- カワウソのビンゴとベルが大好物の自家製鶏ハムを食す|New recipe for otter Bingo&Belle : chicken fillet roll
- 【カワウソの前で倒れるフリをしたら】カワウソビンゴ&ベル/Daddy pretends to be dead in front otter Bingo&Belle
- カワウソのベルはダディが大好きなようだよ|Belle is a daddy girl Otter Bingo&Belle
- What is Otter Bingo&Belle doing when daddy is asleep
- カワウソビンゴ&ベルとまったりステイホーム/Stay home with otter Bingo&Belle for the current outbreak
カワウソのビンゴとベルが大好物の自家製鶏ハムを食す|New recipe for otter Bingo&Belle : chicken fillet roll

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter 皆さん、引っ越し作業のため動画の更新が2日途絶えてしまい大変失礼しました。18日には新居の動画を公開予定です。 さてさて、本日は …
Como cuida do bichinho como se fosse um BB. Comida especiais e bem elaboradas.Muito amor.🙋
I have never seen little animals enjoy their food more then these two do ! 😆
Que coisa mais lindinha elas comendo… Gracinha 😍
💓💓 Bingo & Belle have such different personalities! You can see it in the way they eat. Bingo is organized, Belle is all over the place.
Que coisinhas fofas 😍. From brazil
강아지와 고양이들에 대한 영상을 보다가 수달에 관한 영상을 보니 새롭네요! 수달에 대한 자세한 정보도 같이 자막으로 넣어주셔서 많은 공부가 된 것 같습니다. 귀여운 수달들이 헤엄치고 쉬는 모습을 보니 힐링이 되네요.. 감사합니다. 혹시 구조하게 될 때의 주의사항도 잘 숙지하도록 하겠습니다:)
Belle and Bingo love corn and beans that is crazy. Just adorable smacking their lips and watch them eat every bit of their food. Just to cute. NC, USA.
Bingo is a true gentleman. He makes sure lil Belle has enough to eat. Whenever he makes that low pitched hum, I know he is sharing his food with her.
Ale słodziaki!!!😃🤗
Your otters are adorable! I love to see them eat and play! This is just too cute! Have a great day little otters!
I love how they use their little hands to grab the food, so adorable
Belle is so cute standing up to ear her beams!
Nossa que coisa mais linda do mundo 😍❤️
Que fofo 💕💕
That was a lovely breakfast for Bingo and Belle! And they loved it! Your such a good dad!
I ❤️ how bingo talks/plays with his food …..pauses to see…..nothing…. keeps going lol ❤️ them!!!
I did not expect them to eat like their food was trying to get away from them!! Haha such cuties 🥰💕
They make me feel like throwing myself down and rolling around the next time I grab something to eat. They’re too funny to watch. 😂🤣
Bingo and Belle next time I’m in Japan I want to come visit you two at that fine dining establishment!! 💕💕
That is so cute the way they eat their meals. I love how you fix their plates for them. Very, very sweet!!! Thank you! 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
【カワウソの前で倒れるフリをしたら】カワウソビンゴ&ベル/Daddy pretends to be dead in front otter Bingo&Belle

