5:07:44 why is she angry
korone’s endurance is truly incredible. every time she does a really long stream i’m amazed at how she can go for so long. much love
i sleep, i woke and then the stream says since 11 hours ago
Korone might just be the ultimate lifeform
This stream IS the Korone experience, cleared the game normally in 4 hours, did Superchats and then immediately went to play again for 6hous doing a 100% clear xD ssg korosanEDIT: also for anyone curious, the RUN for the final emerald 9:19:25
2:01 START
When you fall asleep but Korone’s still streaming when you wake up
“why is she angry”It’s the Sonic 2 secret level. I’d be angry too.
12 hour stream. World’s strongest doggo for a reason!
10:01:25 I Can’t Believe My Little Doggo Accidentally Screen Wrapped in Sonic 2!
So Korone plays Sonic 2 on a Saturday night, loves the game and stays up all night playing.She’s achieving the dream of every 90’s kid.
Korone, thank you for the stream!!!
Shoutout to Casino Night Zone for blessing us with so many Korone noises (35:44).Also, 09:23:35 is the cute moment she transforms into Super Sonic for the first time.
This stream was awesome. Didn’t expect you to beat the game twice and get all the chaos emeralds. I like that you enjoy the sonic games, they pretty much made my childhood.
This was a wild ride ^^
*I cannot believe I watched the whole thing-*

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね バンジョーとカズーイの大冒険(NINTENDO64) Banjo-Kazooie Play! 前回 → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNLU796d500 …
I wonder if korone is aware of the animation that made it into a meme, that stuff has over 5 mil views now, heh
1:14:20 This is what you guys are here for.
1:14:20 I found the audioEdit: this is my first 1k likes and I got it in 1 hour just for a time stamp…
2ManySnacks: “Don’t spam her comment section.”Everyone: “Ima just pretend I didn’t hear that.”
I swear she acts like some non-english grandmother who plays great games that her grandkids show her
“Please don’t spam her comment section.”
1:14:20 This you want1:18:15 This Eekum Bokum
1:18:09 the audio when the eekum bokum bite
Everyone: the alligator oneMe: *weres the part she screams when the skull bit her*
I don’t understand a word they are saying, but the get so excited over everything that is going on in this game.
I’m trying to find a Japanese comment.. It’s extremely hard
Is the joystick on her controller flimsy from use or something? She shouldn’t be having nearly as much trouble with flying and swimming as she is.
Don’t mind me I’m leaving these for myself.Eekum Bokum House: 1:03:21Korone plays cute then murders: 3:05:42Korone celebrates being first: 5:20:31
Has she mentioned when she will continue playing?
I don’t even know what’s going on but it’s pretty mesmerizing
1:14:16 from 2ManySnack’s new video
楽しかた〜Korone is a Very Very Very Very Cute Dog!6:44:30 Hey Guys !!
I strive to be this excited about all cute things in games. She’s so adorable.
【スぺチャンVR】ダンスインザ ギャラクシー踊ったよ~!【戌神ころね】

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね 「スペースチャンネル5 VR あらかた☆ダンシングショー」(PSVR版・好評発売中)の新テーマ曲「ダンス イン ザ ギャラクシー!(ver.Morolians)」を踊ってみました!! すごい …
Hard to imagine that this is the same girl who reads about torture methods and gets excited over cutting off fingers.
the most amazing thing is she managed to keep her mouth closed for over a minute
Can’t believe they managed to get himemori Luna on the vocals
Never thought I was gonna see a 156m dog idol dance
I’ve never saw she wearing the idol costumeShe’s absolutely gorgeous!
Title: *Is completely in Japanese*English comments: Allow us to introduce ourselves
Imagine being one of the, as of now, 212 people who disliked this.
I could only imagine the staff’s face behind the equipment watching the Korone irl dancing. So adorable
Yagoo: “Finally. . .There is hope. . .”
clicked this on accident, last thing i was expecting was Korone dancing to Space Channel 5 music.best misclick ever
This is the kind of stuff that makes not sleeping at normal hours worth it
I can’t stop rewatching, help me…
The saying “You don’t know the value of something until you’ve lost it” also applies the other way, because I didn’t know how I needed this video until I found it
[…] 速すぎるRPG!!?!?!?!?!?!?!(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね […]