- カワウソビンゴもしも変なおっさんがベッドで寝てたら/Prank Otter Bingo: Stranger in mommy daddy’s bed !!!
- もしも飼い主がきゅうりパックをしたらカワウソのビンゴとベルの反応は?|Otter Bingo&Belle get curious on daddy’s cucumber face mask
- カワウソ専用ウォーターパーク作りました!ビンゴ&ベル/Private water park for Otter Bingo&Belle
- 【新物】トウモロコシまるごとカワウソのビンゴにあげてみた!Otter Bingo get a whole corn!
- How could you sleep with 2 cute&energetic otters around you
カワウソビンゴもしも変なおっさんがベッドで寝てたら/Prank Otter Bingo: Stranger in mommy daddy’s bed !!!

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter 皆さんこんばんはビンゴママです。パパがドッキリを仕掛けたようです。あまり気持ちが良いとは言えない謎な人形を寝かせたみたい。
I love how he stands and peeks 😂😂😂 bingo is soooo smart!
He is so concerned. I love it!!!
Bingo is hilarious! I’m sure there is never a dull moment.
Where he opens his mouth in dismay(?) at 0:05 is undeniably precious. I can’t speak for Otter Bingo but he seems genuinely concerned that something irreversible has taken place. I feel a twinge of pity for the little fellow for how he’s had the wool pulled over his eyes.
-buying blow up doll at adult store-cashier stares- “it’s not what you think! It’s for our Otter.”
He wanted to look at it from every possible angle! Such a cute little fella!
When Bingo goes under the pillows is funny and cute
Otter Bingo has no idea how much love is generated in hearts around the world with his/her cuteness. Love me some OB!
lol when he goes behind the pillows so funny
Hiding behind the pillow, this otter definitely has the potential to become a great spy !! A message to all spy agencies, HIRE HIM !! 😻
*Bingo – Defender of Beds, Protector of Naps*
Essa foi a melhor. A curiosidade de Bingo � maior que o medo.
Awww, that was one of the most adorable, amusing and enjoyable Bingo videos ever!
Omg I love him💖…the way he kept creeping up on the bed😂😂😂
Oh Lord this Otter is Otterly cute😢
This is so awesome, thank you for always coming up with something new for Bingo!🤗🤩
Bingo low-key trying to get that weird man out of his room 😂😂😂
Bingito, you deflated the stranger. I love how you smelled his head and lightly bit it. This was a good idea, dad😃✨💖✨
I’m out of breath just watching him run around the bed
OMG! Watching this video had me dying with laughter for breakfast!!! Bingo is hilarious! He wasn’t fooled with that dummy! Awesome video!!! Thank you! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
もしも飼い主がきゅうりパックをしたらカワウソのビンゴとベルの反応は?|Otter Bingo&Belle get curious on daddy’s cucumber face mask

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter ビンゴとベルの大好きなきゅうりでお顔をパックし美魔女ならぬ美魔男を目指しました※ふたりが食べて良いように顔面に付着した細菌や …
I love Belle gently taking one cucumber slice at a time off of Daddy’s face. 😀
Bingo such a good boy doesnt want to get the cucumber from dad’s face while Belle dad’s face is just a plate full of cucumber 😂 Love them both ❤
Wow I am amazed to see how sensitive and thoughtful Bingo is 😲 he never tried once to eat from Dads face no matter how much he was tempted for it.. Such a sweetheart 😍😘🤗 and how well mannered hé is.. wow 👍😊
Bingo is so polite he thinks daddy is saving those cucumbers for daddys snack. So he waits to be offered. So polite. So sweet Bingo!
Belle is hilarious! while Bingo is simply adorable. 😄❤️
Bingo: I don’t take without permission from daddy!Belle: What’s his is mine, and what’s mine is mine!
Bingo respects dad’s privacy😊
I guess Bingo feels confused 😅He knows it’s not right to get something to eat from the daddy’s face! 🤣
I didn’t know that otters liked cucumbers!!!😉
I’m with Bingo. We prefer our cucumbers without Dad-Face dressing.
Bingo is polite… he wont take it unless mommy offers it to him!
Belle: yummy cucumbers. You should try them BingoBingo: I prefer my cucumbers without daddy sweat.
Your otters are so adorable 😍 This is just too cute 😍! Have a great day little otters!
Bingo and Belle are so darn cute. I love them.
I love the way the otters grab and hold on to things
Bingo is a good boy. He doesn’t want to bother daddy. Belle doesn’t mind. What did the vet say about her tail.
They are so cute and funny 😊
Bingo: im respecting daddy’s space.Belle; Daddy shouldn’t be wearing cucumbers! I will correct the problem by eating them!
ベルちゃんは空気が読めるのか…主さんの思惑通りの行動をして楽しませてくれますね(笑)😍💕ビンゴはやる事なす事全部可愛い( ♥︎ᴗ♥︎ )
They are so adorable, eating the cucumbers.
カワウソ専用ウォーターパーク作りました!ビンゴ&ベル/Private water park for Otter Bingo&Belle

