- ペルソナ5 PV#03…
- 2/20発売【ペルソナ5 スクランブル】オープニングムービー…
- 『キャサリン・フルボディ』プロモ―ション映像…
- 『ペルソナ5 スクランブル』PV#01…
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- 『世界樹の迷宮X(クロス) 』 PV#01…
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- 『ペルソナ』オープニングムービー…
- 【P4U2】マリー…
ペルソナ5 PV#01

(c) atlustube ペルソナシリーズナンバリング最新作『ペルソナ5』最新映像! 2016年夏、PlayStation 3&PlayStation 4同時発売予定。 http://persona5.jp/
Atlus, you actually delivered on the hype. You’re amazing.
This trailer made me realise how bland and uninteresting the visual design is in most modern games. This easily beats the competition in that regard.
Day 3 of watching the Persona 5 trailer: still keeping a good pace by watching it at least a thousand times per day
I can’t wait for the release of Persona 5 Royal!
Atlus you please me
I remember how painful the wait was.
So I’ve watched this a total of 60 times and liked to point out that the HYPE is real for Persona, I’ll be expecting at least a huge amount of newcomers owning Persona 5. That view count though lol
that… is… AWSOME!!! So cool I can not wait! Good job!! 信じられないよ。すごいいいぃぃぃ!!毎日このトレーラーを見て。。。もうしたいよ!待つこと出来ないよ。。。エウロ人ですけど。。。もし日本にもっと早く発売すれば、日本ヴァションにしようと思います。お疲れ様です!!!!みんなこの高級ゲームを待ってます。まだ日本のゲーム(物語、絵、方法)自分の魅力あると思います。西ゲームと比べません。日本勝った!!!!!!
I came from the futureThe game is a *masterpiece*
2014 Trailer: Adorable child. Must protect him and help him make friends ~u w u2015 Trailer: DAMN son ur illegal PROTECT ME
Yo the Persona 5 Royal trailer has nowhere near as many views, yet only a 5k gap in likes..And it dropped yesterday.*Atlus, well done, just well done.*
No words can describe my love for this trailer
I work in game retail. I have set aside one of the TV in the store just to loop this trailer over and over again. More people need to know about this.
【ペルソナ4 ダンシング・オールナイト】主題歌「Dance!」 公開!

(c) atlustube ペルソナシリーズに新ジャンル、Pサウンドアクション登場! PlayStation®Vita専用ソフト「ペルソナ4 ダンシング・オールナイト」 主題歌「Dance!」 リリックムービーを公開!
How much blood can we squeeze from this P4 stone? Naoto on-rails arcade shooter! Teddie platformer spin-off!P4 Kart Racing “I’ll Race Myself”(i’d play all of these, damn it)
I’m gonna be honest, I think I watched this more than the Persona 5 trailer.
I thought I didn’t care about a Persona music game, but now I not sure and completely confused.
This song is actually by the SMT IV composer. I really am starting to think he’s under appreciated.
サビのNot a dayからほんとすこ
This songs gonna play at my wedding
US RELEASE DATE, DAMMIT!Okay, re-reading that as Kanji gave me a chuckle.
Screw Fanbase debates and arguments. I JUST WANNA DANCE MY CARES AWAY!!
this makes me want to dance harder than the epileptic kid
「Dance!」歌:平田志穂子 作詞:Benjamin FranklinGot me something true nowI’m not looking anymoreThe times of fakin’love are through nowSharing real connection’s what we’re made forCome on, let go of the remoteDon’t you know you’re letting all the junk flood in?I try to stop the flow, double-clicking on the go,but it’s no use hey, I’m being consumedAnd I went with the flow, double trouble on the go,Posers kept posing, I’m opposing against these foesPlease know I’m the roses that grew outFrom the concrete jungleNot a day goes by without me thinking ‘bout theWay the world stopped mid-motionWhen you walked into my life and we connectedLike we’d shared the same mad potionCouldn’t help but move,The threads of fate had spun upInto each other’s lives by chanceAll this energy’s got us inspired now,We couldn’t stop it, just set it free and … Dance!We got something strong nowWe’re not hiding anymoreThe times of phony love are gone nowOnly special friends come in through our doorYes live a real life don’t be possessed by whoeverNo time to waste keep on movingWhether on or off the beat, it don’t matterif you never give upLife keeps on groovingEmbrace a heartbeat and step to it step to ifConnect with it hold it tight spider web to itTold you onceAin’t nobody hold me downNot a day goes by without me feeling thankful‘bout our profound devotingSince you walked into my life and all around meEverything just stopped mid-motionLike a high wire act, no compromise with truth, theRadiant intensity we shareAll this energy’s got us inspired now,Wanna dance wanna share this magic bondLike we’d shared the same mad potionWhen you walked into my life and we connectedLike we shared a magic danceStraight away, going my wayLet the nonchalant be commandant to themselvesbut we are taking overMaking over the lame shame claim they make,game’s overIs it a spell or magic? Imagine what happensDifferent age different passionWhat I’m asking I can’t call it, if I ain’t got my crew Iwon’t be dancingSo baby go for it, feel the vibeGonna touch down make this diveIt keeps me alive the melody the flow the beat theHeart together we rideAll this energy’s got us inspired now.We couldn’t stop it, just set it free and …Dance!
0:05 HAHAHAHAHAHA “there’s another one”YOU’RE DARN RIGHT LOTUS JUICE. 4th P4 spinoff in like 3 years. XD
ペルソナ5 オープニングアニメーション

