Paling Imut(おすすめch紹介)

Paling Imut(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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KUCING LUCU 😹 Video kucing terlucu 2020 bikin ketawa ngakak | Kucing Imut

KUCING LUCU 😹 Video kucing terlucu 2020 bikin ketawa ngakak | Kucing Imut  (c) Paling Imut

(c) Paling Imut Kompilasi video Kucing lucu, Anjing lucu dan Hewan-Hewan lucu lainnya yang dibuat dengan kompilasi yang lucu dan qualitas video yang lebih baik yang …

Ngakak anjir hahahahahaha😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I really love how cats walk You can take any video of a cat walking towards the camera add in music and it will be amazing 😂

Yes, Id have to say MOST OF THESE were funny.

I love how the dog goes over at 3:36 like, “Bro…you aight?” 😂

Iguana tail whip is no joke. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that business envelope.

Amazing cats; Enjoy watching, new friend here; keep vlogging 🎠 Sending my permanent support to you., I’ve join your house, let’s connected new friend here godbless. 👍🎁..

Cats provide such great entertainment! 😂

Thanks for sharing!It’s just so funny 🤣

Kucingnya lucu lucu banget sama tingkahnya juga ngakak banget 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

1:24 он хотя бы в воду залез

Kucing nya kok bisa berani sama anjing. Bikin ketawa ngakak wkwkwk 🐶😼

Hermoso ❣️

LUCU Banget 😂😂😂

I hope you make sure your cats are ok and not just laugh at themBe careful lasers blind animals and make sure they get water and not out of a cage. Disappointing

Sumpah aku enggak bisa tahan lucu banget sampai perut aku sakit wkwkwkwkw😂😂😂😂

Ngakak anjir hahahahhaha gua sampe sakit perut

Lucu kucingnya 😂😂😂😂😂

1:56 thats a sign ur cat is thirstythe amount of laugh tracks in this video-


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KUCING KUCING LUCU 😹 Yang akan membuatmu ketawa sampai bengek🤣 | Kucing Paling Imut

KUCING KUCING LUCU 😹 Yang akan membuatmu ketawa sampai bengek🤣 | Kucing Paling Imut  (c) Paling Imut

(c) Paling Imut SUBSCRIBE atau aku ambil kucing kesayanganmu #kucinglucu #hewanlucu #videolucu #videoterlucu.

모든 고양이들이, 사랑덩어리고, 매력덩어리들입니다. 공존과 공생과 교감으로, 같이 하는, 한 번 뿐인 인생을 살다갑시다. 보고만 있어도 행복하고 즐겁고 웃음나지요?

“Well, hi”

Como amo ❤️ gatinhos 😻

Love it! Best video ever!! Please make more videos.

ну вот какой смысл пугать животных – чтоб поржать ?

😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 ngakak banget woy 🤣

Gracinhas 🥰🥰🥰

Fofos e lindos demais 🥰❣

Lucu banget 🙏🙏🙏

Fofinhos e o mesmo tempo engraçados 😂😂🤤❤️🥰🥰😍

Tiernos,adem�s de muy inteligentes,buena compa��a!!!

Es gracioso cuando responden a situaciones espont�neas. Ahora asustarlos, dejarlos caer, ninguna gracia, al l�mite del maltrato.

Спасибо, очень интересно. Смотреть, получаешь удовольствие

Así es banda, me rei 😐

Coisa mais linda 😻😻💜💙

Son tan hermosos los gatitos e inteligentes, super graciosos,,

6:15 I just can’t even

Estos videos son espectaculares, me encanta, los gatos son traviesos, cari�oso, inteligentes, algunos pelean pero son encantadores

I enjoyed it very much learned a lot

Hacia tiempo que no disfrutaba tanto ver un video por 10 minutos …. gracias

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KUCING LUCU dan ANJING LUCU 😹🐶 Video kucing terlucu bikin ketawa ngakak | Kucing Paling Imut

KUCING LUCU dan ANJING LUCU 😹🐶 Video kucing terlucu bikin ketawa ngakak | Kucing Paling Imut  (c) Paling Imut

(c) Paling Imut Kompilasi video Kucing lucu, Anjing lucu dan Hewan-Hewan lucu lainnya yang dibuat dengan kompilasi yang lucu dan qualitas video yang lebih baik yang …

As funny as some of these videos are unfortunately some of the animals are being subjected to extremely high stress levels to make them react.

Sinceramente este video Si me a echo reír 😂😂😂😂

May the peace, mercy and blessings of God Almighty be upon you. God bless you

Como no amarlos si son maravillosos

Os gatos são incríveis!!! 😀

1:30 is everyone at a vending machine when C7 gets stuck

Fofo fofo fofo demais e encraçados😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

Muito divertido 😁

Необычно хорошая подборка.

