- 【カワウソの前で倒れるフリをしたら】カワウソビンゴ&ベル/Daddy pretends to be dead in front otter Bingo&Belle…
- Otter B&B I know what you did last night…
- もしも飼い主がきゅうりパックをしたらカワウソのビンゴとベルの反応は?|Otter Bingo&Belle get curious on daddy’s cucumber face mask…
- Vacuum cleaner specially made for otter Bingo&Belle…
- Shh… eating cucumber without letting Bingo&Belle know…
- カワウソのビンゴ【飼い主に似る】とはこういうことだったのか/Otter Bingo – Like owner like pet!…
- Obstacle challenge by Bingo and Belle…
- 魚嫌いのカワウソビンゴにささみっぽく茹でて騙してみた/Fooling otter Bingo to eat fish – otter Bingo&Belle…
- カワウソの目の前で大好物のトウモロコシをむく!カワウソビンゴ&ベル/Otter Bingo&Belle addicted to corn…
- 【カワウソビンゴ夏休み】初めてのプールで大はしゃぎ!(Otter Bingo’s summer vacation) Having fun swimming in the pool
- カワウソの尻尾が生えました!カワウソのビンゴとベル|Dad has a very long tail ! Otter Bingo&Belle
- 睡眠中に魚を制すカワウソのビンゴ(Otter Bingo desire on fish has been awaken?)
- Spooky! Big panda appears during B&B snack time
- Mosquito net keep Bingo&Belle away from daddy
【カワウソビンゴ夏休み】初めてのプールで大はしゃぎ!(Otter Bingo’s summer vacation) Having fun swimming in the pool

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter カワウソとはいえどお風呂の深い浴槽が苦手なビンゴですが、足がつくところはビンゴも強気?です。とても楽しそうに遊んでいたので飼い主 …
He’s having so much fun! He’ll probably get more excited for a bigger pool
I never realized how badly I wanted an otter
I like how the otter knows how to dry himself afterwards
A pet who takes a bath itself. Who actually plays the toys you give him. What else you can ask for .
Never thought I would be jealous of an otter. Looks like fun. :).
I love how he looks so happy swimming!!
♥️ que bichinho fofo!
He is so happy he doesn’t know what to do with all that excitement. Hope to see him Chilling with sakura….
Eita banho de piscina kkkkk vai amar passar o dia inteiro a� kkkk
My heart literally melted when he ran inside to dry himself off, my god he’s adorable
Que lontra mais fofa ❤
Невозможно оторваться, такое, чудо природы 😀
Desmanchei de paixão para esse vídeo ❤🇧🇷
Omg, he’s so incredibly cute jumping in his pool 😭❤
omg he is so polite. he dried himself with a towel before going in the house <3
Muito fofo 🥰
I like how when it’s time to go inside he checks on his pool 😁 one last time
Bingo is so adorable playing in the water, trying to catch the spray, playing with the toys. Hugs from South Dakota, USA
Ele é muito fofo❤❤
This guy is having more fun in his Little pool than me ,in my whole entire life
カワウソの尻尾が生えました!カワウソのビンゴとベル|Dad has a very long tail ! Otter Bingo&Belle

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter 今日はパパにカワウソの尻尾が生えました。ビンゴはしないけどベルがすることの1つでなぜかズボンの中に入りたがるというHENTAIさ。
Oh my God the first scene had me in stitches and left me wheezing. These two are some characters.
É muito amor envolvido pelo papai… coisa linda… não me canso de ver..❤️❤️❤️❤️
Que coisinha fofa 😍😀
Excesso de fofura! 😻😻😻
O p� desse homem � lindo ser� que mais algu�m reparou
This is so adorable 😄😁❤
Kkkkk amo os seus v�deos com essa coisinha mais linda Deus abencoe vcs Deus aben�oe a todos q lerem esse coment�rio
Apaixonada 😍
Que fofinhas.💞🇧🇷
Eu quero um pra mim, que fofos😍😍
Вот это)) у хозяина вырос хвост)) он стал выдрой-человеком)🤤🤗
Kkkkkk que fofos!!!💓💓💓💓
0:36 looks like Belle is dancing 😂
Que lindos. Gosta de chegar bunda hahaha. Eles aparentam sempre estar molhados, muito legal
My daily smile and a big lol from this video! Love your pups! I couldn’t do it- but so thankful for your patience with them. 🦦❤️🦦
A Belle é muito fofa oh😂ela adora cheirar o saco do pai dela,eu amo Belle😍😚❤💖💕💓
Omg this is hilarious! Belle is a sneaky little girl, I wonder what is she expecting to find in daddy’s pants! 🤣🤣🤣 😍😍
I had a really good laugh watching this early in the morning lol 😂😂 perfect to wake up to.
Estou apaixonada por estas lontras😍😍😍
睡眠中に魚を制すカワウソのビンゴ(Otter Bingo desire on fish has been awaken?)

