
(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 27:56 からスバルちゃんが来てくれました ◇スバルちゃん YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzGlP9oQwU–Y0r9id_jnA …
SubaOka two handsome voices45:40 She used to be an adventurer just like all of you…2:05:48 Lucky Cat
The night talk with okayu was so chill, that can made energetic subaru become chill. I never know the chill side of subaru, but this stream showed us the another side of her. I feel happy for not missed the stream.
Lol xD I love how they seriously say “Happy Halloween” in Japan.
Okayu, you’re doing a great job living and breathing!
Just rewatched the stream, I love that Okayu suddenly stopped playing to pet her cat at 1:44:39
Listen to okayu while doing activities made you relax and comfy. But when it turned to SubaOka it getting more interesting. They just like twins, 2 person with the same thoughts who able to do neverending talk. They were the image of ideal friend.
SubaOka might the best radio in hololive, you can enjoyed it all day without gettin bored although dont understand them. They have good vibe that can recharge your energy when you are tired and give you positive energy.
Sudden Subaru collab was really fun~ Made me want to log into mc to start digging for diamonds too lol お疲れ様でした~Can’t wait for the upcoming stream!
Thank you so much for the stream. Have a good rest~ you cute neko <3
I never thought I’d be watching a friendship between a cat and a duck but here I am…
That Subaru’s deep voice, tho. This stream had too much handsome one-san vibe its like a gift. I’m definitely saving this lol
Okayu pace/flow is amazing , that was a great stream with Subaru, all the best and have a Happy Halloween everyone!
Very entertaining collab. Thank you for the stream!
Two of my favourite Hololive members collabing and being chill. Awesome!

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ ハッシュタグは #桃鉄みみおる ! ◇さくらみこ Twitter:https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35 …
1:57:20 I don’t need to understand what’s going on, their voices alone bring me joy
Thank you for the stream collab Okayu!!
I AM HERE!!! This game really is full of surprises… Okayu being the lowest in the game becoming the highest … Cats always wins!!! Miko making crying noises is cute though.That is all. Seeing the end result surprised me so much with how Okayu is so far ahead. As always, THANK YOU FOR THE STREAM!!!
We have a calm cat, a 0 yo baby, an elite, and a barfing cute wolf on this stream!
Thank you for amazing collaboration! I’m glad to see Luna had more collab with other member.
I had no idea what was going on, but the stream was fun and I really enjoyed it nonetheless. Thank you, Okayu, for bringing me endless joy!
Came late, but enjoyed it every second of it. Thank you!
これを神回と言わなかったら何が神回なのか アーカイブ勢 飛ばさず最初から見よう!
Ong i had absolutely no idea what was going on the whole time
48:20 今回の山場ここからの流れが勝敗を左右したと思われる
Understand nothing what they’re talking about or how the game work, but I know this stream was fun
オフコラボ配信お疲れさまでした~ 優勝おめでと~!おか虐かと思いきやみこ虐になったりミオ虐になったりしてめちゃ笑った(おかゆんが罰ゲーム受けるとこもちょっと見てみたかったり…)最後大逆転すごかった!猫しか勝たん!次も楽しみにしてます~!

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 寝起きで何にも書くこと思いつかない 本ゲームは Mojang に確認を得た上、Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) に基づいて配信・収益化を …
Thank you for the fun Minecraft stream! The aquarium is improving every time, & there were some funny moments today. Keep it up!
3:52:23 My ears are blessed.
Okayu has the most beautiful and calming voice, no doubt about it.
“Shiny Smily Story Special Soul”and then sora come out of nowhere lol
…I wonder what temanyan kensetsu would look likegreat stream!!!
おやすみおかゆありがとお for the stream and that sneeze at the end is beyond kawaiii
That sneeze at the end, so cute…
Blessed sneeze at the end 🙏
素敵な放送をありがとう。Mogu~Mogu~. . .
i come here for my “SOUL” godblessed okayu at the end ~ love her voice
Okayu, you’re doing a great job living and breathing!おかゆ、あなたは生きて呼吸する素晴らしい仕事をしています!
Otsukare~ Thanks for relaxing minecraft gameplay today Okayu Its getting cold recently so please take care yourself See you on the next stream and have a good rest
Types of okayuMastermind : play with your mind, counter your plan, and made you fall to her plan.Hunter : hunting fish in another world to put them into her aquarium.Miner : mining everything and made endless chamber.Farmer : stole your goods, but still take responsibility to replant.Explorer : explore your house, farm, even new world.Creator : made her own room bigger and more comfy than the one who made the house.Luck stealer : never do gacha thing near okayu, she will steal your luck and make it her.Harem protagonis : she steal everyone’s heart, no matter you are men or women.
Okayu bgm = relaxOkayu voice = soothingWatch okayu = made you relax, recharge you mood and energy after daily activities, help you get better quality of sleep.All i need is just peace and calming things and okayu give me more than i need.Okayu sora ship sailed!Get your double blessed sneeze at the end of stream.
