惑星ループ / 猫又おかゆ(cover)

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 惑星ループ歌ってみました~!ぐるぐる~。 bilibiliの方々が素敵なPV作ってくれました(^O^)✨. 『惑星ループ』 作曲・作詞:ナユタン星人(@NayutalieN)さん 【 素敵な本家 …
My tomboy neko can’t be this cute, animated version. Coming this summer.
I Don’t Want To Lose This Video Ever Again.
The fact that the last clap is made by Korone is so wholesome I’m about to cry…
They ate my onigiriThey ate my onigiriThey ate my onigiri*They* *ate* *my* *onigiri*
Just the fact that Okayu smiled at the end and Korone the last one to clap makes my heart melt……Just like what Korone said, that she will always be at Okayus side and always supporting her….Thank god i fell down this hole.
1:21おかゆ「そこに大体、愛が在るだけ♪」字幕 「nai」草
First time hearing this song and I thought this was the Original. The voice you know, just fits perfectly….Love it~
There will be a time that we will forget this and move on in life and there will be a time where Vtubers will get tired of streaming and say there goodbye’s. but we will never forget this feeling that we got when they stream and talk to us and the feeling of happiness and when we rethink this time when we get older. we will watch the streams again and just laugh it off and remember the good times.
Her voice fits perfectly on this song wtf
おかえりーI can finally listen to this , on loop ofcourse .
どんなに復活を待ち焦がれたか…!ようやくループループできるぜ!!!!Welcome Back!!!!! Thank you for restoring the archive!!!
OMG IT’S BACK!!!I needed this so bad
Forget leave something to this one, so here it.This so fckin masterpiece, really love it
Okayu’s singing always brings a smile to my face.
I didn’t knew I needed this in my life
1:21おかゆ:「そこに大体、愛が在るだけ」日本語字幕:_人人人人人人人人_ > N A I <  ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
【ASMR】耳かきするよ!ポリポリ / Ear cleaning【ホロライブ/猫又おかゆ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ ※僕とみんなのお約束※ ・コメントの感じ方は人それぞれです。 自分が不快に思ったら静かにブロックしましょう ・他の人の配信で伝書鳩しないこと。 (おかゆんが○○って …
Can’t understand how Okayu said she used to dislike her voice, it’s damn perfect, for normal talking, for asmr and for singing, it’s beautiful
*Neko Yawning Time Stamps**0:16** 開始 / Start**17:30** あくび / Yawn 1**20:34** あくび / Yawn 2**21:38** あくび / Yawn 3**24:56** あくび / Yawn 4**27:58** あくび / Yawn 5* *28:46** あくび / Yawn 6* *29:57** あくび / Yawn 7* *30:46** あくび / Yawn 8**33:02** あくび / Yawn 9* *34:50** あくび / Yawn 10* *35:18** あくび / Yawn 11**38:57** あくび / Yawn 12* *41:47** あくび / Yawn 13* *46:04** あくび / Yawn 14**52:35** あくび / Yawn 15**57:23** あくび / Yawn 16*
“If I ever marry a woman, I want it to be with someone like her” -Kakyoin
48:50 やじるしの話
I honestly want to admit: it’s a powerful spell to make someone fall asleepthe thing is that you have to be focused for the spell to work
If I knew things like this existed I would’ve payed more attention in my Japanese class
That ear tapping is so good! I really love your ASMR! It makes me more relaxed
She makes so good asmr. I always listen to her asmr while working. I work as a research assistant for my professor.. I basically punch numbers into excel. Its a bit monotone but okayu asmr makes it nice 😉
This voice sound perfect for ASMR.
Guys i have no idea of how many times i have been here. This is medicinal.
I’m usually not huge into asmr but if okayu is whispering into my ear, I know the world is okay
1:07:16 She aced that tongue twister. “生麦、生米、生卵 (Namamugi, Namagome, Namatamago)”
Okayu’s ASMR are one of the best ones you could ask for❤️
16:07 “What am I doing with my life”Thomas Chouchani is an absolute mood.Personal note: 48:40
32:10 ほんとここ好き
ふわふわ時間 / 猫又おかゆ (Cover)

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 今日は誰かの誕生日。 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChAnqc_AY5_I3Px5dig3X1Q Instrumental:キジバト(@kijibato8)様 Mix:ごず(@gozu777)様 Illust: …
I really appreciate this video, it’s silky smooth 60 fps
My kokoro… It’s about to bakuhatsu…
The way Okayu and Korone’s colors look like peanut butter and jelly
Korone can’t be our waifu cause she Okayu’s waifu already 🙁
Imagine having a friendship like this.keyword: Imagine
Confirmed: Korone plays BASS in the relationship.
“Here’s a cover I made for my totally platonic best friend’s birthday”
If you look closely at 0:57 you can see that the red string of fate is wrapped around both their left ring fingers like a ring. So….. not saying its conformed but…….
This literally shows Korone being Okayu’s angelTe-te
Okayu and Korone displayed as angels.Yep, no argument there.
I guess this is Okayu’s present for Korone’s Bday, a song.
