
(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね I adore youtube. Twitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone.
This stream is a gold mine for cute korone sounds and quality koronenglish.
Let’s be honest, we hold our breath on that last kill.
I watched many Korone streams but this one however, is very memorable; our precious doggo playing the legendary DOOM (DOOG) in addition to hitting the 300K sub mark! Thank you for this fun stream to brighten our day! That last part was a bit rough but she did it. Well played!! Get some nice rest Korone!
>Everybody cheering for Korone>1 last shot on the BFG (literally)>1HP before dying>Dying and at the same time she kills the mother, achievement popping with the kill>Seconds of pure tension and uncertainityDamn, someone better make a video about this with epic music and flasbacks from the stream, this was anime as HELL.
9:40:58 Korone ultra clutch, she only had 1 HP and 1 ammo left for BFG. Killed the boss and exhausted every single HP and ammo pretty much in the next frame.
In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of doggo, her soul blistered by the fires of Hololive and tainted beyond ascension, she chose the path of perpetual torment. In her ravenous hatred she found no Okayu; and with boiling blood she scoured the Japan seeking vengeance against Yagoo who had wronged her. She wore the crown of the Hololive Gamers, and those that tasted the bite of her sword named her… the Doog Slayer.
Yubi Yubi until it is done.
Maybe this is the cutest and most adorable DOOM playthrough I’ve ever seen while still being glorious and entertaining.Seriously, the ending was REALLY dramatic and finished in the best way possible.In the end, *ALL HAIL* -DOOM SLAYER- *INUGAMI KORONE OUR HERO!*Thank you for the stream and congratulations on 300k subs!
Only after 10 hours of sleeping and cute noises, she finally did it. She completed DOOM. I’m so happy that she did this stream as a one in a lifetime experience. Thank you Koro-san for the memories. Sleep well!
Clears a game she has no experience with in one sitting. Dog is really God.Congrats on 300k!
1:07:37 She got lost and she sang about it1:11:17 tut turututut tut tut WAAHH!?!?4:22:54 Medikit medikit~4:23:24 Okay? Okay! Lollipop lollipop~7:08:17 lunch break
_Lost Soul appears in end credits_Korone: “DISLIKE.”
mad lass beat doom 64 in one sitting first time playing no demon keys
someone mod cute korone sounds to DOOM
ボスが30万人突破した記念に世間とボスの最先端を振り返ってみよう マリオメーカー2が流行→妖怪ウォッチ4 モンハンIB(発売日)→ヨッシーアイランド ポケモン剣盾(発売日)→モンスターファーム2 年末~正月特番→ひたすらニャンピョウ耐久 ARKが流行→ジュラシック・ワールド・エボリューション あつ森(発売日)→ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 復活! 天魔大王 Apexが流行→Doom64 これからも我が道を行くボスの活動に目が離せない
Korone play like the Lore-ending here.The moment she trade-kill with mother , the mother teleported her away to Argent D’Nur , that’s why in Doom Eternal they founded Doom guy almost dead at the valley near Argent D’Nur and taken back into Sentinel Prime.
Was gonna drop some timestamps for good Korone noises but this is literally just 10 hours of them straight.
9:40:30 start of epic final boss fight. The ending was so good.
Funny, the monster of all demons is dead! The blood forms from your eyes as you stand in despair. As the only marriage to endure the study of Japan, you delete to enemy in hell and ensure no demon every lives again. The End.
【メガドラ/MD】はじめてのソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ3&ナックルズ【Sonic the Hedgehog3】

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね Play Game : Sonic the Hedgehog3 ( MEGA DRIVE ) タグ #生神もんざえもん ——————————————— ころねTwitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone …
Korones ability to do 10 hour streams so often is really impressive. She’s never too tired to make sure we have content.
Korone: spots Knuckles coming out of a secret roomAlso Korone: “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that” *leaves*
7:38:07 bruh
o7 translators in chat!I think my favorite thing about Korone’s long streams is that they can be your source of entertainment for the ENTIRE day. Had this on my TV all day and it was peak entertainment, got some drawing done, did some cleaning, even took a short nap in the middle of it. I also love the things Korone does to entertain herself during such long streams, even when it is something as simple as noises or sound effects she’ll make when she dies or does certain in-game actions.
