【カワウソのビンゴ】臭い足がお好き?(日本語字幕)Otter Bingo treat mom and dad differently(ENG SUB)

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter ビンゴはママが帰ってくると必ず靴下を脱がすというのが日課です。ところがパパの靴下は。 きっと臭くて毛が生えてるのが嫌なのですね。
He was really upset when papa wore mama’s socks 😂😂😂 he is too adorable!
Bingo is such a momma’s boy
*Its official to say bingo is a mama’s boy.. I love how he starts crying for his mommy when he see’s his papa wearing his mama’s sock… lmao* 😋😉😂🤣😝❤
Omg he got mad when daddy took over mommy’s sock! 🤣 Bingo is definitively mommy’s little guy. 😍 He helps her because she is a lady and he is a little gentleman. So adorable! ❤💞
3:03 That’s Bingo’s signature protesting expression! Little Bingo is defending mom’s sock from being taken away. What a righteous little otter always fighting for justice. 💛
Dad: *puts on Mom’s socks*Bingo: *_intensly screeches in pain_*Bingo is so cute I just, I can’t-
He treats mama like a princess😊❤
Very telling that Bingo would rather poop than play with Dad’s feet.
Awww the story of Bingo and the smelly socks.😂
Oh bingo is definitely a mamma’s boy. He is very upset that daddy has stolen mama’s sock!!! 😂😂
Bingo knows how to uphold the culture by helping mom take her socks off. Good going Bingo!
This is bingo’s funniest video! Im laughing out loud here all alone.. thank you bingo, mama and papa’s feet for the laugh! 😘😘😘
Bingo’s a Mama’s boy!♥️😊
Boy he really didn’t like you trying to fool him. Bingo is too smart.
Awww!!! It was so adorable when Bingo ran away and cried when Daddy put on Mama’s sock! He didn’t like that at all!!!😍 LOL
OMG!! Bingo is such a mommas boy!! I can’t say much, event at 51 I’m still a mommas boy.. 😀
So cute 😍😍😍😍😍😍❤
Bingo is definitely Moma’s boy. 😉 And he does do the otter dump dance, a little. 1:09
0:05 – “Mom, I missed you so much, I kiss your feet!” 3:24, “It’s okay, Bingo, you don’t like Dad’s stockings as much. I’ll give you love anyway!”
He knows who the master of the house is…And which feet he needs to kiss…
Shh… eating cucumber without letting Bingo&Belle know

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter Profile▽ Name : Bingo Type : Otter Sex : male Birth : 05.03.2018 ▽Profile▽ Name : Belle Type : Otter Sex : Female Birth …
This is the first time I see dad without moustache, mask or sth like that 😁Bingo and Belle are like vegetarian otters, especially Bingo. They are more crazy with veggies 😁😁
Bingo and Belle also like cucumbers. Stella loves cucumbers too Stella grabs the cucumber by hand and eats it cutely. Stella will be good friends with Bingo and Belle.Thank you for the video.
Que lindinhos esses bichinhos 🥰🥰
Moral of the story. Belle always wins!
Love cucumberSo fresh and crunchie
Your otters are so adorable 😍💕! Give us the cucumber 🥒, Daddy! 😆LOL 😆! Have a great day little otters!
Thank You So Much for sharing their favorite cucumber with Bingo too! so Happy for Bingo to Eat ..
😂😂 so intelligent and adorable ❤️
Loved it!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Apparently otters love cucumbers! That is adorable!🐹😍Hugs from South Dakota, USA
Bom dia amiguinhos Bingo e Belle😚❤essa Belle é muito engraçadinha😂😂😂ela é uma princesinha muito esperta.😍🐹🐹🐾🐾💖❤
Clever Belle will protest loudly if you hide the food from her…haha
Belle is a cute thief! And she is not sharing that cucumber with anyone. Lucky for sweet Bingo dad was there to wrestle a piece of cucumber 🥒away from Belle!
Lol omg they are soooo crazy babies ! I love them 💓
I just love to watch them chew!
I love Bingo e Belle,amo muito esses dois fofinhos😚🐹🐹🐾🐾💖❤
I just wonder how he takes out time for his chores with these beautiful buddies giving him company 🤔
Love Bingo and Belle so much🤗
They are so Adorable ❤️😍
Belle had a good hunting eyes. She found the cucumber . She really good. Hehehe
Otter sees durian for the first time

