Paling Imut(おすすめch紹介)

Paling Imut(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Kucing lucu dan Anjing lucu 😹🐶 TikTok bikin ketawa ngakak 🤣

Kucing lucu dan Anjing lucu 😹🐶 TikTok bikin ketawa ngakak 🤣  (c) Paling Imut

(c) Paling Imut Kompilasi video Kucing lucu, Anjing lucu dan Hewan-Hewan lucu lainnya yang dibuat dengan kompilasi yang lucu dan qualitas video yang lebih baik yang …

The cat at 4:29 was like : “ just wanna make up a little bit for the date. Why are you so mean hooman?” =)))

А вот сыр кидать на мордашку, не надо, он мог задохнутся!!!💯💯🐈

hay algunos videos buenos, pero me molestan otros donde se burlan de los animalitos, los agarran de juguetesson incre�bles seres vivos que merecen respeto

всё-таки люди некоторые бывают иногда умственно ущербными,особо,когда сыр на лицо котейке кидают!

Животные интересные, а люди почти все не нормальные.

Когда ты ещё не знаешь, что твой кот играет на пианино, и такой ночью слышишь звуки пианино😨😨😨😨🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

Tem como não se apaixonar? 💕💕

И что сдесь смешного издеваются над животными.

Que coisa mais linda s�o os animaizinhos! O mundo sem eles seria muito triste… Deus os proteja e a todos e aqueles que sabem amar e cuidar deles!

Без них жизнь не та ! ☝️😉👍👍👍

Gracias por estos v�deos que nos alegran la vida!

The kitten having his Starbucks had me in stitches 🤣

Love it!!!! What a joy these are!!!

Ненавижу унижения животных.Зачем бросать на их морду сыр и петь какие то песенки

Все котики и собачки очень умные, а люди озверевшие.

Ни одного нормально-адекватного хозяина, грустно , жаль животинок, особенно дикий бабский смех раздражает

Смеялась до слез 😂 😂 😂

Cuanta belleza!!!! 🖐️🇲🇽

Muito fofo😻

Интересно, первый парень выжил?😂

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Video viral kucing paling lucu tahun ini bikin ketawa bengek guling-guling

Video viral kucing paling lucu tahun ini bikin ketawa bengek guling-guling  (c) Paling Imut

(c) Paling Imut Video viral kucing paling lucu tahun ini bikin ketawa ngakak.

Cats are beautiful, clever. Meow meow meowing. Love ❤️ Max, watching from Cyprus

One of the very best compilations I’ve seen yet! Still laughing! Saved to my “personal favorites” playlist!

Далеко не всем кошкам повезло с хозяевами. Увы.

“Rebecca no cio e o Z� � castrado” tadinha akkakakakakakakaka

I LOVE Cooter so much <3

0:57 아 진짜 너무 귀엽다5:25 고양이도 귀엽고 목소리도 최고…


Некоторые хозянва, просто издеваются над своими животными, чтобы снять на телефон.Отвратно..

Beautiful cat. Amazing🤣🤣🤣

I giggled so hard n said wtffff when the cat did the coin trick 🤣❤️

I died when that cat really was “laughing” on cue. And boxing guy with his car and the majong flipping cat. Amazing!

Во люди веселятся, а кот удивляется – что с ними???


I just played the video to see the pretty guy with the cat that’s says haha 😂

3:19 made me LOL ☺

Cooper and his haha is gold

🤣🤣🤣keren dan lucu

Los mejores videos graciosos de Yutube 🤪

Смешная подборка , кроме пару моментов , испуга кота целенаправленно, показа течных кошек , и падения кота с полкой . Как можно так безруко прибить её под телик , что она не выдержала дополнительно кота кг в 5 мах.

Lucu…seperti kucingku😻

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KUCING LUCU 😹 Video kucing lucu TikTok bikin ngakak 🤣 | Kucing paling imut

KUCING LUCU 😹 Video kucing lucu TikTok bikin ngakak 🤣 | Kucing paling imut  (c) Paling Imut

(c) Paling Imut Kompilasi video Kucing lucu, Anjing lucu dan Hewan-Hewan lucu lainnya yang dibuat dengan kompilasi yang lucu dan qualitas video yang lebih baik yang …

Will someone please tell me what the deal is with the opaque side panels in modern videos. I cannot understand the practicality of it. It reduces the overall picture, so what’s the point???


Momento fofura…… 💓💓💓💓💓


when a cats paw is stuck u take it out just sayin.

🐶🐱🐕🐈 que fofuraaaaaaa


Es hermoso

kucing hewan favorit ku lucu N gemess❤️❤️ tingkah lucu nya😸

I miss my cat. RIP Motorhead.

Wow 〰️〰️🤣🤣🤣👍面白い🤣🤣🤣👍可愛い❤️💖💓

G�lmekten �ld�m


You’re just too cute…🥰😘😘😂

맨처음 저런 표정 입모양 처음 보네요 👍👍




Lucu2 kucing nya..

Gemes banget dah ah ❤

KUCING LUCU 2020 🤣😻 Video kucing lucu imut dan gemesin bikin ketawa ngakak | Kucing Paling Imut

KUCING LUCU 2020 🤣😻 Video kucing lucu imut dan gemesin bikin ketawa ngakak | Kucing Paling Imut  (c) Paling Imut

(c) Paling Imut Kompilasi video Kucing lucu, Anjing lucu dan Hewan-Hewan lucu lainnya yang dibuat dengan kompilasi yang lucu dan qualitas video yang lebih baik yang …

KUCING KUCING LUCU 😹 Kumpulan video kucing lucu terbaik 2021 | Kucing Imut

KUCING KUCING LUCU 😹 Kumpulan video kucing lucu terbaik 2021 | Kucing Imut  (c) Paling Imut

(c) Paling Imut Kompilasi video Kucing lucu, Anjing lucu dan Hewan-Hewan lucu lainnya yang dibuat dengan kompilasi yang lucu dan qualitas video yang lebih baik yang …

this video really touched my heart and I am very proud of your other videos.😍😻💖👍👍👍✌

Котики- фантастические существа!!!спасибо!🙏👍👍👍🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I had so much fun today. Thank you. Please continue to make interesting videos.

Buddha said: the animals which being take cake of by human in home will be into human in their next life. That’s final in animal shape. They reborn over and over in many lifes, living from wildlife to field, stall and at home at the end. The animals stay with human in order to learn about personality for preparing being a transit animal’s life into human’s. So, if they live in our love, they will be a kindly man on the contrary will be not unkindly. When my c�t died, i’d cry so much, but there is a trust in bottom my heart that my cats will be good man in their next life. I believe!

I’m laughing until crying 😂😂


Que lindos gatinhos🇧🇷❤️

2:23 кто-нибудь знает как называется приложение, в котором есть этот фильтр, ну или похожие?

8:30 That’s a caracal not a regular domestic cat, WTF? She’s lucky it didn’t flay her alive, they deserve more respect if you’re going to keep one as a pet.


Dog mindset: serve hoomanCat mindset: serve me hooman!

Terimakasih kak telah menghibur saya😃 Semangat terus kak



I get upset over people who use their cats as toys! They can be so much fun, but they are our love’s who desire to be loved, not used for entertainment by humans that is mostly mean to entertain the human. You are pieces of dung!

Lucu banget 🙂

Lucu banget ❤️❤️

Interessante kkk 😁🥰😅 fofo.

1:41 got me dying

Awww 🤗 so cute 😻😽 I’m a FurMom to 20 wonderful beloved Cats 🇵🇭🐈💞🐾💙 and one sweet naughty puppy 🐕❤️ and this is my colorful life 💗