Listening to this making me imagine a duet of this song, Korone doing Yui’s verses and Okayu with Mio’s deeper harmonizations
Are we just going to ignore the “red thread of fate” tying these two angels together? <3
Doctor: You only got 3 minutes to live*puts this song for my last breathe*Doctor: Uhhh but the 55 secondsGod: I’ll allow this once! Or maybe twice
Her voice is so calming
AMAZING AS ALWAYS OKAYU~ My heart dropped reading the title that you actually covered a K-ON song 🥰But you didn’t do a duet with Korone though 😔
【ASMR】はじめての梵天耳かき!/Ear Cleaning【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 耳かきしてると僕も眠くなっちゃうんだよね~~ ‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ 猫又おかゆ 60万人記念 …
The fact that Okayu doesn’t lock the ASMR archives for members only melts my heart.Thank you for the good nights of sleep. The Broke Gang will be forever grateful o7
Okayu’s soothing voice makes falling asleep ridiculously easier. It’s incredible…
0:00:19 こんばんは〜0:01:21 耳かき / earpick0:08:22 梵天 / Brahma┣10:44 さざなみの音┗14:32 もふもふおかゆ〜0:15:47 耳ふ〜 / breath0:17:04 耳かき / earpick┗17:40 全否定おかゆん0:21:59 耳トントン / tapping┗23:26 車の音0:24:00 耳ふー / breath0:24:33 梵天 / Brahma0:32:02 耳トントン / tapping0:32:55 耳カリカリ / scratching0:33:31 耳トントン / tapping0:33:39 耳ふさぎ / covering ears0:34:00 耳トントン / tapping0:34:17 耳ふさぎ / covering ears0:34:27 耳かき / earpick┣35:05 ため息┗36:25 オノマトペ 0:41:44 梵天 / Brahma0:42:36 耳ふー / breath0:43:03 梵天 / Brahma0:44:47 耳トントン / tapping0:46:01 耳ふさぎ / covering ears0:46:41 耳かき / earpick0:49:19 梵天 / Brahma0:51:38 耳トントン / tapping0:53:15 耳ふさぎ / covering ears0:53:55 耳かき / earpick┗54:01 みんなのこと大好きだよ0:57:04 耳ふー / breath0:57:29 梵天 / Brahma0:59:37 耳トントン / tapping1:00:17 おわり / finish1:01:34 ツバ飲み / swallow1:01:53 スパチャ読み / reading superchat1:19:17 マイクの話 / about today’s microphone1:22:25 ツバ飲み / swallow1:24:55 ツバ飲み / swallow1:26:35 大丈夫 / no problem1:33:14 ツバ飲み / swallow1:37:04 チュッ / chu!梵天めっちゃ眠くなる〜〜〜
Right now, I’m glad that I’m alive and so are you.
Okayu : doing ASMR streamOur depression : adios
ASMR is so good I slept through most of the stream. Will have to watch again.
A great blessing for the first ASMR of the year, fantastic work there Okayu, and thank you for everything you do
I’m convinced that the people that hit the dislike button was by accident while rolling around in their sleep.If not we ganna have a problem
I’ve heard legends about how comfy and soothing this cat was. I never believed, until now. Thank you.
I never regret that falling into your soothing voice.
👍😉👌 I love this mogo mogu~
I always feel calmness and found ness from her ASMR it’s comforting
I’ve been watching Okayu’s ASMR for a week now. PERFECT TIMING!
I’ve actually found these really helpful in these stressful times.Thank you.
the sound of the AC compliments the humming of my PC
Otsukaresama~ Thank you for the relaxing ASMR okayu~ it really helps me to get rid of my stresses from quarantine, i will listen to it again when i’m going to sleep tonight~
Damn, a lot of the Hololive members are really good at doing ASMR content.
【ASMR】ほろ酔い耳かきしちゃうよ/Ear Cleaning【ホロライブ/猫又おかゆ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ もしかしたら手毬ASMRになっちゃうかも。;; 僕とみんなのお約束 ・コメント欄で不快なコメントは触れずにブロック ・迷惑になるので伝書鳩しない (他のライバーが僕の …
I can’t understand what she saidBut it’s okHer voice is cuteAnd that’s enough
I wish I could join the stream . But this is fine for me . A calming voice and a purr helped me sleep
You cannot grasp the true form of Okayu’s voice!
I LOVE your ASMR. Your whisper singing may be the best ASMR I have seen in a long time. Thank you for these
19:51 指掻き〜(好き)44:15 ボールペン
I feel much more relaxed going to sleep with your ASMR or regular Chat videos. Thank you, Okayu, you’re making my life better.
1:25 I literally get shocked twice
Wow, Compared to most of the other Hololive youtubers… This is perfect volume, Most of them are very loud from what I’ve heard on their live streams for asmr
Okayu’s voice is sent from the heavens
やばい…I shouldn’t have listened to this when doing paperwork
Okayu, i love your voice so much.
Thanks for the ASMR Okayu , it’s so relaxing , help me out with my homework time :3
I wish my Japanese was better, or that more people translated… I want to understand her words T^T But still, thank you, Okayu
23:58 52:21 56:14おかゆんの耳トントンとても落ち着く。好き。
Smug Neko ASMR perfect to start my day UwU
Okayu’s voice is surprisingly soothing.