【Papers, Please】通りたいの?いいよ~~【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 本ゲームはCopyright © 2013-2020, 3909 LLC. の確認を得た上で配信・収益化を行なっております。
Thank you for the Papers, Please stream Okayu!!
“Hey kid the way to get in is to bribe Okayu with onigiri🍙 “
Even when she’s pissed Okayu is still very cute
0:03:11 もぐもぐおかゆー0:08:03 次!0:32:45 指紋のやつ渡そうとするのすき0:56:15 98kg1:19:39 スバラシイウニ1:42:03 よっしゃ!1:50:03 無邪気ゆえの…1:55:30 おかにゃんスタンプの話1:58:57 今日のごはん?2:00:56 てまにゃが呼んでるめっちゃ良い書類捌きでした!!またこれ見れるの楽しみ〜
Jorji is such a legend, he came 4 times!
New goal: learn Japanese to watch live shows without problem <3
Jorji, what a legend. I’m to the point where I look forward to seeing the reactions to this mad lad and his various appearances ! Today thumbnail is super cute, that new emote tho ! I have some doubts about today’s meal but since it was delivered by the かわいい Okayu how can we refuse…
Okayu in the thumbnail is the cutest little neko I’ve ever seen!1:53:20 Aww, Angry Okayu is so cute! Thanks for the Papers, Please stream, Okayu! I learned about this game from Korone, so watching you play it was a treat. You’re the best! Love you and take care!
“Arresting people is fun!” – Okayu, Nekomata – 2021
Was waiting for this game! Thanks for the stream!
Okayu commits several acts of treason.Gives evidence to Inspector.Is arrested.Surprised Pikachu face 1:50:52
お疲れ様! All of that practice jailing Onigirya really came in handy, so quick on the draw lol Glad she noticed Jorji joining the onigirya too after making it through the checkpoint
サムネの絵が可愛すぎる…( ^ω^)
Thank you for another great stream!! That bad ending was hilarious.
Thank you for today’s stream Okayu! It was an entertaining and fun stream!
I never thought you would play Papers, Please. This stream is so fun 😀
Joined for the last part but still enjoyed it. Just what I need after a long day… Thank you Okayu!
【がんばれゴエモン2】 奇天烈将軍マッギネス!初見で遊ぶ!【ホロライブ/猫又おかゆ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 本日!クリア耐久と!なっております!いえい! 本ゲームは株式会社コナミデジタルエンタテインメントに確認の上、配信・収益化を行っております。 CKonami Digital …
0:02:03 もぐもぐおかゆー0:04:59 ゲームスタート0:06:51 えりあ 一 『大型からくりメカ登場』0:35:33 えりあ 二 『対決カブキリターンズ』1:59:15 えりあ 三 『巨大ベーゴマの恐怖』2:37:52 えりあ 四 『大江戸城跡の秘密』3:50:46 えりあ 五 『追跡!マーブル五人衆』4:20:34 えりあ 六 『奇天烈将軍マッギネス』5:51:30 !!ばーちゃじごく!!0:06:51 えりあ 一 『大型からくりメカ登場』0:16:48 あっ0:21:35 うにょうにょ0:21:58 やー!0:31:00 うっ!0:35:33 えりあ 二 『対決カブキリターンズ』 0:39:13 あー0:42:55 あっ0:44:03 ごめんなさいごめんなさい0:45:13 いやー0:54:40 あっ!やーん0:56:27 やだやだやだー0:59:40 にゃー1:12:39 早まっちゃった〜1:14:34 ひゃーん1:16:01 にゃん1:16:34 あん1:17:05 あっあっあっ1:17:58 やっ1:19:00 あっ1:20:00 にゃー1:23:14 あっあっ1:42:55 にゃー1:45:31 あっ!