
(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 100万人記念にはじめての凸待ち! これは中々地獄の予感… ~説明~ ホストワくんの姉妹店で俺もお店を持つことに なりました。俺の名前は猫又 おか斗… ホストワ …
Okato being an absolute chad until she gets mogged by Marikemen. The most original and entertaining totsumachi I’ve seen so far.
Ikemen Okayu makes me sweat… Not to mention senchou as well O.o
Unexpected members visited Okayu’s host club. This is an invaluable collaboration streaming.
this prolly one of the best stream ever lmao need more Okato in the future
So, no one talk about Subaru’s Orochimaru impression ? 草
Subaru’s manly voice is top tier
30:36 ayame become wild31:34 Peak chaos
I’m so glad that this stream overlapped with the 2nd Gen get together
What an amazing stream. I laughed at every bit of the stream. And that ending was really unexpected. Thanks for the amazing stream. Also i really love Okato’s voice. 大好きだ!!お疲れ様でした!
Towa’s deep voice really does wonders to my kokoro
lol the ending is beautiful
お疲れ様でした!This type of Okayu voice is the best i’ll loop this GOLDEN stream infinitely!Thank you for the stream Okato-kun!I love you!
Thanks for yet another quality stream . All of it was golden and blessed. Really been spoiling us Onigiryaa lately
Okayu is just like Haruhi from ouran high school host club. A natural rookie.
I thought the setting was that this is ocata’s first day of work didn’t expect him to be so……experienced
This stream like an anime story about a bunch of girls pretending become boys and suddenly all get amnesia then they’re making love each other
The whole stream is so chaotic i love it xD
hope someone translate that Aqua/Shion appearance xD died
Gotta love how Okato-kun sounds so god dam handsome
【ASMR】今月も君の耳をチェックします👂/ Ear Cleaning【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ かきかきしちゃう! ‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ 活動二周年記念グッズ販売中 可愛いアクスタや …
I love your ASMRs, Okayu! Your voice is so nice, I could listen to you forever.
I AM HERE!!! Been awhile since I listened to an ASMR stream and I say hearing Okayu talk really makes me so sleepy that I have to forcefully stay awake just so I can continue hearing her voice. That is all! Okayu’s voice really is so calming. As always, THANK YOU FOR THE STREAM!!!
Thank you for the ASMR stream Okayu!Okayu’s voice is perfect to do an ASMR
Thank you Okayu-san for the ASMR SO BLESSED! peko
The stretch at the end had me goosebumps
The stretch at the end is a surprise but a welcome one.
Thank you for the very soft ASMR Okayu !
00:14 開始! 00:21 聞こえるよ! 耳かき ┣ 00:58 右耳 ┣ 01:05 寝起き声ASMR助かる ┣ 02:22 起きてw ┣ 02:48 吐息助かる ┣02:59 びりびり助かる ┣04:43 あ疲れ様! ┣05:08 左耳 ┣05:54 記憶がw(外付けHDまかせな) ┣06:40 音楽か… ┣07:20 ママー! ┣08:21 ふーふー助かる ┣08:46 また晩酌したいなー ┗09:27 もぐもぐ助かる 梵天 ┣09:57 右耳 ┣10:25 あっw ┣10:50 猫は梵天好きよねw ┣11:38 我慢なのw ┣12:10 我慢ん偉い! ┣12:48 指かき! ┣13:58 あくび助かる ┣13:28 聞こえない! ┣14:34 良い子でしょ〜 ┣14:58 全否定 ┣15:09 左耳 ┣15:19 全否定を否定しとく?w ┣15:52 なんでだろうねw ┣17:20 香水のせいだよ/香水(子守唄助かる) ┣18:24 声の制御難しそう ┗19:05 ばか助かる 指かき ┣19:32 トントン助かる ┣20:26 安心する/幼稚園猫か ┣21:15 全自動とんとんマシーン ┣22:07 照れ隠し助かる/忘れた! ┣22:57 指かき助かる ┣23:57 定期検診たすかる ┣24:27 耳どころか心が浄化されてく… ┗25:16 雨乞い草 吐息(助かる) ┣25:48 右 ┣25:58 左 ┣26:19 右 ┗26:28 左 指かき ┣26:47 30分!? ┣27:23 咳払い助かる ┣27:57 お茶助かる! ┣28:19 ごくごく音助かる ┣28:58 えーミュート悲しい… ┣30:07 ママ…(っ´ω`c) ┣31:05 あっ…ノド鳴り助かる! ┣32:17 落ち着く! ┣32:49 円周率w(3.14159…) ┣33:41 チャレンジの歌系はガチw ┣33:56 咳払い助かる ┣34:28 お?