- 【全力阻止】自分の部屋(ケージ)を死守するカワウソのビンゴ(Otter Bingo try his best to stop us from cleaning his territory)
- Otter B&B I know what you did last night
- コブラを瞬殺するカワウソビンゴ&ベル/Otter Bingo&Belle the cobra snake hunter
- 第7回【水が苦手なカワウソのビンゴ】視聴者さんのコメントを参考に浴槽に入れてみました!(Playing in the water pt.7)
- 知育玩具をカワウソのビンゴに試してみたら・・(Otter Bingo first try on developmental toy)
【全力阻止】自分の部屋(ケージ)を死守するカワウソのビンゴ(Otter Bingo try his best to stop us from cleaning his territory)

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter ビンゴは頭の良いカワウソなので部屋掃除する際、このように、ちゃんと手伝ってくれます(白目) チャンネル登録お願いします!
God I love him, even when he is acting up. Everything he does is adorable!
“Mum, it is my house. I’ll clean it!”: he is so cute <3
I love how you leave him to play with the little water bottle thing and he just lays there throwing it around, so cute!
He’s just so angry! What a criminally cute animal, too good, too pure, too mischievous for his own good!! ❤️
He’s absolutely gorgeous, and my goodness he’s growing up fast. Every time I hear him squeak, I love it, but then I guess you hear it morning, noon and night. Whats it likes? Does he always squeak and do you ever get sick of it?.He’s still as cute as a button!!!!!
He reminds me of my newts I used to have. He’s like a giant newt with fur. He especially looks that way when he’s in water. I love that bingo lol, he’s adorable
What a sweetheart. He’s very vocal when he wants to be. He really seems to like exploring and interacting with his environment.
you may have won the battle but not the war😂 so cute
I know how he feels! I like my room all messy and would hate it if anyone cleaned or tidied it. Such a cute otter 🙂
I’d have to quit my job if I had such an adorable little guy to look after-like I’d literally never leave the house…
He’s too cute!💜
It’s so nice to see little Bingo again! He wasn’t in today’s video 🙁
what a cute little otter… 😂
Can someone tell me why bingo does not like cleaning? Thank you ❤
Rolling on the floor and being dramatic… Cute Bingo xD
It’s like when mom throwing my things she thought is useless in my room
Hey Otter Bingo…. How about a play date with Otter Sakura. You two adorable otters could have a great time chatting and sharing snack stories. If Sakura comes to Bingo, he can show Sakura all of his toys, bottle caps, colorful blankies. They could snack on apples, corn and jerky! Then you can put out the tarp for both to play in the water! What a grand day they could have. Otter Bingo could then visit Otter Sakura’s home to try Sakura’s favorite things! If you think an Otter playdate sounds fun, help me with like and even posting a reply to my comment saying you’d like to see that. Bingo/Sakura play date collab 2018!♥ ♥ ♥
he knows how to annoy his owner. ah ah ah ah ah !! love his reaction.
Otter B&B I know what you did last night

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter Profile▽ Name : Bingo Type : Otter Sex : male Birth : 05.03.2018 ▽Profile▽ Name : Belle Type : Otter Sex : Female Birth …
Awww belle is soooooooo precious as always. Wish I could have her sleep next to me 💖💖💖💖
Very cute how Belle snuggles and sleeps with Dad but Bingo is restless and up all night wandering drinking water etc.
Little Belle, just like a human baby, crying and fighting sleep. 🐹😍
Belle singing a lullaby to dad was so cute. I was surprised at how alert Bingo remained. Perhaps he was looking out for ghosts?
Belle is so precious sleeping with her dad
So amazing to see one otter NEVER leaves his owner’s side. So adorable how the otter sleeps with its owner, so amazing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is absolutely adorable!
Quem consegue dormir com essa inquietação? 🤣🥰
how he manages to sleep with that noise is beyond words
Какие неугомонные создания!😊
Too sweet for words, just adorable, all of it, 🛌🦦🦦
The comfort of sleeping on the floor. Hits me right in the nostalgia.
He is looking for that cozy warmest part in your body to feel comfortable
So cute! 😴
“Belle’s snot flew to Daddy.” Had me cough laughing! LMAO! 😂😂😂😂 I pictured little Belle shaped boogers flying lovingly toward him squeaking.
I just don’t know how you get any sleep? They are so freaking adorable. Also aren’t you cold? 😁😊😆🦦🦦❤
this otter screams louder than a donkey- so I am truly impressed that you have been able to fall asleep. =D
Me at the start: Awww I wanna sleep with cute otters! Me at then end: scrap that idea! lol
Your otters are so adorable! It is so cute to see how active they are at night! Have a great Sunday little otters!
コブラを瞬殺するカワウソビンゴ&ベル/Otter Bingo&Belle the cobra snake hunter