やっ!1:45:58 はっ!あっ!あっ!1:46:18 やーん1:47:01 あっ1:48:03 あっ1:49:19 やーん1:49:29 やん1:49:58 あっ1:50:39 やん1:52:34 あっ1:52:40 あっ1:53:05 うにゃん1:53:31 なおーん1:54:28 あっ1:55:13 やんっ1:56:07 ゆっ!ぐ!1:56:40 やっ1:59:15 えりあ 三 『巨大ベーゴマの恐怖』1:59:37 あっ2:00:51 あっ2:01:25 うっ、うっ2:03:06 あっあっ2:05:03 あっやーん2:05:50 ハァハァ2:06:30 やん2:06:43 あっ2:15:49 もっと出るんだろー2:16:25 かつあげおかゆー2:16:38 あっ2:19:25 えっあっグロいグロい2:19:46 あっ2:33:06 あっ2:37:52 えりあ 四 『大江戸城跡のひみつ』2:39:38 やーん2:40:14 一旦トイレ2:50:17 あっ2:51:10 やん、はーん2:51:17 ぐるぐるやーい2:59:05 あーん3:01:20 ひどいよー3:04:00 あくび3:04:57 ゴエモンは人生3:07:21 やん、やーん3:08:45 あくび3:12:36 うぎゃ3:13:27 ういぎゃー3:13:57 31日21時からおかころの予定3:15:48 うっ3:19:26 あっ3:20:10 あっうっやん3:20:25 はっ!宝に…3:21:50 あー体力がー3:22:15 うにゃん3:24:31 痛いねぇ3:25:13 いかせて!3:28:26 あっ3:31:24 あっあっあっ3:32:40 あっうそぉ…3:34:23 にゃーん3:34:49 あはーん3:35:32 やはー3:38:09 あはーん3:39:20 にゃーん3:39:40 あっ3:42:30 あっ3:44:46 やーん3:45:16 やん!3:50:46 えりあ 五 『追跡!マーブル五人衆』3:51:40 やーん3:56:20 いたっ!3:58:38 やめて3:58:55 いやっ3:59:25 にぽぽ〜4:05:52 ご飯ビーム(小判ビーム)4:06:42 うわーん4:07:00 にゃ…4:08:01 うぎゃー4:15:07 いつもここから4:16:50 あっ4:17:10 あっ4:17:26 にゃはー4:18:23 うっ4:18:41 あっ4:18:51 あんっ4:20:34 えりあ 六 『奇天烈将軍マッギネス』4:23:02 やーん4:24:08 やん4:25:27 やーん4:27:59 あん4:29:32 えへーん4:30:53 いや4:31:19 にゃはーん4:32:00 あっ、やんっ4:32:15 やー4:33:04 やだやだ〜4:33:41 やはー4:34:26 うひっ4:34:50 あ〜は〜4:35:52 にゃー4:36:29 うぎゅ4:42:37 治安がやばいよー4:45:00 あっ(実機アピ)4:45:04 やん4:45:21やん4:45:43 あくび4:45:50 うにゃん4:46:23 あくび4:47:20 いやん4:47:40 うぎゅ4:48:17 やーん4:52:32 やっ4:53:58 やん4:55:12 や!5:05:45 クハッ5:11:29 やーん5:13:13 やん5:16:25 あっ5:17:06 あっ5:17:29 やーん5:19:09 あん5:19:24 あっ5:20:03 にゃふー5:22:10 あん5:22:20 あん5:25:42 やん5:26:37 あっ5:28:01 あんっ5:29:39 あっ5:32:40 爆発オチなんてサイテー5:33:50 伸び5:35:53 あくび5:39:09 この辺からスタンプ集め5:43:28 出ちゃったよ〜5:44:54 ちがう〜5:51:30 !!ばーちゃじごく!!5:52:00 あっ5:52:59 あっ5:53:11 あっあっあー5:54:38 あっ5:55:17 へやっ5:58:05 あんっ5:59:07 うっくー6:02:18 ねーんやだー6:02:48 あくび6:04:28 はぶね6:04:50 やーん6:08:55 な゛ゃ゛〜!6:09:38 なはーん6:12:31 あん6:13:06 あん!にゃーん!!6:13:48 できない〜6:15:31 やーん6:18:02 あっ6:19:20 うぎゅ6:19:44 眠たいよ〜6:20:17 うやー6:22:02 いや!6:22:59 にゃん6:24:01 うわー6:24:52 あん6:26:38 でぃやー6:28:11 あくび6:29:50 やはん6:30:41 ほいよっ6:33:09 あっ6:34:45 ふぎゃー6:35:34 やだぁ?6:36:34 あっあっ6:38:43 あん6:38:59 あっ6:41:07 おいよっ6:41:33 うーわー!6:44:03 あっ6:45:47 やーん6:50:49 あん、や・め・て6:51:39 あっ6:53:14 ひゃーん6:55:59 親戚のおじさんの話6:56:23 あん6:58:20 ぷぅ〜6:59:40 あっ7:03:25 実質クリア7:07:16 リベンジ7:09:43 伸び7:14:50 おしっGO7:16:23 てまにゃー7:21:05 今日のごはん7:24:10 スパチャ読み(名前のみ)7:43:36 すきすき朝方までおつでしたー!めっちゃ楽しかった!!!!ほかのゴエモンもぜひやってもらいたい〜
I’ve never played the Goemon game before but you, you are the one who let me know about the game story.