It was an honor and a pleasure to finally participate in one of Korone’s famous endurance streams! Especially with this game to boot, brought back a lot of memories of playing this on my Nintendo DS! Truthfully, I am a bit jealous of Korone being able to play this on original hardware. Also, thank you to all of the translators in chat, you guys rock!
Korone’s enthusiasm for this game is so great, and her thanking the devs as the credits went by was super wholesome This doggo is a blessing
7:50:34 「yubi! yubi!」8:23:25 鳴き声かわいい→クリア
Since I’m watching this again I guess I’ll something here.27:25- just can’t stop screaming1:28:50 infinite wowowo2:00:26- yep that the sound of someone getting crushed.2:59:10- Korone apologize to tails what?4:06:02- ahh the feels.4:46:18- every time this bonus stage appeared.6:12:46- amazing friends7:38:06- not sure if bra or bruh cuz of her accent.7:56:40- for context, people told her to load up doomsday 2 to fight the Yubi mecha eggman. She didn’t believe them, but tried it anyway and said lying to her was going to make her angry. She was at the boss and felt embarrassed and hid herself from embarrassment. She apologized and thanked them, so all is good.Man I need to go to sleep. See y’all tomorrow for part 2 I suppose.
BEEG Eyes Korone isn’t real. She can’t hurt you.BEEG Eyes Korone:6:55:34 Best doggo eating doggo food.8:22:06 Hot Springs episode!
Here’s hoping she tries again to get the true ending
2:03:00 生贅的祭壇
この人の声はセーラームーン声のようにと思っているのは私だけですか? かわいいよね。 「月に代わってお仕置きよ!」
You could fall asleep at the start of the stream, wake up and she’s still streaming for another 2 hours
10+ hours?! Omg korone
…I just got here.Damn it.
CuteWatched many hours of the stream, very fun, entertaining, adorable大好き tbh
Ah so much culture just in the first 5 minutes. Korone went out of her way to acquire the “& knuckles” version… and upon seeing the 32x, i see The Wrist Game in the chat
VERY fast dog running at incredible hihg speed
DOOM2016 やる!

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね Youtube is very good and the best! Twitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone 本ゲームを配信に利用することにつき、© 2016 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax …
*SPOILER ALERT: This stream is full of HORAYO and WOWOWOW*
They are yubi, brutal, without mercy. But you. You will be worse. Bark and woof, until it is doog
The average Doom fan: “rip and tear!”Korone: “Horayo~”
4:51:19 Happiest moment of my life
and here we are, korone become an easter egg in Doom Eternal
While I dont know really any japanese, I will still watch because funny dog is funny
The happiness in her face when she got her ROCKETTO LAUNCHER is priceless
The Dog Behind The Slaugther.
たのしかつた!You guys should watch the stream!! Full of cute noises . Her excitement over details of the game , music, gore, weapons are adorable. She had so much fun!! 00:59:57 Chainsaw 1:23:49 Sings, Horoyo, Sees a gun but can’t take it , Gets complimented, Screams And “I’ll Yubi Back” for the gun. Then someone tells her she can’t take it because she already has the gun will full ammo.2:04:26 Breaks an Arm, Ude Ude and She literally smells a fight. ( KunKun means sniff) and decides to make shabu shabu out of those tasty demons , looks at the map and gets lost. 3:20:00 Nanodesu is a grammatic ender and a cute/polite way of saying “it certainly is” . The way she said it can be read as ” you guys only need this pistol “/ ” this pistol is enough for you guys ” . Then she said she felt sorry for them and will try stronger weapons on them, but then went psych I’m not wasting bullets on you guys. And then when she went to check the chat to get help to decide for the upgrade, the whole chat went boing boing , etc. and poor Korone was confused . I know many of you didn’t know what it meant , but the necromancer version is a pun for nanodeath(desu) . 4:11:15 Confesses to the chainsaw, cheers for it, Yubi Yubi Chainsaw. 4:17:30 Explains she likes those kind of cashier that are portrayed in western movies where they go ” Next” 4:21:00 Next , Tsugi . Next and then beep, Next and have a nice day. 4:26:03 Nail clipping ASMR 4:44:37 Google Translate Time5:27:45 Recovery End. Listener had many Yubis inside him till he was dying until he gave them back to Korone ( he’s probably a repo man that collected our yubis ) She returned him our spoiled Yubis , though..