Noooooo at last moment Okayu chan spread LOVE 19 to me… Now i’m sick in love…
I enjoyed the stream as always! Best stress reliever. I love you so much okayu you helped me so much in life, your voice helps calm my anxiety and I thank you for that! Keep doing your best!!
Meow Meow Tail🐈【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ ふにゃんふにゃ~~ん ‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ 猫又おかゆ 60万人記念ボイス販売中 ‣販売ページ …
Relationship ended with jiggle physics, now tail physics are my best friend
Okayu: **Shake her tail and hips, turn around and gave us a smug***Everyone like that*
*Me, just realizing right now that Okayu’s hood ALSO has cat ears:* “That’s too much power for one being to have!”
Plot twist: this was what ollie was dreaming about when she was asleep
I don’t know why but that “heh” with that face made me laugh so hard
Okayu: wiggles her tail and says “heh”*Everyone liked that*
This is it, welcome to the future of entertainment comrades.
First Kaichou’s mesmerising tail, now Okayu’s cute bouncy tail.and that grin at the endmy heart-
We can’t defeat this Neko. Her Combo is too Dangerous. The way she Moves her Hips. And Smug. Nobody Survived that -Deadly- Diabetic Combo.
**Marine approves**butKorone: **angry dog noises** STOP STARING AT MY OKAYU
“i have no regrets”-some random weeb who just dead form cuteness
*Her cat hips don’t lie*
Me watches thisDepression: I die, thank you forever
This is probably the most “culture internet” video of all time : We have cat, anime girl, cat girl and okayu
“Cat doing cat things”Sounds about right
love how cute this is. makes my day a bit brighter. ありがと~
POV: You are korone trying to sneak up from behind Okayu
That smile got me laughing so hard and i don’t even know why lol
【雑談】2人で配信ですよどうも🍙🥐【 #おかころ /ホロライブ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ まったり雑談じゃ~~~~! おかころへのおたよりを募集してます! https://forms.gle/JezVCjgG4dKDYNb19 戌神ころね …
Blood sugar levels- low – medium/normal- high- okakoro teetee ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ
i almost missed the stream since i slept through most of it
配信お疲れ様でした!EN context for VOD watchers: Okakoro hype! Okakoro decided to do a just chatting stream with us today, which I think is their first stream together just the two of them since late December/early January. In the morning (last night for overseas viewers) Okayu tweeted a link (which Koro-san later retweeted) where fans could submit questions and topics for them to talk about during the stream. o7 translators in chat!OkaKoro is life, it is always going to be a great day when these two stream together! There might be other pairs in Hololive but once you read up on the history these two have with each other that they’ve been kind enough to share with viewers in the past, you realize just how special of a bond they have with each other. Seeing Okayu and Koro-san talk laugh and have fun together is a blessing, and something I am always excited for each time a collab is coming up. Thanks for the lovely stream girls ^-^I look forward to the next stream!
OkaKoro: *begins stream*Me: Aww… They didn’t do the thing…OkaKoro: 1:22:02Me: *gasp* They did the thing!
OkaKoro is love, OkaKoro heals my soul~ ♥I want to see their smile and hear them laugh together forever~ =w=
Gracias por el stream Okakoro, ha estado marivilloso
Always love some good Okakoro moments. Love you two personally since I found Hololive. Best couple ever.32:52- check it, check it44:03- Korone san laugh gets me every time.51:11- tee tee too strong.1:03:49- last question, Korone san: Yada,Yada,Yada.Also not sure if I was seeing this in chat but pls do an Okakoro ASMR. Now that would be a blessing.
finally its been a long time since the last Okakoro stream and when okakoro stream come its always teetee, to much sugar actually lol thankyou for the okakoro stream!!
Im so confused but i stay until this teetee stream end, i understand nothing but this is heartwarming.Help me forget this cruel world for while and gimme many smiles during the livestream.
Haven’t watched it since childhood, but this has to be, hands down, the best season of CatDog.
OkaKoro was the best couple ever in my memory, because they’re so cute and adorable together will make me dying forever~
That incredible ending was a 10/10. Thank you, OkaKoro for making every day you stream worth living. You two are my favorite couple and I cannot show you just how grateful I am for all the joy you two have brought me. You two are the best and I wish you nothing but the best life has to offer. Never stop being cute together! Love you both!
Okakoro forever, thank you for the stream okakoro!!
OkaKoro always makes my day <( ̄︶ ̄)> 11:10 was my fav moment
1:08:29 ころねの持っていたコーラ以上甘いよ!!!
ふむ。わかりました。おかころは実に正義だ。 二人ともお疲れ様でした!てぇxてぇすぎて浄化しましたぁぁー これからもおかころを応援するよ!
Okayu and korone laugh togetherJapanese : kusaConfused me : kawaiinee futari tomo ❤️
I have rewatched this so many times and my face is now stuck in smiling positionI’m very glad OkaKoro Teetee being the reason of my vtuber addiction since 2019Thank you OkaKoro!!! おかころしか勝ったん!
This stream was lovely. It was just so good. Thank you for the stream OkaKoro!