聞きたい ┣35:20 草 ┣35:35 ロッ九九 ┣36:12 ( ˘ω˘)覚めたねw ┗36:33 ロッキン九九ボーイw 梵天 ┣36:54 右耳 ┣37:22 俺も嬉しい… ┣38:14 7/8の段 ┣38:56 草 ┣39:25 調査! ┣39:36 回答したよ~! ┣40:52 左耳 ┣41:54 焦げは救済 ┣42:34 右耳(吐息助かる) ┣42:42 電気猫! ┣44:35 醤油 ┣44:49 金魚助かる ┗45:38 しゅりしゅり助かる 指かき ┣46:28 トントン助かる ┣47:48 天丼マンは草 ┣48:52 (耳塞)何も聞こえなーい! ┣50:11 指かき助かる ┗52:04 おやすみ~ 52:45 癒し… 53:13 優しい世界… 53:41 5分!? 54:17 トントン助かる 54:54チューの音聞きたい! 55:44 耳塞ぎほんと好き…. 56:46 (耳塞)安心感ある… 57:27 これアーカイブ残りますか? 息吸う ┣58:04 右耳 ┣58:15 左耳 ┣58:27 右耳 ┣58:37 左耳 ┣59:13 左耳 ┣59:21 右耳 ┣59:43 近いの助かる ┗59:59 !チュー助かる! supechat Reading/スパチャ読み ┣1:00:47 咳払い助かる ┣1:01:22 神回!(最高だった) ┣1:05:07 誕生日おめでとう! ┣1:06:07 誕生日おめでとう! ┣1:06:24 命名 ┣1:08:52 誕生日おめでとう! ┣1:09:34 楽しみにしてる! ┣1:10:35 右耳→左耳 ┣1:11:51 泣いちゃう… ┣1:13:04 おやすみ! ┣1:16:16 大丈夫,おかゆん上手だよ! ┣1:17:52 草(てまにゃん用梵天) ┣1:21:21 お願いします…ミュートにしないで! ┣1:24:27 こーしん!こーしん! ┣1:26:06 実に助かった!忘れられません! ┣1:29:19 おお!?心音…楽しみです! ┣1:32:34 優しい… ┣1:34:06 お誕生日おめっとぉ ┣1:34:19 読み上げお疲れさま ┣1:34:31 告知 ┣1:35:16 伸び助かる! ┗1:35:49 Bye bye
This is top tier ASMR man, thank you Okayu. <3
That kiss just made my entire week
Okayu’s natural soothing voice combined with some ear cleaning and the mic allows me to forget my insomnia and get some sleep ありがとうおかゆ
This is fine, I can just sleep again while it’s morning!
To be honest, i havent sleep properly since yesterday, and this ASMR just gimme pretty good feeling, i feel like im gonna sleep for 8 hours.Even if you just woke up, you might gonna feel a bit sleepy after listen to this ASMR.If you have insomia, this is you best option to go to sleep, specially if you close your eyes, and focus on just your ears.
okayu asmr is one of the wonders of the world
It’s so worth setting an alarm to wake up for this so i can fall back asleep ^_^ Thanks as always for good sleep, Okayu
I’ve never watched ASMR videos but I can already tell Okayu-san makes the best ones.
Everyone is getting a heart from Okayu, hope I’m not too late.
This is my first time joining Okayu’s ASMR live on stream. I am genuinely glad that I joined the stream live. Thank you for your ASMR streams, it really helped me a lot with sleep, since I do have sleeping issues at times. This is like a relaxing therapy after a tiresome day.
Okayu is the only thing that can get me sleeping at night.

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 我々がSMOKだ!!!! 本ゲームは VALVE ビデオポリシー (https://store.steampowered.com/video_policy) に基づいて配信・収益化を行なっております ◇大空スバル …
There’s a cat, a dog, a wolf, and a duck in a middle of an apocalypse. What did you see?…Fire, you see fire, lots of fireThe cat is a pyromaniac
42:32*Subaru from beyond the grave* : “I leave Mio-sha in your hands”*Korone* : “Shut up, dead people”. *Okayu* : “Koro-san?!” I love how Korone has absolutely no filter sometimes. LOL
Would love to see them do Versus mode showdown with 4 other Hololive members.