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter 泳ぎが苦手なコツメカワウソのビンゴと泳ぎが得意なベルのために浅いものと深いものを組み合わせて配置しました。パパがよく分からない …
Mom and dad, you have done an amazing job putting up this awesome otter park😊🎉 I am so happy for Bingo🤗 He is learning otterly things from Belle now.
I dont mind staying home & watching these two play, they are loving the pool, so cute 😍 awe you can tell they love their momma & daddy ❣
It delights to see their joy playing in the water, they are so cute and incredibly agile!!!
What a great water play area you made for them. Bingo & Belle are,so cute & funny. They play together so well now. I could watch them for hours💗
Really good job. More swimming space for them, the better. Even Bingo was down to the whole idea and went for bigger pool. Nice water time.
^_^ Bingo & Belle are having so much fun with these little otter pools! Nice to see y’all are still doing well over there~
Woow! It was such amazing experience… Nice experience for Belle and better for Bingo! The jumping moment was wonderful. Thanks for sharing your video. Greetings from Mexico.
When Bingo and Belle were water wrestling. Awwwww. ❤
Good to see Bingo finally trying new things
Wow it’s fun watching Belle and Bingo enjoying and swimming in the pool. Daddy is so sweet to his babies! 👍👏❤🥰🤩😘
We are staying home from 2 days and whole city is lockdown due to coronavirus but these two super cute otters makes my day😇
These two always makes me smile so adorable 😍
Bingo’s like: “I’m only in this for the toys” lol
Que delícia de piscina! 😁🤗
Absolutely what the world needs right now. These 2 are so much fun together 😁😁😁
When did Bingo become such a strong swimmer!!!
\0/ piscina! Que maravilha!!! 😍😍💝
I am so Proud of Bingo, finally he can have some fun, hopefully he will be swimming in the bath soon, Hahahaa at the diving/jump into the pool 🙂
Those two were having so much fun!! Makes self quarantine bearable. Stay safe everyone!! 🇺🇸
💘 🤗 Excellent Stress Reliever for Bingo, Belle & us. 👌👍Glad to see the Munchkins’ Poppa is accommodating their AQUA needs. Bravo 👏👏👏…Bingo Boy graduated to the larger pool, well done Buddy👌👍👌..🤗💘
【新物】トウモロコシまるごとカワウソのビンゴにあげてみた!Otter Bingo get a whole corn!

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter トウモロコシ大好きカワウソ、ビンゴです。主食としてはキャットフードやフェレットフードが中心なのですが、おやつ代わりに少量与えています …
I love watching Bingo slide around the floor nibbling corn. He’s so cute!
I love how he walks in circles around inspecting the corn lol
Gives the phrase “playing with your food” a whole new meaning
I’ve been eating corn wrong this whole time! 😂😂
I love how he uses his hands.
Watching these videos is like relaxation therapy
He’s turned eating corn into interpretive dance.
I like how he (or she) keeps moving it like “what smells so good?!” “Oh that thing does!”
I love how polite and shy he is. He always looks away and grabs food from the side with a stretched out arm lol.
He made eating a single ear of corn into a combination aerobic & gymnastic event.Even fell over backwards as if shot in a performance worthy of at least 2 drama awards.What a funny dude!
That struggle was real when he kept trying to eat the first kernel of corn lol im glad he finally got it. Cute tho how he eats and trying to figure things out. I just love Bingo and can’t wait for some more videos ,and thanks for sharing him with us!
OMG, only an otter can make, eating one little kernel of corn such a dramatic event!
I’ll never look at an ear of corn again the same way! Love the way he picks up the kernels and stuffs them in his mouth! 🙂
Otter philosophy: Life is short, play at every opportunity, especially with food!
Bingo was so adorable checking out the ear of corn, then eating the kernels! He could burn off the calories while eating it! LOL Hugs from South Dakota, USA
Human: Time to eat!Otter: Time to be cute 😜
I love to watch Bingo “swim” through the room. 🏊
Nothing cuter!!! Love how he pushes it around and looks away! Haha
Bingo � simp�tico ao n�vel m�ximo
No one has more fun with food than Bingo 😁🥰
How could you sleep with 2 cute&energetic otters around you

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter Profile▽ Name : Bingo Type : Otter Sex : male Birth : 05.03.2018 ▽Profile▽ Name : Belle Type : Otter Sex : Female Birth …
WOW I’ve never heard someone as loud as Belle! lol
I didn’t expect them to ever fall asleep!!!!😉😂😻😻😻😻😻😻
Belle: “Papa, let me serenade you with the songs of the otters!”Papa: “Um, you know these concerts are optional, right?”Belle: “My singing is NEVER optional.”
Ah…how soothing and peaceful. 🙃
Your otters are so adorable! This is just too cute! Thank you for sharing this with us! Have a great day little otters!
Belle is such a delight, and bingo is so manly. She loves cuddles. Love to see them
This episode takes the cake. I admire the effort keeping these two rascals one happy pair!
Belle is very noisy, too. Stella in my house is really loud, too. There’s a really loud Stella and a quiet kiwi here. I think Stella and Kiwi can be good friends with Bingo and Belle
Bingo is ADORABLE!!!😍💕Ima wear my Bingo shirt and mask today!!!💙
How on earth is poor daddy gonna get any kind of nap in with these two busy critters 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️
É muito lindos… engraçados…😂😂😂😂
Poor Papa! It was like a comedy skit! 🤣🤣 Thise two otters are hilarious. Too cute when they brought their blankets along! Loved it! 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️
Soo cute & silly with sleep & energetic
My heart <3 just melts over these two precious mischievous angels.
Dad’s chance of getting five minutes of nap time when the otters are awake – ZERO!
Bingo is Mommy’s baby and Belle is Daddy’s baby
I was laughing the whole time, like the owner. The two of them are insane ❤️.
Belle is the perfect alarm clock. Except you can’t set the time or turn her off. 😀
These two are quite the characters. Poor Daddy I am surprised he has any hearing left. Bingo the engineer making his napping nest was just too cute. Belle needs to learn how to tone it down or “speak” like Bingo. Lol. Love from Ohio, USA 🦦🦦🙏🏻😍🥰😘💝💘💕💞❣️
Belle trying so hard to get dad’s attention in order to pet her. 🤣🤣Surprisingly, it’s Bingo who making the bed ready to sleep. But they would ratter sleeping on the floor at the end. 💙💙