- 기계없이! 김밥말이로! 생파스타 만들기! (다 있는 재료!! 정말 쉬운 스파게티면 레시피, Fresh Pasta Recipe)…
- 꽃 계란말이 만들기 (계란말이 예쁘게 만드는 법, 예쁜 요리 달걀말이 도시락 싸기, 분홍 소세지, flower egg roll recipe)…
- 베이글 만들기 (종이컵 밥숟가락 계량, 쉬운 빵 만들기, 노버터 손반죽 간단 홈베이킹, 에어프라이어도 가능한 발효빵) how to make bagel…
- 스콘 만들기(숟가락 종이컵 계량,쉬운 홈 베이킹,레시피,간단 디저트 빵,에어프라이어 가능,노오븐)how to make scone司康饼…
- 5분 뚝딱! 촉촉한 블루베리 머핀 만들기 (간단하고 맛있는 컵케이크 레시피!! Blueberry Muffin Recipe)…
- 정말 맛있는 크림치즈빵 만들기 (간단하고 쉬운 베이킹 레시피 How to make Cream Cheese Bread)…
- 버터갈릭새우(간단요리,5분완성,와인안주,쉬림프박스) Butter garlic shrimp 黄油蒜虾…
- 예쁘게 김밥 만들기 (꽃김밥, 간단한 재료, 쉬운 요리 레시피, 피크닉 도시락 싸기, How to make Korean Gimbap)…
- 우유를 구워 먹는 방법 (에그타르트 탈을 쓴 우유 구이 만들기!! 초간단 쉬운 간식, How to make Baked Milk Pudding)…
- [오븐없이!] 화덕에 구운 것 같은 감자치즈빵! (후라이팬으로 맛있는 빵 만들기, Potato Cheese Bread)
- 오븐없이! 기계없이! 쉽고 맛있는 커스터드 팬 빵 만들기 (Custard Cream Pancake)
- 크림 가득! 믿고 만드는 완벽한 입호강 디저트 (에클레어 만들기, Perfect Eclair Recipe)
- 폭신 말랑 버블빵 만들기 (한입 쏙~부드러운 무반죽 빵, 틀없이!! Bubble Bread Recipe)
- 처음 보는 풍선 감자튀김 만들기 (재미있어! 맛있어! 근데 쉬워~! How to make French Fries)
- 실패없는 슈크림 슈 만들기 (무조건 성공, 빵집 부럽지 않아요, 홈베이킹 레시피, 커스터드 크림 만드는 법, Cream Puffs)
[오븐없이!] 화덕에 구운 것 같은 감자치즈빵! (후라이팬으로 맛있는 빵 만들기, Potato Cheese Bread)
![(c) 식탁일기 table diary [오븐없이!] 화덕에 구운 것 같은 감자치즈빵! (후라이팬으로 맛있는 빵 만들기, Potato Cheese Bread) [오븐없이!] 화덕에 구운 것 같은 감자치즈빵! (후라이팬으로 맛있는 빵 만들기, Potato Cheese Bread) (c) 식탁일기 table diary](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UCemFUqq5jad1f258HrPS5rg/d3sdpcaMbPk.jpg)
(c) 식탁일기 table diary 오븐도 필요 없고 이스트도 필요 없는 누구나 만들 수 있는 맛있는 빵! [감자치즈빵] [Potato Cheese Bread] [재료] 강력분 90g 우유 55g 녹인 무염 버터 10g 소금 한 …
The bread your mother makes when you finally decide to start a diet
i made this with minced garlic and italian herb blend infused into the dough. Was outstanding. Served with crushed tomato fresh italian pizza sauce thickened with parmesan.
Just made it today and it tasted so gooood. The exterior was crispy and reminds me of a pita. Added garlic & honey and it was really good. I would definitely add bacon in the potato next time!!
I just made this and it looks just like the one made in the video. Tastes amazing, great texture. Not so low fat mind you. Will definitely make again. Great recipe and very thorough instructions!
If you need a conversion to cups it would be 3/4 Bread Flour, 1/4 Milk, and just under a tablespoon of butter, your welcome!
the torture when u r watching this while there is nothing to eat
this looks so good! reminds me of a type of griddle fried bread we have here in the hebrides that sometimes has potato in it 😊
Listening on headphones, and the audio makes me feel like you do when you’ve had like 3 hours of sleep in the last 72🤣
This looks incredible! Might have to try and make a gluten free version, even though it will probably fall apart!
This must taste even greater with caramelized onions and some chopped parsley/oregano. Will try!!!
Saw how much cheese and thought “that’s way too much cheese!” They then proceeded to put even more!