Wait, so far it’s only Okayu living to die for another day.Okayu: *Pulls gun* Always has been
44:43 Strong OkaKoro moment, 4hp Okayu didn’t abandon Korone when she could win alone, but risked the game by going back to the rescue <3
16:30 ここのやり取り大好き
At least grandma doesn’t have to worry about korone only having imaginary friends. Just a bunch of weirdo friends.
despite subaru’s best efforts, her true destiny is outside the saferoom 草
1:18 みんなの自己紹介4:50 ゲーム開始14:44 ガソリンの正しい使い方20:54 生きてる価値21:49 タイガにも攻撃されるミオしゃ22:34 ファイヤー!25:40 ぴっぴきぴー27:15 悪質タックル27:32 ファイヤー!!29:01 ワンツースリーボーン!33:39 スバルの咳払い41:18 ころさんを撃つおかゆん42:16 スバルの断末魔44:32 おかゆの雄叫び1:00:23 あっ1:04:10 まさかの裏切り1:04:47 EDエスエムオーケー派です
Subaru: finally made it to safe houses twice but still a sacrificial duck and loves to get roasted by fire.Mio: secretly loved by Smoker and other special zombies, but mostly Smokers.Korone: crazy DOOG as always. Okayu: always calm in the midst of chaos. But rather dangerous when she gets flammable items. And the survivor yet again. At least Mio was with her.Fun stream yet again.
Okayu: *Casually sets everyone on fire, then proceeds to laugh maniacally*
Lmaooo, this was a disaster xDMio is so cute <3
57:22 ここすき
50:38 I loved this bit and onwards.I love Mio laughing and wheezing but Mio being stressed and screaming is rather adorable 😂
1:04:27 おかゆんがころさんの二の腕掴んで揺さぶってるみたいで草
14:46Korone : “ah, Okayu’s Favourite thing”Okayu : “so you have chosen death”
【#ホロお正月CUP】願わくば~~~~~!【ホロライブ / 猫又おかゆ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ #ホロお正月CUP で呟いてね!✨ この動画およびライブは、任天堂著作物の利用許諾を受けて配信しています。
Thank you Okayu and the rest of the Girls for this legendary stream. Eventhough you didn’t win the tournament because I’m want you to win you still Win our hearts for making us happy and put a smile in our faces during this difficult times. Thank You Okayu and the rest of Hololive we will continue to support you as always.Thank you very much. ♥️♥️♥️
配信お疲れ様でした〜!優勝は逃しちゃったけどいい走りだった!!約束の場所で 1:52:11
Everyone did really well this was a banger to watch
Well it’s an unfortunate indeed, but it doesn’t matter. You already did your best.Here, a trophy for you okayu for already did your best and make our time enjoyable🏆
Congrats to Suisei for getting 1st and everyone who participated! Okayu you did great and thank you for your hard work! I’m glad you had fun and tried your best and that’s what counts the most.
This was soooo much Fun to watch, just as the last few days. I will really miss the regular Mario Kart Streams from all the girls.Also, Okayu once more proved that she is literally a gaming Idol – as in, every gamer should strive to be like her. She diligently trains and continuously gets better, but in the end, she’s just there to have fun, no matter the result. Nothing but love and respect for this Cat.
Thank you for today Okayu, you did great! Congrats for reaching 40k viewers. You are always first place in our hearts.おめでとうございます!
This tournament was so much fun to watch ! I think all the training sessions and seeing everyone do their best was amazing ! Thank you ! !
1:52:12 感動のシーン。おかゆ「3人で走ってるっ!!!」
The RNG god was not in her favor today, but she did well. Amazing skill and attitude Okayu.
0:04:07 もぐもぐおかゆー0:10:48 予選スタート┣0:11:04 ①リンリンメロメロ┣0:14:32 ②エレクトロドリーム┣0:15:24 みんなきたぞー!┣0:18:27 ③ドーナツへいや3┗0:21:23 ④レインボードーロ0:27:25 なんかする?0:32:14 雑談タイム0:34:11 咳払い0:41:44 つよ杯勢で雑談開始0:51:15 雑魚杯開始0:55:05 おしっこいってくる1:01:01 裏表逆で服着てたスバル1:03:03 エイリアンを握り潰す団長1:09:34 みんなの意気込み1:13:19 おかゆんの意気込み1:20:26 みんなパンツの色は1:31:54 雑談終了1:33:51 おしっこ1:42:18 本線スタート┣1:43:00 ①ヨッシーバレー┣1:46:45 ②エレクトロドリーム┣1:50:43 ③クッパキャッスル┣1:52:10 ここアツ過ぎる┗1:54:36 ④エキサイトバイク!練習含めてめっちゃ楽しめました!ナイスレースでした〜✌️
Now, i get to do my work again. Thank you very much for this live stream.