My demon killing, Yubi taking, God doggo waifu can’t be this cute
She was having so much fun playing the game!
Can’t wait for Doom Eternal where we can make “The longer the doog plays Eternal, the stronger she becomes” memes all the live long day
Once again, I hope her Japanese audience enjoyed this.
In my head-canon, the forces of hell have kidnapped Okayu and Korone has embarked on a daring rescue mission.
The longer the Icon of Doog is on Youtube, the more adorable she will become.
DOOG is the embodiment of cute carnage. Her happiness and joyful expression when chainsawing monsters is the stuff dreams are made of.
She’s having so much fun, how can you not smile?
*Horayo, until it is done*
1:18 ぉぁょSTART

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね タグ #生神もんざえもん ——————————————— ころねTwitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone ——————————————— ☆Special Thanks …
2:23:06 Hippity Hoppity your yubi is my property- San!
English and Japanese time stamps.英語と日本語のタイムスタンプです。0:02:30 start0:08:04 Kiteyo Perman / Katsue Miwa (1983)0:13:54 Don’t let the horses fly / Etsuko Nishio (1989)0:17:05 Cavity Construction Co., Ltd. / Akihiro Sugita / Ryoko Tsunoda (1995)0:20:38 Guren’s Bow / Linked Horizon (2013)0:27:54 Freckles / JUDY AND MARY (1996)0:33:32 Into the Dream / Yosui Inoue (1973)0:36:53 Dunbine Tobu / MIO (1983)0:42:51 Root frog / Susumu Ishikawa (1970)0:47:37 Gurenhua / LiSA(Murinka) (2019)0:50:45 Touch / Yoshimi Iwasaki (1985)0:55:29 Kirakira Killer / Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (2014)1:00:43 Tomorrow’s Joe / Isao Bito (1981)1:06:53 Devilman’s Song / Keizo Toda (2003)1:09:58 Mazinger Z / Ichiro Mizuki (1972)1:11:48 I am the Great Mazinger / Ichiro Mizuki (1974)1:14:22 Cutie Honey / Yoko Maekawa (2008)1:16:54 Space Battleship Yamato / Isao Sasaki and Royal Knights (1974)1:19:44 Gatchaman’s Song / Masato Komon (1977)1:23:32 Kinnikuman GO FIGHT! / Akira Kushida (2005)1:30:58 GO!!! / FLOW (2004)1:35:53 Hurricaneger Sanjo! / Hideaki Takatori (2011)1:40:30 VAMOLA! Kyoryuger / Shogo Kamada (2013)1:46:16 Hare Hare Yukai / Haruhi Suzumiya (Aya Hirano) (2006)1:51:13 Chojuu Sentai Liveman / Daisuke Shima (1988)2:06:20 Tenno Weak / 164 (2012)2:27:06 Kinnikuman GO FIGHT! / Akira Kushida (2005)2:48:27 Everything / MISIA (2001)0:02:30 開始0:08:04 きてよパーマン / 三輪 勝恵(1983)0:13:54 じゃじゃ馬にさせないで / 西尾悦子(1989)0:17:05 虫歯建設株式 会社 / 杉田あきひろ/つのだりょうこ(1995)0:20:38 紅蓮の弓矢 / Linked Horizon(2013)0:27:54 そばかす / JUDY AND MARY(1996)0:33:32 夢の中へ / 井上陽水(1973)0:36:53 ダンバインとぶ / MIO(1983)0:42:51 ど根性ガエル / 石川進(1970)0:47:37 紅蓮華 / LiSA(むりんか)(2019)0:50:45 タッチ / 岩崎良美(1985)0:55:29 きらきらキラー / きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ(2014)1:00:43 あしたのジョー / 尾藤イサオ(1981)1:06:53 デビルマンのうた / 十田敬三(2003)1:09:58 マジンガーZ / 水木一郎(1972)1:11:48 おれはグレートマジンガー / 水木一郎(1974)1:14:22 キューティーハニー / 前川陽子(2008)1:16:54 宇宙戦艦ヤマト / ささきいさお とロイヤルナイツ(1974)1:19:44 ガッチャマンの歌 / 子門真人(1977)1:23:32 キン肉マンGO FIGHT! / 串田アキラ(2005)1:30:58 GO!!! / FLOW (2004)1:35:53 ハリケンジャー参上! / 高取ヒデアキ(2011)1:40:30 VAMOLA! キョウリュウジャー / 鎌田章吾(2013)1:46:16 ハレ晴レユカイ / 涼宮ハルヒ(平野綾)(2006)1:51:13 超獣戦隊ライブマン / 嶋 大輔(1988)2:06:20 天ノ弱 / 164(2012)2:27:06 キン肉マンGO FIGHT! / 串田アキラ(2005)2:48:27 Everything / MISIA(2001)
28:51 I didn’t know violence could be this cute
nobody:Korone: sings happily while bashing her chat
My God… she’s hitting cuteness levels I never thought possible.