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter 相変わらずの破壊っぷりを見せてくれたカワウソビンゴとベル。 蛇のおもちゃは動きがニョロニョロでビックリするだろう。 速度も速く追いつか …
Bingo and Belle are actually in the weasel family and share a recent common ancestor with the mongoose. Therefore, they naturally want to go after the cobra. Very brave otters. So Kawaii!!! 😍💜💋
Bingo: *drags snake around*Mama: “No! This isn’t how you’re supposed to play the game!”
Smart Bingo! Good boy, Bingo. Defender of the family!.He even bites it in the right spot!
They behave exactly like wild otters. 🐾🐾🐾
Tadinhos 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Bingo knows exactly what to do with a snake. You kill it!
Soooo funny 🤣🤣🤣😂love you Bingo n Belle n family from a Frenchy in Australia 🇫🇷🇦🇺🤗🐾💙💙🐍 🧡💛💜💚💖🐾🐾🐾💝
I can tell your otters really care for you the same way my cats do. You can see it in their eyes when they look at their human. Plus, I like all the ways you entertain your otters. Maybe next life you will come back as an otter. Wait, that means I’m coming back as a cat, say what?, lol
Бинго какой охотник 👍👍🤩🤩
I love how you guys keep buying these two critters toys even after they destroy every one of them. 🤣🤣🤣
Bingo has nothing to fear. (Except for water…)
Que lindass y que inteligentes que son😍
That snake didn’t last even a minute, these little ones are awesome.
Bingo was ON it! He really killed that snake!
They are so cute ❤️
Ferocious 🤓 Bingo Boy & 😎 Badass Belle….🐾DIE Cobra🐾….👍🐴👌
Poor cobra did not have a fighting chance. Belle and Bingo to the rescue!
Who knew Otters could be so viscous! :O
They say snake tastes like chicken. The way Bingo and Belle went after the Cobra, then I am assuming that there must be some truth to that!😉✌️
😂😂😂😂😂😂It is good to know that if you have a snake come up on you that these two will protect. LOL this is hilarious. Snake killers. I feel safe now.
第7回【水が苦手なカワウソのビンゴ】視聴者さんのコメントを参考に浴槽に入れてみました!(Playing in the water pt.7)

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter 水位を上げ慣れ始めているタライをビンゴと共にそのまま浴槽に入れてみました。 チャンネル登録お願いします!
Here’s my suggestion. Just put a little water in the tub. Let him get used to that and gradually add water letting him get used to each new level. He clearly doesn’t understand he can float. So when he sees deep water he panics.
Your patience with that adorable fellow is inspiring 💛 Don’t give up!
0:41 I never realized this but I find it absolutely heartwarming and adorable how Bingo was holding on to Daddy’s hand.
*Lowers blue tub slowly into the bigger tub*Bingo: “Heeyyy you can’t trick me!”
Great job with getting him slowly used to the tub. Fabulous patience!!!
I think he needs a bath mat to see there is an end under the water.
Those little sea squeakers are so intelligent
Aí que lindo! Meu coração não aguenta de tanto amor 😍🖤
The water isn’t too cold for Bingo is it? He’s way too cute! Bingo smart, he jumped out real fast. Lol
Have you tried telling the otter that he’s an otter?
I will have a celebration when Bingo finally swims in the bathtub 🎉 But even if he doesn’t, I will still celebrate because he’s cute 😍
To adorable…when I’m having a bad day Bingo always bring me back to smiling again. He is so cute 🥰🥰🥰👍👍👍
I’ve never seen a otter so shook to be in water 😂
Awwwww Bingo! Good job! 💖💖 it’s so cute he likes the bottle caps. You guys are great otter parents! 💖💖💖
I must say Bingo has become quite a star here, so many kind suggestions to want to ensure he can swim at ease, obviously, he has warmed so many hearts. Little guy, don’t give up, we are cheering you on………
Muito lindo e inteligente 😍😍😍
It really seemed like he was making progress this time compared to some of the other tub-training attempts. I think you guys are on the right track!
Here’s my advice for Bingo the otter <3 Before Bingo swims in the tub he must first associate it with something fun and positive! you could place food and small toys around the tub, making it a fun and comfortable place for him. Then very slowly ad water in the tub. let Bingo become comfortable with this new change, when he is, repeat. I think that could get Bingo somewhere…
Such loving parents Bingo has. Bingo is making progress!! 頑張ってねー
He loves his bottle caps lol! I like how he belly slides off the edge of the tub 😂
知育玩具をカワウソのビンゴに試してみたら・・(Otter Bingo first try on developmental toy)

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter くるくるチャイムという子供用のおもちゃで一緒に遊んでみました。遊び方が想像通りというか、ビンゴらしいというか。 ◇チャンネル登録 …
Who knew that I could love watching otters playing with a toddlers toy so much! <3
bingo is literally the coolest thing on the internet these days 😀
Bingo was such an adorable baby! The little guy just melts my heart! I feel a lot of love for him! I think he did very well for having been a baby, playing with the toy for the first time. He is an intelligent little guy! 🙂
2:38 I love the look on bingo’s face as he watches the ball go down! so adorable!!!
Your cat is slightly deformed but very smart.
Love this video!!! I could actually see Bingo’s thought process starting to kick in and figure out how the toy worked! He’s a cutie!
Que fofura. Brasil 🇧🇷😘😘😘
Que fofinho😍. Apaixonei-me por esse bichinho
I love it when bingo squeaks that is so cute!!!He sure loves his momma!!!🙋🏻😘🌹❤️😍❤️❤️❤️
Bingo is a shoo-in for Otter College! He’ll be our first Otter with a PhD ! Love you Bingo!❤️❤️❤️
Sensacional, animal muito lindo e inteligente.
Que fofura❤
I’ve never seen an animal so exited with a new toy in my life
My daughter just threw a morning tantrum screaming all over the house. Bingo playing brought down my blood pressure.
Muito fofo seu filhoteParab�ns
Que fofo! 😍
It’s incredible how quickly he figured it out. Such a smart boy!
I didn’t realise how curious they are…..and always busy🤣😁❤
Aww what a cute little otter. Warms my heart to see him play ^w^
Otter Bingo is sooooo cute and funny… I can’t stop laughing! 😂