That dip at the end was a big surprise, I love it!
Процветания вашему каналу🌹🌹🌹 замечательная находка, очень рада что в рекомендациях увидела ваши рецепты 👏🏼супер🔥🔥🔥
OMG this looks so freakin good. I’m drooling over here
The struggle when you’re on a diet and your recommendations are full of videos about foods 😭😂
We couldn’t get enough of this! Incredibly delicious
Just made it , honestly it’s really good but make sure to cook it long enough , mine was not perfect but will try again another time ! Enjoy this recipe guys 😉
Балкарские хычины в том числе и с мёдом едят)) Картошка и сыр одна из разновидностей начинки) Визитная карточка Кабардино-Балкарской республики, очень вкусно)
That looks AMAZING! Thank you for posting💕
Currently making it. I will edit with results.Edit: dough a little sticky, but it worked. Make sure the potato is not too big. Delicious, will make it again with ham or garlic.
오븐없이! 기계없이! 쉽고 맛있는 커스터드 팬 빵 만들기 (Custard Cream Pancake)

(c) 식탁일기 table diary 오븐없이!! 기계없이!! 뚝딱 만들기!! [커스터드 빵] [재료] 4~5개 ▷반죽 박력분 또는 중력분 180g 계란 2개 우유 200g 설탕 30g 소금 2g 식용유 30g 베이킹파우더 3g …
Thank for sharing, I will try it.
Wow the pancake looks so spongy. Very mouth-watering. I would crave for one as my mid night snack. Thanks for sharing
This isn’t cooking. This is art.💜
In Indonesia we have something similar to that its called “martbak manis”. We would add a chocolate sprinkles, shredded cheddar cheese,condensed milk and nuts as a topping.
The sponge still looks doughy after cooking. Is it supposed to be?Also, are you supposed to put the custard into the fridge while it’s still hot from the stove, or cool it down first?
I have an �bleskiver pan I could make these with. Incredible idea!
Love this, love these cooking videos with NO talking and NO music just the sound of the making of, so calming; can’t wait to make this, looks delicious, from NYC
So I bought an egg pan because I accidentally watched this yesterday. And dude, it looks delicious, so I’m gonna try it later 🤤💛💛
Amei a receita ❤️
Here in Indonesia its called martabak manis or terang bulan 😂 We use chocolate sprinkles and cheese or even nutella for the filling 💕
Hummmm ! Amo esse doce ! Na minha cidade tem uma feira japonesa, aqui se chama bolachinha de creme !Me acabo ! Amooo
You did a great job indeed! One can learn a lot from your videos. Continue making great videos like this and you can count on my support for each of the next videos. Just go on with filming, it will certainly pay you off as you possess a great talent. Greetings
Adorei muito bom!❤
dios se ve genial, ahora los voy a hacer y los cubro de chocolate HAHAHAHAHA
You always learn something new when it comes to the world of cooking.
Nossa incr�vel amei
The perfection 😍😍😍😍
we have a pan like that and never use it for something like this, worth a try! Looks really good too
크림 가득! 믿고 만드는 완벽한 입호강 디저트 (에클레어 만들기, Perfect Eclair Recipe)

(c) 식탁일기 table diary 에클레어는 프랑스어로 ‘섬광’이라는 뜻입니다 너무 맛있어서 일순간 사라지는 섬광처럼 빠르게 먹어 치운다는 의미가 있습니다 맛은 우리가 즐겨먹는 슈크림 슈와 …
Wow it looks so delicious and yummy 👍
apaixonada por este canal. cada receita melhor que a outra. Gratid�o por compartir.
Hum que delicia amooo suas receitas sao praticas e bem elaboradas 🥰❤🧡
I remember when I was a kid everytime after swimming I’d buy one and it was life!
Удивительные пирожные !!! Очень вкусные, люблю такие,
Благодарю Вас! Вы замечательный кулинар!
Bomba! Simplesmente isso. Achei que era outra coisa hahahah
🌻além de delicioso, seu vídeo é muito fofo de assistir!🇧🇷
Шикарные эклеры!! Отлично!!
Eu sou apaixonada por esse doce!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Incrível adorei 👏👏👏
Профессиональная съёмка, красиво сняли видео, и эклеры наверное вкусные получились .Спасибо за рецепт попробую сделать.
WUOllll!!! BOMBA!!!! Quando estava esperando minha filha, engordei 20 kilos comendo BOMBA!! Amo!! Mas nunca tinha visto a receita!! Vou fazer com certeza, gratid�o por compartilhar!!
