- 激しくバトルするも必ず寄り添って寝るカワウソビンゴ&ベル/Fight fiercely but still bestie Otter Bingo&Belle
- カワウソの目の前で大好物のトウモロコシをむく!カワウソビンゴ&ベル/Otter Bingo&Belle addicted to corn
- Otter Bingo&Belle helps daddy with his house chore
- 【カワウソの早朝と夜のテンションが恐ろしく違う件】カワウソビンゴ&ベル/Otter Bingo&Belle energy level change extremely
- 丸鶏いただきます。カワウソビンゴとベル|A boiled whole chicken for otter Bingo&Belle
激しくバトルするも必ず寄り添って寝るカワウソビンゴ&ベル/Fight fiercely but still bestie Otter Bingo&Belle

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter カワウソのビンゴとベルはどんなに激しく相撲をしても一緒に寝ます。最近ベルが大きくなってきてビンゴを力でねじ伏せる日が来るのでは …
Honestly, not much has brought me more joy during this horrific time than watching Bingo & Belle. Thank you for sharing their adorable lives with us ❤️ 🦦
They’re both still babies. Happy to hear Bingo singing again. ❤️
They really behave like other kids… play, fight and repeat.. and yet.. still besties…😀😁😁
Bingo and Belle are so cute watching them play, they make me smile every morning.
These babies r so intelligent!!!! Truly amazing! Loved it when u catched one of them looking, hearing underneath the door!!!😂
Bingo: ahhh mom she’s attacking me Belle: oh hush
It’s good that Belle and Bingo can accompany and play with one another.👍❤🤩🥰🌸
Bingo & Belle are too cute and I really like your choice of background music. Thank you for sharing smile material in such trying times.
I am laughing hysterically ! At first Bingo, went to complain to daddy after mommy took away the stuff from him. Then running like a rocket ship with his accomplice Belle!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
0:07 There is little difference between them and a child. 😂
The most adorable little thieves I’ve ever heard of or seen! They stole my heart, too! LOL Hugs from South Dakota, USA
The thumbnail though😂❤
ベルちゃんは女の子なのにとっても勇敢ですね😆まるで、レスリングスキルをビンゴが教えてるみたい笑 最後に寄り添ってる姿が可愛いです❤️
They are getting really hard to tell apart.
Hola BINGO y BELLE, siempre curiosas, traviesas e inquietas, mucha energ�a y fuerza saludos
Bingo is the best, even his whines are super cute. Love you bingo, and belle too. But bingo has my heart
After all that rough play, it is time to rest🙌🙌🙌🙌
So adorable!
0:02 – 0:29 Hooligan Cuties Break & Enter1:41 – 4:15 Cowboy 🤠Bingo & Gangster 😎 Belle are training for the World Federation Wrestling Match💘💖 Thanks Sausages for your Great Entertainment. I’m Glued to the screen & having some essential CV Comfort FOOD 🍕🍟🍡🍦🍗🍖🌭🌭…👍🐴👌 …💖💘✌🤗✌…CV Solidarity to All whom are Affected…..🤗✌…..Day THREE LOCKDOWN…👌💖👍
Belle wanted to eat rice 😂
カワウソの目の前で大好物のトウモロコシをむく!カワウソビンゴ&ベル/Otter Bingo&Belle addicted to corn

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter カワウソビンゴとベルの大好物!とうもろこしを一粒ずつむきながら与えてみました。すごい勢いでガッつくビンゴ。スイートなコーンにメロメロ …
Awww, Bingo and Belle really loved that corn! The little squeaks while they were eating it were adorable!
Yay! We finally get to see Belle on her first time eating corn! And we know this is Bingo’s favorite!
Belle says “this corn is really good.”Bingo says “yeah, I’ll eat it because I’m hungry, but it’s hard to digest “.
It’s funny 😂 to watch Belle trying to hold on to food because she’s a bit clumsy… too funny 😂
Bingo y Belle ♥️
My otters also love to eat corn as otter Bingo and Belle
The little cuties are thinking: Why did mom give us a toy to eat?Then Bingo probably ate too much corn.
Gosto muito de ver os vídeos deles são muitos carinhosos muitos fofos parabéns pelo videos😘
Happy mother’s Day to Bingo n Belle’s mum you are a beautiful mum to our beautiful babies .love you Bingo n Belle n family from a Frenchy in Australia 🇫🇷🇦🇺🤗💙💜💛💚🐾💝
Bingo & Belle are the CUTEST 🌽CORN connoisseurs….🐾First we are performing our Corn 🤸♀️🤹♀️🤼♂️🤹♂️🤸♂️ Dance. Then we have a bit of playtime with our YUMMY niblets….👅nyam…..nyam….nyam👅….🐾…..💕💖🐹🐿💖💕🐾💘 HAPPY Mother’s 🐿💏🐹 Day Everyone 💘🐾
This is what i call pure cuteness
Muito lindo 😘😷😷😍😍😍😍😍
Yum yum yum corn corn corn.🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🦦🦦🤗🤗🥰🇨🇦💕💕💕💖💕Love you Belle & Bingo:)
最初に丸ごと与えたときの、何やこれどうやって食べるんだよ(´º△º` )ポカーンの表情が面白い。ママさんに1粒づつ貰ってからの2人の食べっぷりは圧巻 お腹いっぱいになったのかビンゴが途中フリーズしてましたね🤭笑
See, Belle! Didn’t I tell you if we wait Mom ends up doing the hard work so we can eat the yummy 🌽 corn
Lovely fresh corn and the otters love it 👍👍👍👍👍
🐾🐾Bingo & Belle:😘thx mother!Happy Mother’s Day 🌹🌈👍🙏🤱🏻
Beautiful otters! This corn is a yummy toy! Nom, nom! Have fun little otters!
Is it yummy Bingo? You really love to eat corn💖💖💖
I have to laugh at the way belle keeps stealing everything away from poor bingo 😂😂💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Otter Bingo&Belle helps daddy with his house chore