My motivation fulfilled after watching okayu’s stream
I… I AM HERE!!! Another 7 hours + stream… tonight, we got a good treat… those noises are so good that my exhaustion disappeared. Those cookies… thank you!That is all…! TEMANYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! As always, THANK YOU FOR THE STREAM!!
Another long streamCongrats and thank you Okayun
耐久クリアおめでとう〜お疲れさまでした! Goemon is such a fun looking game!!
Okayu was especially cute in this stream… Okayu noises are the best
Thank you for this fun stream, Okayu. This game reminded me of the good ol’ days back when arcades were a thing here in the U.S. Good times. Loved seeing your New Years outfit again. It’s so pretty. Have a good night.
配信お疲れ様でした! EN game name – Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shōgun Magginesu.o7 translators in chat!Great endurance stream Okayu! You never fail to impress me with how long you will stay focused on beating an obstacle or level no matter how long you’ve already been playing for. So many times you come across something in a game that would make most players quit after having already played for x amount of hours and try again another time. Goemon 2 has some really amazing BGM and the level designs were so interesting. Also have the utmost respect for Okayu for still doing Superchat reading today even though it was 5am when she began reading. Thats just pure dedication and shows how much she cares about the Onigiryaa, and I liked how we all pitched in the arigatous today xD. Hope she is able to get a nice long rest. I look forward to the next stream!
Okayu: “Let’s go to hell!”Okay… But is it still hell if you’re on it?I gotta admit that I’ve never paid too much attention to this particular franchise, I’ve gotta check them out more closely.But seeing this let’s play has made me realize how much I miss the 90s Konami… x_XCongratulations for beating the game in only one session, extra stage included, your patience is something else no doubt.Omeneko!Thank you for streaming today and for bringing this franchise into my attention Okayu..P.S.: That kappougi suits you ^^
耐久配信お疲れ様でした〜!そして 完全クリアおめでとう!裏ボスで 心壊れそうになっていおかゆんが 赤ちゃんで 思わず 父性が溢れてしまいましたゆっくり おやすみ
“In response to this, we have set up a list of terms unable to be mentioned at present to prevent this. Please understand that this response is not politically motivated and is intended to ensure the peaceful live streams by our talents.” By refusing to mention Taiwan you are in fact making a political statement. You are saying that China’s stance on Taiwan’s independence is more important than Taiwan’s stance. As a company I’m sure that their goal is to make as much money as possible, and to do so they want to cater to the Chinese viewers political stance. My question is, is there not enough money in the rest of the world to tell China to fuck off if they are going to be super toxic to anyone who utters the words Taiwan, even if its an accident? Why do you want someone like that as a viewer? They are toxic jackoffs, so why do you want their money?

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 昨日スバルちゃんがお泊りしてたのでオフコラボでボーイッシュ 談義します~~!✨ 普段スバおかに聞きたいけど聞けないこと、やってほしいけど お願いしづらいことを今回 …
After this stream I understood I need to improve my vocabulary so ima come later for this stream nice stream as always Okayu san
Thanks for the stream todayThought it short, its shoote my soul seeing this collab
Okay but I could listen to their voices forever, its so calming
Even though they just talked and laughed for an hour, this is all we need. amazing 👌🏼
Okayu’s voice always nice to hear. Comforting tone of voice.
楽しかった! お疲れ様でした~ Lots of interesting requests and hopefully they’ll get clipped by translators~
31:32 : Rare Okayu straight face.31:38 : OMG! That’s so cute!!!!
Thank you for the off collab stream Okayu!
I want to make timestamps but the whole stream was treasure 😁, hope you enjoyed the whole stream too.
I don’t really understand japanese, i hope someone clip some moment in this stream and make a translate.
本当に神回でした、めっちゃ楽しかった!! おかゆんの表情は本当に好き。スバおかおっぱっぴーはいいぞ。 お疲れ様でした!
お疲れ様でした〜おかゆがいきなり顔がスンッ( ˙꒳˙ )ってなる顔見れたり、小島スバルになってるのが面白かった!笑
The bgm soothes my soul, what is the title?