Deve ser uma delícia 😋😋😋😋, obrigada, um abraço de Curitiba PR
Gosto de suas receitas do seu jeito de ensinar. Gosto de ouvir o som de todos os alimentos rs, gosto de vc sem nunca ter visto vc. Sou sua f� parab�ns!!!!
Как хорошо без музыки! Спасибо!!!
Lindo trabalho. Vídeo ficou ótimo , anotei a receita e dicas na descrição. Muito obrigada! ❤️🇧🇷
Thank you, this is my favorite! You make it so simple to follow the instructions!
폭신 말랑 버블빵 만들기 (한입 쏙~부드러운 무반죽 빵, 틀없이!! Bubble Bread Recipe)

(c) 식탁일기 table diary 하나 둘 뜯어 한입 쏙~ [버블브레드] [Bubble Bread Recipe] [재료] [Ingredients] 강력분 200g 우유 170g 설탕 20g 이스트 3g 소금 2g 녹인 무염버터 10g [TIP] 여름철 …
It takes skills to make a recipe video with1) a good recipe2) easy to follow directions3) an amazing aesthetic Great job!
Tip for those that want to make this recipe: don’t overmix the dough.To get bread with this kind of texture without additives, you’ll want to mix just until everything is incorporated so that you don’t strengthen the dough. The longer you mix bread, the tougher it becomes unless you add a conditioner or something but even then, the texture of the bread won’t be as airy.
omg you’re so amazing Once again you’re creating food like it’s supposed to taste vs the 99% of processed food that tastes yuck
Muito lindo!!! Parab�ns!
Me deu água na bocaSou de Curitiba PR 🌺💗Brasil
Je vais réalisé tout de suite cette merveilleuse recette ❤ Merci pour le partage 😘
Спасибо за переаод обязательно приготовлю большое спасибочки!
This looks so nice and fluffy! Is it possible to make a dairy-free version of this? I have someone in my family who can’t consume dairy products unfortunately… Mainly can the milk be replaced with some other plant-based product?
Fico impressionado com qualidade… Amo esse canal
Ficou lindooo❤️❤️❤️
Wow, that bread really looks so soft and fluffy! Thank you for sharing this recipe 🙂
I made these tonight, but vegan (soy milk and non-dairy butter): incredible! Thanks for the recipe!
A: Ugh! My my hands are gonna be so messy after making this!!B: There’s no-knead for that.
Lovely! We make the same and stuff each with cheese such as Kiri, then pour Syrup after its backed.
Luckily had a kitchen scale so I can convert the measurements:) my kids loved these and they were all eaten before dinner even began. 😂 next time I want try a garlic butter mixture and see how that tastes 🙂
I’ve made the bubble bread yesterday, it’s by far the best fluffiest, lightest bread I ever had. I will never change recipe. Thank you ‘table diary’ for this incredible recipe💛
lovable�= adorable = When the dough is soft, it has done.When it reaches twice the size, it is complete.And then drain the gas.Zen its adorable that he understand what to do.
What an awesome presentation…..we wonder, how nicely you have explained your thoughts in your share…..it is our pleasure to watch your video and to clap for these wonderful moments, what we have spent with you, dear friend…..keep going on…..keep sharing….keep rocking….have done ” watched ” ..we are always there with you with our love, support and good wishes………
*In india we have a kind of bun called Pav*It so cute that this bread is looking like exactly tiny pav’s joined together
Ol�. Muito obrigada por nos ensinar t�o bem. Fa�o suas receitas e elas sempre d�o certo! Gratid�o! Abra�os do Brasil
처음 보는 풍선 감자튀김 만들기 (재미있어! 맛있어! 근데 쉬워~! How to make French Fries)

(c) 식탁일기 table diary 재미있어! 맛있어! 근데 쉬워~!! [감자튀김] [French fries] [재료] 감자 옥수수 전분 계란 #감자튀김 #감자요리 #감자칩만들기 Trans: French Fries | Bubble Potato …
So delicious, thanks for sharing
Preparing time: 2 hoursEating time: 2 mins🙄🤪😂😋😋😋😋
Это просто превосходно, СПАСИБО большое.🌺
Great video. In the UK, they’re called potato puffs – cheap to buy in a bag, but I’ve always wondered how they made them, so this was very interesting. I might try your recipe, as home-made is often more satisfying.