07 to the translators in chat 😺Let it be known that today, a peak of 41k Onigiryaa united under one belief: Okayu Number 1! You tried your best, and at the end of the day you and all of the girls clearly really enjoyed yourselves and had fun, and it was very fun watching you train for this tournament and play MK8 alongside other onigiryaa! No matter what, Okayu is number 1 in all of our hearts 😺❤ I look forward to the next stream
I AM HERE!!! That was so exciting… the first few races made me almost jump out of the chair…That is all! THAT WAS FUN!!!! As always, THANK YOU FOR THE STREAM!!!
Thank you for the tournament stream Okayu, it was really fun!
First place in our hearts, Okayu! Always!!
This stream was so funny. Thank you healing my mind, Okayu. I love it very much. And.. thank you for your hard work. I know, you really happy now. I’ll always support you.
just found hololive and you are my favorite out of everyone. i cant understand a word your saying but i dont care 😀
【ASMR】雨音と一緒に耳かき☔/Ear Cleaning【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ これがほんとの“寝耳に水” ‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ 猫又おかゆ 60万人記念ボイス販売中 ‣販売 …
Wednesday afternoon, lots of things to do Okayu : ASMR stream Me : Mmh I’m not sure if I sh…ZZZzzzzThank you for the wonderful ASMR Okayu
How to fall asleep instantlyStep 1: Listen to Okayu’s ASMR streamStep 2: zzzzzzzzzzzz
Ah yess, the almighty lazy cat ASMR we’ve all been waiting for
Okayu’s voice is the most relaxing out of all the other vtubrs I have heard
0:27 Mogumogu – Porridge – Mogumogu1:52 Start ear scratching👂5:39 Right ear9:07 Brahma (left)10:10 Brahma (right)14:23 Ear scratching15:09 Hypnosis(?)15:25 Ear thumping16:54 Chaotic situation20:16 Everyone needs to sleep!20:20 Ear wiping20:28 Thunder⚡️21:04 Double Brahma23:22 Ear thump24:41 Secret technique, ear scratching30:44 Yawn30:56 Yawn31:09 Paku paku 🐟34:07 Ear thumping35:37 Ear plugging36:49 Perfume38:18 Talking about Dolga’s perfume40:55 Teasing okoyun41:08 Ear wiping45:27 Yawning45:47 Ear thumping47:17 Okayu Train Dashi47:36 Shoe49:13 Blocking the ears52:24 Wipe your ears55:48 Ear thumping56:55 Okayu Train ~ Train59:07 I like your voice so close1:00:48 Spacha reading1:12:46 Cute Temanan Temanan sleepsTranslated version of timestamps from まかろんぎうす
Okayu: says she dislikes her voiceLiterally everyone: your voice is so soothing and beautiful
I can’t sleep without listening to okayu’s asmr now, and i’m not regretting it
ASMRをありがとうございますo7 translators in chat!Okayu’s monthly ASMRs have become my favorite HoloLive streams. She puts so much effort into these and on top of it does it monthly. Has an absolutely natural voice for this too, her ASMRs are always guarnteed to be top quality. I look forward to the next stream!
Okayu’s laziness is influencing me at max power right now
I accidently sleep right after and forgot to leave a comment, okayu’s voice is just too good
I can’t sleep any other way than to listen to Okayu’s ASMR videos, This is perfect
Okayus voice is so soothing that it made the fatigue disappear for me
“Ah yes, today is a good day to be productive.”*Okayu ASMR Stream*”As I said, productive…zzz”
I’m not a fan of ASMR, but I’m glad I tuned in while I did. I look forward to your next ASMR stream, and thanks for blessing my morning with your voice, Okayu. And I love the thumbnail. It looks amazing.
Oh my God Okayu’s voice is soo relaxing you made me sleep. Thank you for that
Everyone talking about falling asleep and all that, but is anyone going to talk about how we somehow have so much stuff in our ear.
I am here!!! Okayu cleaning our ears… with rain and all… how relaxing… I want to sleep… That is all! Rain bgm really is the best… makes you so sleepy… As always, THANK YOU FOR THE STREAM!
Insomnia: You will never be able to sleep.Me: *Puts this video on*Insomnia: Understandable. Have a nice night.
Can we appreciate Okayu-sama liking each of our comments?