Korone is really bringing out all these great classic songs. That ending though, beautiful enough to make a man cryEdit: 2:42:17 for me. Had to come back to remember this
I looked away briefly and came back to her beating us with a hammer and I lost it.
Tbh, this is my first time to watch Korosan’s sing stream, this is amazing!
>All these retro anime songs.Didn’t know how great Korone’s tastes are.
2:11:12 シーチキン聞きたい人用
41:28 (声がかすれてきた事を気遣う) リスナー「休めば?」 犬「やすまな゛い!(クワッ!)」
純粋に楽しませて頂きました。 癒やされるんじゃー。

(c) Korone Ch. 戌神ころね Youtube! Let’s sing together! Twitter▷https://twitter.com/inugamikorone ☆お借りしました☆ カラオケ歌っちゃ王 様 …
♪03:03 ケロッ!とマーチ/kerotto march / アニメ ケロロ軍曹(2004)06:34 薔薇は美しく散る/bara ha utukushiku chiru / 鈴木宏子 / アニメ ベルサイユのばら(1979)14:02 ペガサス幻想/Pagasus gensou / MAKE-UP / アニメ 聖闘士星矢(1986)20:43 光戦隊マスクマン/hikari sentai Maskman / 影山ヒロノブ / 特撮 光戦隊マスクマン(1987)26:48 侍戦隊シンケンジャー/samurai sentai Sinkenger / サイキックラバー / 特撮 サイキックラバー(2009)32:57 鳥人戦隊ジェットマン/choujin sentai Jetman / 影山ヒロノブ / 特撮 鳥人戦隊ジェットマン(1991)38:03 愛をとりもどせ!!/ai wo torimodose!! / クリスタルキング / アニメ 北斗の拳(1984)44:33 鉄人28号/Tetsujin 28 gou / デューク・エイセス / アニメ 鉄人28号(1963)48:10 爆竜戦隊アバレンジャー/Bakuryu sentai Abaranger / 特撮 爆竜戦隊アバレンジャー(2003)56:14 エースをねらえ!/Ace wo nerae! / 大杉久美子 / アニメ エースをねらえ!(1973)1:00:48 宙船/sora fune / TOKIO(2006)1:06:29 デビルマンのうた/Devilman no uta / 十田敬三,ボーカル・ショップ / アニメ デビルマン(1972)1:12:21 進め!ゴレンジャー/susume Goranger / ささきいさお / 特撮 秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー(1975)1:18:58 // 銀河鉄道の夜/ginga tetudou no yoru / GOING STEADY(2001)1:22:32 ルパン三世のテーマ/Lupin the Third no theme / アニメ ルパン三世(1979)1:33:04 曇天/donten / DOES(2006) / アニメ 銀魂1:38:26 // 白金ディスコ/platinum disco / 阿良々木月火/井口裕香 / アニメ 偽物語(2012)1:39:05 オーレ! オーレンジャー/ole!ohranger / 速水けんたろう / 特撮 超力戦隊オーレンジャー(1995)1:43:18 ブラック★ロックシューター/black rock shooter / ryo(2008)1:51:00 空耳ケーキ/soramimi cake/アカペラ / Oranges & Lemons / アニメ あずまんが大王(2002)1:53:13 // 夢の中へ/yume no naka he / 井上陽水(1973) / 映画 放課後1:54:05 黒毛和牛上塩タン焼680円/kuroge wagyuu jyoushiotanyaki 680yen / 大塚愛(2005) / アニメ ブラック・ジャック1:59:47 ジャッカー電撃隊 / ささきいさお / 特撮 ジャッカー電撃隊(1977)2:05:17 空色デイズ/sora iro days / 中川翔子 / アニメ 天元突破グレンラガン/GURREN LAGANN(2007)2:20:53 U.S.A. / DA PUMP(2018) / ジョー・イエロー(1992)2:23:35 卒業/sotugyou / ガガガSP(2002)2:29:21 シャボン玉/syabon dama / モーニング娘。(2003)2:37:21 キューティーハニー/cutie honey / 倖田來未(2004) / アニメ キューティーハニー(1973)2:43:50 残酷な天使のテーゼ/Zankoku na tenshi no these / 高橋洋子 / アニメ 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン(1995)2:50:40 カブトムシ/kabutomushi / aiko(1999)2:56:04 会いたい/aitai / 沢田知可子(1990)3:07:50 もののけ姫/mononoke hime / 米良美一 / アニメ映画 もののけ姫(1997)3:14:40 We Are The World / Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie(1985)3:21:59 きてよパーマン/kiteyo Perman / アニメ パーマン(1983)3:35:04 (end)