J� terminou o v�deo e eu ainda estou rindo hahahahahahah

Muito fofos!!!🤣🤣🤣

Just can’t stop laughing.It’s very funny animals .😂😂😂😂😂😂

Какие же они смешные наши пушистые дружочки.

� t�o fofinho kkk

Коты обожательные животные.! 😼🐱💋как можно не любить этих милых и пушистых существ.! 😻

ими можно, тольковосхищаться…

Шидеврь просто

Что делают собаки в кошачьем видео?)))


Красивые зелёные глаза у котейки!

TAHAN TAWA 😹 Video Kucing terlucu 2020 bikin ketawa ngakak | Kucing Paling Imut

TAHAN TAWA 😹 Video Kucing terlucu 2020 bikin ketawa ngakak | Kucing Paling Imut  (c) Paling Imut

(c) Paling Imut Kompilasi video Kucing lucu, Anjing lucu dan Hewan-Hewan lucu lainnya yang dibuat dengan kompilasi yang lucu dan qualitas video yang lebih baik yang …

Aku udah tahanwa semua Vidio kucing yang bikin lucu dan ketawa soalnya kucing nya lucu dan bikin ketawa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️❤️💕🥰🥰🥰

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂lucu amat aku aja gak bisa tahan tawa🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂

Ciptaan Allah Selalu Imut misalnya kucing ini

Aku bisa tahan ketawa☺

tak boleh takhan lawak sampai sakit peruk😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂

Gue gak bisa tahan ketawa wkwkwk

Lucu banget🥰🥰

Kangen kucing:)🐱😭

ngakak banget gua 🤣🤣🤣🤣 yang sama like

Lucu banget 😊😘

Lucu2 banget ,asli ngakak dibuatnya😂

suara nya lucu banget😍😍😍

Lucu banget sampe gak tahan tawa🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Kucing lucu 😍😍😍

Subhanallah kucingnya pada lucu lucu

So cute lucu lagi ngakak wkwkwkwk😂😂😂

Yang paling lucu yang ada pelampung nya warna kuning 😂

bang kapan2 bikin konten lucu laj

Ya allah lucunya makhluk mu yaitu kucing

lucu banget kucing nya😍😇😘😚😊

Video kucing terlucu tahun ini bikin ngakak guling-guling

Video kucing terlucu tahun ini bikin ngakak guling-guling  (c) Paling Imut

(c) Paling Imut Video kucing terlucu tahun ini.

Man, you really should only let your cat watch the disney version of the lion king. Still tough on them I assume xDAnyways, that cat’s world wasn’t the same after this movie night 🙂 The eyes man. The eyes that saw something they won’t forget so easily.

“One cat in a house is a sign of loneliness, two of barrenness, and three of sodomy.”—Edward Dahlberg

Q casualidad … Empezaba a ver el v�deo cuando en APARECI� un anuncio de una persona q le dec�an si ten�a personalidad de gato=_=

Temptations cat treats are like crack for cats, both of my boys will do parkour for those treats.. I’m gonna have to get a 3rd job just to support their treat habit…. 😸

We’re not going to talk about the fact that that cat just pinned the other cat in the food bowl 😂😂

The Snaaake was actually doing the Curly Shuffle. Cats are awesome!

The rustic cobweb clearly cycle because gauge initially tap during a second-hand diploma. squalid, ruthless ronald

The clip with rat circling the cat is infected with parasite that makes it suicidal, once the cat eats the rat the parasite can complete its Evolution.

Cats are the calm clowns of the world and sometimes they let us in, SKOL

The video hasn’t even started yet, and I am laughing so hard

S� faltou o Belmiro Memes narrando pra ficar melhor ainda esses videos.

This is just what I needed to see during my chemo treatments today….thank you and all of the wonderful kitties so very much.😻😻😻😻😘😘😘

Я одна с каменным лицом сидела?🗿

I went over a lot of comments and no one mentioned anything about the little kitten that barked…?That was both hilarious and weird at the same time 🤪😂

Боже, столько позитива

The videos where the cats are naturally acting out are funny but I do non’t like the videos of cats being tormented by their human ‘owners’ or being frightened just to see their reaction, and the videos where they put a collar on a cat with a long stick and feather! This is actually tormenting for the cat and people think the cat is just playing!!! …NO the Cat isnt, it is just desperate to try to get it away or off!!!

This was such an awesome collection of vids! Thank you!

3:42 I don’t wanna be *that* guy to take a meme video and make it serious, but this is what’s called Shovel Eating. If your cat OR dog is doing this, you need to raise their food & water dishes with a tray or something. Shovel eating causes indigestion and stomach & GI issues. They’ll thank ya for it!

Откуда столько лайхов, если все умерли?

Yeah, always leave a lit candle on the table with a cat. Seriously. Must be young.