Bueno por lo que veo no hay ningún comentario en español, y déjemeles decirles que encontramos la forma de los Doritos 3D pero en vez de maíz son de papa y rectangulares JAJAJA la verdad es que es super fácil hacer esto con cualquier otro tubérculo, incluso camote (papa dulce), yo lo he hecho de arroz (lo mas común es el rollo primavera / rollo chino), zanahoria (añadiendo almidón en polvo) y para una próxima vez lo hare de jícama (que es otro tubérculo pero es dulce por lo cual se le considera una “planta fruta”) 🤩
Это ппц люди! Я даже стесняюсь спросить, это сколько же времени надо что бы поиграть в эту чепуху? А в конце аж рука трясется когда тянется к чипсам))
Boa tarde! Nossa que receita foi essa meu Deus que del�cia batata ficou um croc croc arrasou!
Супер, шикарно,спасибо.
Those aren’t really French fries, they’re potato chips.
So creative. I’ve never seen potatoes done like this. Great job 👍
Now Lays is going to put even more air to their chips
나머지짜투리 부분은 어떻게 활용하셧는지궁금하네요
I subscribed today!! Hello from South Florida!! These look amazing. I’m not a great cook, so easy is my thing. TFS 💜💕🙏
lays potato chips packet is made in same way : 99% airThank you so much for 1k likes it is the first time I have ever got🙏🙏 mission complete
Bah,que del�cia!Vou fazer certo!
Im just impressed by how perfect u made everything. Perfect shapes, perfectly cooked… U really take the time and put in the effort. 👏💪
Why is everyone so salty about it being called French fries LOOK AT THIS AMAZING CREATION AND PRAISE THE CREATOR JEEZ
Now this is something unique and impressive ✌🏻
YES…. It looks crispy. I have given the name PATATO PILLOWS. ❤️
와 엄청난 아이디어 언젠가 편의점에 출시해도 이상하지 않은 비주얼이네요!
실패없는 슈크림 슈 만들기 (무조건 성공, 빵집 부럽지 않아요, 홈베이킹 레시피, 커스터드 크림 만드는 법, Cream Puffs)

(c) 식탁일기 table diary 해보면 정말 쉬운 슈크림 슈 만들기~ [슈크림 슈] [How to make Cream Puffs] [재료] (슈반죽) 박력분 60g, 무염버터 40g, 물 100ml, 소금 2g, 계란 2개 (커스터드 크림) …
Me being lazy would probably just dip the puffs in the cream
I just made these today and they were amazing! The recipe doubled pretty well and the instructions and the process were pretty straightforward. The only thing I would do different is to add a little vanilla to the cream. Great recipe!
Recipe in cups for those who don’t have a scale:1/2cup flour2tbsp butter100ml water1/3tsp salt (between 1/4 and 1/2 tsp)2eggscustard:2yolks1/4cup sugar1/8 cup or 2tbsp flour200ml milkwhipped cream:150ml cream1 1/4 tbsp sugar
I just made these and they’re DELICIOUS!!! I would however, add a generous amount of vanilla paste and make the custard and the cream before you make the puffs, because the custard will take a long time to cool.
I was amazed at how big they got and they sound crunchy!! Can’t wait to try this ❤️
I made this around midnight because i was heartbroken and thought that this would cheer me up. Ended up finished making everything at 4 am and regretted it. but it was super delicious, even when the filling was too loose
That is the perfect amount filling!!!!! My dream would be to have 2 different fillings, this one, nutella and a dark chocolate raspberry of some sort.
Omg these are so nostalgic for me! My grandma used to make them.They are soooo good!
I just made these and omggggg SO SO SOOOOO DELICOUS!!!!!! I absolutely lovedddddddd the cream inside, though I added a little bit of vanilla extract to the cream for more flavour (I was looking through the comments if there was anything that could be added to the recipe) ^-^ thank you so much for the recipe!!
Yay! I made it and I’m doing it for the 2nd time now! I didn’t expect that it will be actually not that hard😍💕 Love it
I made them. Damn harder than I thought but I’m a bloody beginner in baking 😅I also added a little bit vanilla to the cream They’re so tasty !
The aesthetic, the thickness of cream, the crunchiness, everything about this is heaven 😭
I can’t believe how good these turned out. I’m not a great chef and I had to convert it to standard but Wow!
Obrigada pela legenda em português (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
레시피 진짜 감사합니다ㅠ식탁일기님 영상이 만들기 제일 쉽고 레시피도 정리가 잘돼있어서 너무 좋아요ㅠ
Ahh love these kind of recipes ! No BGM just real mixing pouring sounds 😌
I tried this recipe yesterday and it turned out well! Instead of adding 55gr of sugar in the custard cream, I added 1 tsp of vanilla and only add 45gr of sugar (because i don’t like extremely sweet sweets!) Tasted amazing!!!
Que perfei��o!!
Love how you teach carefully n sincerely. A good teacher!
I feel like these creampuffs could solve all my life problems