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter カワウソビンゴとベルの前で倒れたふりをしたらどんな反応になるか気になったので撮影してみました。ふたりとも意外といえば意外な反応で …
I laughed so hard when they got inside his pants 🤣
He was doing SO well not reacting to Belle in his pants….but then she went for the bellybutton! That did it! Good job, Belle! XD
Bingo only cares whats inside papa’s pockets 😂😂😂
Belle says… It’s ok Bingo, he’s still breathing, look i’ll tickle him to wake him up!😊❤❤
Belle: Now that Daddy’s dead, I can play in his pants! 😆😆😂
Belle: “Bingo! Roll him up in the carpet, we’ll dump him in the River”Belle: “trust me, it’s not my first time”
Honestly…. hilarious. These two are so comical… so intelligent. I love watching them
Aww, they seemed so happy and relieved Daddy was not dead! ❤️ They love you!
1:44 He knows where to poke to gain consciousness😂😂
Adorable and precious.. I know they were scared.. One tried to get help by attempting to climb the window using the chest of drawers , while the other was trying to do everything to wake him up ..They did their best with the little understanding they have of what was going on being genuinely concerned about their dad ..
They were so excited. They got to do things they probably couldn’t before. “Yay, gaint play toy”.So cute though when he woke up how they couldn’t stop squeaking and chirping from excitement.
5:33 Belle, crying for owner 😍😊💞Bingo: destroying furniture 😅😂😂
Belle and Bingo were so scared each time you pretended to die! Poor babies. But watching Belle crawl into your pants all the time has me laugh, as well as her tickling you and then at the end snuggling under your hand, trying to get you to pet and cuddle her. So adorable! Bingo on the other hand is a very naughty boy going through all the drawers, something which he usually isn’t allowed to do anymore. And then sneaking his little paw-hands into your pocket to check for anything interesting like your phone, money, or a treat. Very cute lil pickpocket!As someone already said, you should train them to call for help when you go down on the floor. It can really be of help in an emergency. You never know… Like train them to push a special button on a home alert. It’s easy to do and so much fun for them to learn and get all those treats and pets in return for getting it right!
Lol. This was too funny. I love how Belle went out of her way to make sure your pants were still okay.
Papa pretends to be dead.Bingo: Let’s check his pocket for spare magnets.Belle: Dibs on his pants👖! Imma plan a party in there.
They’re so genuine…. They cried when their dad didn’t even flinch
I couldn’t last that long, I’d be laughing and protecting myself! 🤣
Hilarious 🤣😂 Bingo’s trying to reach the window to get some help while Belle’s trying to wake daddy up.. Bravo Dad you’re a good actor 😂👍
Dad: DiesOtters: Let’s rob him and get his pants!
i don’t think i’ve laughed so audibly watching a video in a long time until i watched the otter crawl inside his pants LOL
カワウソのベルはダディが大好きなようだよ|Belle is a daddy girl Otter Bingo&Belle

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter え?ただカワウソ好きのおじさんと可愛いカワウソのベルちゃんが戯れてるだけじゃないかって?正解です。ご覧の通りベルは本当に …
Belle behaves like a human child😍😍😘😘
Belle is really like a child 💖😇
Cada dia gosto mais desse bichinho! 💘
Oi aqui � do Brasil, amo seus pets , s�o lindos!!
Belle is a real Daddy’s girl!!! They are both so adorable and hilarious!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️Thank you for sharing with us!! 🤣🤣🤣
Q coisinhas mais lindas ♥️
Awww!!!! Belle wants Daddy’s UNDIVIDED attention! LOL She let’s him know about it! lolol I bet it feels funny having your feet kissed!! LOL
Que gracinha!
Os animais s�o maravilhosos, cuide bem deles.
😂 omgosh , baby belle is such a daddy’s girl 😂😍❤
E muita fofura. ❤️❤️❤️
She really loves her daddy and it shows
Belle-otter is so cute! But so noisy! These videos are so cool—music, text animations, etc. 💛🙏🏼
🤗 Kochane zwierzątko
Your otters are adorable! This is just too cute! Have a great day little otters!
Muito fofo 🤗🤗🤗
Tadinho ele tbm que macarr�o .rsrsrs .Deus aben�oe vc e sua familia. Deus aben�oe a todos q lerem esse coment�rio
Al�m de n�o ter v�deo todos os dias, precisa de mais alegria. A uns seis meses atr�s era t�o bom, com Bingo e Belle. Bingo nem sabe o est� acontecendo. Belle est� t�o distante.
She is cute like a baby but makes too much noise 😂
Muito lindo..Deus aben�oe vcs
What is Otter Bingo&Belle doing when daddy is asleep