(c) atlustube Production I.Gが手掛けるオープニングアニメーションを公開! オープニングテーマと合わせてお楽しみください。 2016年 9月15日、PlayStation®4 & PlayStation®3 同時 …
Lyn’s voice is love. Lyn’s voice is life. Everyone saying otherwise needs to clean their ears out and try again later.
I will now rewatch this over and over and over until release date! 😀
Lyrics time:Who am I?Am I not unique?May be I’m not here at allLook, the fakersBlinding us with liesThe breakers of us allOh, it’s useless!(Do you know what to do, huh?)What could it mean that we’re here?(What does it all mean?)Can we make a difference?(Can we really make a difference?)If we don’t break outta here?Wake up, get up, get out thereRaise your voice against liarsFeed your anger like fireWhy does nobody want change?Just imagine you’re out thereSwatting lies in the makingCan’t move fast without breakingIf you hold on life won’t change
The exaggerated swagger of an asian teen
Yep… this one is more fluid. Still cant wait for P5R though.
The most interesting thing I find about this opening is that it shows relatively little spoilers. If I remember correctly, there’s at least two party members that aren’t shown in this opening.
The hype is real, the hype is strongTrust in Atlus you can’t go wrong
It looks like they shoved in Haru, Makoto, and Futaba, at the last moment.
Futaba looks like a badass is the new clip. Love it.
ペルソナ5 PV#04

(c) atlustube ペルソナシリーズナンバリング最新作『ペルソナ5』PV#04公開! 2016年 9月15日、PlayStation®4 & PlayStation®3 同時発売! http://persona5.jp/
Fantastic. Really glad to see there are other party members besides the main four we’ve already seen. Also, more ladies = more hearts to break.
This looks so fucking amazing can not wait
Persona! I can’t wait to play this in September, then again in February! 🙂
PLEASE tell me we’ll be getting this in North America not too long after the Japanese release!
Every time my hype for this game dies down, these trailers just get me excited all over again!Except, I still have to wait for another 5.5 months… *sigh*
The protagonist is a thief but still does part time workbruh
I’m always just a little more happy when P1 and P2 get referenced. : )
Persona 3 – Annoying NavigatorPersona 4 – Idol NavigatorPersona 5 – Hacker NavigatorPersona 6 – *SNIPER NAVIGATOR*
This game looks like a work of love. It has so much character.
I hereby offer my wallet and all of it’s content for this year’s JRPG releases.
Maybe if I keep watching, the game will come sooner.
On the trending section of YouTube. Persona is certainly something now.
I can’t stop watching T_T
Somewhere Pat’s excitement is going off the charts while taking some crack
11/29発売!!【ペルソナQ2 ニュー シネマ ラビリンス】オープニングアニメ