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter コツメカワウソなのに魚が嫌いなビンゴです。色々な種類の魚をあげてはみたものの食べないのです。魚味のキャットフードは大好物なの …
Que fofo quero um desses 😍
Your otters are so adorable! Bingo looks so cute, sleeping 😴with his stuffed 🐟fish and blanket!
I am totally bewitched by this little sweetheart. Every time I think it can not be more endearing, you prove me wrong! Otterly adorable. 💞
Kkk que coisinha mais fofa 😍❤
omg.. haha ! Bingo was so cute even though he is sleeping 😍
LMAO he is so precious!!! I love him! ❤ you are such great parents to Otter Bingo and Belle 😊❤
Ela é muito fofa 😍
Lmao 😂 too funny! You guys are great. The production of this is wonderful with the music and scenes!!
Eu amo esse bebê 😘
Lol. I’m laughing so hard at the time I’m watching this video. I found it so hilarious. Bingo is an amazing little creature. I wish I could have him near to go every now and then to play with him. Awesome video guys
He is so cute. When you closed his mouth I laughed very hard. Thank you for sharing. Have a good day
How adorable he is! I wish I was there to cuddle him
Whole new meaning:“Sleeping with the fishes🐟 !”
He sleeps like a little angel. Did you ever see anyone look so comfortable? Nice that Mom (or Dad) tucked him in and gave him his fishy. The perfect nap.
A fish pillow..the whole time I was waiting for Bingo to wake up & take a bite out of the fish.Such a sound sleeper
É muita fofura 😍😍😍😍
Wow…Bingo sleeps hard! He’s so cute!❤
Eu admiro o cuidado e carinho de vc para com esses animais 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋
He’s so sweet when he’s sleeping, must of been a hard day
Bingo wants a fish as a friend, not as a food ❤️
Spooky! Big panda appears during B&B snack time

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter Profile▽ Name : Bingo Type : Otter Sex : male Birth : 05.03.2018 ▽Profile▽ Name : Belle Type : Otter Sex : Female Birth …
Otters are so much fun! I love how they each have their own personalities!
Bingo and Belle being so nice to the bear was very sweet! They are precious!🐹😍
Dear Bingo and Belle, I’ve been very sad lately. Watching your sweet demeanor, and those precious little paws being so gentle with Panda left me smiling, and in awe. I’m so grateful. Thank you. Much love. ❣️❣️
How adorable!! Such cute names for them too.
Made me laugh so hard. That’s so cute and silly he thought he was stealing at first.
Какое доброе видео! И какие смешные эти выдры! Спасибо большое за позитив.
Так чудно за ними наблюдать. Они как маленькие детки. С утра как бальзам на душу.👏👏👏
There’s only one problem with otters: they’re so bloody cute! 🥰
They are so adorable I swear love them so much!
I didn’t know otters were so affectionate ❤
S�o lindas demais essas lontras. S�o engra�adas e bem tratadas.
Que fofura!
Your otters are so adorable! Yummy treats! Nom, nom, munch, crunch! It was nice that they didn’t tear the panda apart! Have a great day little otters!
So adorable, the their hands have minds of their own, while they eat, they’re hands are already grabbing away at other pebbles, while looking elsewhere.
Otters have the sweetest little voices.
My Lawd, otters are so cute! If the panda wasn’t offering up any snacks they didn’t give a shit about what that panda was doing.😂Ever seen an otter eating fish? Omg it just the cutest thing ever.
I love when that arm went around that door . To cute
Забавные зверушки. Никогда бы не подумала,что они такие милые.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
São lindos 💞 bem cuidados 😍
I love the way you keep prancing B&B.😂😂😂🥰
Mosquito net keep Bingo&Belle away from daddy

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter Profile▽ Name : Bingo Type : Otter Sex : male Birth : 05.03.2018 ▽Profile▽ Name : Belle Type : Otter Sex : Female Birth …
I love when he makes the noise for bingo going huh 😂😂belle is gonna rip that tent to get in you know she’s a daddy girl 😂😂😂she’ll start crying loud
Your otters are so adorable! They were so happy when you opened the netting! Have a great day little otters!
Bingo and Belle want to play with their dad.They love their dad so much.Thank you for sharing the video.
Bingo e Belle são bem curiosos essas belezinhas,eu amo esses dois babys lindinhos.🐹🐹🐾🐾🐾❤❤❤💜💜💜💚💚💚💙😚💙
I 💚 Bingos smile!!!Hes sooo cute!!!😍😁
Adorable names you gave to these two precious babies 🦦 You’re a great Dad, God bless you ❤️ from USA.
4:20 and 4:36 Bingo renovates his shelter, he is wonderful 🙂
B&b always excited when papa and mama gets a package. They always have a “Whadja get us this time? ” face. 3:20 belle nudges bingo to continue her grooming session 😂4:18 bingo’s BYO sleeping bag for the staycation sleepover with papa
3:02 Aww… Look at that, Belle is sad and goes to Bingo who comforts her! <3
Bingo e Belle merecem milhões de curtidas de Amor 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Daddy you always know how to keep B&B intrigued: even at your own expense. Thanks for sharing with love from Ohio, USA❤️🙏🏻😍😘🥰💘❣️💕💝🌷💞💐🦦🦦
They are so adorable. They are like hyper kitty cats!😂🤣😂
Dads a silly but awesome dad <3
3:00 Awwwr. Bingo is such a good big bro <3Belles sad she cant snuggle to dad. So Binho comforts her with snuggles of hus own. <3
How can anyone not love and adore bingo and belle!! Awesome dad!!
So cute and adorable ♥️😍
2:35 Bingo smart otter boy. He knows dad opened the net somewhere around there.So just gotta find the trick on this puzzle!Bingo is smart and observant. <3
😂😂😂Double wants to help their Daddy too. 😍😍😘😘😘
Cutie Belle wants to be involved in everything…haha, so cuuuuuute
That tent looked pretty complicated to begin with lol what a wonderful video! 😁👌