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter Profile▽ Name : Bingo Type : Otter Sex : male Birth : 05.03.2018 ▽Profile▽ Name : Belle Type : Otter Sex : Female Birth …
Aww…. Bingo with his arms outstretched is just the most adorable 😍 And how he is interested in things, so curious and thirsty for knowledge. I love how Bingo makes his bed, very carefully and thoughtfully 🥰
Bingo: can I help dad? I’ll help!Belle: dad I’ll help you too by being very cute 😊
Like the part when Belle sneaked inside dad’s pants, she is the naughtiest but cutest otter on earth…haha!
This really cheered me up, I almost missed it, and I have been feeling down, really was meant to be. Best Housekeeping Assistants EVER‼️❣🦦🛋🦦😊😁😄
Housekeeping is a joy and fun with Bingo and Bell 🤣. Other parents would be happy if their own little ones were as active in housework as Bingo and Bell 👍🤣.
Daddy is a very lucky man because he has two helpers to help him with household chores😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️
Ω !Τη καλά εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία που του έχεις κάνει!Συγχαρητήρια φίλε μου!χαίρομαι να σας βλέπω.!!!
I like how when dad was cleaning the glass top table Bingo pointed out a spot he had missed, and Bingo examining the mop and figuring out how it works. He’s just too cute!
Bingo has helped mom since he was a kid. He mopped the floor and even vacuum. This is easy peasy for him 😄😄😄😄Belle’s tail looks full today
I so adore these water sausages. Love the way bingo flexes his paws, especially when you were mopping… so precious 💕💕
Bingo: I got this—my blanket has to be.just.right.
Bingo e Belle, duas crianças fofas e lindas. Amo vocês 💞💞💞💞😘😘
Pets are not only cute and cuddly, but by playing with and taking care of them every day, you can develop rich emotions, compassion, and communication skills. Pets are also important because they are there to comfort you when you are having a hard time or are sad, so there are great advantages to having a pet from childhood. However, it is important to discuss this with the whole family before considering pets, as they can be a burden on the family budget, allergies, and housing issues.🐱🐮🐕😀😀🐑🐐🐑🦛🐀🦛🐐🐑
Just too endearing!😍
Bless you dad! I don’t think I would get any cleaning done with B&B around. I would be laughing too hard and playing with them. Love to all from🇺🇸💝💞💞🙏🏻
Your otters are so adorable! They want to supervise your cleaning! 😆 😆 LOL! Have a great day little otters!
Bingo & Belle wants to help daddy doing the housecleaning 🤣
Your home is always so clean it makes me envious. I wonder is it hard to keep it clean with otters like it is with kids? I love every video
Bingo with his paws out waiting for the mop to come his way… 😉 All good things come to those that wait patiently little guy – or you could just go it dude!It’s so nice to have fun with your pets. 🦦🦦🙂🙃🙂🙃
So cute! Happy holidays!
【カワウソの早朝と夜のテンションが恐ろしく違う件】カワウソビンゴ&ベル/Otter Bingo&Belle energy level change extremely