(c) atlustube 2018年11月29日(木) 発売。予約受付中! ペルソナシリーズ最新作RPG、「ペルソナQ2 ニュー シネマ ラビリンス」 オープニングアニメを大公開! 公式サイトはこちら→ …
Ryuuji: So what’s you guys’ story?Yosuke: There’s someone using their Persona abilities for murder, and we’re trying to find them.Akechi: +chokes+
Does anyone else find it cute that Akira is doing small gestures and trying to sing along at the beginning of the video?
P3: ima shoot myselfP4: let’s play unoP5: where’s my poker board damnit?!
The combination is so good
Morgana: Joker, why do you jump off of roofs so much?Ren: For the a e s t h e t i c
Therapist: Kamoshida doesn’t exist he can’t hurt youKamoshida: 0:50Me: *SCREAM*
Orpheus-FireIzanagi-LightningArsene-Evil Dark Blood Wire of Eternal Suffering
Persona is like Pokemon except you don’t pick the starter, the starter picks you.
Minato: Quiet, depressed kid who murmurs how “we’ll all die someday”.Yu: Literal chad in the classroom who pretty much bangs everyone including the teachers.Ren: Chill kid who everyone likes, but can’t talk to anyone without being overdramatic.
Kamoshidaman: *Starts rapping*Makoto: *shoots himself*This is the appropriate reaction.
They should really turn Persona Q into its own anime series, like how Isekai Quartet does it
The door, the chair, and the chad.
P3: i’ll shoot my selfP4:C A R DP5:ripping maskP6: *STANDO POWAH*
0:16 I just realized that he gestures the persona summonings/awakenings from the 3 games.
Has anyone noticed that Minako is all alone in this opening? I feel kinda sad for her for some reason
1:23 The 3 protagonists all triple T-pose to establish *MAXIMUM DOMINANCE*
I’m very curious as to how they’re going to handle Pancakes in this game.
Can we just talk about how stylish this intro is, like goddamn
『ペルソナ4 ザ・ゴールデン』 オープニングムービー

(c) atlustube PlayStationVita用ソフト『ペルソナ4 ザ・ゴールデン』のOPです。 公式サイトはコチラ http://p-atlus.jp/p4g/ 【ペルソナ4 ザ・ゴールデン】○ジャンル:RPG …
There is no official artwork for P5 yet. No there isn’t.
I like how all the previous Persona’s were dark, and then we have this….
Cannot believe they actually released this on the PC. When I saw that P4G banner on the front page of Steam I was stunned, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Thank you Atlus
Theory: the reason why Atlus takes so long between announcement trailer and showing actual gameplay is because they’re too busy jamming out in hq
And that kids is how we got Persona 4 Dancing All Night.
This is even tripper than Persona 3 Portable’s intro.And that’s saying a lot.
I wish they’d port this to PS4/Switch, since I’d hate to see a lot of these games fall into inaccessibility.
Love how Teddie’s wearing his gag glasses near the end.
for a more depressing version of the song put the speed to 0.5
Lyrics:Truth is elusive, it’s nowhere to be foundYeah, the truth can never be writtenDown, it’s not in any magazine, you can’t seeIt on your TV screenTruth is evasive, though you might have the factsGot it straight, you think but then it allCracks wide open, you can search the world far and wideThe only truth that you can ever findIs in another, a soul that’s got the same burning needTo find out what’s ‘neath the cover upThe one can’t be without the true otherSo let’s get together, see what we can uncoverOne that defines your world, gives you truth and lifeOne that excels, special enough to guide your way throughThe shadow world
i never skip the intro to this game
“why isn’t this video game about high school serious for serious people like me”
All these years later and they still aren’t giving narukami a break. Every other game has him in it.
In the first half: Ye this looks wholesomeShows dead bodies hanging: Oh yeeaa people died in this
Friendly reminder that this game is about murder