
(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ うちに遊びにきてくれたYO! ◇獅白ぼたん Twitter:https://twitter.com/shishirobotan YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUKD-uaobj9jiqB-VXt71mA …
Blessed with way too much laughter- Pretty sure I’m overdosing
Okayu Botan collab is overwhelmingly sweet~ I now have a theory that Botan is really Temari from the future. Just look at how much they resemble each other!!
“SE-NO! NYAAA~~~”i died
Nice Stream offcollab♥️
Lamy and Korone revving their chainsaws in a distance…
Botayun ≧∇≦
I missed it, Should’ve checked twitter. Welp, archives again
The two cats finally meet each other properly. They have pretty similar feels for me since I saw Botan debut, just one slightly more aggressive. Glad to see they just start vibing together immediatelyBy that, I guess maybe we could see a double date someday
all they needed was fubuki to complete the cats of hololive
00:08 にゃー01:10 小顔ですみません01:55 わー2:17 定番の初印象7:16 オフコラボになったきっかけ11:14 獅白の挨拶を決める15:55 お互い布教したいもの20:19 ここが変だよ私の同期29:20 部屋におきたいもの32:54 一緒に行ってみたいところ37:34 勝負事に対する姿勢について39:55 カップリングの話40:50 ここだけの話41:45 好きな食べ物44:33 似合いそうな服47:24 ラミィちゃんにいじめられたい?50:57 ぼたゆんはてぇてぇのか?おつでした〜!!ししろんも初のオフコラボとのことで、めっちゃ楽しかったです〜〜!
I like that the housecat has a deeper voice than the lion.
I got addicted to combined Okayu and Botan laugh, that is something you needed when your drink isnt sweet enough.
Okayu and Botan has alot of similarity such asThey are used to play games aloneHas contagius laughNatural born predatorThe true cat (only 2 ears)Really love the game based on their preference (okayu love rpg, botan love fps)
Thank you for the stream
I wasn’t expecting this collab The family of cats was reunited Okayu,Botan and Temanyan I need to practice more my japanese but anyway the collab was pretty fun
Blessed stream

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 今日もやっちゃいますか~~…! 1回マッチしたら抜けて次の人に交代してね!✨ この動画およびライブは、任天堂著作物の利用許諾を受けて配信しています。
Woah! 6 hours?! I only caught a bit of it. Guess after playing with her fellow idols the other day Okayu had a fire lit within her! The title of Mario Kart Champion of Hololive is Okayu’s for the taking!
3:50:48Okayu is Star Platinum confirmed. Thank you for the fun stream today, Okayu!
お疲れ様でした! I miss seeing the competitive “Just one more game!” Okayu, it’s such a treat Thank you for the races today!! They were super fun!
17:37 唐突な承太郎
Can’t believe I watched till end
5:02:05 5:03:36 5:11:09 5:13:06 5:14:46 5:50:57 *6:18:04*
Okayu really is putting alot of effort practicing her driving skills, I’m not sure about the others but for what I’ve seen Okayu did the most hours practicing driving while streaming.We Onigiriya believes in Okayu that she will win!!!
It was a lot of fun watching the live show, I really enjoyed it
She played a lot, well done Nekomata-san ~
A long but amazing stream !I’ve loved seeing how competitive Okayu has been getting, the tournament is so close ! !
4:46:57 – just saving this for personal reasons…good luck and thank you for the stream Okayu!
Fue genial el stream, Muchas gracias Okayu!
I love your voice, Okayu! Nice driving skills too!
二日連続耐久配信お疲れ様でしたぁ… めっちゃ楽しかった。おかゆんはだんだん上手くなる!成長を見るとすごく嬉しい! 大会を楽しみしています!頑張れおかゆん!頑張れスバル!
Awesome livestream! Couldn’t catch the beginning sadly but im glad i was able to catch the middle of it at least. keep up the awesome streams!

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ おかころで遊ぶぞ~~!!!!!! ◇戌神ころね Twitter:https://twitter.com/inugamikorone YouTube:https://t.co/qeTXwRU2F1 ◇猫又おかゆ …
1:10:29 おかゆん全力の高笑いでメチャメチャ笑ってしまった
= お品書き (playing list) =01:36 エアホッケー (Air Hockey)00:05:13 トイボクシング (Toy Boxing)00:06:56 トイベースボール (Toy Baseball)00:15:12 トイテニス (Toy Tennis)00:19:54 ボウリング (Bowling)00:30:45 神経衰弱 (Concentration, Matching)00:34:30 スピード (Speed)00:42:04 ぶたのしっぽ (Pig’s Tail)00:44:39 ヨット (Yahtzee)01:02:45 ラストカード (Last Card, UNO)01:07:02 ぶたのしっぽ (Pig’s Tail)01:09:07 エアホッケー (Air Hockey)01:11:28 戦争 (War)
1:08:55 『お゛か゛ゆ゛の゛は゛か゛ぁ゛ぁ゛ぁ゛ぁ゛ぁ゛!!!』ここメイちゃんおかころはてぇてぇ(ノルマ達成
That game is another korone’s weakness and destroyed korone’s bondBecause okayu always wins at every mini game and bullied doggo until she got very mad a bitThat was really fun stream, thank you for the stream and rest well ciao~
二人のゲームを楽しんでいる姿を見ているだけで楽しすぎる。46:25 おかゆさんの豪運猫
36:11 ここからのころさん可愛すぎん??ロリみが深い。それを笑いつつ勝っちゃうおかゆんも最高。
Didn’t expect Okayu to be a truly talented table top gambler
Korone losing and asking for one more game lmfao, Okayu’s luck is insane though.
2:42 過去一無邪気なころさんの笑いやっぱり信頼のおかころ 最高です
36:50 おかゆの「はい勝ちー」でころさんがしゅん…てなってるのめっちゃかわいい
配信お疲れさまでした~おかころてぇてぇ猫しか勝たん 戌はたまに勝つ