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter Profile▽ Name : Bingo Type : Otter Sex : male Birth : 05.03.2018 ▽Profile▽ Name : Belle Type : Otter Sex : Female Birth …
2:11 How cute Belle takes Dad’s hand and hugs❤️❤️
I’m suddenly grateful for my cat and dog. They sleep at least half of the time.
Belle seems to be demanding cuddles and when not receiving them, she will tickle you until she gets them
How are you able to sleep with two otters climbing all over you?😂
Belle is obviously a daddy’s girl! So sweet! ❤️
Found this Online:Otters are most active at NightThough river otters are not strictly nocturnal, they are generally more active at night, particularly in the spring, summer, and fall.Good Luck Sleeping. In the same room with them.
3:54 The first face I wanna see in the morning 🙂 Finally they sleep comfortably under the blanket with dad. How cute❣
Bingo was sleeping in his usual place, and Belle….. trying to get into the pants…. as usual…. 🤣🤣🤣
The experiment was a success! You have just proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that owning otters and sleeping cannot happen at the same time! LOL
They’re too adorable! I smiled so much watching this my face is aching
Belle was secretly trying to get her dads card so she could order tons more fish.
They are so adorable and playful. Thank you for sharing this cute moment….
OMG!!! Belle is so adorable she really wanted snuggle time! She is adorable certainly the cutest of many otters!😻😻
Thank goodness my cat goes to sleep near my feet at 10pm & wakes up at 6am without moving around much throughout the night.Once awake, he’ll stand on my stomach/chest demanding breakfast!
Без улыбки за ними не возможно наблюдать. Милые, шыбутные малыши!!! 💗
They are so cute !!!! And hilarious 😂 💖
Awwww!!!! Sweet little Belle hugs Daddy’s arm. Then the babies wait for Daddy to wake up. Hugs from South Dakota, USA
Perigoso dormir com celular. Fofinhos Angeles 🤗
They are such lovely creatures, never thought in a million years that they would be so friendly and tame
Otter Bingo&Belle: “We must keep the hooman awake lest he fall into the eternal sleep!!’
カワウソビンゴ&ベルとまったりステイホーム/Stay home with otter Bingo&Belle for the current outbreak

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter みなさんはステイホーム中はいかがお過ごしでしょうか?できるだけ外出は控えているので庭でプールや部屋で一緒にカワウソ達とゆるりと …
I’d lose notion of time playing if I had these otters! They’re so cute, I wish you all the best during quarantine 💖💖
You can never get bored with Bingo and Belle around! 🥰
Fofos demais! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Love this siblings Bingo-Belle 💕
It’s very sweet of Daddy and Mummy to spend more time with their dear Belle and Bingo during the stay home period.👍👏❤🥰😘🤩😍❣
We love Bingo and Belle ❤️❤️
What beautiful moments ,with mummy ,they are so playful ,they love to hide under parents clothes so funny 😂 n adorable .love you Bingo n Belle n family from a Frenchy in Australia 🇫🇷🇦🇺🤗❤️🐾🧡💝💚💝
Lol. I will always love the classic Bingo theme.
Wow what a handful! Otters have so much energy
It is so much fun to watch you and your otters playing together! Why won’t the like option work?
I can tell that’s belle crawling under mommy clothes and bingo just chills and belle gets jealous starts to whine to mommy and bingo is like belle leave me alone😂😂😂🦦🦦🦦🦦🌸
Buen no y Belle♥️💐
Bingo is like no I’m a normal otter
Aww the babies like playing with their mom
Belle I know that was you in Mama’s PJ’s she is a mischievous little girl but so cute watching her get into mama’s clothes. Now Bingo is nonchalant. He does his own thing but adorable. Love you two. NC, USA.
I think Bingo is feeling left out when Belle is around. Bingo needs a “walk” day in the park with mom and dad only.✌️😷
Bingo is so sassy!!!!!!
Awwwww! Cute😄👍
I been gone for so long!! Belle’s hair grew back on her tail!!!