Korone has made us into her petsShe says “hey guys” and we come running, then she says “well done” to enforce good behaviour when we respond xD
She gain two additional chant nowHey guys: for summoning Oversea viewersKisamara: summoning her homeland peopleIt’s only matter of time before she conquer the whole world
Playlist: 1) 3:02 – Kero! To March (Keroro OP) 2) 6:34 – Bara wa Utsukushiku Chiru (The Rose of Versailles) 3) 14:02 – Pegasus Fantasy (Sanit Seiya OP) 4) 20:43 – Hikari Sentai Maskman OP 5) 26:49 – Samurai Sentai Shinkenger OP 6) 32:57 – Choujin Sentai Jetman OP 7) 38:03 – Fist of the North Star OP 8) 44:33 – Tetsujin 28 OP 9) 48:11 – Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger OP 10) 56:14 – Ace wo nerae 11) 1:00:40 – Sorafune (My Boss My Hero OST) 12) 1:06:30 – Devilman OP 13) 1:12:20 – Himitsu Sentai Gorenger OP 14) 1:22:34 – Lupin The 3rd OP 15) 1:33:05 – Donten (Gintama OP) 16) 1:39:10 – Cho-Riki Sentai Ohranger OP 17) 1:43:21 – Black ★ Rock Shooter OP 18) 1:54:06 – Kuroge Wagyuu Kamishio Tanyaki 680 Yen ( Black Jack ED) 19) 1:59:47 – J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai OP 20) 2:05:18 – Sorairo Days (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann OP) 21) 2:23:37 – Sotsugyō ( 卒業 ) 22) 2:29:22 – Shabondama 23) 2:37:21 – Cutie Honey OP 24) 2:43:50 – The Cruel Angel’s Thesis 25) 2:50:50 – Kabutomushi by Aiko 26) 2:56:04 – Aitai ( 会いたい ) 27) 3:07:50 – Mononoke Hime OST 28) 3:14:42 – We Are The World 29) 3:22:00 – Kiteyo Perman Extra: 19:52 – Sneez 1:38:21 – Platinum Disco (Nisemonogatari OP) 1:51:00 – Soramimi Cake (Azumanga Dai Oh! OP) 2:20:53 – U.S.A Thank you for the stream, Korone!!!
私は日本語が話せないので通訳を使います。私は最近あなたの動画を見つけたばかりで、すでに気に入っています。ほんの数分で、私はすでに毎回笑っています。あなたは素晴らしい人です。, Korone!
1:21:10 曲目がおばさんだと言われ怒るころね
-she’s a cute doggo girl-she’s an epic gamer-she’s a toku fanShe’s perfect
Korone and our yubi will pierce the heavens! yubi yubi!
She sang Gurren Lagann’s OP…. damn feels and nostalgia hit me hard
rose of Versailles was amazing, song from my childhood
1:08:27 A Cruel Angels Thesis; Neon Genesis Evangelion (1996) 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン
Her singing “We Are The World” melts my heart
Came back for the “Fist of the North Star” adorable cover XD
Korone is a treasure chest !!! Yubi Yubi ! 祝福されました
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