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 今日はアニソンを歌う日!!!!!!! ◇お借りしたカラオケ音源 カラオケ歌っちゃ王様:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1tk9F5-MGXEq4LWnjmrtpA/featured
I came late to the stream around when she sang Sailor Moon song and want to rewatch just in case I miss some good song…Oh, I’m so glad I rewatch it because the 1st song is Sugar Song & Bitter Step like literally my favorite anisong of all time…PS: Okayu voice is soo cute when she sang with higher pitch & I can sleep peacefully knowing that <3
I love how Okayu’s streaming voice is so calm and chill, just by listening to it clears my stress from work.Then when it comes to singing, her voice is so clear and holy. How beautiful voice.
“Genesis of Aquarion” completed my day. Thank you Okayu!
Okayu’s soft voice + her charming singing helped me get ready for the morning
04:07 シュガーソングとビターステップ10:59 曇天15:50 ムーンライト伝説21:12
Omg this was amazing i knew every song she sang she did such an amazing job at them!!!!! AMAZING OKAYU!!!!! THANK YOU FOR THIS GREAT STREAM!! You sing GREAT!😭😭😭💯💯💯💯
Okayus voice is softer than Watames wool
This is another level of singing 🔥
Her voice is really calming
She sang a Gintama opening, she is perfect
I’m sad I missed this
I am so thankful to anime for teaching me Japanese so I can understand at least a part of these divine words
お疲れ様でしたやはり毎回の歌枠は最高な楽しい時間(おかゆの高音毎回助かる)明日の塩かゆコラボ楽しみです3:57 シュガーソングとビターステップ 10:50 曇天 15:53 ムーンライト伝説 21:10 ライオン 28:25 もってけ!セーラーふく 25:58 ハレ晴レユカイ 40:55 God Knows 47:44 空色デイズ 53:40 創聖のアクエリオン 59:20 はなまるぴっぴはよいこだけ
Okayu your voice is really good !!
Really love Okayu singing the Haruhi songs, natsukashii nee!
1:50 もぐもぐおかゆー–4:12 シュガーソングとビターステップ / UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (血界戦線 ED)11:04 曇天 / DOES (銀魂 OP)15:58 ムーンライト伝説 / DALI (美少女戦士セーラームーン OP)21:14 ライオン / May’n 中島愛 (マクロスF OP)28:39 もってけ!セーラーふく / 泉こなた 柊かがみ 柊つかさ 高良みゆき (らき☆すた OP)35:47 ハレ晴レユカイ / 涼宮ハルヒ 長門有希 朝比奈みくる (涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 ED)41:00 God Knows… / 平野綾 (涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 挿入歌)47:51 空色デイズ / 中川翔子 (天元突破グレンラガン OP)53:49 創聖のアクエリオン / AKINO (創聖のアクエリオン OP)59:25 はなまるぴっぴはよいこだけ / A応P (おそ松さん OP)–1:04:58 今日のおやつ
Thank you for the stream! My ears are blessed.
Not many cats can sing this well. Caramel voice.
just finish listening to this … aaahhh the nostalgia made me want to rewatch this animes again !!!besto catto <3
【 オフコラボ 】神岡家の気まぐれにゃじお #12【ゲスト:???】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ おたよりはコチラからどうぞ! https://forms.gle/Uk2VRVT6FTK3d1wP6 姉さんの椎名唯華 …
17:40 あたりのしぃしぃの心臓停止ボイスで腹筋破壊された
Okayu introducing me to even more kawaii. I cannot keep up.
Let’s face it, you do not have to understand Japanese to understand that these 3 are vibing
Missed this one live, still a great stream, though.
I love the cat sisters so much!!
29:20 この話可愛すぎる
5:53 しぃラジで笹木と間違えられる椎名、神岡家で椎名と間違えられる笹木
オフコラボ神岡家おつかれにゃんした!台パン大爆笑! 音凄いなASMRレベルくらいかな桃鉄「神岡家VSあく咲」めっちゃ期待!3D配信もいいね!面白いことがいっぱい!嬉しいなーーー!ふなーーーー!
オフコラボ神岡家ラジオ配信お疲れさまでした~ めちゃ楽しかった~!台パンコーナーすごく面白かった!笑 お便りも読んでくれてありがとうございました! 次も楽しみにしてます~!
29:20 カエルコーナーの楽しみ方
When you feel sad that you missed it but you are happy u after watching it
That was fun, especially the daipan lol
配信お疲れ様でした〜!台パンの音 ヤバすぎるw