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter Profile▽ Name : Bingo Type : Otter Sex : male Birth : 05.03.2018 ▽Profile▽ Name : Belle Type : Otter Sex : Female Birth …
Your otters are so adorable! I love to see their reactions to new things! 😆LOL 😆! Have a great day little otters!
These two otters are so adorable 😍
😁😊 ” Thanks, you can have it all “- Bingo -Belle
That part when Belle got a bit of taste of durian and she got so shocked and panicky, with the sound fx of , ” GOD, NO…GOD…WHAT…” I almost died laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Na cabecinha deve estar perguntando, será o que isso? Bingo e Belle vocês estão em nossos corações com muito Amor 💞💞💞💞💞💞
The sound effects that you put into it, like “doubt Bingo”, kill me every time 🙂
They are immensely curious but not adventurous, even timid. 😅
My first time seeing a durain , i’m with the otters on this one!
Unlike humans, Bingo and Belle know what is good. 😊
Damn it! Based on his facial expression while eating it seems sweet now I want to eat too.😅
Papá: Bingo, Bell prueben fruta deliciosa😋!!Bingo y Bell: No gracias 😱!!
Finally, something you can eat in peace! Lol
Otter sees a pair of underpants for the first time your heart will melt you won’t be able to stop smiling 💞
Бедолажки,так и не поели вкусняшки😝😂😝😂
Esses animais s�o muito fofos.
Lucky otters!!! Delightful. I Love durian. Oh man it’s perfectly ready and cracked. Yes I love the smell.
Bingo and Belle: Why is dad eating stinky fruit? Is he ok? They were interested but the smell was too much for them.
The easiest way to open a durian is to widen the cracks on the bottom by sticking the fingers of both hands between the cracks then pry the fruit apart. (By pulling the hulk to left and right sides) Your hands are served like pry bars.It looks great. I LOVE durian!First time I see someone eats durian with a spoon. LolJust take a seed with your bare hand and eat. You can wash your hands later.
Bingo: I don’t want to eat it, but I’ll take the spoon!
Delicious durian🤤😋
カワウソビンゴ宇宙船現る!Otter Bingo received a space ship!!

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter ビンゴは寝床を何箇所か決めていて、そのうちの一つどら焼きクッションが壊れてしまったのでママが新しいベッドを購入しました。気に入って …
I love how Bingito helps open packages😘
He’s too precious for this world. ❤😍
Now Bingo can go to otter space😊😉❤🚀
bingo’s participation in unboxing is tremendous 😂bingo made spaceship his dining ship 😂
🥀🐾 There is a good reason why Bingo doesn’t do certain things! Nobody knows what that is, but it’s good enough for Bingo! And we know who has the final word!❣️
Bingo: “But I don’t wanna go into space!”
So adorable watching him anticipate what’s in the box and help to open it. 🙂 Darling!!!♥️
Curious Bingo is the cutest 😍
Didn’t realise otters can be pets They are so interesting to watch ❤️
Esse Bingo é muito fofo !!! 👏👏👏
It’s painfully cute when he tries to help with the plastic xD Such a wonderful boy Bingo!
Cannot stop giggeling – mom and dad had one idea…… Bingo says no way!, Love it 🥰😍😘
I see they had a “test dummy doll” Bingo first , then the outer space crunchies LMAO. Bingo you brighten my day
His behavior & curiousity with the box is so much like a cat! Love Bingo.
Śliczny domek😄Bingo kochany 😍❤💋
Lol! Bingo was so adorable “helping” to open the box. I don’t think he knew what to make of the space ship! LOL
Bingo doesnt want to be launched into the outer space.. super cute and funny boy… i was having a terrible day and surely bingo lightened up my day… thank you bingo, mama and papa ❤️
Looks like Mister Otter got a space ship.
I swear, you spend more on Bingo than most parents do on their kids 😂
So adorable. 😊
カワウソビンゴ自分のご飯じゃないと拗ねる!Otter Bingo gets sulky if the food is not his

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter なんでも自分のものだと思ってしまうビンゴ。普段カワウソとの日常を動画にしました。ビンゴのバアバの靴下に穴が空いているのはご愛嬌で …
So cute when Bingo brings the lids here and there while he whining for the food 😂🤣 silly boy 🤗😘💕
He’s silky and sulky!I like the way he jumps while standing on his hind legs, clutching his precious lid!
Bingo’s like a little child that has to be told “no” over and over and over and…
Sounds like a baby bird chirping! I love the way Bingo follows Mom from the kitchen to the dining table and back. OK! More kibble! Bingo is happy now 🥰
I love his little chirps.
I love the way the handles on the cupboards are tied together so bingo can’t open the doors and get in.
Aww, Bingo playing with his lids is incredibly cute!!!!
Bingo accepts this challenge and will likely find a way to win. He always does 😘🐹
Ahhhh, he’s so darn CUTE! <3The funny thing is, that he might be nagging for your food, be he wouldnt eat it anyway!
It’s almost as if he brought the lids over as plates for you to fill for him! So cute!
I like the way Bingo eats his food but still keeps his eyes on mommy’s and daddy’s food. In some ways the little rascal is still a kid
Bingo is so adorable with his sulking.😂🤣❤😘🥰
I love how you take time to love on Bingo during his meltdown ❤️❤️❤️
Apaixonada por essas fofuras
Lol at the end bingo eating his food like I don’t want this I want some of yours lol
He such a curious little guy and it’s absolutely adorable 💕😂
I love his tiny hands !! ❤
It’s cute af but the screeching 😂 And how smart are they
I like his chirping noises. So cute He really likes those lids.
Bingo was showing his parents “PUT THE FOOD ON MY BOWL! ” 😹😹😹😸😸😸🤣🤣🤣