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ ー ぶーーーーん^ 大空スバル YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzGlP9oQwU–Y0r9id_jnA Twitter:https://twitter.com/oozorasubaru この動画 …
Subaru and Okayu are such a good duo, chill and you just feel that they’re on the same wavelength all the time It was a blast to see you two train for the upcoming turnament !
Your driving was amazing! hope you have a good rest our catto~
This is my first time watching Okayu and Subaru doing a collab, and they get along really well!!These Collabs are very interesting, having fun talks and play games is very Wholesome!!
29:03 スバルのあたしたすかる
3:09:53 わたし助かる
Okayu out here zooming with Waluigi. Ayyy pop off!
They combined my two favorite things: Okayu and Mario Kart
Yagoo watches Okayu and Subaru fail at Mario kartYagoo: *”Fine I’ll do it myself”*
I missed the stream 🙁 and watching it rn •~•
Can’t go wrong with a 3hr mario cart stream
his was such a good stream thank you!
Imagine them playing F Zero lol

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 完全初見!すっごく楽しみ… この動画およびライブは、任天堂著作物の利用許諾を受けて配信しています。
What if someone made a game that has Okayu as a beeg monke that eats onigiri🍙
お疲れさまでした〜 Okayu Donkey rap 3:01:13
Thanks for introducing this gameplay to me, never got a chance to play this when I was younger, so thank you cool cat 😁
Okayu proving once again that she is an epic gamer by showing no signs of rage or giving up. That one one stage with the cannon barrel and the bee would make anyone go insane, but not this cute neko! Nice to see Okayu playing some Donkey Kong again. And that theme song rap at 3:01:13 was awesome. Hopefully one day, she’ll play Donkey Kong County Returns for the Wii with Korone.
The barrel part is quite brutal wasn’t it but hey we got some cute Okayu noises
She is the master of platformer
this was one of the first few games I played on SNES good times!this neko can’t stop playing with the DK crew! 🍌 best neko!DK Donkey Kong!
Okayu is an inspiration. I strive to be as calm as she is while playing games – still have a long way to go, though…
legit fell asleep during this stream.her voice is perfect.
Let’s go to 1M subscribers! We all always support you
0:02:00 もぐもぐおかゆー0:37:32 レベル2 モンキーマインズ1:12:12 レベル3 もりのみさき1:57:09 レベル4 ホワイトマウンテン2:05:01 ノリノリおかゆん2:21:56 ノリノリおかゆん2:23:38 あん2:32:10 離れるおかゆん2:34:47 ノリノリデカおかゆ2:41:45 ノリノリおかゆん2:51:17 あん2:53:51 ぐるぐるおかゆん3:01:00 モンキーラップ3:16:26 壊れていくおかゆん3:23:10 モンキーラップ3:28:50 ふぶきの谷クリア3:44:33 あっ3:46:35 あん3:47:06 ママパパどこ?4:27:18 おしっこしてます4:30:18 てまにゃ4:32:23 今日のごはん4:33:17 スパチャ読み(前回の残り分)4:34:31 てまにゃの話4:42:52 ゴールデンカムイの話4:49:13 にーに5:00:11 てまにゃ〜5:07:08 ここだけの話5:09:41 あくあちゃんの話5:13:11 今日SMOKコラボって話5:24:27 ここから今日のスパチャ5:26:29 ラクキンの話おつでした〜!たくさんプレイしたゲームなので懐かしく思いつつ見てました!スパチャ読みの雑談も楽しかった〜〜〜
I couldn’t catch this from the start so, here now, but more than happy to sit through this, fingers crossed Okayu had a good time!!
This was a transformative game in my youth. Thanks for playing it for us, Okayu!
Thank you for the stream, good luck on your next super dk stream okayu! ❤️
Thank you for playing one of my favorite platform series ever, Okayu! Seeing you play & having a blast with the Donkey Kong series is very fun! Hope to see even more DK in the future!
おつかれ!!!Thank you for stream, it was fun and youre still chill and fun to watch! Please be healthy!
i love this trilogy <3
長期配信お疲れ様でした!何度も挑戦して最初の難所クリア、おめでとう!㊗️🎉沢山あるなかで超絶厳選したここ好きポイント2:32:102:34:47 5:07:08各所の謎かわいいやられ声とノリノリおかゆとモンキーラップおかゆもすき本来のセーブだけでやっていくの、頑張ってね!!
Thank you for stream today, Okayu! This is so funny