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter 早朝の5時と夜10時のカワウソの生態模様です。ふたりとも決して夜行性で育ってはないのですが、少し広い部屋へ行くと暴れまくりです。
The cute and playful babies are full of energy🤗😍 Love Bingo and Belle so much💖
Apaixonada por essas fofuras♥️♥️♥️♥️
Bingo and Belle are so cuteee 😂😂😂😂
Sou apaixonada por essas criaturinhas..❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you so much for sharing those moments with us 🐱. You bring positive when we need it most ❤
This is fitting because Otters are nocturnal by nature. There is nothing unusual about their habits. They seem happy and healthy…which is not surprising because they have a great mommy and daddy to make sure of that. Please stay well and healthy and my prayers will be with all of you as you continue to post videos of these precious babies!!!
今日も2人は元気♪元気♪5:58 ビンゴの頭をカジカジしてるベルちゃん可愛い💖 1日でも早く世界を困らせてる問題が終息して家族みんなでお散歩出来たらいいのになぁ(´・ω・`)
Your otters are so adorable! I love to watch them play!
I don’t see how Bingo and Belle could be so busy during the day and at night, too! Lol They are so sweet and adorable, but watching them like that is wearing me out! Hehe God bless the babies, and you too, mama and daddy!
Those are the cutest pets I’ve seen
Jumps up on furniture like a cat. Didn’t realize otters could jump like that. 🐱😳
So adorable 😍
Grandma, Grandma, protect us!… ooo look that’s where I left my magnet! Oi Belle quit biting my head, snore! Typical day in Bingoland💚💚💋
Oh, that’s the 10pm Zoomies! One of my cats gets like that– **zoooom!**
Lol @ bingo’s thumbnail. “Not tonight dear, I’m too tired.”
Q fofos algu�m brasileiro
My three cats are just the same in the evening they get an attack and do exactly what these two do,I can’t believe my beautiful babies are so fast n funny they destroy everything but we love them so much that instead of getting angry we Lough n that’s what we need now ,love you Bingo n Belle n family from a Frenchy in Australia 🇫🇷🇦🇺🤗❤️💗🌻🌞❤️🧡💛🐾🐾🐈🤣🌞💚💝
can’t tell which cycle makes them otters look cuter. But still, nice to see you 4 are still doing ok.
So naughty but very cute though!
Otters can get the zoomies. (We all knew this.)
丸鶏いただきます。カワウソビンゴとベル|A boiled whole chicken for otter Bingo&Belle

(c) 【カワウソのビンゴ】Bingo-the-otter スーパーに行ったら丸鶏になぜか壽マークが貼られて販売されていました。ビンゴとベルには長生きして欲しいのでという意味合いも込めて …
Bingo & Belle: “Mmm! looks like chicken.”Belle: “Smells like chickhen.”Belle: “Definitely chicken… yum.”Bingo: “I will have mine on a plate.”
Bingo is just SOOO cute!!!😍😘Bingo loves his chicken…as long as it is in pieces!!!😂
Your otters are so adorable 😍! It is so cute to see Bingo playing with his food! Have a great day little otters!
Bingo and Belle are so dainty and refined in their eating habits – perfect little angels, love them dearly.
I love it!!! I never knew otters had so much personality!!!! Too cute!!!
Our adventurous Belle has claimed the chicken for herself. The whole chicken. Bingo must be hand fed.
Damn cute that bingo’s excitement about 😀❤️…. Lot of love
Oooh Bingo n Belle that chicken was to big 😂🤣 so cute how you tried to reap it apart with those petite hands that I adore,am so happy to see our beautiful Belle is getting all her fur back in her tail ,so happy mommy n daddy you look after them so well .love you Bingo n Belle n family from a Frenchy in Australia 🇫🇷🇦🇺🐾💜🐾💚🐾🧡🐾💙🐾❤️🐾💛🐾💝
Bingo is like cut it for me, mommy!! Belle on d other hand just started looking for places to start eating 😆😆😆🐾🐾
Bingo is too sophisticated to eat directly from the carcass. His wants his food served to him like the gentleman that he is. Belle on the other hand doesn’t care for the niceties, just give me that food and I will do the rest!!
Jajaja belle es una devoradora de pollo, mientras que bingo come con sus pequeñas manitos 😍
Now Bingo can recognize chicken for what it is, he isn’t sure if he can be a cannibal or not!!! 🤪
It’s very interesting to know that whole chicken only being sold in new year season! Is there any particular reason behind it? Lovely B&B as usual 😀
Bingo and Belle:”What do we do with this?” Much better after Mama tore it up for them. Then they knew what to do with it! LOL Hugs from South Dakota, USA
Bingo wants to served in a civilized way. Even though he’s as good as anyone else at making a real mess of his meals ….
I love Bingo😍❤e Belle 😚💖são muito lindinhos esses dois.🐨🐼🐻❤💖
Belle sempre destemida, n�o tem medo de nada. A lontra sempre corajosa. Bingo e Belle amo voc�s.
Cuteness overload 😍
I’m so glad the bells tail hair is starting to grow back
Seria interessante ver eles comendo no seu habitat…na �gua hehehehe l� eles s�o elegantes. No ch�o parecem gatos desengon�ados tadinho kkkkk. Parab�ns pelo v�deo e belos belos animais.